Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 406 The Split of the Alliance

Chapter 406 The Split of the Alliance

Hey, this update is kind of interesting.

Looking at the introduction of the updated content, Murphy couldn't help being interested.

At present, there is actually a huge point of conflict between adventurers and heroes, that is, once a copy is killed by a hero player, the adventurer has nothing to do.

This has led to a confrontational relationship between adventurers and heroes in many cases, and there have even been incidents where adventurers gather to prevent heroes from entering the instance to start a plot battle.

Of course, in the end, most of these obstacles ended in failure.

Because there is no reason to be a thief for a thousand days, and heroes are stronger than adventurers, and they often have the support of the Grand Guild behind them, so adventurers have no chance of winning in a real fight.

The most important thing is that although there are no adventurers in the dungeon, there will be no dungeons to fight, but the wave of the plot battle is the fattest wave. In other words, once a dungeon is targeted by multiple guilds, everyone will be eager to wait. Find a way to win the plot of the dungeon - anyway, the dungeon will be gone, so it's better to let yourself make a wave.

Even if everyone agrees that no one is allowed to play the plot mode of this dungeon, everyone will worry that other people will break their promise, so they simply do it themselves first, and the suspicion is chained.

Therefore, in the end, if a dungeon is discovered by only one guild, it can be full of strategies and upgrade equipment, but once it is made public, it will be quickly taken down by hungry wolves of the major guilds, unless it is strong enough to be able to Only those heroes supported by the Grand Council will not dare to attack easily, so they can be preserved.

Just like Murphy's dark dragon nest back then.

This has led to the fact that in the past few years since the game was launched, the dungeons in the game have been continuously introduced, and it is not known how many dungeons have been lost by the plot battle.

The few remaining old dungeons are the kind of garbage dungeons in which the boss is too strong, no one dares to touch it, or there is too little oil and water, and the heroes are too lazy to take it.

This also led to very low efficiency for adventurer players to upgrade equipment, because there are too few copies that can be played, blue equipment is a good thing, and if you can get one purple equipment, you can be regarded as a master.

Now that the time badge comes out, it means that the conflict between the adventurer and the hero is resolved at once, and the adventurer has countless copies to play in an instant. It is conceivable that the adventurer will definitely hunt crazily in this period of time in the future. Kill the twelve Eternal Dragon Disruptors to get the Token of Time.

In order to get tickets quickly, the major guilds will definitely buy time badges in the mall, and now the game company will make a fortune again.

But these things have nothing to do with Murphy.

What Murphy cares more about is the world boss of 'Eternal Dragon King Mnozdor'.

Since this guy is a great ancient dragon, he should be able to use his original power, right?
The reason why they are not completely sure is because of the special status of the Eternal Dragon King Murozdor, which is actually the blackened clone of the Bronze Dragon King Nozdormu.

Bronze dragons are in charge of the power of time, able to see into the past and future, and even travel through time, but this also gives them a curse. When bronze dragons travel through countless timelines, they will gradually lose themselves, and in countless timelines, they will gradually lose themselves. In the face of all kinds of destruction and disasters, he fell into madness and finally fell into depravity.

Since bronze dragons are immortal, and the possibility of blackening exists, multiplying the probability of blackening by infinite time will lead to the inevitable degeneration of all bronze dragons in the end.

And because the bronze dragon can see into the future, every bronze dragon has to see the moment of blackening and degeneration with his own eyes.

Bronze dragons will often try to prevent this moment from coming, but their eternal life can only delay this fall, not really avoid it.

And in the distant future, Nozdormu, the bronze dragon king, also unsurprisingly degenerated into "Mnozdor, the Eternal Dragon King". He led the other eternal dragons and started a time journey to destroy the world.

Eternal Dragon and Bronze Dragon are the existence of light and shadow.

This is why the Bronze Dragon King is always a listless sampler, because history has already been doomed-at least before the player enters this world.

Murphy is still very self-aware. If it were another guardian dragon, he would not dare to touch it. The Dragon King with guardian power is not comparable to a non-brand like Borelius.

But since I am immune to the power of time, wouldn't it be a slap in the face to deal with these eternal dragons and bronze dragons...

But after thinking about it, it's not that simple.

The Eternal Dragon Clan and the Bronze Dragon Clan are both big clans. If they really fight, they will fight in groups. No matter how strong you are alone, you are not an opponent. You rely on your teammates to fight the boss. You are immune to the power of time, but your teammates are not. What if the opponent uses it again? A magic like Eternal Stasis trapped all of his teammates, and Mo Fei was not absolutely sure if he was singled out.

To be on the safe side, it's better not to do it lightly.

Let's start by picking up the persimmons of the alien dragon king.

Act after this alliance meeting is over.

With this in mind, Murphy entered the game.


A group of hundreds of knights is galloping mightily on the road leading to the royal city of Lordaeron. The knights at the front are holding the flag of the Alterac Federation. The two leading knights both have the title of king, and they are here to attend this meeting The only ones who did it were Dakseid and Zuo Genbao.

The other three kings, however, stayed behind their leaders to prepare for battle and clean up wild monsters.

Now that the great enemy of the orcs is gone, signs of struggle within the alliance have begun to appear. Not only are countries vying for power and interests, but small-scale conflicts have occurred on the borders. Even within each kingdom, it is not stable. After some tossing by the princes, two powerful rebel wild monsters were successfully spawned.

The Black Crow Brotherhood led by Count Adalian and the Sons of Winter led by Duke Alexis have been threatening the security of the kingdom.

It's cheap for adventurers, and the experience is flying.

In addition, the army of Lordaeron is watching covetously, so they cannot leave people.

Zha Genbao (King of Alterac): "I said fourth brother, do you think that Godwin will have a grand feast? The knife and the axe are hiding outside the door, throwing cups as a sign, then we are going to be taken over by the same pot.

Then Godwin commanded the army of Lordaeron to sweep the kingdoms without a leader and achieve a unified hegemony-if it was me, I would do it. "

Darkseid (King Dixie): "Damn, what are you thinking, no matter how strong Lordaeron is, Godwin is crazy to do that. Besides, the high-level leaders of all countries are heroes and lords. All of them are very strong, not to mention five hundred knives and axes, even five hundred predators can wipe them all out for you.

Besides, don't we still have a brother to cover us? "

While speaking, a shadow in the sky quickly passed by, bringing gusty winds, but it was the Storm Dragon King who led a hundred dragon-controllers and sky-watchers to fly past quickly.

Both of them looked at the sky enviously.

This Extraordinary unit is just a fan.

Look back at the 'King's Guard' led by the two, Alterac vassal knights, wilderness wandering knights, raven rangers, and northern chivalrous knights.

All fourth-level soldiers are considered elite at present, but compared with a bunch of other super soldiers, they are much worse.

The painting style is not a painting style at all.

Darkseid (King Dixie): "I have to ask my brother if the soldiers are for sale later. It's better to buy a few less to support the scene. At least there is an air force to investigate and it will be in place."

Zha Genbao nodded approvingly.

Finally, the majestic walls of Lordaeron appeared in the distance.

When they came outside the city, they found that someone had already arrived here, and the king's guards from various forces were marching into the barracks outside the city.

At night, the three of them received an invitation to a dinner party.

Inside the palace of Lordaeron——

The grand banquet hall was brightly lit, and the nobles, kings, princes, and regents of various kingdoms were chatting with wine glasses, testing, and wooing.

After a few months, high-level executives from all countries of the alliance gathered here again, but unlike the heavy and passionate atmosphere last time to fight against the orc soldiers and fight against the enemy, this time the atmosphere was obviously not right.

The leaders of various countries greeted each other hypocritically, exchanged glances, and discussed the gains and losses and contributions after the war.

Lamenting the tragic sacrifice of his own soldiers, he angrily accused the alliance of not giving him the reward he deserved.

An atmosphere of dissatisfaction and intrigue spread among the guests before the banquet officially started.

Zhuo Genbao (King of Alterac): "I'll go, why is everyone so secretive about the feeling of resentment, as if they were betrayed by the alliance."

Darkseid (King Dixie): "This is politics, sixteenth brother. After all, you are an orthodox king. Why don't you communicate with them for a breath?"

"I'll forget it, brother, didn't you go then?"

Sure enough, not far away, Murphy was chatting happily with the kings and lords with a glass of wine.

Murphy first chatted with the dwarf king Magni Bronzebeard. Muradin didn't know why he didn't come this time. Fortunately, Murphy has always had a good relationship with the dwarves. After exchanging a few opinions, Murphy figured it out. Considering the attitude of the other party, the dwarf is not very resistant to the money payment this time. There is no way, he has money, and the family really has mines.

But certainly not enthusiastic.

After all, taking money to raise orcs is a bit wrong no matter how you look at it.

Then Murphy exchanged opinions with King Thorbane and King Blaney.

He could see that the Kingdom of Stromgarde and the Kingdom of Gilneas really didn't want to pay the money, and they nodded in agreement with Murphy's hint.

Next is Quel'Thalas, the kingdom of elves. This time, the ambassador sent by Quel'Thalas is the great astrologist Solanlian. This woman has always been known for her arrogance and ruthlessness. The performance is very cold, just indifferently expressing that the elves have their own plans and will not be swayed by any forces.

Murphy really didn't like this group of elf nobles, they were too pretentious, and it was too much effort to communicate.

Then Murphy met the Grand Duke Lothar, the ambassador of the Stormwind Kingdom.

Lothar is also very tired. The two princes in the country are fighting for power all day long, and they all want his support and supremacy. However, he doesn't like either of them, and there is no suitable reason to stop him. He simply came out to attend the alliance meeting to hide himself.

Lothar first thanked Murphy for going to find Varian. Although he didn't find him, at least he knew that he was still alive.

To Murphy's surprise, the Grand Duke of Lothar was vague about Murphy's temptation, only saying that careful consideration was needed, and he also said the clichés of the alliance's responsibilities and obligations.

This makes Murphy a little strange. The Stormwind Kingdom is currently the one that suffers the most and has the most dead. Even the king has let the orcs kill them.
After a night of socializing, Mo Fei has a solid foundation in his mind.

Now the countries of the alliance are really at odds with each other. Without the external threat of orcs, the forces of various countries will obviously start internal struggles for power and interests.

At this time, Godwin proposed to raise a huge sum of money to build an orc detention center. It was really a mistake, and I don't know what he thought.

The next day, the alliance meeting officially began.

Godwin sat on the throne, wearing a crown on his head, and wearing a golden armor, with the demeanor of a king.

This kid finally became the real King of Lordaeron, and he got what he wanted. Although there are many players who become kings nowadays, taking power and status is completely different from the King of Lordaeron/Leader of the Alliance.

However, his expression seemed very calm.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Welcome to Lordaeron, respected leaders of the Alliance. The war with the orcs has passed for some time. This time we are here to discuss and discuss the future of the Alliance and how to deal with it. Those captured orcs.

Although the orc invasion has been repelled, they may come back at any time, so we must take precautions.

At the same time, a large number of orc captives also brought us some troubles. These savage and violent creatures must be effectively supervised to ensure that they will not cause more harm. Therefore, we also need to discuss and discuss how to allocate these funds. , How to distribute the responsibilities and powers of the alliance. "

Trollbane (King of Stromgarde): "Is there any need to discuss, those evil green beasts should all be killed, and it is a crime to feed these invaders with people's money!"

'Lightbringer' Uther (Lord of the Silver Hand): "No, we can't do this, don't forget that we are an alliance of nobility and justice, and are different from those barbaric creatures. If the enemy kills us, then what is the difference between us and the orcs?"

Magni Bronzebeard (King of Ironforge): "At least we didn't go to their planets and kill them."

Uther: "Massacre is absolutely not allowed to happen. On the Holy Light, even the most evil creatures should have the right to reform themselves. This is the teaching and revelation given to us by the Holy Light..."

Murphy looked at Uther who was speaking impassionedly, and thought to himself how this girl looks like the Madonna of the White Left.

But what I said is really a bit useless. Who asked people to move out of the banner of Shengguang?

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Then the Knights of the Silver Hand will feed these orcs. I won't pay a copper coin for those monsters."

These words immediately attracted a burst of approval. Whether orcs die is not the key, but who pays the money is the key.

Hearing what Murphy said, Godwin, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "This time to gather everyone and raise funds is not just to feed these orcs.

The Kingdom of Stormwind was devastated in previous wars. Countless towns were destroyed, countless farms were razed to the ground, and countless people were killed. Even Stormwind City was destroyed in the flames of war. As a member of the Alliance, we have Obligation to help them rebuild their homes. "

I see!Murphy suddenly realized, no wonder the Grand Duke of Lothar was hesitant to speak before, Godwin bought his feelings.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "In addition, we also need to be alert to the third invasion of the orcs. For this reason, we need to form a special force, go to the cursed land to build a fortress, and watch the movements of the orcs.

All of this requires a large amount of money. As a member of the alliance, everyone is responsible for this cost. I have already asked people to make a budget, including rebuilding Stormwind City, establishing joint forces, building castles, and Oversees the entire budget of the Orcs. "

These words made the leaders of all countries even more ugly.

How much does it cost.

Regarding Godwin's words, the reactions of various countries are also different. Naturally, the Kingdom of Stormwind fully supports it. If the orcs attack again, Stormwind City will bear the brunt of it, so of course they must agree with both hands and feet.

If they can form a joint security force, at least they can act as a cushion for the Stormwind Kingdom, and they won't be the first to be beaten.

As for the cost of rebuilding Stormwind City provided by the alliance, it couldn't be better.

On the other hand, Gilneas and Quel'Thalas, the elven kingdom, completely dismissed these proposals. These two countries are located at the northernmost tip of the continent, and Quel'Thalas is different from the one that was severely burned and killed by orcs in history. , this time the war has not been threatened at all.

The orcs didn't even take Arathi, which gave the elves a great sense of comfort.

The same is true for Gilneas, with the danger of mountains and rivers, and being super far away from the Dark Portal, I feel that participating in the war before was completely in vain.

Solanlian (Great Astromancer): "We have fulfilled our duty. The army of orcs is far away from our land. This is not our war, but we still sent precious mage troops. The Ranger Legion supports the Alliance in operations, and now we have to bear a large amount of gold coins? It is simply unreasonable."

Blaney (King of Gilneas): "That's right, Gilneas paid the price of a king for the Alliance, and now you're making us pay more—why!"

Thorbane (King of Stromgarde): "Before discussing the continued contribution, we should first talk about the previous contribution. In order to support the alliance's war, our Kingdom of Stromgarde has provided a lot of resources and food. So far the money It has not been paid and I think that should be settled before discussing other issues."

Our dwarf kingdom has fought against the entire orc army alone for more than a month. We also provided a large number of artillery. Many of our compatriots died in battle. It was the prince of humans who framed us. You haven’t given us the explanation we deserve for this matter. .

We Eagle's Nest...

At this time, the entire meeting suddenly turned into a complaint meeting, and leaders of various countries talked about the contributions and sacrifices of their countries.

Mo Fei suddenly realized that it seemed that he didn't need to do anything himself. After all, no one would be willing to take money like this, especially if there was no external threat.

Anyway, the orcs have already been defeated, so why continue throwing money into it.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Our Kingdom of Alterac suffered heavy casualties, even our father died heroically in battle, and our Alterac defeated the northern army of the orcs independently. Kill Chief Frostwolf..."

Watching everyone's reactions, Godwin's face remained unchanged, but the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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