Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 403

Chapter 403

The fleet sailed in the vast sea, and after passing through the icy waters infested with icebergs, the fleet finally sailed into the warm southern seas again.

The warm sea breeze put the players on the fleet in a good mood, and even the seagulls that kept making loud noises above their heads were not so annoying.

I'm finally back.

Both players and NPCs are relieved.

The bitter cold wind in Northrend finally no longer brings cold to people.

This time, Murphy did not take too many people away on the return flight. Murphy left some Dragon Knights stationed in Winterfell. The monsters in Northrend are high-level and powerful, and there is not enough force to destroy the city with wild monsters alone. up.

There are also a large number of players who choose to stay to explore more maps and dig more wealth.

After all, Dragonbone Wilderness is a new map for adventurers. It can be said that it is full of opportunities, riches, and of course dangers.

It is a new world where dangers and opportunities coexist. No matter how cold it is, you have to persevere. Whether you can change your bicycle for a motorcycle and make a wave depends on the time of one or two months. If these players seize the opportunity, there is a great probability Eat the first wave of benefits.

In order to facilitate exploration, Murphy also left two pirate ships there.

On the contrary, those NPCs who were rescued from the freezing of Borelius all chose to go back to the Eastern Continent with Murphy.

Murphy didn't care where the fleet sailed at this time, he was currently researching new hero specialties.

I haven't had time to choose after beating Bolelius before, and this will finally be free.

[Feat 1: Epic Explorer (Achievement Specialty).You have successfully crossed the sea, arrived at a game map that has not yet been opened, conducted in-depth exploration on the map, and completed an epic story event, so you won the title of epic explorer. Your understanding of foreign maps Exploration just got easier and you got the knack of surviving treacherous areas.

Effect 1: (professional explorer) You will be a full member of the Explorers' Association, and you can hire explorers from the Explorers' Association to help you in your exploration operations.

Effect 2: (Anecdote) When you enter an unfamiliar map, you will randomly hear legends/stories/rumors/written records about the map, and there is a 70% probability that the information is true.

Effect 3: (Survival Master) When you enter an area with environmental damage, you automatically know how to deal with the environmental damage. 】

[Feat 2: Pioneer (Lord Specialty).You successfully built a town/castle in an undeveloped wild area, and developed the resources in the map to a certain extent, so deep down in your heart, you have the ambition, courage and prestige to open up territory and expand your power .

Specialty Effect 1: Use local materials.When you build a town or castle on an undeveloped map, you can collect available resources nearby and reduce the cost of building the city.

Feat effect 2: Summon refugees.Due to your pioneering deeds, your appeal has been improved, and you have acquired the skill of summoning refugees. After using it, you can randomly summon 1-100 refugees (once a day). The refugees can be used as farmers or craftsmen, and do not need population buildings, but The work efficiency is only 33% of that of farmers or craftsmen. In the absence of supplies, refugees will flee from you and transform into humanoid monsters such as bandits, robbers, and robbers in the nearby area. transformed into urban dwellers. 】

[Specialty 3: Law Breaker (Combat Specialty).In a story battle, you successfully resisted and perfectly broke the effect of a legendary magic, so you have mastered the skills and abilities to fight against spellcasters.

In your eyes, magic is no longer mysterious. Although you can't use magic effectively, you can easily find the weakness and flaws of magic and break them.

Benefit: Spell insight.Concentration is required - when the enemy uses magic on you, you can gain insight into the mystery of the magic through focused observation, and automatically obtain all information about the magic. 】

These three feats are very good, but, considering that Murphy does not intend to take the lord route, the second feat is obviously useless to him.

In fact, if you change to a player who wants to expand the territory, such as Darkseid, Grab Genbao and the like, it is a very excellent specialty, which can greatly reduce the cost of land reclamation and increase the efficiency of land reclamation. Unfortunately, I am not prepared to spend too much Use your energy to manage your territory and expand your power.

It was not his goal to be king or anything.

The remaining two feats, the first one is more suitable for team action, can reduce a lot of trouble, environmental damage is quite troublesome, the cold wind in Northrend, the poisonous fog and quagmire in the swamp area, the high temperature and sandstorm in the desert area Quicksand... will bring a lot of danger and attrition to the expeditionary force.

Most of the wild areas in the firmament world are very dangerous. Although it doesn't affect him...but his subordinates can't handle it.

Anecdotes and anecdotes can help you understand some map information. If you are lucky, you may be able to dig out hidden missions, hidden ruins, and the like.

As for hiring explorers... This is also very helpful. He still remembers the experience of cooperating with an elf explorer when he was in Tongtian Peak, which can save a lot of trouble.

In general, the several special effects of the Epic Explorer feat are very useful, but they are not particularly useful, but considering that one feat has three passives, it feels quite cost-effective.

As for the last Spellbreaker feat——

This specialty is completely an enhancement of personal strength.

In fact, judging from the description, it doesn't seem to be helpful for low-level battles. With his strength, he can just crush him directly.

However, if he encounters a powerful spellcaster like Bolelius who has mastered legendary magic in the future, this feat should be useful.

After pondering for a long time, Mo Fei gritted his teeth and chose the Spellbreaker specialty.

Expeditions are important, but it is one's own strength that decides one's life and death.

Especially against those top powerhouses, there is a high probability that there will be some powerful spells. If you fight hard without understanding the situation, you will suffer a lot. The so-called knowing yourself and the enemy can win a hundred battles. With this specialty, it is called true knowing yourself and the enemy. The power of the real Pava.

Murphy decisively chose the third one.

[System prompt: You have acquired a new specialty—Spellbreaker...]

Mo Fei felt it for a while, but it didn't seem to have any effect. After thinking about it, he still had to find someone to test it to be reliable.

Just when Morgan Lisa walked in, Murphy said, "Morgan Lisa, do me a favor, cast an offensive magic on me, it should be weaker."

Morgan Lisa asked in surprise, "Is there something wrong with you kid?"

"I'm experimenting with hero specialties, you just need to use them."

Morgan Lisa was speechless, "Okay, then you're ready, I'm going to make a move."

Murphy immediately entered a state of concentration, staring at the other party firmly, and saw Morgan Lisa raising her hand and sending out a fireball.

The moment the fireball was shot, information about the magic immediately appeared in Murphy's mind.

[Fire Missile: Causes 455 points of fire damage.

Spell type: Single target damage magic/missile magic.

Spell School: Fire Department.

Attack method: flying and moving.

Spell enhancement: spell damage +187 (equipment enhancement), spell instant casting (specialty enhancement), spell power increased by 30% (specialty enhancement), 55% chance to ignite the target (school specialization enhancement)...]

I'll go, it's really convenient.

Mo Fei read the data in his mind silently, and couldn't help thinking of it in surprise.

Not only can you gain insight into the opponent's magic, but to a certain extent, you can reversely deduce the opponent's expertise, specialization, spell school, equipment, and many other information based on the magic data.

Although this effect seems meaningless for this low-level magic.

But if the enemy uses high-level magic, it will be different.

In the future, if a spellcaster uses some outrageous magic on himself, he can see through it at a glance, and ask you if you are afraid.

Just when I was happy, there was a burst of cheers outside.

Murphy walked out of the captain's room, only to find that the fleet had finally reached the coastline of the eastern continent.

The fleet continued sailing along the coastline, and a day later, it finally docked at the pier of South Sea City.

[System prompt: You have successfully completed an exploration voyage, and you have discovered a new route, South Sea Town - Winterfell Harbor. This route is a virgin route. Since you defeated all the pirates and sea monsters encountered on the route, this route The probability of encountering emergencies is reduced by 80%. Please choose your handling method for this route.

Option 1: You choose to monopolize the route and operate it yourself.

Option 2: You choose to submit the route to the Voyagers Association, and you can get 5% of the revenue of the route for a period of three years. 】

Hey, there is such a setting?

Murphy was a little surprised. No wonder there were players running around in boats. He thought it was just out of interest, but there were business opportunities in it.

He thought for a moment.

Choose one of the two, or run your own business, and earn more or less is all your own.

Either submit the route, lie flat and earn dividends.

Murphy hesitated for a moment, and chose to submit the route. He didn't have the time to run a business, and relying on his own fleet, he couldn't transport much cargo, and it was a waste of time.

It's better to submit it, and everyone will run this route together. If this route becomes prosperous in the future, I can share a lot of money.

This is another way to get money, he is very short of money now.

On the pier, Van Cleef bid farewell.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "It's a pity that I couldn't bring Varian back. Say hello to Duke Lothar for me and tell him that Varian will come back one day. When the time comes, he will return in an unexpected way."

Van Cleef (Lord of Moonbrook Town): "Prince Aidan, I will pass on your words. It is an honor to take this adventure with you."

Seeing Van Cleef leave, Murphy also felt a little emotional. The situation in the Kingdom of Stormwind seems to be very different from the history.

I just don't know what it will be like when Varian returns again.

Shaking his head, he put away the emotion in his mind.

Mo Fei was about to lead people into the city, but was stopped by a group of soldiers.

Infantryman of the Principality of the South China Sea: "Prince Aidan, I have ordered you to enter the city for repairs under the order of my king, Invincible Sand Sculpture. My king has been waiting for you for a long time."

Murphy nodded, "Lead the way ahead."

In his heart, he thought, this frankly makes him a king, obviously it's just a principality.

But let alone, looking at a whole team of human infantry and human knights equipped with the South China Sea Principality's coat of arms, looking at the South China Sea Principality's flag on the city wall, it looks like that.

It is like an independent kingdom within an alliance.

Following the soldiers along the way, Murphy found that the city was much deserted. South Sea City was a trading port after all, and the traffic was important, but there were not many adventurers. It was much deserted than the last time I saw it.

After entering the castle, the invincible sand sculpture immediately greeted him.

Invincible Sand Sculpture (King of the South China Sea): "Brother, you are finally back, and now there are major events within the alliance, brothers are looking forward to your return to discuss state affairs."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "What happened, so anxious?"

"That kid Godwin is not a thing. He actually wanted to build an orc detention center, and asked us all to pay together. If we don't pay, we will impose a trade embargo and economic sanctions. I have a pity that the South China Sea Guild just came to pay for it. Now it's all paid. It's blocked, there is no way out."

Orc detention center?Murphy was stunned when he heard that, he recalled the plot, and immediately remembered what was going on.

In fact, in the original history of Warcraft, there was indeed the event of the orc detention center.

This plan was created by King Tenaris, after the end of the Second Orc War. Because of the defeat of the tribe, a large number of orc prisoners were left behind. At that time, the alliance countries had different opinions on how to deal with these orc prisoners. There are iron-blooded ones, such as Admiral Proudmoore, because his son was killed by the orcs, and he only wanted to sacrifice all the orcs captives to heaven.

There is also the Elf Kingdom, because it has suffered serious losses, and they also think that it is better to kill all these barbaric orcs.

But there are also the Mary faction, such as those in the Church of the Holy Light, who think that although these orcs are evil, they are still life after all, and they should not be treated so cruelly.

In the end, King Tenaris took the initiative and chose to build a large number of orc detention centers to detain these captives and try to educate these orcs so that they would rectify their evil ways.

Then the show operation came out. King Tenaris asked the countries of the alliance to pay for these orc captives together, and the asking price was quite high, so high that it could affect the finances of all countries. It is a bit ridiculous to use so much money to raise a group of prisoners of war. I don't understand, this incident caused many conflicts within the alliance and almost split it.

A lot of detention centers were built. Later, Thrall established a new tribe and rescued a large number of orc captives from the detention center to join him.

Of course, that's a story for another timeline.

Although the alliance and tribe war in this timeline was not as bloody as before, it still produced more than [-] orc captives.According to Murphy's thinking, it would be the easiest and most trouble-free.

In fact, this is also the general opinion of alliance players.

Godwin actually chose to learn from his father and wanted to build an orc detention center. Didn't he know that this thing was a trap?

No, this guy must have other ideas.

Murphy remembered that there was a conspiracy theory at the time, saying that the fundamental purpose of Tenaris' establishment of the orc detention center was actually to manipulate the finances of the alliance's various forces.

On the one hand, asking for a large amount of money can consume the strength of the countries of the alliance, and there is no way to use up so much money. Anyway, the orcs can’t starve to death, just give them some food, and the rest of the money must be given to Tenaris. Got a rebate.

On the other hand, these orc captives are not raised for nothing, they also need to work.

So since the orcs were captured by Tenaris, of course it was Lordaeron's work.

Tenaris is equivalent to using orcs to work for himself while collecting money from various countries.

In this way, Lordaeron is getting stronger and stronger, and the countries are getting weaker and weaker. In the end, Lordaeron will have a chance to dominate the world.

It's a pity that Tenaris did too much. In the end, Kul Tiras, Gilneas, and the Elf Kingdom all withdrew from the alliance, Alterac was annexed, and the old alliance was finally split.

Later, with Lordaeron as the core, the Alliance of Lordaeron was established.

Whether Tenaris' plan is so Murphy doesn't know, but Godwin must have a ghost for doing this.

"Didn't you vote against it? Now you have five votes. You're still afraid of Godwin."

"Oh, don't mention it, we don't even have a vote now. We also sent envoys to the last alliance meeting, but Godwin didn't recognize us as king at all, and treated us like ordinary lords."

Mo Fei thought to himself, aren't you just ordinary lords? You are all principalities, and strictly speaking, your status is just dukes.

Alterac was always at the bottom of the list, but now that it's broken down, it doesn't even have a sense of existence.

Just a small broken country with one city and three castles, how could people take you seriously.

Although Zhagenbao has inherited the orthodoxy of Alterac, but the kingdom of a mere city, a 'very weak' force, if people can look up to you, you will be a ghost. To put it bluntly, this world still depends on strength.

(End of this chapter)

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