Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 357

Chapter 357

"Warchief, all frontline camps are under attack, and the Union infantry has launched a full-line attack."

"Warchief, the King's Banner of Lordaeron has been found in the army of knights who came from the Alliance."

"Great chief, there are a large number of paladins in the enemy's ranks, and our fighters cannot fight against them at all."

What!So that's how it is... After listening to the series of reports from the messengers, Orgrim immediately realized that all of this was planned. The so-called King of Lordaeron's army was simply a bait to attract the tribe's mobile troops to send Go out, now Saurfang is dozens of miles away, and it will take at least an hour to come back to increase the number of troops, and the battle may be over by then.

"Those bastards, how unreasonable! How unreasonable!"

Orgrim cursed at the messenger. He wasn't sure whether the chiefs of the small clan who provided information were bought or deceived, but in his heart, these people had already been sentenced to death.

The tribe doesn't need traitors, and the tribe doesn't need idiots!
But now, he must continue to win this war first.

Fortunately, the tribal family has a great career. Even if the Wolf Cavalry Legion is attracted away, he still has enough reserves in his hands to support the front line.

The enemy only has [-] elite knights and thousands of air force, so they just need to put together an army to hold Broken Spear Peak.


"Yes, Chief, do you have any orders?"

Neklus still kept his iconic smiling face, as if he had no intentions. He has been in this state since he snatched the artifact. I don't know if it was because he was too excited to be happy.

Orgrim was instinctively worried that something might go wrong with this product, but at this point, there was no other way to think about it.

"Take your Dragon Knight Legion to support Brokenspear Peak."

"Uh, great chief, I need to think about it." He said, but looked at a black-skinned orc beside him. The orc seemed to be his guard, standing silently behind Nekros, but he didn't know Why, Orgrim felt that Nekros seemed to be asking for the opinion of the black-skinned orc.

The black-skinned orc nodded without a trace, and Nekros immediately nodded, "Ah, I've made up my mind, I'll go right away."

Watching Nekros leave, Orgrim frowned suspiciously. He was not completely relieved. The layout of the Broken Spear Peak consumed a lot of resources of the tribe. Once it failed, this wetland battle would basically be half lost. , it must be ensured that nothing goes wrong.

"Grogo Xieyan, I know you warlocks and shamans have been fighting, but this time for the sake of the Horde, I want you to put aside the past, give full support to Brokenspear Peak, and let your demon army crush the alliance knights , After this battle is over, I will appoint you as the new clan chief and dispatch 1 recruits from Draenor as members of your clan."

This reward can be said to be a big deal. You must know that adding a clan chief background to the character currently costs 50 yuan, which is still the weakest small clan with a population of 5000.

With 100 recruits, the status of a clan chief needs at least [-] million.

After hearing this, Grogo Xieyan couldn't help putting away his previous thoughts of gloating, and immediately bowed down to salute: "Yes, great chief, it's my honor to serve you."

Watching the orc warlock leave, Orgrim was still worried.

"Assemble the rest of the troops, I will meet the human king in person."

Just as Orgrim dispatched his troops, the alliance's knight army had already broken through the second line of defense arranged by the orcs.

Thirty thousand heavy cavalry rolled forward like a torrent, and at this moment, there was only the last orc camp left on the road leading to Broken Spear Peak.

Godwin took the lead. He was equipped with epic equipment, and the holy light shone extremely. The title of "Holy Light's Glory" was not only good-looking, but also had a glowing special effect, which could boost the morale of the surrounding friendly units. At this time, Godwin was leading the The Knights of the Hands went forward indomitably, and the sacred light emanating from their bodies was like a light curtain advancing crazily.

This powerful knight group composed of paladins showed terrifying strength in their first appearance. Facing the heavy knights shrouded in holy light, the orc infantry had no ability to resist.

Despite this, these brave orc warriors still fought bravely, not caring about the gap in equipment.

The previous two camps all struggled to resist.

However, this camp in front of me is different from the previous two camps. The gate of the camp is wide open, and no orcs can be seen on the defensive wall. The broom is sweeping the gate.

An orc warlock was sitting upright on the tower of the wall, with a ukulele lying across his knees, playing it repeatedly.

Poisoner Jia Xu (Warlock): "Your Majesty Godwin, I have been waiting for a long time again. What are you waiting for? Please come in and talk. I have a lot to say to you."

Godwin's face was speechless, and he even had the urge to curse. Is this kind of rubbish your sister's old man defeated?What a joke.

What I want is an epic battle. What the hell are you giving me the magic version of playing empty city tricks? I really think I am easy to fool?
While he was annoyed, Uther approached him with a solemn expression, "Your Majesty, are there any plots by the orcs? Will there be enemies ambushing in the camp?"

Godwin didn't bother to answer, and directly sent a private message to Murphy.

Godwin: Brother Aidan, how many orcs can you see in the camp?
Aidan Delong: There are only a few hundred people, all of them are adventurers, you just go ahead.

Hundreds of people dare to lay an ambush, what a joke.

Godwin swung his sword and rushed towards the camp. The orc laborers were so frightened that they threw away their brooms and ran away. They were all smashed into flesh by the passing paladins.

The poisonous man Jia Xu shook his head helplessly, "Oh, why didn't you follow the script? Well, I'd better run away."

The poisonous Jia Xu didn't expect to be able to bluff the other party, he just hoped to delay for a while, but he didn't expect the air force of the other party to see the reality of the camp directly.

He threw a few shadow arrows at the gate symbolically, and was chopped down by the paladin who killed him on the top of the city.

The remaining adventurers guarding the camp didn't last long, and they were quickly killed.

With a flash of white light, poisonous Jia Xu appeared in a cemetery at a resurrection point.

With a 'slightly wounded' DEBUFF walking to the side of the orc warlord, "Boss, I can't stand it."

Behind the orc warlord was a valley, where thousands of orcs gathered in panic. At the entrance of the valley, there was a refusal horse, but it was the orc army that was in charge of guarding the camp before.

Big Guy Hellscream (Warsong Warlord): "Damn, I knew this plan was unreliable. If there is no move, just wait for the big chief to increase the number of people."

On the side, there was a short-sighted orc infantry who came up with a battle axe.

Urg Wildblade (orc infantry): "Master Warlord, this kind of escaping behavior is the style of my warsong warriors. Let us fight those humans. Even if we die, we must die on the way to charge."

These words immediately aroused the approval of the surrounding orcs.

The big guy slapped Urge on the face.

"Fuck you old Mu, I only have a few thousand orc troops, you can't waste them in this kind of battle that is doomed to failure. It's really not you who spend the money, right? You stupid NPC can just wait."

The orc blushed from being scolded, but was at a loss in his heart, what is empixi?I seem to hear this word all the time lately.

"Lord Overseer!"

"Get out!" After finishing speaking, the big guy kicked the orc infantry somersault. This big guy has been in the orc society for a long time, and he has gradually gotten used to the orc's way of doing things. There is no such thing as good words of advice. , the hard fist is the boss.

Moreover, these orcs are also very dull, punching and kicking are not taken seriously at all.

The poisonous Jia Xu was a little worried, "President, these NPCs won't mess around, right?"

"Don't worry, NPCs are very obedient. I'm a warlord. They have to listen even if they don't want to. Tribal victories, blood and glory. I'm here to move bricks to make money. I want me to use the money to fetch water." Piao, no one is easy to use.

Grom has been around for a long time, we are also a second generation anyway, if we are careful, we might become a warsong chieftain, of course we have to be alive, let those idiot NPCs go up to deliver it first, we just wait to grab the head. "

Listening to the warlord's increasingly shameless remarks, Urg Wildblade's anger became agitated.

Damn, this should not be the choice of an orc, so despicable, so cowardly.

It's just that every time the chief glanced over, the anger in his heart had to be suppressed.

At this moment, the battle in the camp was over.

There were only a few hundred temporarily recruited adventurers defending, and they were killed with little resistance.

Godwin didn't stop, and shouted loudly, "Knights of the Silver Hand, kill kill kill! Rush over!"

In the blink of an eye, the third camp was also destroyed, and Broken Spear Peak was in front of us. The steep mountain made the next battle much more difficult. What's more terrible was that there were not only a large number of flame walkers and orc infantry defending the top of the mountain, but also the sky. There is also the tribe's air force hovering in the middle, and the dragon knight riding the black dragon and the magic flame dragon swoops down and breathes out the dragon's breath.

Although the knight is invincible on the ground, he has no moves against the air.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Prince Aidan, I need your help!"

'Storm Calamity' Aidandron (Storm Dragon King): "As you wish!—The despicable orcs who dare to enslave the noble dragon clan, face the will of the Storm Dragon King, come on Dragon Knights, crush these ants. "

With a dragon roar, the overwhelming griffins, giant eagles, and storm drakes carrying the alliance's sky surveyors rushed towards the tribal air force above the mountain peak.

The flying dragon army of the Dragonmaw clan, the troll bat rider of Gulabas, the black dragon, and the fel magic flame dragon knight also came to kill them.

The troll batriders rushed to the front, a series of explosions in the air, these troll batriders are indeed known for their violence and savagery, their air combat ability is low, but they are not afraid of death, one after another rushing up with alchemy bombs Self-destruct.

The explosion damage is as high as 3000, as long as it is blown at close range, it is basically a one-for-one rhythm.

Moreover, the range of the explosion is very large, even if they are farther away, they will not be killed, but will be injured. Just one face-to-face alliance lost dozens of flying troops.

"Scatter, all of them! Kill those bats first!"

Murphy roared loudly, and blasted a troll Batrider who rushed up and wanted to explode himself into the air with a breath of thunder.

"Madami!" Those troll knights roared strangely, igniting the alchemy bombs on their bodies without fear, and bumped into them one after another.

It's impossible for Murphy to intercept every bat, boom boom boom!A series of three troll batriders collided with him, and the three consecutive explosions forced the Storm Dragon King to climb up to avoid damage. Even though the Storm Dragon King's armor was extremely high, more than 6000 HP were blown away.

I rely on it, it's a bit powerful.

Murphy thought in surprise.

But that's it. With the crazy focus of the alliance air force, the more than 200 troll batriders were quickly killed, and then the remaining tribal air force fought with the alliance air force.

In terms of numbers, the alliance camp, which has assembled almost all the air forces, has a great advantage and completely suppresses the tribe. If it weren't for the large number of arrow towers and ballistas on the top of the tribe's mountain to help defend, they would have been defeated long ago.

Even so, the exchange ratio between the two sides is quite touching. Basically, one alliance air force can replace two tribal air forces.

Facing the air forces of both sides fighting bloody battles in the air, Mo Fei felt very at ease. The tribal air forces did not have too powerful individuals. It seems that the fel flame dragon king Eranikus should be the last leader of the Dragonmaw Clan. Strong weapon.

Just thinking about it, suddenly, a dragon's roar resounded like a sky-shattering sound.

A huge green dragon with a wingspan of more than 60 meters flew over from the mountain with a group of black dragon knights and joined the battlefield

Laithorne (Green Dragon Lord): "I am Laithorne of the Green Dragon Army, run away from humans, run away from elves, run away from dwarves, don't try to stand in front of me, a mortal body is no match for a dragon, Your deaths only add to my failure."

"Shut up, you reptile, be obedient! Go ahead!"

The orc warlock riding on the green dragon's back whipped the green dragon's neck, "Let those alliance trash see how powerful we are."

There was a huge saddle on the back of the Green Dragon Lord, and five high-level orc warlocks sat on it, like a flying fortress, crazily firing fel magic.

A high-level warlock in the center even summoned a green shield of evil energy to resist the surrounding attacks. Coupled with the powerful breath ability of the Green Dragon Lord itself, the participation of this army directly disrupted the alliance air force's strength. formation.

"Hahaha, weak humans, now you know how powerful we are, Storm Dragon King, face me!"

"as you wish!"

Aidandron's Dragon Soul Annihilation!
It was the first time for Mo Fei to raise his claws and point. This was the first time he used this move. Because the cooling time was too long, he didn't want to waste it on miscellaneous soldiers. Instead, he could try it with the Green Dragon Lord.

A dim light condensed on the fingertips, and endless hatred surged in Mo Fei's heart at that moment. It seemed that Uther was right in saying that power would indeed affect the user's mind.

At this moment, in Mo Fei's heart, the green dragon lord in front of him suddenly became hideous.

He suddenly released the gathered magic power, and the magic drew a dark line in the air, and it took a few seconds for the black line to disappear gradually. The green dragon lord who was hit by the dark magic first had a dull look, and tensed up. Then the pupil suddenly became extremely dark, it swayed in the air for a while, and in the next second it let out a mournful roar as if it had gone crazy.

It flapped its wings crazily, twirled, and struggled, as if trying to free itself from the pain that came from the depths of its soul.

Several orc warlocks on the back turned pale with shock.

"Damn it, stop you reptile!" Even though the orc warlock cracked his whip, the green dragon lord still hurriedly fled in the direction he came from.

That's it! ?Ner'zhul, who was watching the battle on the top of the mountain, almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood. The waste of the Dragonmaw clan, who was blowing like something before, was defeated in one move.

Hmph, these warlocks are really useless, it's time for my big shaman to show his strength.

At this moment, with the defeat of the tribal air force, the Paladin Legion had reached the halfway up the mountain, and finally reached the range of the shaman's spell.

All the paladins got off their horses at this time, and quickly climbed up the hillside.

"Shoot 'em off me, brethren!"

With a roar, Ner'zhul raised his staff first, and a huge fireball with a diameter of more than five meters rolled down the mountain like a small moving sun.

The shamans of the Shadowmoon Clan also summoned the power of the elements one after another, and the flame spells were the most powerful. After all, with the gift of the Fire Demon King, the power of the flame spells has been greatly improved.

There are also various lightning, frost, and rock magics.

Facing the condescending magical attack, Godwin, who rushed to the front, saw him and hurriedly raised the King's Sword in his hand.

'Holy Light' Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Great God of Light, please grant me your strength to protect my people and warriors from all evil magic!"

Hero Skill - Holy Light Barrier!
Beams of light descended from the sky, and all friendly units within 500 yards were surrounded by a holy force. Those fireballs and lightning bombarded them, and only Duang Duang's explosion and impact sound could be heard, as if blasting on a steel plate generally.

(End of this chapter)

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