Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 356 The Knights Charge!

Chapter 356 Knights - Charge!
woo woo woo woo!

A desolate trumpet sounded over the vast wetland wasteland. In the rising morning mist, countless figures could be vaguely seen gradually appearing.

The armor is bright, reflecting the light of the dawn that has just risen, and the swords and guns are like forests, permeating the breath of killing.

Heavy footsteps trampled on the muddy swamp, and the players' complaints could be heard from time to time.

Occasionally, one or two unlucky ones will fall into the mire-this is the unique environmental damage of swampy areas.

The shadow of the flying dragon quickly passed over their heads, bringing some comfort to these soldiers. Not far away was the camp of those savage orcs. A battle at such a close distance might start at any time. Apart from the swords in their hands, the only ones protecting them were those soldiers. There are dragoons flying around in the sky.

Soon an infantry regiment of 5000 people stopped a few kilometers away from the tribal position. They formed a strict square formation, but did not attack immediately, as if they were waiting for something.

This morning, sights like this were everywhere in the long tug-of-war between the Alliance and the Horde.

The entire Alliance Central Army has been mobilized, and more than [-] infantry launched a feint attack from all fronts at the same time. They approached the tribe's camp, as if they were about to attack at any time, which brought a certain amount of pressure to the tribe.

However, this is just a trick of the alliance to attract the troops of the tribe.

But this time the real main force of the operation, a total of [-] elite knights, was concentrated in a camp more than ten kilometers away, ready to go.

Among these knights are dragon-mounted heavy cavalry and horn-calling rangers transferred from the western front, as well as Gilnean sharp-blade cavalry transferred from the eastern front, as well as the private guards of the lords of various kingdoms, noble knights, and holy knights of the Silver Hand Knights. Knight Legion...

Gathering the elite knights from various kingdoms of the alliance, it can be said that it is the most powerful army that has ever appeared in the history of the alliance.

Not far away, Murphy also assembled the alliance's air force. There were densely packed Griffon Knights, Giant Eagle Hunters, Dragoons, and Dragon Eagle Knights. The endless wings spread out like a gorgeous carpet.

Murphy stood on a tower and looked at the army around him. The feeling of leading an army always fascinates people.

"Your Majesty, when are we going to leave?" Not far away, Turayang couldn't help asking Godwin.

Godwin was quite satisfied with the sound of His Majesty the King, but he still maintained a humble expression on his face.

"Don't worry, it's too late to attack after the enemy's main force is transferred."

"Will that plan really work?"

"We'll find out soon, Prince Laurence - let's get started."

Lawrence on the side nodded and opened the private chat channel.

Lawrence: How about friends of the tribe, are you ready?

Ba Dao Wuqing: Get ready, we have assembled an army of [-], this one must be taken down by Godwin, tell me, where is he now?
Lawrence: Godwin is organizing a full-scale attack. He has just become king and urgently needs a victory to consolidate his prestige, so he launched this attack.

His plan is to launch simultaneous attacks from all fronts, attacking the outlying strongholds of the Horde, and fight a war of attrition with the Horde. Parts of the Alliance's reserves are sent from the various kingdoms. It is to our advantage to fight a war of attrition.

And he doesn't plan to decide the winner today, as long as he can capture a few camps, it will be considered a victory.

He also brought a 5000-strong army himself, and was going to take down a camp to show his bravery. However, this guy is very afraid of death. He is very far from the core of the battlefield. There is a tribal stronghold, if you move fast enough, you should have half an hour to beat him up.

Ba Dao Wuqing: Okay, thank you, Prince Lawrence, if this happens, we dare not say that we will definitely sell you Orgrim and Ner'zhul, but it is absolutely fine to sell you the chief of a big clan.

Lawrence: Haha, thank you in advance then.

After finishing speaking, I turned off the private chat.

At the same time - tribal barracks.

Iron-Blooded Wolf Warrior (Chief Warrior Wolf): "How about it, what do you say on the other side?"

Ba Dao Wuqing (Ba Dao Chief): "Godwin's coordinates are 198, 162, send a team of flying dragons to investigate and see if it is true."

Soon the flying dragon was dispatched, and it paid off shortly after.

Sure enough, there is a well-equipped legion at the target location, ready to attack the nearby tribal stronghold, and hangs the flag of the Lordaeron royal family, but does not hang the heraldic flag. The phalanx, and a thousand Lordaeron royal knights.

Looking at the configuration, it really fits the status of a king.

Iron-Blooded War Wolf (Chief War Wolf): "How about it, do you want to do it? Our army of [-] to [-] will definitely take him down."

Because of the success of the sparring event yesterday, several clans controlled by players wanted to participate in the sparring today, which led to the continuous increase in the number of troops that could be mobilized.

Ba Dao Wuqing shook his head: "This matter is not that simple. Look at this map, these infantry regiments say they are preparing for a full-scale attack, but if we really go to besiege Godwin's department, they will soon be able to support them.

Of course, the most troublesome thing is Aidan, the Storm Dragon King. If he brings flying troops to increase the number of personnel, then we will be in trouble and repeat the same mistakes.

As soon as the Storm Dragon King was mentioned, all the people present were silent. They were beaten too badly in the battle yesterday, and it was completely crushing. Tens of thousands of troops were defeated by a dragon, and their mentality was completely afraid to fight. .

In fact, Murphy couldn't use yesterday's trick anymore. Sargeras' Ring of Command needed to be recharged, and he couldn't summon such a powerful fel storm again within ten days.

If he faced tens of thousands of troops again, Murphy would not dare to be tough easily, not to mention anything else, just dozens of troll bat riders would be able to force him back.

But these chiefs don't know any of this.

"Then what should we do? Is that the way to go?"

"I think it's better to take a gamble. If we move at full speed, we might be able to take down Godwin in one go."

"King of Lordaeron, that's right, taking us down is considered a great hero of the tribe."

"I want you to go, you go first, how about I hold the line for you?"

"Damn, how can a dignified tribal warrior be so cowardly."

While everyone was arguing, a high-ranking shaman weakly raised his hand.

"Why don't we report to the chief, let the chief send troops to deal with that Godwin, wait for the ambush to appear, then we will have a squirrel behind us, and we will fight against the encirclement.

If the enemy is too powerful, we can just let it go. If the information given face-to-face is true and let the chief kill Godwin, we can at least get credit for providing key information. "

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and reported it to the chief?
But thinking about it carefully, it is also the same reason. Now everyone is a little timid, it is better to let the big chief be the first bird.

Ba Dao Wuqing (Ba Dao Wuqing): "That's right, we won't suffer no matter what you do in this way. If the people of the alliance dare to play us, the great chief will definitely let them go around."

Ten minutes later, several people rushed to the Great Chief's fortress.

"Great Chief, Great Chief, we have discovered a new development of the enemy."

"The King Godwin of Lordaeron of the Alliance is preparing to launch a full-scale attack in order to increase his prestige. His troops are here. We have a chance to take him down this time."

"Great Chief, we are thinking that you cannot miss the glory of killing a human king, so we sent information specially."

Several players said in a hurry, for fear that Orgrim would not know that it was the information they brought.

Orgrim glanced at a few people, snorted coldly, but didn't reply.

"Saurfang, how is the situation on the front line today?"

"The coalition seems to be preparing for a major offensive. A large number of infantry have appeared in the front line positions, but they have not yet attacked."

It sounds a little bit right with the information brought by a few people.

"Tell me carefully, how did this information come from?"

Several players had already thought up their rhetoric, and naturally they narrowly escaped death, fought bravely, captured prisoners, tortured them, analyzed their intelligence, and investigated with flying dragons, finally confirming the authenticity of the information.

In short, it sounds as reliable as possible.

After hearing this, Orgrim believed it a little bit. The key point is that these few fought bravely yesterday, and they performed extremely bravely. They even beheaded a human king. Orgrim's trust in these little chiefs has also increased. Not a lot.

After pondering for a moment, Orgrim picked up a crystal ball, which was given to him by Ner'zhul, which can communicate over long distances.

With a light wave of his hand, Ner'zhul's face immediately appeared on it.

"Master Ner'zhul, how long will it take for you to start the ceremony?"

"Great Chief, I still need a day to prepare, and the ceremony can officially start tomorrow morning."

In one day, Orgrim thought he could give it a try. If he could kill an alliance king again today and summon the Fire Demon King tomorrow, then this battle would be ruined.

Anyway, the enemy's forces are scattered, so you can give it a try.

"Saurfang, what's going on with the enemy?"

"Those coalition forces began to assemble on the seesaw line, and it seemed that they were preparing to launch a full-scale offensive. The assembled force exceeded 10 troops, mainly infantry."

"No cavalry?"

"Cavalry in swampy areas is not as easy to use as infantry. Only the ground near the road is suitable for cavalry to pass quickly."

Orgrim nodded, and finally felt relieved. Brokenspear Peak was surrounded by a large swamp, and the cavalry could not pass through it at all. What he feared most was the alliance's powerful knight troops. As for the human infantry, they had no advantage over the orc infantry. .

He looked at the map again, and to his surprise, the army led by the ceremonial human king himself happened to be near the main road, which was convenient.

"Varok Saurfang, I have a task for you. According to intelligence, this is an army led by the King of the Alliance. If you can kill it, it will greatly damage the morale of the Alliance. Twenty thousand—no, thirty thousand wolf cavalry, see if they can kill him.

Be careful, if you find something is wrong, withdraw immediately, I will send dragoons to provide you with air cover. "

Since Hellscream disappeared and Durotan died in battle, the only outstanding cavalry commander left is King Saurfang.

"Yes—Warchief." Saurfang said and left to gather troops.

When Ba Dao Wuqing and the others saw each other, they exchanged winks and followed out calmly. They also began to mobilize their respective troops, ready to act depending on the situation.

The 50 wolf cavalry can be said to be most of the mobile troops of the tribe. Although the tribe has a huge army of 10,000, most of them are infantry. There are 10,000+ left in the back road, and 10,000+ left and right wings are divided to carry out around Broken Spear Peak. There are 10+ defensive troops, and the mobile force that can be mobilized at will is less than [-].

As for cavalry, even less.

These [-] wolf cavalry can be said to be the most powerful mobile force of the orcs.

At this moment, under the leadership of Saurfang, this powerful cavalry unit rushed along the road, and soon the scouts found the position of the human infantry.

That army is attacking an orc stronghold and is about to take it.

Then there is nothing to hesitate, Saurfang gave an order, and the tide of wolf cavalry rushed over screaming, and the infantry of the alliance immediately formed a defensive formation. In the dense formation, Lordaeron's soldiers could be vaguely seen. The king's flag, under the flag, there is a knight in golden armor and wearing a crown directing the battle.

Saurfang was overjoyed.

The enemy has only 5000 people, [-] against [-], no matter how you fight, you will win.

The flying dragon scouts had scouted for four weeks, and there were no other troops. However, to be on the safe side, Saurfang still called the two-meter orc warlord, "You two lead the scout troop to guard around, and report to me immediately if there are reinforcements."

"It's the king."

However, the battle lasted for more than ten minutes, but there was no sign of reinforcements at all.

It's just that the royal guard of Lordaeron is indeed a top-level infantry, and they can't even chew on it for a while with all their strength.

After opening the circular formation, the dense spears and shield walls are like steel hedgehogs. Although the wolf cavalry has good maneuverability, their impact and defense power are average. They dare not rush into this formation at all.

The chiefs who were watching the battle from afar were a little anxious. Damn, Lawrence didn’t give us real information, did he?

Then this act of giving up the king's head is a bit shameful.

In the meantime - Union Camp.

Godwin suddenly opened his eyes, "The orcs have started to move, and we are also preparing to attack."


Hundreds of mages who had prepared earlier began to use frost magic on the ground at the same time, and the muddy swamp ground was instantly frozen into pieces of hard ground, composed of rough mud and frozen permafrost.

Extend all the way forward.

The priests applied power word resistance to the knight's mount one after another.

Godwin rode to the front of the army of knights who were ready to go.

"Heroic soldiers of the Alliance, knights from all nations, just ahead, the army of orcs is preparing an evil magic ceremony, they will destroy our kingdom and defile our land with evil witchcraft from other worlds , killing our people.

King Lane died in battle, King Aiden died in battle, King Greymane died in battle, and my father, King Tenaris, was shamelessly killed by those evil orcs.

Now, it's time to make these vile beasts pay.

In the name of the leader of the Alliance and the King of Lordaeron, I command you - charge, knights, for your oath, for your king, for justice and glory - charge!
woohoo woohoo!
The loud and clear horn sounded like a shocking sky, and [-] elite knights launched an ultra-long-distance charge towards Broken Spear Peak along this frozen road.

The distance of more than ten kilometers seems very far, but in front of the knight who is sprinting with all his strength, he ran in less than 15 minutes.

When they finally broke the spear peak, an orc camp also appeared in sight.

destroy it!
More than a dozen archmages used the meteor fire rain together, and the gate of the camp was blasted open in an instant, heavy cavalry swarmed in, and the leader was an army of extraordinary troops composed of dragon cavalry and silver paladins, like a stream of steel The torrent washed away this orc camp in an instant...

"What! The Union cavalry army launched an attack? Can't resist it."

"Trash, it's all trash, how can a hundred thousand troops and three lines of defense be unable to resist."

"Great chief, the enemies are all heavily armored knights, they are powerful, brothers can't stand it."

"Let the wolf knight go...Damn it, we fell for it!" Orgrim reacted immediately, and quickly called Saurfang and the little chiefs back, and immediately asked them to go up, breaking the spear. There is no room for loss at the peak. "

(End of this chapter)

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