Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 402 Battle of Souls

Chapter 402 Battle of Souls
I'll go, the second brother's speed is a bit fast, Xiaoqiang was taken down so quickly?
Murphy sat in the town hall, thinking silently.

But the world announcement is still ringing.

Two 10 minutes later—

[World Announcement: Storm Prince Varian defeated the Dreadlord Balnazar...]

Huh?What is Balnazar?Shouldn't it be Mal'Ganis?

Another three and ten minutes passed—

[World Announcement: Storm Prince Varian defeated Frost Ghost Lord Cyprus...]

"Damn it, this Varian is a bit fierce, this is the rhythm of completely killing the Lich King."

At this moment in the tavern in Winterfell City, although everyone was busy with their own affairs, in fact, almost all of them were paying attention to the dynamics of the world announcement.

Not only Winterfell, but almost all the players in the game are paying attention to the development of the Battle for the Frozen Throne.

The original version of Icecrown Citadel has twelve bosses, but that is the full body of the Scourge in the late stage. Now that the Lich King has just been born, it is obvious that he has not yet managed such a huge force. Icecrown Citadel has only repaired one base, but now the number of bosses in this 'Frozen Throne' copy is only six, which is fully reduced by half.

Already got four!Varian thought as he stepped on the icy stairs. Looking back, of the 85 adventurers he brought, only three died in battle.

From this point of view, it should be possible to bring most of the combat power to the Lich King.

The fifth boss——

However, when everyone came to the transfer platform in front of them, the boss stationed here disappeared, leaving only a group of mobs to delay the time.

what's the situation?
Everyone was a little puzzled.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Star Scar, who is the fifth boss?"

Although it was the first time to attack the dungeon of the Frozen Throne, there was still some understanding of the inside of the dungeon, and adventurers had already sneaked in to do investigations.

Star Scar (Rogue): "Winter is coming for Death Knights."

It's him?Varian was a little speechless. Of the four people who came to Northrend with him back then, except for Elsa who took refuge in him, the remaining three all betrayed.

Unexpectedly, they all came to the Lich King to find a job.

But it doesn't matter, a death knight is nothing.

After eliminating the undead mobs on the transfer platform, Varian took Kel'Thuzad, Princess Elsa, and the players who followed him to the final boss location - the Icecrown platform.

This is the highest point of the entire Frozen Throne. On the platform of the peak, a huge block of ice stands here, exuding a deathly chill. Through the ice, one can vaguely see a set of armor sealed in it Among them, the most conspicuous thing is the helmet. From the eye sockets of the helmet, there are emitting green fel flames and blue death flames. The blue and green flames look out of the ice as if consciously.

And the winter is approaching, and at this moment, he is standing beside the ice, waving a giant battering hammer and smashing it at the ice.

Winter is approaching (Death Knight): "Master, the enemy has already been killed. If you don't act, it will be too late. Come out and join me!"

As he spoke, he hammered again, but the huge steel hammer hit the ice without leaving even a mark.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Fool, this ice crown was created by the power of the artifact, and without Frostmourne, there is no way to break this icy prison."

Winter is coming (Death Knight): "What? Fuck!"

While the two were talking, the sound of chaotic footsteps came from under the steps.

Varian took the lead and killed them, and everyone quickly surrounded the Lich King. They were all stunned when they saw that Winter was approaching with a sledgehammer.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "That's it for the Lich King, you intend to destroy the world - you intend to subvert the alliance - well, your evil plan will be shattered today."

Varian really doesn't know what the Lich King Gul'dan is going to do, but it doesn't matter, it's not a good thing anyway.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "..."

Gul'dan is so depressed. Ever since he came to the world of the sky, he has been in trouble. First, he failed in the first battle of the Black Gate. With the killing of Black Hand, the warlock's right to speak in the tribe was completely disintegrated by the Doomhammer. , directly from behind-the-scenes black hands to hard-working workers.

Then he led the fleet to look for the tomb of Sargeras. He was full of ambitions and thought that it was inevitable, but he was attacked by the black dragon army for no reason, and the ship was destroyed.

After finally getting to the shore, he got next to Emperor Shenwu, thinking about working hard to get some soldiers and horses to do his own mission, but he didn't expect to be sold by Emperor Shenwu after changing hands.

The soul floated to the Twisting Nether, was tortured by Kil'jaeden, and was thrown here to become the Lich King, thinking that he would finally be able to take revenge on the world after lingering and concentrating on planning, but he did not expect that the chosen sword-bearer would not follow the routine at all.It's seducing the Longmian coalition army again, and it's directly kicking the door...

At this moment, Gul'dan couldn't help but have deep self-doubt in his heart. Could it be that he, the evil boss, really failed like this?
No way, absolutely no way!Lao Tzu has no plans, Lao Tzu has deep plans, and Lao Tzu has unparalleled strategies.

The reason why I failed was nothing more than fate (the player), but even fate couldn't stop me.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Varian, I am very surprised by your behavior. You dare to face your master. You are indeed brave, although this bravery is very stupid. What are you going to do next? Destroy Me? Hmph, this is definitely not a choice you would make, I am very clear about your inner desire, when you held Frostmourne briefly, I peeped into your inner thoughts.

Power, you desire power, right?Hahaha, then come and get it. In this frozen cage, the sealer's artifact, the crown of domination, contains countless death wisdom. If you have the courage, come and grab this power. "

Varian didn't speak, but looked at several adventurers aside.

"Can you see the details of this Lich King?"

The Lich King (????), world-class fifth-order, level 99, health? ? ? ? .

The thing in front of him is obviously different from the general BOSS.

When several adventurers reported the information they saw, Varian couldn't help but frown.

Anyway, let's get rid of this death knight first.

After leaving the post, he also lost the attribute increase of the guarding boss. The cold winter in front of him only has a blood volume of more than 8, which is not at the same level as the barbarian king Conan.

Winter is approaching but also decisive.

Just kneel down—literally kneel down.

Winter is approaching (Death Knight): "Your Highness, Varian, I surrender, I abandon the dark to the light, I swear allegiance to you, I am at odds with the evil Lich King, nineteenth sister, you can help me say something, you Do you still remember that I took you to swipe the boss back then?"

Varian (Prince of Storms): "I accept your allegiance, now get out of the way, Prince Winter is Coming, and get out of my way."

As the winter approached, Lin Dong obediently stepped aside.

Varian pulled out Frostmourne, resisted the Lich King's broken thoughts, and slashed his sword on the ice coffin.

As the ice coffin was shattered, the death armor sealed inside also scattered all over the place.

The epic equipment all over the floor was bursting with purple light, and the helmet of dominion among them was shining with a dazzling red light—an artifact!
[Helm of Dominion (helmet/artifact)

Story Item: Unique.

Equipment: Armor +242.

Intelligence +10.
Spirit +10.
Perception +99.

Equipment Special Effect 1: Control the Undead.Command the army of thousands of undead, you can sense and control all undead creatures resurrected by you or the sword bearer.

Equipment Special Effect 2: King of Death.The person who wears this crown will become the king of the undead, and most undead creatures will instinctively feel fear and awe of you, and will be driven by you.

Equipment Special Effect 3: Frostmourne.You can sense and mind-control Frostmourne's sword-bearer, or communicate with him through your mind.

Equipment Special Effect 4: Underworld Contract.The person who wears this helmet will automatically become a contractor of the Shadow Realm.

Equipment Special Effect 5: Guard the Ice Coffin.When you fall asleep or lose consciousness, the Helm of Dominion creates an impenetrable ice coffin that protects the wearer.

Equipment Special Effect 6: Undead Wisdom.This helmet stores the wisdom of all the people who have worn this helmet. You can learn and master various combat skills/magic/magic/professional skills through the special effects of this equipment.

Equipment Special Effect 7: Battle of Souls (automatically triggered).There is a powerful soul in this helmet. The user must defeat the previous owner to obtain the right to use the helmet. If he fails, the user will become a puppet occupied by the previous soul.

Item introduction: No one knows the specific origin of this helmet.

Some say it was secretly forged by the Demon King, a secret weapon used to destroy the world.

Some people say it comes from the underworld and is a relic of the god of death.

Others say it is an undead relic created by an ancient evil god.

However, no matter what the truth is, there is no doubt that there is great power and wisdom hidden in this helmet, but if you want to wear the crown, you must bear the weight, and the soul of the wearer is destined to suffer eternal horror. 】

Looking at the helmet in his hand, Varian looked solemn.

He couldn't see the data words on the helmet, but he could feel that the soul in the helmet was looking directly at him through the cracks in the eyes.

Kel'Thuzad (Archmage): "Prince Varian, are you sure you want to wear it? The Lich King's soul is hidden in the Crown of Dominion. Once you wear it, you will inevitably start a soul battle with the Lich King." If you fail, your soul will be destroyed, and your physical body will be occupied and controlled."

Varian looked serious, "I know this very well, Master Kel'Thuzad."

Kel'Thuzad (Archmage): "Why don't you let me take on this burden? My research on undead magic is very in-depth. I have a higher chance of winning the battle of souls." Kel'Thuzad said suddenly.

Varian glanced at Kel'Thuzad, but the other side had a calm expression.

"I admit that I really covet the wisdom of the endless death magic in the Crown of Dominion, but it is only out of academic curiosity and desire. If you give it to me, I will definitely help you guard the storm after it is done. Kingdom."

Kel'Thuzad had a sincere expression on his face, but the adventurers around him immediately began to wink at Varian crazily.

"King Wa, don't listen to him, Mr. Ke is in the dark."

"Mr. Ke, you are overconfident, and you don't have the aura of the protagonist. If you dare to wear it, you will be 100% controlled."

"That's right, this kind of thing must be handled by King Wa."

"Mr. Ke, stop pretending. If you really win the battle of souls, you will definitely be a Lich King again. By then, King Va will definitely be controlled by you."

Kel'Thuzad was short-tempered after being told, this group of adventurers had no respect at all.

Varian smiled at him.

Varian (Prince of Storm): "Master Kel'Thuzad, thank you for your kindness, but the heavy responsibility of protecting the Kingdom of Stormwind must be borne by me, everyone, can I ask you one thing? If I am defeated in the battle of souls , if you are really controlled by Gul'dan, please kill me, completely destroy my body, and don't let me do terrible things."

After Varian finished speaking, he sat down slowly on the base left by the broken ice coffin. He closed his eyes, and put the helmet on his head suddenly. A strong force of ice pushed him quickly. Covering the package, in the blink of an eye, the ice coffin was formed again, but this time, Varian inside could be clearly seen.

A battle of souls is about to start.

[World Announcement: In 1439 of the Era of the Firmament, Varian Wrynn, Prince of Stormwind, successfully defeated the incarnation of the Lich King and seized the Crown of Domination. In order to obtain powerful power, Varian resolutely wore the Crown of Dominion , However, the soul of the previous generation Lich King hidden in it has not died, and launched a soul war with it.

Prince Varian's body was frozen, and his soul was caught in a battle. No one knows how long this battle of souls will last, let alone who will win the final victory. This event has been recorded in the Sky Chronicles. 】

Murphy sighed, Varian finally wore the crown of domination, but unlike Alsace in history, he did so as a hero.

Once Varian wins the battle of souls and seizes control of the crown of domination, he will become a true king, commanding thousands of undead armies and guarding Stormwind City.

It's just that I don't know if the people of Stormwind Kingdom can accept such a king at that time?

after one day--

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Razidanan, I have always seen your hard work. You once fought side by side with me to expel the orcs, and you also went to Northrend with me to explore this cold world. wasteland.

Your loyalty and perseverance have been proven. Now, as the leader of the Dragonslayer Knights and the prince of Alterac, I can make you the Lord of Winterfell and guard Northrend. "

Razidanan: "It is my honor to serve you, Your Highness."

Razidanan maintained his online acting skills as always, even at such an exciting moment, he still looked as usual, and the knight etiquette was also meticulous.

"This Frost Dragon Tooth is the spoils of war I gained from defeating Bolelius. Now I give it to you. I hope you can use it to protect this land and the people."

Razidanan took the sword.

A burst of warm applause broke out immediately.

Murphy dragged Razidanan's avatar under the icon of Winterfell in the territory system, and the conferring ceremony was successfully completed.

Murphy looked at the spectators again, "Everyone, I'm going back to Alterac tomorrow, have you already thought about where you're going?"

These rescued NPCs have different levels of strength, but they are at the elite level at the very least. Mo Fei has been trying to win them over in the past two days. He gave houses, land, gold coins and gifts, and successfully took half of them under his command.

There are still a few who are willing to accompany them temporarily, and generally speaking, they have gained a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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