Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 407 Exit the Alliance

Chapter 407 Exit the Alliance

Looking at the subtle changes in Godwin's expression, Murphy had an inexplicable feeling in his heart that all the chaos in front of him was planned by Godwin long ago.

Although it seemed that the crowd was angry and everyone was very unhappy with Godwin's plan, in fact, all of this was in his plan.

This thought surprised Murphy himself.

This guy can't really be so calculating, can he?

It stands to reason that Godwin, as the leader of the alliance, should work hard to maintain the stability and centripetal force of the alliance.

Even if you want to scrape money from various kingdoms and weaken the strength of each country, you must design it cleverly without leaving a trace.

However, since he announced that he would raise funds to build an orc detention center, he has now added several goals to this plan, as if deliberately trying to anger the countries.

Could it be—a guess suddenly appeared in Murphy's mind.

Could it be that Godwin wanted to take the initiative to cause the alliance to split?Then use force to unify the countries and establish the Lordaeron Empire?

Murphy also had reasons for thinking this way. He remembered that Tianxiu had introduced to him the internal situation of Lordaeron's royal family. Among them, there were quite a few players from the Imperial faction, and Godwin was the leader of this faction.

Directly attacking allies will definitely lead to a sharp drop in reputation, and even besieged. No matter how strong Lordaeron is, it is impossible to pick a few, but if all countries voluntarily withdraw from the alliance, everyone will go their own way, and Godwin will fight against it again. Not that big anymore.

Moreover, if Lordaeron is defeated one by one, it can completely achieve the crushing effect by relying on national strength.

But is he really so confident?Although Lordaeron is powerful, all countries are not vegetarians. If you really want to fight, even if you can’t win, you can delay it. If you look at the situation and form a team to fight Lordaeron, then the battle will definitely not be short-lived. It will be over. If the tribe breaks out of the Dark Portal again at this time, wouldn't the alliance be in danger?
No, Godwin is definitely not that iron-blooded and domineering style, he must have some kind of deeper plan.

Just as Murphy guessed, the noise had gradually subsided. Although everyone was still shouting about their contributions and difficulties, they all looked at Godwin.

The meaning is obvious, we are all so noisy, you have to give an explanation, should we simply cancel the plan, or Lordaeron will take the lead?You don't want to be outraged.

Godwin suddenly sneered.

"That's enough. Look at your appearance. As the leaders of the alliance countries, you don't have any responsibility at all. You are making noise like hooligans for power and money. I am really disappointed that you are so imageless."

These words immediately turned the faces of the leaders of the countries livid, and all of them showed angry expressions. Although you are the leader of the alliance, everyone is a king, prince, and lastly a great lord. Who is afraid of whom?

Solanlian frowned slightly, with a trace of anger showing on her pretty face, "Your Majesty Godwin, your accusation is unreasonable, the gold coins in our treasury are taxes paid by the people, we must pay for the people's The rights and interests are responsible, so naturally they cannot be wasted at will.”

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Hehe, what a big hat. Who doesn't know that Silvermoon City, the capital of Quel'Thalas, is famous for its magnificence, and His Majesty Anasterian's palace is even more luxurious. There are diamond chandeliers and gold floors. It is said that the cost of a palace is worth tens of millions.

I guess your people would be more than willing to pay any price to put a gold tile under your king's feet, but not a copper coin for the stability and tranquility of the Union. "

Godwin said and looked at Trollbane again, "Your Majesty Trollbane, I think everyone knows how you became king. The Kingdom of Stromgarde did pay a lot in the last war. , but if there is no army of the alliance—your kingdom has already been razed to the ground by the orcs, is this kind of kindness enough to pay for the food and supplies you provided?"

"King Blaney, King Jean's death in battle was indeed heroic and fearless. He was not afraid of sacrificing his life in order to fight against the common enemy of the alliance, but it seems that you are a bit far behind your father. For the alliance not only You don’t want to give your life, even gold coins, don’t you?”

Godwin snorted, and successfully made the faces of everyone present even uglier.

Magni (King of Ironforge): "Godwin, how can you say that, hurting everyone's feelings so much will destroy the unity of the alliance. If King Tenaris is still alive, what will he think?"

Before Godwin could speak, Blaney couldn't help shouting angrily.

"That's enough. Gilneas will never pay such an unreasonable burden anyway. Unless His Majesty Godwin abandons this plan, the Kingdom of Gilneas would rather withdraw from the alliance than pay such a large sum of money to support a group of kings who killed my father." the orcs!"

This shout immediately made everyone 'turn pale with fright'.

This shock was a bit of an act, but there was definitely a sense of sincerity in it. Get angry when you get angry, and get angry when you get angry. Don't leave the group every now and then.

Magni (King of Ironforge): "Blainey, don't be impulsive. If King Jinn returns, he never wants to see such a result."

Sure enough, Murphy thought to himself, Blaney and Godwin had a good relationship, even if they didn't support Godwin, they wouldn't be the first to sing the opposite, right?

There is a problem, there is absolutely a problem.

Blaney (King of Gilneas): "Hmph, well, let's not talk about quitting the alliance. I don't think so. It's better to vote directly. The alliance is not the alliance of Lordaeron, but the alliance of all The Kingdom, the alliance of all intelligent races with a heart for justice, if everyone decides to reject this plan, I don’t think it’s necessary to implement it.”

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Okay, vote and vote, if the leaders are really unwilling to accept this plan, then I am willing to accept such a result, but if the plan is passed, everyone must accept it.

I think you are definitely not the kind of ignorant people, please seriously consider my proposal before making a decision. "

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and they were a little surprised.

Although the Alliance operates a system similar to the United Nations, it never speaks based on the head. After all, the power of each kingdom is strong or weak, and the population and territory are very different. You let Lordaeron and Gnomeregan count as one vote. That's obviously not reasonable.

So things like this kind of voting are very rare.

Generally, everyone discusses, persuades each other, and seeks support. Generally, a unified caliber can be formed in the end.

It's outrageous to have to vote for something like this now.

Leaders of various countries calculated their gains and losses, and Solanlian calculated the reactions of the people before, nodded first and said, "I agree, let's decide by voting."

She easily figured out that the vast majority of people were obviously opposed to this plan. Godwin's plan is too nonsense. If anyone is to blame, he can be blamed for binding the orc detention center. How is it possible to use money to support orcs? accept.

Everyone also expressed their opinions one after another.



"Vote, but Alterac only counts as one vote."

"Yes, that's right, and you must first determine who will vote."

Zuo Genbao and Dakseid both looked helpless. They were both sitting in the auditorium at the back, and they could only point to Murphy together.

Murphy looked at the same reaction from everyone, and saw Godwin and Blaney's swords were on the verge of breaking out, but he always felt that something was wrong.

"I think such an important decision should not be decided by a vote. It should be determined through long-term deliberation and discussion to determine its rationality and feasibility before making a decision. There is no need to rush."

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted a few surprised eyes.

They are all kings who oppose the plan, which means it is obvious. There are so many people who oppose it. If we vote, we have a great advantage.

Solanlian glared over, "Prince Aidan, do you know what you are doing?"

Murphy left the great astromancer, "Of course I know what I'm doing, and do you know what you're doing—the elves."

Magni suddenly interjected at this moment, "I think it's better to have a round of voting on whether to vote first."

These words immediately elicited bursts of laughter.

It's an idea, though.

It turned out that all votes passed except for Murphy.

According to Dalaran Archmage Antonidas, this is the best way to reflect the fairness and equality of all countries in the alliance.

Murphy sighed and could only accept it.

Voting will begin soon.

"I, the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, refuse to accept this plan." Solanlian said proudly.

"My Kingdom of Stromgarde refuses to accept this plan." Trollbane also chose to refuse.

"The Kingdom of Stormwind supports His Majesty Godwin's plan." Lothar voted for it without any surprise.

"I, the Kingdom of Kul Tiras, support this plan." Proudmoore's navy said expressionlessly.

Murphy was a little surprised that Kul Tiras actually chose to support Godwin. Kul Tiras had the most fierce opposition in history.

But if you think about it carefully, this result is both unexpected and reasonable.
Historically, the objection was because Prince Drake, the crown prince, died in battle. Admiral Proudmoore had only two sons. After his death, the most important heir would of course hate the orcs.

However, the prince of Kul Tiras was not killed in the orc war this time, and Proudmoore had quite a few sons, even if he died three or five, he probably didn't care that much.

"Ironforge abstains," said Magni Bronzebeard.

"Gnomeregan abstains." The dwarf artisan who had never had a sense of existence followed closely.

The dwarf and the gnome are neighbors, and they have always been good as if they wear a pair of pants. It is not surprising that the two brothers chose not to help each other. Ironforge is not short of money.

Murphy hurriedly gave King Magni a wink, and said to himself, why are you neutral? Shouldn't you object?Your dwarf prince is still in my hands.

Unexpectedly, the other party spread his hands, with a helpless expression on his face, and he didn't know what it meant.

"Eagle's Nest Mountain refuses to accept this plan." Falstad is not used to faults, and he has no affection for orcs at all, and he almost yelled out loud.

"Dalaran supports this plan." Antonidas said unhurriedly.

"Lordaeron also supports this plan." Godwin said, looking at Murphy, "Prince Aidan, what does Alterac say?"

Murphy looked at the crowd. Now there are four votes in favor, three votes against and two abstentions——

Gilneas hasn't made a statement yet, judging from Blaney's violent reaction just now, he must be against it, that's four against four.

If this is the case, it means that his own vote will determine whether the plan will be implemented.

But will things really develop like this?The neutrality of Ironforge and the support of Kul Tiras gave Murphy a bad taste. Godwin must have planned this meeting long ago, and he would never let the result of the plan fail.

If the plan was really rejected, Godwin's reputation would undoubtedly suffer a great blow. Could it be that he was really unprepared?
He glanced at Blaney again, the guy who was aggressive before, but he didn't express his opinion in a hurry.

Mo Fei sighed in his heart, he could only do his best and obey the fate.

"Alterac opposes this plan."

Murphy said.

"Gilneas supports this plan," Blaney said triumphantly.

Everyone reacted differently, but most of them were very surprised, especially Solanlian, who had an unbelievable expression and opened his mouth wide open.

Mo Fei secretly sighed in his heart, he was really guessed right.

Godwin sang a double reed with Blaney, I'm afraid they had discussed it a long time ago.

There is definitely a PY deal with Ironforge and Stormwind.

Both Trollbane and Falstad were very angry, thinking that you, the sixth child, were the most lovable anti-tune just now, and now you will become an obedient citizen.

Solanlian's face turned red with anger, his delicate face was almost distorted, and his long pointed ears trembled.

The elves of this plan are absolutely unacceptable. You must know that in the plan, Quel'Thalas and Lordaeron bear the highest cost, a full 300 million gold coins.

Even if Quel'Thalas had money, he couldn't waste it like this.

The Sun King would never accept this kind of agreement, but she also agreed to decide the arrangement according to the results of the vote.

Didn't he dig a hole for himself?

But thinking of the Sun King's entrustment before departure, Solanlian calmed down again.

Nest grass!It's over.

Zuo Genbao and Dakseid were shocked, so they would have to pay for it.

The two hurriedly looked at Murphy, winking with each other.

This money can't be paid!

If not, just leave the group!

Anyway, the five-nation co-governance is done, so why not simply withdraw from the alliance and form an Alterac alliance by yourself, and by the way, you can also bring together several other opposing countries.

Mo Fei felt the anxious eyes of the two, but he did not directly stand up and announce his withdrawal from the alliance. At this time, he had to either accept the plan, or he could only withdraw from the alliance. However, Alterac must not be the first to withdraw from the alliance. one dry.

It is easy to withdraw from the alliance, but it is difficult to join in.

If Godwin really wanted to force the countries to withdraw from the alliance as he had guessed, and then attack them one by one, then Alterac would be the most likely to be used.

Historically, Lordaeron successfully annexed Alterac. Alterac has a small population and weak strength, and it is next to Lordaeron, so it is the most suitable for doing it.

It is better not to return or not to return.

Others probably have the same idea. You look at me and I look at you, but they are unwilling to express their opinions.

In the end, Solanlian was the first to stand up.

Solanlian (Great Astromancer): "I am very disappointed. Quel'Thalas suffered a great injustice today. The alliance completely disrespected Quel'Thalas' wishes. In this case, I announce that Quel'Thalas will be Withdraw from the alliance today and no longer accept the command of the alliance, our elves will walk out of our own way."

Trollbane's eyes lit up when he saw it, and he also stood up.

Thorbane (King of Stromgarde): "I also announce that the Kingdom of Stromgarde withdraws from the Alliance due to great disagreement over the handling of the orcs! It will no longer be under the leadership of the Alliance."

Falstad hesitated for a moment, but did not follow up. Eagle's Nest Mountain is relatively weak, and has been fighting with the surrounding troll tribes all year round. It needs the support of the big tree of the Alliance. radicalized.

Murphy also didn't speak.

It is easy to leave the alliance, but it is not so easy to rejoin. Historically, Gilneas and Silvermoon City left the alliance, and later rejoined, but paid a huge price.

Silvermoon City was completely isolated and helpless when it was attacked by the Scourge, and the capital was directly breached. Later, when it wanted to return to the alliance, it ended up being put on small shoes.

The werewolf plague in Gilneas also couldn't get the support of the alliance. Later, it was the old Genn who pulled his face and went to Varian for help, so he reluctantly returned to the alliance.

At this time, they looked at the representatives of the Kingdom of Stromgarde and the Kingdom of Elf who left angrily.

Godwin had no intention of holding back, but instead said with a serious face.

"I respect the choice of the two countries, but please allow me to remind you that once you withdraw from the alliance, you will no longer have the protection of the alliance. If your country is attacked or in crisis, the alliance will have no responsibility to support you."

Solanlian (Great Astromancer): "No need, we elves can protect ourselves."

Trollbane (King of Stromgarde): "It is true that the brave men of Stromgarde fear no enemy."

After the two finished speaking, they left their seats and left the conference hall.

Murphy looked at Godwin again, but the other party also looked at him with anticipation, as if waiting for him to withdraw from the alliance.

Murphy suddenly laughed.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Your Majesty Godwin, I think your plan needs to be readjusted. Now that you lack the economic support of the two kingdoms, the amount of gold coins planned before is obviously no longer applicable to the current situation, and Alterac may be struggling economically due to the economic blockade of Lordaeron, although I personally hope to do my part for the Alliance.

Therefore, I suggest that in the next few days, we should carefully study the feasibility of this plan and the specific amount of gold coins collected. "

Anyway, as long as there is talk, there is room for movement. It is still unknown how much gold coins will be taken.

Anyway, we in Alterac just have no money, what can you do?

Crying about being poor is all for the sake of life, not for the poor.

Hearing Murphy's words, Godwin felt a little helpless. If Alterac didn't withdraw from the alliance, he really had nothing to do. He just had no money, and he didn't say that he couldn't do his best.

Fortunately, the plan has basically been implemented. Considering the combat effectiveness of the Dragon Knights, it is a good thing for Alterac to stay.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Prince Aidan is right. In fact, I really don't want to see such a result. I am also very sorry that things have developed to such a point. Fortunately, we still have a chance to recover.

How about this, spin off my original plan.

1. For the investment in the reconstruction of Stormwind City, all countries provide funds as investment according to the scope they can afford, and after the reconstruction of Stormwind City, they will be repaid with treasury income in ten years.

2. The Orc Vigilante Corps is formed by the joint efforts of all countries, but if there is a lack of funds, they can provide help by providing troops and generals.

3. The orc detention center, in view of the anger at the atrocities committed by the orcs, I think that maybe it should not be funded by various countries, so I decided that Lordaeron will independently undertake the matter of the orc detention center. Within a month, all of them will be transported to Lordaeron for resettlement.

In this way, the amount of funds that countries need to bear can be greatly reduced.

Zhuo Genbao and Darkseid were immediately relieved when they heard that, the reconstruction funds of Stormwind City are considered investment, which means that it is enough to invest [-] to [-] yuan, and it is not a loss if it can be recovered anyway.

The Orc Vigilante Legion, we just need to send troops from Alterac. Anyway, the standing troops of the five kingdoms are a bit too much now, and we can’t afford them. Sending them out can reduce maintenance costs.

The orc detention center is even more enjoyable, and there is no need to pay a gold coin.

In this way, it doesn't cost much at all.

After thinking about this, the two were greatly impressed by the fact that their brother did not withdraw from the alliance, but luckily he did not.

Naturally, other countries will not object.

And so the meeting ended.

[World Announcement: In the year 1439 of the Era of the Firmament, as the disputes over power and obligations within the alliance intensified, the rifts between the countries of the alliance gradually became apparent.

Due to dissatisfaction with the huge funds required for the establishment of the orc detention center and the reconstruction plan of Stormwind City, this caused widespread anger in various kingdoms.

In the end, the kingdoms of Quel'Thalas and Stromgarde chose to withdraw from the alliance.

The Kingdom of Quel'Thalas has been transformed from an official faction to a neutral faction.

The Kingdom of Stromgarde has been converted from an official faction to a neutral faction.

Although the Kingdom of Alterac, the Kingdom of Gilneas, and the dwarves of Eagle's Nest Mountain were also dissatisfied with this plan, but out of trust and loyalty to the alliance, Prince Aidan, Prince Blaney, and Prince Falstad still chose Stay in the alliance and continue to fulfill the mission.

But despite the success of saving the alliance, centrifugal ideas within the alliance are already inevitable.

This event has been recorded in the Sky Chronicles. 】

(End of this chapter)

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