Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 401 Evil Plan ABC

Chapter 401 Evil Plan ABC
Heavy feet tramped across the wastelands of ashes and ruins, and cold boots crushed gravel and shards of bone.

On the avenue leading to the Frozen Throne, everyone is walking fast.

The Wyrmrest alliance only destroyed the undead defenders around the Frozen Throne, but in the surrounding valleys, forts, and fortresses, there are still a large number of undead who will come to support at any time under the Lich King's call to fill the vacancy in the defense line.

They only have this one chance to completely destroy the Lich King and seize the crown of domination.

In order to prevent being controlled, Varian did not use Frostmourne, held Salameni high, and moved forward bravely.

The adventurers who followed him and the soldiers of Stormwind followed closely behind, advancing without stopping.

Facts have proved that his plan was very successful. He rushed all the way without encountering any decent obstacles. All the elite undead who guarded here were buried in the dragon fire. Only one undead who survived the dragon fire was ignorant. The ones got out, and were easily killed by the adventurers with a set fire.

In less than 10 minutes, the team reached the entrance of the Frozen Throne.

Looking at the towering icy peak and the pitch-black gate in front of him, Varian took a deep breath.

"Everyone, this is where the Lich King is hiding, and it is also the moment of the final battle. Follow me and rush in. There is no fear, no retreat, only victory—kill!"

boom!The gate built by the evil iron of Saron was destroyed with a bang, and the expeditionary army swarmed in. Through a short passage, a copy of the light curtain suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Sure enough, there is a copy!Varian thought with some regret.

It is still a copy of 100 people difficulty.

After all, there was no way to bring all of these more than 1000 people in.

But it's okay, although the number of soldiers will be limited in the dungeon, the enemy will not be able to concentrate their forces. It can only be said that each has its own advantages and disadvantages. For the expeditionary force that is short of troops, it is a good thing in a sense.

Varian turned around and glanced at the crowd behind him, "Master Kel'Thuzad, Princess Elsa, and those previously identified adventurers, let's go in!"

Three heroes and 85 adventurers entered the light curtain together.

Entering the light curtain, there is a huge square in front of you. In front of you is the body of the Frozen Throne. Looking up, you can see the gloomy ice peak shell and winding passages.

The Frozen Throne is a huge mountain spiraling upwards, and the outside is covered with a layer of frost, forming a fortress-like shape.

At this time they were in the open space at the foot of the towering mountain, and before the ramp leading to the top of the mountain, a death knight in heavy armor led a group of vrykul dead guards to guard there.

When Varian brought everyone into the alert area, he immediately attracted the other party's attention.

Barbarian King Conan (Death Lord): "Varian, I didn't expect you to attract the dragons, but it's useless. My lord has already foreseen your betrayal. I will completely destroy you here today. You refuse What a stupid choice to accept the great gift of the master, but it's okay, now Frostmourne will be mine!"

Varian sneered and looked at the old acquaintance in front of him. When he arrived in Northrend with the four of Lordaeron, they searched for the Death Artifact. When he first discovered Frostmourne, he wanted to snatch it. Jian was seriously injured and fled without knowing where to go, but unexpectedly, he turned to the Lich King.

Conan the Barbarian (Lord of Death): World-Class Boss Level 90, Level 340000, HP [-].

The so-called blackness is ten times stronger. Barbarian King Conan was not Varian's opponent at all at first, but now he has become a BOSS, coupled with the increase in attributes of the 100-man raid, he has the strength to be unique.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "You chose to join the Lich King... Hehe, there is really no surprise, I want to see how much stronger you can be than last time after gaining the power of death—— Then come on!"

The battle started instantly...

at the same time----

Among the hotels in Winterfell.

Mengmeng Big Tits (Holy Priest): "Do you think Varian got Frostmourne?"

Phoenix (Holy Light Messenger): "I think he got it, but he just didn't want to expose it. I didn't expect these NPCs to be smarter now."

Kaya Windrunner (Bright Ranger): "It's not surprising, the characters in the plot—especially those who are more famous and have high IQs, like my three sisters, often test me, making me a little nervous .”

The three hero players, who were not on good terms with each other before, are very familiar with each other at this time. If Murphy saw it, he would probably be surprised.

Mengmeng Big Tits (Holy Priest): "Then shall we go back to the church to report the situation?"

Phoenix (Messenger of the Holy Light): "I think it's best to wait until we have definite news, otherwise it will be a waste of time if we don't give rewards. By the way, have you noticed that Aidan seems to have turned black. "

Mengmeng Big Tits (Sacred Priest): "Yeah, I also found out. I was shocked when the dungeon was released. This guy is now a BOSS. Do you think we should—"

Mengmeng's big tits made a gesture of wiping her neck as she spoke.

Kaya Windrunner (Ranger of Light): "Don't, we just finished the story battle together, it's too unreasonable to do it at this time."

Phoenix (Lightbringer): "Yeah, and I don't think the three of us can take him down."

Mengmeng Big Tits (Holy Priest): "What are you afraid of? We can let the adventurer go first. If there is a chance, we will take another shot. If we don't have a chance, let it be. If we succeed, we can at least advance to one level, and that kid has a bunch of monsters on his body. Divine outfit..."


Ah Choo!Murphy sneezed, looked at the cold wind blowing in from the window, and thought that Northrend is really terribly cold.

The knight behind him is reporting the situation.

Frederick (Dragon Thunder Knight): "Prince Aidan, there are many rumors about you in the city. People say that you are an evil dragon hiding in the royal family of Alterac, with ulterior motives. Conspiracy, the real Prince Aidan has already been killed.

It is said that you had intercourse with the priests of the Cult of the Dragon in the Frost Dragon's Lair... This made the soldiers very uneasy. "

Murphy turned around and glanced at the subordinates behind him, but the other party's eyes dodged, obviously he was also among the people who heard the rumors.

The point is that the red name on his head is too dangerous.

This is really troublesome, Mo Fei couldn't help but think with a headache, because of the blackening and becoming a BOSS, the rescued NPCs on the way back had already started whispering, and there was something wrong with his eyes.

When he arrived in the city, even the residents who appeared in the city began to look on him coldly.

Although everyone still recognizes him as the city lord, a subtle atmosphere has emerged, and Mo Fei has to make a choice.

Sure enough, no one welcomes the red name wherever he goes, that is because he has the status of the lord of Winterfell, otherwise if he changes to another kingdom city, it is estimated that the meeting will start immediately.

But the identity of the lord obviously cannot guarantee his safety forever.Mo Fei couldn't help looking at the selection interface in front of him.

[System prompt: Since your blackness index has reached 70%, you have become an evil BOSS in the eyes of the alliance, and the bonus effect of your hero specialty [Alterac Congressman] 'Amnesty Order' has been triggered, whether Use, please make a choice about the change of your plot identity as soon as possible.

Option 1: Use the amnesty, claiming that you have been assigned by the Council of Alterac to perform special tasks, and that the evil dragon is just your clever disguise. (Your blackness index will be cleared to zero. Although people still have doubts about your identity, at least on the surface, the Alliance is willing to admit that you are a member of the justice camp, a noble Alterac prince councilor. )
Choice 2: Announce your evil plan A - the power and status of the mortal kingdom are meaningless, only power is the root of everything, and you refuse to explain the power of the dragon you have mastered. (Trigger the exclusive script: The Fall of Dragon Prince Aidan. You gave up your status in order to pursue power, and you will be transformed into a wild BOSS, embarking on the path of pursuing power alone.)
Choice 3: Announce your evil plan B - only strength is the qualification to be king, those despicable human lords, elf nobles, dwarf idiots are not qualified to rule this world, the alliance has long been decayed, and those who are the power of the dragon Master, you will conquer and rule this world with your own hands. (Trigger the epic script: Aidan’s Road to Overlord. The soldiers and generals under your command will be automatically transformed into monsters and BOSS, those who refuse to obey will be exiled, and your territory will become a copy and adventure map. You and the alliance will become hostile status, and triggered the crusade and reward mission issued by the high-level alliance.)
Choice 4: Announce your evil plan C—the gods believed by mortals are hypocritical gods that are not worth mentioning. Only the Dragon God is the only true god in this world. You will resurrect the Dragon God at all costs. The power to destroy the gods and the old world order they created.

(Trigger the legendary script: The Rise of the Storm Dragon King. You will get the full support of the Dragon Cult, your soldiers and generals will be automatically transformed into monsters and BOSS, and your territory will become a copy and adventure map. And trigger all official camps to fight You post crusades and bounties.

In the process of resurrecting the dragon god, you will continue to encounter obstacles from the heroes of the justice camp.

You will gain the support and refuge of all evil forces related to the Dragon God. )]

Murphy looked at this option in front of him and was speechless for a while, very good and very powerful.

Four choices were given at once.

Every choice is completely different, and a choice must be made immediately, whether to wash white or take the BOSS route?
If you really take the BOSS route, which one should you take?

The evil plan A belongs to walking alone, without any worries, but alone, it is simply impossible to take down the ancient dragon, obviously it is not an option.

The evil plan B is also troublesome. If you want to dominate the sky world, you may not take the war route yourself. With only so few people under your command, you may not even be able to open a 100-man raid.

As for the evil plan C..., it fits my own path very well, but wouldn't it be too exaggerated? If I directly expose my plan, there will probably be many people blocking it.

Suddenly, a voice rang in his ear.

[World Announcement: In 1439 of the Era of the Firmament, Varian, Prince of the Storm, led an expeditionary force into the Frozen Throne, starting the legendary storyline campaign [Battle of the Frozen Throne]. A legendary battle is about to begin...]

What!Murphy was taken aback, thinking that this Varian is a bit aggressive, and it has only been one day since he finished the [Dragon Slayer's Elegy] plot campaign, and this guy immediately started a new plot campaign, which is still a legendary plot.

Is this going to attack the Lich King?How did this guy do it?

Is there an internal response?

Murphy couldn't figure it out for a while.

However, this matter has some inspiration for his own current situation.

Being a boss is still too dangerous, even if it is the Lich King, he was kicked out before he developed much.

You must know that in the original timeline, the Lich King successfully destroyed the Alliance of Lordaeron and almost destroyed the world.

The result is now directly exposed.

No need to ask, it must be the players who helped.

If he was really blackened, Longshang Castle would never be able to defend it. It was located in the heart of Alterac, next to Alterac City. By then, people would not be blocking the door every day.

Heroes have too much advantage in mobility. Even the ancient dragon like Bolelius will be slammed by others. Even if he gets the assistance of the Dragon Worship Cult, it is useless. Only a thousand days of thieves can prevent a thousand days of defense. Thieves, it's safer to be a hero.

[World Announcement: Storm Prince Varian defeated Death Lord Barbarian Conan, this event has been recorded in the chronicles of the sky...]

I wipe, so fast?It's less than 5 minutes.

Thinking of this, Murphy had already made up his mind.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Call the soldiers and adventurers, as well as the survivors we rescued, I want to explain something to them."

Soon people were gathered, and the outside of the town hall was bustling with people. The balcony on the second floor of the town hall was opened, and Murphy, with a big red name on his head, walked up to the high platform and waved to everyone below.

Aidan (Prince Patrick): "I know, there have been rumors about me in the city recently. Many people say that I am an evil dragon, lurking in the human society and plotting secretly, and some people say that I I have colluded with the Dragon Cult, and some people say that the real Prince Aidan has already died, and now I am just a fake.

But these are all wrong.

In fact, I was specially assigned by the Alterac Council to come to Northrend for a special mission. The power of the dragon I have mastered is just a special kind of magic, just like the druid's Transfiguration , I am an out-and-out human prince——Aidan!
In order not to be misunderstood, I still have the amnesty decree specially issued by the Parliament in my hand. "

[System prompt: Your hero specialty [Alterac Congressman] with special effects [National Amnesty] has taken effect, your blackening value has been cleared, and your boss template is automatically converted into a hero template...]

The red name on Murphy's head turned yellow in the blink of an eye, and then green again.

Dragon Slayer Knight: Ah, so that's the case. Let me just say, how could Prince Aidan be an evil dragon.

Resident of Winterfell: Yes, yes, yes, I said that Prince Aidan is not fake. You bastards dare to doubt Prince Aidan. You are really a bunch of idiots.

Innkeeper: Haha, now the truth is coming to light, everyone, let's leave.

The effect of this cleansing was immediate, and the NPC's eyes towards Mo Fei changed.

Seeing this change, the adventurers sighed in disappointment, the boss they got was gone.

They don't care about the background of the plot, they dare to kill you if they dare to show their blood bars. Originally, the major guilds have already discussed it. Find an opportunity to fight together indoors. Hundreds of people will fight together, and the pile will die. Now It's over.

Looking at the reactions of the people around him, Murphy also breathed a sigh of relief, but then became a little annoyed. These bastards really have their own ideas.

This [National Amnesty] has a cooling time of up to one year, so don't mess around with it recently.

I was thinking about——

[World Announcement: Storm Prince Varian defeated Crypt Lord Anub'arak...]

(End of this chapter)

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