Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 405 The Ancient God Descends

Chapter 405 The Ancient God Descends
Tongtian Peak——

Dark clouds covered everything, and a swirling storm enveloped everything. On the top of the dark mountain, the dragon thunder reflected a crimson halo.

A black shadow broke out from the storm, and the Storm Dragon King hovered in the sky and slowly landed.

As Murphy regained his human form, that mysterious voice also rang in his ears.

Mysterious voice: "Welcome to you—the person of Longxiang, it seems that you have gained another harvest. I am surprised by your efficiency. Present your sacrifice."

Murphy didn't talk nonsense, and slowly placed Bolelius' dragon heart on the altar. The icy aura emanating from the dragon heart coated the stone altar with a layer of frost, as if the air had condensed.

Mysterious voice: "Rebellious Borelius, hehe, I didn't expect it to fall into your hands the second time. Are you ready? People of Dragon Feast, are you ready to chew that flesh and devour that soul?"

Aidan (Dragon Feast): "I'm ready."

As Mo Fei said, he picked up the dragon's heart and bit it down.

So icy!

The bone-piercing chill spread all the way down his mouth, spreading to his internal organs, limbs and bones, every pore exuded chill, every cell was trembling, Mo Fei couldn't help shivering, but he didn't stop eating because of it .



The majestic singing sounded again, but after singing a few lines, it suddenly became erratic. There was a bitter wind in the singing, as if pulling Murphy into the bitingly cold Frost Mountains again.

The singing gradually faded into the cold and windy background sound, and then, a dull and deep dragon's roar began to join the chorus.

The dragon's roar became louder and louder, like a cry from the depths of the soul, full of regret and unwillingness.

Mo Fei was in a trance for a while, and the surroundings suddenly turned white, the air was filled with chill, and the ice fog suddenly appeared. Mo Fei knew that it was not the real ice fog, but the soul image contained in the dragon's heart.In the white ice mist, a pair of eyes exuding blue frost flames stared straight at him.

Murphy was not surprised. With the experience of devouring Eranikus' soul last time, he already knew what to do.

This should be the soul space of Bolelius.

Sure enough, as soon as he lowered his head, he found that he was also in the form of the Storm Dragon King at this time.

The blue eyes gradually became clear, revealing the body of the huge white dragon behind, hidden in the ice mist, seemingly real and unreal, showing a translucent and incomplete texture.

Bolelius' soul: "We meet again—the man of Dragon Feast."

Aidandron (Storm Dragon King): "Yes, we meet again, so are you going to fight me? Or are you going to use other words to seduce me?"

The soul of Bolelius: "No, my soul has long been broken. What remains here is just an obsession. It is meaningless whether it dies or not. Devour me, devour my original power, awaken the dragon god, and recast it." The glory of the ancient dragon clan, take us back to that—Kamyatra, the city of the sky!"

The other party's cooperation made Murphy a little uncomfortable.

But it's still time to get started.

As soon as the dragon's claw was lifted, a red dragon thunder appeared in the claw, and the dragon thunder blasted Polyleus' soul to pieces, and the shattered white shadow of the giant dragon turned into a gushing ice mist and filled the air madly. The power of frost ignored it, and only stared at the core of the dragon soul. In the end, there was only a group of simple and vicissitudes of gray light, which seemed inconspicuous. Mo Fei stretched out a dragon claw, and held this power in the claw middle.

He grabbed the dragon's claw violently, and the original power instantly sank into his body.

As soon as the original power entered his body, Murphy could immediately feel a powerful energy flowing in his body. Unlike the first time, he suddenly found that he seemed to be able to control the flow of this energy.

With a thought, this energy immediately shifted towards the dragon claw.

The dragon claws on the limbs rattled and rubbed, and the dragon claws that looked very standard at first turned into claw blades with a rock-like texture, which looked simple and primitive, without any sharp feeling.

[System prompt: You have obtained the power of the source, and the progress of your road to the ancient dragon mission has increased, the current progress is 20%, and you have unlocked a new ancient dragon trait - the claw of the ancient dragon. 】

Murphy hurriedly checked.

[The Claw of the Ancient Dragon (Legendary Traits)

Passive 1: Your physical attack power increases by 100 points, and when you attack the enemy's vital points, the critical strike probability increases by 15% (this effect is not affected by the target's size/creature type/template level.)
Passive 2: Your normal attacks can deal damage to Holy Armor.

Trait introduction: The unique stone dragon claws of the ancient dragon family, its original form is said to be the prototype of all dragon claws. It is said that the ancient dragon was born on a special plane outside the real universe. The ancient dragon tears time and space with its dragon claws. Entering the material world, the seemingly unpretentious stone claws can tear time and space, destroy everything, and shatter laws. It is also a terrifying blade that the gods fear. 】

Strong - very strong - very strong!

Looking at the description of the characteristics, Murphy felt the subtle changes between the dragon's claws, and felt excited.

This 15% critical strike chance doesn't seem like much, but the most powerful thing is that this effect is not affected by the target's size/creature type/template level.

In other words, playing Deathwing is also 15%.

This is powerful, generally speaking, the larger the target size.The higher the attribute and the higher the rank, the harder it is to deliver a fatal blow.

Now with this ancient dragon's claw, it can be said that all living beings are equal before the dragon's claw.

He casually grabbed the dragon claw on the rocky platform on the ground, stabbed it, and with the ear-piercing sound of rubbing against the rocks, three ferocious scratches were abruptly made by the claws on the ground.

Very strong!

The only shortcoming is that units with sacred armor are very rare. Generally, only gods and demigods have this kind of armor, such as those demigods of the wilderness, Cenarius and the like.

Another example is the three bosses of the Burning Legion, the Titans of the Pantheon, and the twelve main gods of the firmament world...

But it seems that no one has seen these existences with their own eyes.

Mysterious voice: "Go, Dragon Feeders, and get more original power. The path of the ancient dragon is waiting for you."

Murphy nodded, flapped his wings violently, and took off.

After Mo Feifei returned to Longshang Castle, he went offline.

Tonight, he still has a dream to do.


City of the Sky - Dragon Sanctuary - Kamyatra.

Murphy didn't know how he gained consciousness. It was as if he was suddenly inserted in a movie. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was flying above the city in the sky.

Surrounded by countless ancient dragons.

I am Bolelius! ?I'm Aidan Deron?I am - Murphy!Murphy thought to himself.

That's right, I'm Murphy!And this is a dream of Borelius.

I quickly figured out my identity and the setting of the scene.

Immediately, Gu Long's roar was heard.

"Look at the sky!"

"what is that!"

"Who dares to risk the majesty of the ancient dragon clan!"

Mo Fei looked up, and in the sky, a huge meteorite was falling from the sky. The huge impact force dispersed the dark clouds in the sky, and it was falling straight towards the sky city. The light of the sun.

The meteorite was several kilometers in diameter, and its appearance was pitch black like a fallen black hole, and it flowed faintly like a liquid. The side that touched the air was rubbed and burned like dry and cracked flesh, and countless ashes were scattered in the air.

boom!The meteorite slammed straight into a rocky building in the northwest corner of Kamyatra. The impact was so strong that the entire city in the sky tilted accordingly, and the place where the meteorite fell was startled into a deep sleep. ancient dragon.

The ancient dragons hovered over the meteorite, the storm was disturbed by the anger of the ancient dragons, and the dragon thunder in the storm was rolling.

Murphy—or Borelius was also among them, hovering, watching the huge meteorite that dived into the ground below.

A huge figure passed by in front of him, looking vaguely familiar - Neltharion, yes, it was him, although it was not a black dragon at this time, but its huge size, rough and tough appearance, and That tough style of acting made Murphy feel the identity of the other party.

Neltharion passed by at a low altitude, and shot a red lightning bolt at the huge meteorite.

After being attacked, the group of meteorites that were almost flattened began to squirm.

That thing is alive!

Murphy thought in surprise.

Countless slender blood vessel-like tentacles grew out of the huge black body that looked like silt. They pierced into the rocks of Sky City, spreading and spreading like blood vessels.

Some buildings that hadn't collapsed were surrounded by flesh and blood, like exposed organs. What made Murphy's scalp tingle even more was that those buildings gradually softened and turned into flesh and blood.

This ugly scene immediately aroused Gu Long's anger.

"Destroy this monster!"

"We must not let that ugly flesh and blood defile our sacred city!"

"In the name of the Dragon God!"

Dragon thunders fell from the sky one after another, and the ancient dragons breathed out dragon thunders heartily. Those blood vessel-like tentacles were constantly twitching, drying up, shrinking, and turning into black smoke under the bombardment of dragon thunders.

The monster's body was so huge that it was still wriggling slowly after being hit by hundreds of dragon thunders. The skin made of black flesh and blood slowly cracked, and there was a huge eyeball.Move down and look up at the ancient dragons in the sky.

Scary voice: ""

A voice echoed in Murphy's mind, it wasn't from his mouth, it was more like a message.

Immediately afterwards, countless tentacles broke out from the huge black flesh and blood body, dancing like snakes, and the ancient dragons climbed to the height one after another. Only Nelthario was different, and he drew a lightning blade to chop off countless tentacles. broken.

"What kind of monster are you?"

Horrible voice: "My name is Xal'atath... Forerunner of the void... Devourer of the physical universe... Annihilator of all things...Give up resistance...That is meaningless...

Xalatas!Old God!
Murphy was stunned.

He had heard the name.

In the original World of Warcraft game, a total of four ancient gods appeared in the game for players to attack, C'Thun, N'Zoth, Y'Shaarji, and Yogg-Saron.

However, according to the introduction of the background story, there were actually five ancient gods who came to Azeroth, and the other one was Xalatath, but I don’t know why, when the player entered the era of the game, Xalatath had already Gone.

As for the disappearance of Xalatas, there are many theories. The earliest saying is that in the process of traveling through the endless void, the five ancient gods consumed too much energy and were too hungry, so the other four ancient gods took Sa' Ratas was divided.

But then there was an artifact in the game—[Xalatath Dark Empire Blade], this artifact was made from the remains of Xalatath, which caused a problem, obviously Xalatath was not It was eaten during the flight, otherwise there is no reason this artifact would appear in Azeroth.

So the second theory appeared, Xalatas and other ancient gods landed on Azeroth together, and then the five ancient gods were in the process of expanding and competing for territory, Xalatas was killed by the other four ancient gods Devoured.

In short, this Xalatas was eaten after all.

But what Murphy saw now made him realize that there might be another reason in history.

Countless dragon thunders blasted towards Xalatas, and the ancient god squirmed its tall and ugly strange body, and suddenly opened a huge black crack, and countless monsters with strange huge mouths and membrane wings flew out of its body. out.

Attacked towards the ancient dragons.

Polyerius also joined the battle, and its sharp claws crazily tore these monsters apart. These monsters were so fierce that they could even bite through the scales of the ancient dragon.

Xal'atath (Old God): "Resistance is... futile... Xal'atath... devours all..."

The huge body like a mountain of flesh wriggled slowly, like a coelenterate, and began to devour the surrounding rock buildings, turning them into its own flesh and blood.

Bolelius spewed out dragon thunders one after another, smashing the buildings.

Suddenly, that giant eye looked at him together.

Murphy felt his brain go crazy, and the next second, he woke up suddenly from his dream.

The picture formed by the countless eyeballs still remains on the retina.

Murphy panted heavily, and it took him a while to recover.

The Old Gods—so terrifying.

But with such a terrifying existence, how will Gu Long finally fight against it?
It's a pity that the absorbed Bolelius' soul is too incomplete, and only this bit of memory can be read. It seems that if you want to make up for what happened that day, you need more memories of the ancient dragon.

He got out of bed and went to the window, it was still dark outside.

Wanting to sleep but unable to fall asleep again, Mo Fei turned on the computer and logged on to the official website.

Mo Fei was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the official game would even update a patch while he was sleeping.

[Firm World 3.03 Patch update content "Disturbance of the Eternal Dragon"

New content 1: Added a new world BOSS - the Eternal Dragon King Mnozdor!
BOSS introduction: The Eternal Dragon King from the end of time, in order to completely destroy the real world by changing history, led the Eternal Dragon Clan to descend and prepare to disturb the current history.

New content 2: Added a new mission BOSS, 'Eternal Dragon Disruptor'. Twelve Eternal Dragon Disruptors are randomly refreshed in each continent of the firmament world. Every time the mission boss is killed, it will be randomized again after 12 hours refresh.

Adventurer players can find any 'bronze dragon watcher' to know the spawn location of the eternal dragon disturber.

Killing the Eternal Dragon Disruptor can get [Time Badge], and using the Time Badge can open those dungeons that have been cleared and eliminated by hero players.

(All players who enter the dungeon do not need to wear time badges, only the leader needs to wear them.)
Players can also spend 9999 coupons to purchase in the mall. 】

(End of this chapter)

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