Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 404 PY Transactions

Chapter 404 PY Transactions
"So, what are your plans? Do you want to pay?" Murphy finally asked.

"Of course I will never pay!" Invincible Sand Sculpture looked aggrieved, "Do you know how much Godwin wants? 100 million gold coins, that is, 1000 million coupons, what a joke, even if the five families share it equally 20 gold coins, I have already spent tens of millions to establish the Principality of the South China Sea, and I haven’t seen the money back yet, and I still want me to continue to spend money, no matter how rich my family is, I can’t make such a fuss.”

Being a king, though awe-inspiring, was obviously expensive.

Mo Feixin said that it was only 1000 million. I spent 2000 million in training knights, building fleets, and towns... This is still taking advantage of various favorable conditions and spending a lot of money. Probably not enough.

The Invincible Sand Sculpture complained for a while, noticed Mo Fei's disapproving expression, and suddenly reacted.

"By the way, brother, you haven't chosen the kingdom you want to join, why don't you join my South China Sea Principality? Didn't you build a fleet? Use your fleet as a shareholder. I'll give you [-]% of the shares. Let's go to sea trade together. Make a lot of money, don't look at the high investment, as long as the fleet is running, the money will definitely come rushing."

Mo Fei thought that this old man probably didn't know about his discovery of the new sea route, but he would be even more excited if he knew.

"Hehe, can't you run away with such a good thing? Anyway, merchant ships are not expensive."

The Invincible Sand Sculpture shook his head: "It's not that simple. Godwin imposed a trade blockade. I can't do this business alone."

Murphy said: "So what about Godwin's trade blockade, you can go to other routes, do business with Stormwind Kingdom, Ironforge, Gilneas, and Kul Tiras, and even Kalimdor's." Night Alliance."

Invincible Sand Sculpture (King of the South China Sea): "Don't mention it, you know the two bastards Victor and Siegret sold by the Alterac Navy, right? Now I have no control over the sea at all. Several merchant ships sent out always encountered pirates and lost a lot of money.

Don't you see that there are not many merchants in the city now? They are all scared away. I suspect that those pirates were secretly supported by Godwin. While the trade was blocked, pirates were sent to engage in plundering wars. Nanhai Town's income depends entirely on commercial taxes. Now the merchants have all run away, and even the army maintenance fee is almost not enough to rely on the successive agricultural taxes. "

After the invincible sand sculpture finished speaking, he lowered his voice and said, "Actually, Godwin gave me another way, which is to join Lordaeron and become a nobleman of Lordaeron, but I figured that I am also the royal family of Alterac, the noble mountain How can a son tend to be inferior to others, so he didn't agree.

But to be honest, if I really can't bear it in the future, then I can only give in. "

What he said was obviously crying for being poor.

Murphy sighed: "Have you ever thought that several other people should have received similar invitations?"

What!The Invincible Sand Sculpture stared wide-eyed, this is really not impossible.

Alterac is poor and remote, but there are a few good lands. Southsea City is one piece, and Darrow City is one piece. On the contrary, the generation of Alterac Mountains does not have much oil and water, but its geographical location is condescending, which can be regarded as certain. of strategic value.

Godwin didn't have much else, but he had a lot of money, and the princes in Alterac were notoriously poor, so they could be bought with just a little money.

Invincible Sand Sculpture and Murphy looked at each other, and both of them could see what the other was thinking—could the story of Lordaeron's annexation of Alterac be repeated in history?

Invincible Sand Sculpture is still a bit unwilling, as his principality will be bought by someone just after opening.

Murphy is not very happy about this matter. After all, the Knights of the Dragon is now the national knights of Alterac. If Alterac is annexed, how will the Knights of the Dragon be arranged.

"Well, I'm about to go back to Alterac, let's discuss it together, even if we want to sell our country, we have to sell it together, otherwise the price will definitely be lowered."

Three days later - Alterac Palace.

Now there are only six seats left in the huge conference room, five kings, and Murphy, the head of the Dragon Knights.

The other princes either took out the territorial army and took the money to leave, or they only had a small piece of land left, and they were not eligible to participate in the meeting at all.

The royal family meeting, which was lively and lively in the past, is somewhat deserted now.

Looking at the frowning brothers, Murphy actually remembered the time when King Aiden was alive.

At that time, there were more than 30 brothers, how lively it was.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "So what do you guys think about this?"

Victor (King Ravencrow): "Godwin offered me 800 million to buy my Duchy of Ravencrow, and asked me to swear allegiance to him."

Only 800 million, this price is really a bit cheap.

Darkseid (King Disi): "Give me 1000 and [-] million, requesting that Darrow County and the surrounding territories be merged into the Kingdom of Lordaeron. I will still serve as the lord of Darrow City, but I will be loyal to Lordaeron."

Kiss French Fries (King of Winter): "1000 million, packaged and purchased, including my lord status."

Zha Genbao (King of Alterac): "2000 million, Alterac will cancel its national title and merge into Lordaeron as a whole, and the army will be controlled by Lordaeron. Give me the title of Great Lord of Alterac, if you want It can be increased to 3000 million if you take a full shot."

It can be seen that Godwin's purchase prices and purchase methods for different countries are completely different.

Some overall acquisitions, such as Nanhai Town and the big port city, can make a lot of money once they are taken, and of course they must be taken as a whole.

There are some cheap acquisitions, like the Principality of Ravencrow, whose territories are all barren, with no production, not even a profitable industry, and no resources, and they are still making rebels.

After the annexation, apart from the good-looking map, there is really no economic gain. The rebels are also caused by the players themselves, because they forcibly seized the territory of the alpine nobles. Earl Adalian's reputation was so high that the rebels in the Ravencrow Kingdom were almost catching up with the strength of the king's army, and they managed to suppress them only by sending missions to adventurers.

The same is true in the Winter Kingdom. Kiss French Fries also robbed the territory of the former Alterac nobles. Speaking of which, the nobles in Alterac are considered unlucky enough. , it can only be said that there is no bottom line for players to be inappropriate.

Now that the five kingdoms have been partitioned, the hearts of Alterac have fluctuated, and the reputation of the Perenolde family has plummeted.

Godwin also saw exactly this point, and he didn't mind spending too much money, so he casually threw three melons and two dates to invite him to join. Anyway, you are considered an aristocrat under my command, so you just have to listen to me in the future.

For the Kingdom of Alterac, because of the kingdom's orthodox relationship, of course it still costs a lot of money.

Firmament World is a game with a western background, so it is very important for the design of kings, lords, allegiance, dominion rights, and claim rights. As long as there is righteousness, many things can be easily handled. The face can be eaten in one breath.

Of course, the consequences will definitely be very serious, if not, the consequences will come.

The most important thing now is to grasp Genbao. After all, Alterac is orthodox and is the king recognized by all countries in the alliance. If Alterac kneels, the remaining small principalities will really be leftovers. Godwin will then Even if it is forcibly annexed, no one will doubt it.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Are you going to betray the country and catch Genbao?"

Zhuo Genbao (King of Alterac): "Sell me, my family is mining, and I want to kneel down for 3000 million, what are you kidding, isn't Godwin rich, I am dignified and orthodox in Alterac, No matter what, it must come to [-] million."

Mo Feixin said that it would be fine if he didn't sell it, as long as he caught Genbao and didn't give in, he would still have something to play with.

Kiss Potato Fries suggested: "Why don't we just form an Alterac Alliance, we have five countries, and the momentum is no worse than the Lordaeron Alliance."

Darkseid said: "We can't do it alone, the population is too small - how about calling the dwarves?"

"Stormwind City relies on Lordaeron to restore the country, so we must support Lordaeron. The dwarves have a good relationship with Stormwind City, and the relationship with Lordaeron is not bad..."

"The dwarves support Alsace. Now that Alsace is missing, Ironforge's attitude is the same."

Murphy said: "Actually, the key is to find the common aspirations of all countries. If we all share the same hatred, it is easy to form an alliance. Now the establishment of the orc shelter is an opportunity. In history, this incident led to the disintegration of the old alliance.

So we must stand firm and refuse to build an orc shelter, so that Kul Tiras and Quel'Thalas will definitely support us, and Gilneas has no money, so it should be able to support us. "

Darkseid shook his head, "It's useless, Gilneas is Godwin's ironclad, and now the king of Gilneas is that kid Blaney, and Godwin has his tricks in his hands, so he must support Godwin."

Victor said: "That's not necessarily the case. From time to time, this guy became king to make money. How could he be willing to spend 100 million gold coins? Anyway, the matter is over, and there is no direct evidence for this matter."

Invincible Sand Sculpture: "The key is that we in Alterac have no right to speak. We all had to listen to the meeting last time."

Mo Fei looked at Zuo Genbao, "You don't even have the right to speak?"

Zha Genbao helplessly spread his hands: "I have something to say, but those people don't listen."

Murphy sighed, "Okay, I'll go with you at the next meeting. I think my words should be of some use, but I need to have a name first—our council hasn't been dissolved yet, right?"

It's true that they haven't been disbanded, mainly because everyone is busy running their own territory. Anyway, it doesn't hurt to have the title of a member of parliament, so they still keep it.

"In this way, let's just form an Alterac Federation. You can make me a protector. Then I will talk to the alliance. Since you don't plan to betray the country, I will try to win a few allies and veto Godwin's plan." If the orc shelter plan really doesn't work, then we might as well withdraw from the alliance, or form a new alliance ourselves.

The next meeting is five days away. Take advantage of this time to quickly change the national structure. Let it be called the Alterac Federation in the future. Your country will become a member city-state. "

"What about you? What are you going to do?"

"Of course I have my own business to attend to."

What to deal with—Of course it is a PY transaction. Although the formal negotiation is decided at the conference table, the private transaction is the key. Otherwise, if there is not such a tacit understanding, it will be over by then.

After returning to Longshang Castle, Murphy started writing letters to his old friends.

The first letter was to Muradin Bronzebeard, Prince of Ironforge. Apart from reminiscing about the past, it was just a sentence—【Your prince is here with me. Would you like me to send it to you? 】

During this period of time, by checking the information, he has figured out who the dwarf prince Anweimar is, and it is very likely that he is a descendant of the mountain king Modimus Anweimar.

Back then, the three major clans of the dwarves lived together in Ironforge, and Modimus Anvilmar was the king of the dwarves. His death led to the split among the three clans of Bronzebeard, Wildhammer, and Dark Iron, as well as the historically famous "The Battle of the Three Hammers."

Later, the Bronzebeard dwarves occupied Ironforge, the Wildhammer dwarves ran to Grim Batol, and the Dark Iron dwarves went to Blackrock Mountain to build a city.

In other words, the dwarf prince in my hand has the right to claim Ironforge. Even though this thing has passed thousands of years, in the firmament world, the authority of blood is still very important.

If Mo Fei really sends the dwarf prince back, do you want your Bronzebeard family to swear allegiance?

To disloyalty is to break the oath of the ancient ancestors and lose the honor.

If you are loyal, the Bronzebeard family will give away their wealth, so that is not possible.

So this dwarf prince is a big trouble. If he changes to a dark-hearted master, such as King Tenaris, he may directly hire assassins to solve it.

But based on Mo Fei's understanding of the three Bronzebeard brothers, he would never be able to do such a thing. The best way is to find a way for Mo Fei to stabilize the dwarf prince and never send him back.

In this way, Ironforge's proposal to support Alterac is very feasible.

The second letter is for Lothar, the regent of the Stormwind Kingdom. First, he said something about Prince Varian, and then he said that we have traveled so far for you. Do you have to support me? Our two kings have been killed, why can't we feed them with good food and drink?

Mo Fei was quite sure about these two letters. He understood them with emotion, moved them with reason, and lured them with benefits, so he was not afraid that they would not give in.

The third letter was addressed to Blaney, King of Gilneas. This old boy sold his father to the orcs, but because of his good standing in line, nothing happened, and he became king in the end—but it is said that his Several younger brothers and sisters are rebelling, and some people have even brought out the werewolf plague in advance, so it is estimated that they will not be able to come up with the money.

In addition, the previous king was also killed by orcs, why should you be filled with righteous indignation?

The fourth letter is for the Elf King, and the content of this letter is more cryptic—I know you have resentment, and we also think Lordaeron is not pleasing to the eye, why don't we all make trouble together and mess with him, in short, the money cannot be paid.

The fifth letter is to Prince Trollbane of Stromgarde. I know you Stromgarde have no money, and we in Alterac have no money, so we might as well refuse to pay at that time.

Anyway, whether it is useful or not, connect them together first, at least give the other party a chance to choose.

As for whether it can be done, it depends on the performance on the spot.

After writing the letter, Murphy had more important things to do—to complete the second stage of the dragon feast ceremony.

(End of this chapter)

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