Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 408 Runaway Adventurer and Horde Investor

Chapter 408 Runaway Adventurer and Horde Investor
For this alliance split incident, the ones who reacted the most and felt the most painful must be the adventurers from Quel'Thalas and Stromgarde.

(Adventurers' races are subdivided by origin and nationality, and the talent of different nationalities of the same race will also have subtle differences, such as the ice resistance talent of the Alterac people.)
They found out overnight that they had been fired from the league.

Neutral forces are not official factions. In other words, theoretically, they cannot have their own adventurers. All established Arathi and High Elf adventurer players have received a system email and three letters from different factions.

These three letters can all trigger a faction mission, but once the other two are triggered, they will be invalidated.

[System prompt: The faction of your race has withdrawn from the alliance. You are now a neutral adventurer. Please choose the faction you want to join and complete the corresponding faction tasks to obtain the faction identity.

Mission 1: Call of the Alliance (Alliance faction mission).

Letter from Godwin, King of Lordaeron:

Elven warriors from Quel'Thalas, although your king chose to betray the Alliance, I know very well that this betrayal has nothing to do with you brave adventurers, so the door of the Alliance is still open to you. Please go to the nearby Alliance towns to report to the local Adventurer's Guild immediately, complete the recruit task, and become a glorious Alliance warrior again.

Mission 2: Call of the Kaldorei (Night Alliance faction mission).

Letter from High Priest Tyrande:

Compatriots from Quel'Thalas, we used to belong to the same race. Although we have been divided for thousands of years, the blood connection is still there. Now I heard that your kingdom was abandoned by the alliance. The ancient oath made me invite you.

Come and join the big family of the Night Alliance, return to your hometown, and fight for the future of the elves.

Mission 3: Call of the Horde (Horde faction mission)
A letter from the great chief of the tribe, Ba Dao Wuqing:

Girls of the elves, I know you fell out with those bastards of the Alliance. Our tribe respects warriors the most. Welcome to join. I know that we have had a lot of unhappiness in the past, but only strength and glory are the real proof of a warrior. If you want to become a real warrior, come to the Dark Portal and join the tribe. The vast world of Draenor is waiting for your arrival. 】

Well, very good and strong.

The players of Stromgarde and Quel'Thalas, after the initial bewilderment, said that this deal is very cost-effective, and it is not a loss to have one more chance to re-select the camp.

You must know that some professions are exclusive to the faction, such as paladins, if they go to orcs or night elves, they will definitely become the favorites of rare professions.

It makes other alliance players envious.

But despite this, most of the players chose to return to the alliance in the end. After all, everyone has a sense of belonging to the alliance, and the reputation of each kingdom is difficult to earn. Once they switch camps, these reputations will be gone.

However, there are also a group of high elves who choose to join the Night Alliance and return to the big family of the elves, and they recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors.

There are even a group of high elf players who went to the Dark Portal to join the tribe. Most of these people are old players. Those who played World of Warcraft back then completely regarded the high elves as blood elves.

Before staying in the alliance, I was rather depressed. I just like playing elves. This time I will catch the opportunity and decisively choose to run away.

However, the number of this batch is not too much, mainly because the tribe lost in the second orc war before. It was a bit miserable.

They all want to wait for Thrall to establish a new tribe before joining.

But there are also some players who feel that this time of waiting is the time to test the will of the tribal warriors.

So he resolutely went to the portal of darkness.

Xue Ying Wu Ting is such an old tribal player. Although he pinched a handsome boy in the game, in reality he is a bearded old comrade in his 50s.

He was a loyal player of World of Warcraft back then, and now he finally had the opportunity to return to the Horde, so he decisively chose to go to the Dark Portal.

After three days of trekking, we finally arrived at the place.

Looking at the towering gate of darkness in front of him and the orc guards in the surrounding realm, he couldn't help but think of the moment when he followed the Horde player army through the gate of darkness during the Burning Crusade.

First find the orc officer to complete the camp selection task. The content of the task is very simple. The alliance sent an army to station on the edge of the cursed land, and sent a large number of spies to monitor the movement of the Dark Portal, hunted down an alliance spy, and brought his emblem back to the orc officer, so as to face his loyalty to the tribe.

Basically, it is a replica of the vote certificate.

Of course, it is not difficult for Blood Shadow to hunt and kill alliance scouts. He is a level 54 assassin, and he is definitely a high-end player at this time.

The task was easily completed. After the camp selection was completed, the original neutral color of the surrounding orcs finally became an alliance color.After joining the tribe, he immediately received a second mission, to meet the chief of the tribe—Badao Wuqing.

After wading through mountains and rivers, they soon came to Hellfire Citadel. Now it has become a huge barracks, heavily guarded, and countless orc troops are constantly being sent to the front line.

Seeing an elf player walk in, many orcs cast surprised glances.

"Hey, there really are elves coming to join the tribe."

"Damn it, elves are so damn good-looking, why can we only choose uglier than orcs, goblins, trolls, ogres? Damn everyone can see it."

"Strongly request the game company to give the entire tribe a high-value allied race."

Without a trace, Blood Shadow soon arrived at the door of the chief's hall. In front of him, there was a long queue of former alliance adventurers who had come to defect to the tribe.

Ba Dao is ruthless and dozens of people come to send them tasks in waves.

Blood Shadow Without Trace soon followed a group of the same elf players into the chief's hall.

Looking at Ba Dao Wuqing sitting on the throne made of huge demon bones, Xue Ying Wu Ting was a little curious. I heard that this guy is a player, and he can become a great chief. I am really envious.

But it looks a bit ugly, and Thrall still looks pleasing to the eye.

Ba Dao Wuqing (tribal chief): "You came at a good time, adventurers from the sky world, the tribe is fighting now, and the front line needs guns like yours—well, I mean warriors, take this badge, it's proof of your service to the tribe!"

[System prompt: Complete the mission 'Meet the Great Chief' and get the mission reward - 'Tribal Emblem'.

Xueying Wutrace glanced at it, and it turned out to be just a whiteboard ornament, what a f***ing big chief this is.

But the additions have been added, and it's too late to regret it, and the equipment and the like, as long as there are monsters, it will naturally explode.

Xue Ying Wu Ting knew that the tribe was fighting a civil war. He has been paying attention to the dynamics of Draenor in his spare time. The war between the orthodox tribe and the evil fire tribe has come to an end.

During the first battle, the Evilfire Clan had a little advantage by relying on a large number of demon servants, especially hundreds of enhanced Hellfires, all of which were boss-level monsters. But after those Hellfires were wiped out one by one by adventurers, the Evilfire Clan immediately fell into decline.

Ba Dao Ruthless is very good at taking advantage of the infinite resurrection of adventurers. One day a small battle, three days a big battle, each time only a small number of troops are sent out, supplemented by a large number of adventurers, to carry out a war of attrition.

Therefore, in the records of the Sky Chronicles, each time the Badao clan sent 100 or 200 people to beat the Xiehuo clan's tens of thousands of troops, causing heavy casualties.

Through such continuous consumption of the vitality of the Evilfire Clan, the army of the orthodox tribe pushed forward from the Hellfire Citadel to the Dark Temple in one go, and now the Evilfire Legion is only left with the last stronghold of the Dark Temple.

Thinking back to the memory of staying up late to brush the Dark Temple when he was young, Blood Shadow Wu Trace couldn't help but get excited, wishing to join the battle immediately.

after one day--

boom!The sound of explosions came faintly from outside the dark temple, and Grogo Xieyan walked back and forth in the hall with an anxious expression on his face.

He pushed away the succubus servant who wanted to appease him, and went straight to the roof of the dark temple. Standing on the roof of the temple and looking down, countless orc adventurers poured into the huge square outside the temple like a tide.

Under the attack of countless magic and artillery fire, it crashed down.

The adventurer wiped out the demon servants and orc infantry who were blocking the way, and rushed towards the inside of the temple screaming, and some elves could be vaguely seen mixed in there.

My god, it's over, it's over, these bastards are really desperate, I'm the ultimate weapon of the decisive battle.

Grogo Xieyan wants to cry but has no tears—it really has no tears. He now occupies the body of King Lane. Although the body is well preserved, it was transformed by the dead after all, and he has no ability to cry at all.

"It seems that you have failed, Warlock." Mal'Ganis' gloating voice came from behind.

Grogo Xieyan seemed to have grasped the straw, and hurriedly looked back, "Help me, Lord Mal'Ganis."

Mal'Ganis (Dreadlord): "Your failure is inevitable. Your incompetence and stupidity have made you useless in this war. You have let me down."

Disappointing your sister, there are endless adventurers on the opposite side, how can I win?
When the promised army of the Burning Legion came, I threw hundreds of hellfires and a few magic mechas to Lao Tzu, and I had to send someone to summon them, organize the construction, and smash all the materials at the bottom of the press box into it.

This is it.

But Grogo Xieyan dared not show any disrespect on his face, "I have shed blood for the Legion, I have been wounded for the Legion, and I have lost my life for the Legion, Lord Malganis, you can't leave me alone.

The Evilfire Clan is the most loyal servant of the Burning Legion. Without me, Tyranny will completely wipe out the influence of the Burning Legion from the tribe, and Lord Kil'jaeden's plan will fail. "

"Hmph, Lord Kil'jaeden's plan will not fail, it just needs to be replaced by an executor. The Burning Legion has never shown mercy to the weak. You have already failed Warlock. If I were you, run away quickly."

Grogo Xieyan (Death Knight): "Damn, what a big bat, you are so arrogant, aren't you just an overseer? You Burning Legion are so useless, if you can't control the abyss lord on the opposite side, why did I hang up once? You fucking want to run, and you can't even think about living if I die."

Grogo Xieyan finally couldn't hold back anymore and directly lifted the table.

Enslave the devil!

A green shackle suddenly locked Mal'Ganis' body, but the other party laughed loudly, and his body dissipated into the air like a broken bubble.

"Stupid warlock, your ambition and cunning are meaningless. I have already seen everything. My real body has already left here..."

The voice faded away, and Grogo Xieyan was completely dumbfounded.

The gate of the Dark Temple was finally blasted open, because the Evilfire Legion is a neutral force, and they don’t even have a dungeon, otherwise they can rely on the dungeon mechanism to fight. Now that thousands of adventurers are rushing in, how can the defenders in the temple stop it.

The adventurer killed all the orc warlocks and demon soldiers along the way.

Grogo Xieyan stopped talking nonsense and prepared to open the door and run away. Warlocks are best at portals, and he has already prepared a way out for himself.

But before he had time to complete the spell, the densely packed flying dragon troop had already killed him in the sky.

A rain of javelins and lightning bolts directly interrupted the spellcasting.

Ba Dao ruthlessly rides an evil fire dragon, overlooking him majestically.

Ba Dao Wuqing (Horde chief): "Surrender, Grogo Xieyan, as long as you surrender to me, I will spare your life, and I am merciful, you can be my deputy and assist me, just like Gul'dan and Doomhammer back then. Of course, your clan will not want to continue to exist, and the clan only needs my voice."

Grogo Xieyan (Death Knight): "I surrender, I surrender, domineering man, you are powerful, you are awesome, can't I accept it?"

[World Announcement: After more than a month of fierce war, the orthodox tribe successfully crushed the rebel army of the Felfire Legion and occupied the Dark Temple. As a result, the orc forces on Draenor were once again united under the ruthless rule of the Great Chief Ba Dao.

This event has been recorded in the Chronicles of the Sky. 】

A few days later-

Ba Dao ruthlessly walked into the company's conference room. In the conference room, all the staff of the 'Tribe Company' were ready for battle. They were all dressed in suits and ties. They seemed to be quite business-like.

But Ba Dao Wuqing knows the details of these people. They are all players in the game. There are rich second generations who have money and don’t want to work.

Relying on this group of people to hold the ruling power of the tribe in their hands, it really feels a bit unreal.

"Great chief, don't worry, we have the right to rule the tribe. This is called a rare commodity to live in. This Draenor development plan was made by us after three days of hard work. Investors will definitely be satisfied."

It was Grogo Xieyan who spoke, and Ba Dao ruthlessly pulled him into the company after he surrendered. Of course, don’t even think about the dividends of the defeated generals. The salary is quite high. After all, he is also a high-level hero and a warlock. He is also a rare legal talent.

Today is the day when Ba Dao Wuqing met with investors. The reason why the tribe was able to win so smoothly before was because of the help of adventurers on the one hand.
It raised hundreds of millions of dollars and recruited many masters. Even the Abyss Demon King summoned by the Shadow Council with great difficulty was taken down. Of course, that poor warlock Grogo Xieyan couldn't beat him.

But the money is not taken for nothing. The tribe's next development plan must be explained to the shareholders.

The person I will meet with today is precisely one of the investors who invested the most.

The sound of the elevator door shocked Ba Dao Wuqing, and hurriedly straightened his suit and tie.

The door of the conference room was slowly pushed open, and a wheelchair was slowly pushed in.

Sitting in a wheelchair was a frail young man with a pale face, pushed by a strong woman behind him, and two bodyguards followed behind.

Ba Dao Wuqing was stunned for a moment, this investor is really strange, why such a look?

However, his reaction was quick, and there was no abnormality on his face.

"Ah, welcome, hello, hello, I am Ba Dao Wuqing, but you can also call me Brother Dao, old Dao is fine, in the game I become a great chief by luck, but in reality I am just an ordinary person."

"Hehe, Mr. Chen doesn't need to be modest. Being able to become the great chief of the tribe is a part of strength, whether it is through skill or luck. To be honest, I also play in the sky world when I have nothing to do. I heard that Mr. Chen admires being a great chief, so I provided investment for your company.

Don't be too polite to me, don't take me as an investor, let's have a good talk as players and players. "

(End of this chapter)

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