Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 409 The Emperor's Sharp Blade Is My Destiny

Chapter 409 The Emperor's Sharp Blade——My Destiny Is My Fate

Although the young man said it politely, Ba Dao Wuqing naturally wouldn't take it seriously.

You must know that the tribal company has only raised a total of more than 3 million funds so far. The young man in front of him has invested [-] million by himself. It can be said that he is currently the largest funder, and it must be arranged.

"Haha, don't dare to take it seriously, the little brother looks like a dragon and phoenix, just say what you have to say, I'll listen."

He was just being polite, but the other party smiled slightly, and really started to make suggestions.

"Before we start discussing the tribe's development plan, I would like to ask, does Mr. Chen mean to sell the account?"

The other party's words immediately gave Ba Dao Wuqing a heart attack - he actually wanted to poach my money, and sure enough capitalists don't have any conscience.

"Hehe, little brother was joking. To me, making money is only incidental. I became the great chief of the tribe because I really love the tribe. Orgrim entrusted the tribe to me before he died. How can I not repay such a kindness? I have to make the tribe great again with my own hands. Little brother can invest, but selling the account is absolutely impossible."

Ba Dao Wuqing is unequivocal about this point.

If he had just become the Great Chief, he might have agreed. At that time, his position was unstable, the strength of the Badao Clan was limited, and the major legions didn't like him very much. At that time, the Great Chief was somewhat misnamed.

But now he has defeated the Evilfire Legion, seized the Dark Temple, and sent troops to block the Dark Gate. It can be said that he is invincible.

It has also attracted other player chiefs, and the Horde is undoubtedly the strongest force on the Draenor planet.

Moreover, he had also subdued the allegiance of the Blackstone Legion and the Dragonmaw Legion in name. Now that the position of the Great Chief was very stable, it was time to make a lot of money. How could he make a move so easily.

What's more, even if this account can sell several hundred million, in reality, he is just an ordinary little rich man. Inflation is very serious these days, what is a few hundred million, let alone the national announcement, even this third-tier city where he is located can't be ranked.

How can it compare to the thrill of commanding a tribal army to conquer all directions in the game?

It is easy for human beings to go from frugality to extravagance, and it is difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. He is used to dominating the world in the sky. Now let him return to reality and be an ordinary person. The psychological gap is not ordinary.

And there are no poor people who can afford to play the hero number. Ba Dao Wuqing is a second-generation demolition player with tens of millions of deposits in his card, so it really isn't that bad.

Hearing that Ba Dao Wuqing was so serious, the boy smiled, "Okay, just pretend I didn't say anything, then you can start."

Ba Dao Wuqing saw that the other party did not continue to threaten and lure, so he nodded and beckoned. His secretary immediately took out the plan and explained it on a large map in the conference room.

"Currently we have established strongholds on most of Draenor's maps, and we plan to use four months to expand and prepare to establish six large cities, 24 strongholds and fortresses in Draenor as supply centers for adventurers.

These strongholds will be built near the entrances of popular dungeons, which is convenient for adventurers to repair. The business tax of all strongholds will adopt a 100% tax rate, and the tax rate will be unified. Anyway, we have won over most of the clan chiefs, so we can do this, so that we can maximize the income and tax revenue.

We also found hundreds of resource points in Draenor, involving various materials, as long as enough slave laborers can be caught and mined, the daily income will be a lot of money.

So the tribe will launch a war against Shattrath and Blade's Edge Mountains next. On the one hand, it can upgrade the adventurers, and on the other hand, it can also capture some slave workers.

If the plan goes well, I believe that your [-] million investment can be paid back within three to five years, and then it will be pure profit..."

At this time, the boy raised his hand and interrupted the secretary's words, "I'm not interested in making money, but I have some ideas about the tribe's next development plan, and I hope we can discuss it together."

Ba Dao is ruthless but doesn't want to be disturbed.

"Hehe, thank you little brother for your concern, but there are many shareholders in our company, and little brother is not the only one. We must be responsible for the profits of all shareholders..."

The young man smiled slightly, "Don't refuse in a hurry, first listen to my plan and then talk about it?"

"The tribe shouldn't lie dormant for too long, the firmament world is the main world of this game after all, if you don't act for too long, it's easy to lose your influence in the firmament world.

Without influence, where can players join?After all, the strength of the camp has a lot to do with the popularity.

The tribe is inherently weak, if there is no more enthusiasm, no one will join.

So I hope that the Horde will return to Azeroth at the right time. I think the warchief should already know that the alliance is currently split.

So the warchief doesn't have to worry about facing the attack of the entire alliance. You can start with neutral forces such as Stromgarde and Quel'Thalas, and attack Quel'Thalas directly from the cursed land by sea. Without the help of the alliance, Quel'Thalas is easy to defeat. In the treasury of Silvermoon City, there are countless treasures and resources, magic equipment and spell books. Of course, the most precious thing is the Sunwell.

Once the power of the Sunwell is obtained, it is more valuable than 1 resource points.

The tribe can directly use the energy of the Sunwell to open the portal to summon the Burning Legion, or use the power of the Sunwell to train a large number of mage troops. You can even use the power of the Sunwell to revive the heroes of the tribe who died in battle. As far as I know, the warlocks of the tribe also master psychics, right?
Or do other things you want to do, and what you want to do depends on your choice. "

Hearing the other party's plan, Ba Dao Wuqing was momentarily shocked and speechless, had he never thought of such a plan?
The disastrous defeat in the previous war made him extra cautious, so he always felt that he had to hold back his troops for half a year before counterattacking, and he had to contact the Blackstone and Dragonmaw armies to launch an attack together.

But after listening to the young man's words, Ba Dao ruthlessly calculated it carefully, and it seemed that he really had a chance.

Quel'Thalas is just a country, and now it has become a neutral force, and there are no adventurers. If I put all my strength into it, I can't beat the Alliance, but I can win it against a country. There were enough players in Stormwind City back then, so it was still broken by Orgrim.

Ba Dao ruthlessly calculated that the population of the elves is relatively small, and the main force can support [-] people. If he counts his [-] militia reserve force or something, a [-] army is incredible.

If the orcs are still very powerful after drinking the blood of demons, an army of 20 should be enough to capture Quel'Thalas.

Coupled with the fact that you can drive the adventurers of the tribe, you have a great advantage.

With the birth rate of orcs, if there are enough resources, it should be possible to increase the troop strength to 20 in a month or two.

This plan might work!
However, Ba Dao Wuqing didn't immediately agree. This matter was very important, and he couldn't get on the horse immediately.

But the boy continued: "Of course, I respect your choice, if the chief insists on slowly developing in Draenor, I can understand it.

But in that case, my investment can only be given to others. I heard that King Godwin of Lordaeron of the Alliance is preparing to launch an expansion war, so I can think about it.

I prefer thrilling wars, siege cities and destroy countries, and achieve supremacy with strength and blood, rather than digging mines in my own territory to collect taxes and make money. You can think about it carefully, don't worry, please give me an answer within a week. "

Watching the boy leave, Ba Dao Wuqing sat down on the chair with a pensive expression on his face.

He was really moved.

Money, money is Pava.

Do you want to accept it?

That's [-] million.

Moreover, the wealth hoarded in Silvermoon City really made him very jealous. When Stormwind City was captured, the Badao Clan was just a small clan, and they received millions worth of spoils. The treasury of Stormwind City must have at least hundreds of millions of wealth.

Silvermoon City has been built for thousands of years, and its wealth will only increase. If it is captured, as the great chief, he can undoubtedly get the big head and make a lot of money.

Moreover, the power of the sun well is indeed fascinating.

He glanced at Grogo Evileye next to him.

"Old Li, if we can take down the Sunwell, what can you do with the Sunwell?"

Grogo Xieyan—or Lao Li, also showed a pensive expression.

Originally, he was determined to be the leader of the Burning Legion, but last time he was swayed by Mal'Ganis, which made him a little unhappy.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, "Great chief, I thought of it!" He leaned into Ba Dao Wuqing's ear and whispered softly.

Hearing Grogo Xieyan's words, Ba Dao Wuqing couldn't help but shine his eyes, "Damn, this business has been done before, okay, I think we can do it."

at the same time--

In a box in a high-end restaurant, a young man in his 20s was waiting impatiently. He looked at the famous watch on his wrist from time to time, looking impatient.

The door of the box opened suddenly, and a teenager was pushed in by the bodyguard.

Godwin was pushed to the dining table.

Looking at the young man in front of him, his eyes glanced at the long legs of the young man with some jealousy.

"Young Wolf Lord?"

"It's me, so what do you want from me? Where did you get my phone?"

"Don't be nervous, I just want to talk to you about cooperation."

Godwin learned from the experience of the last war, and he must not put all his hopes on one person, so this time, he decided to prepare a backup plan for himself.

No matter whether Ba Dao Wuqing can accept his arrangement or not, he has a backhand to use.

"I think the days of the Frostwolf orcs are not easy."

The young wolf thought that it was not only difficult, but also in a terrible state. The Frostwolf clan had been hiding in the Alterac Mountains for a while. The direwolves suffered a lot in the battle, and they still haven't recovered from it.

He didn't dare to fight the local human army head-on, so he could only hide.

They were not afraid of Alterac's regular army. The Alterac Mountains stretched for hundreds of kilometers, and tens of thousands of Frostwolf orcs were hidden inside, unremarkable.

The problem is that adventurers can't stand it.

This group of adventurers ran around, and accidentally broke into the villages and strongholds of the Frostwolf orcs, and then a whole guild came over to frantically rent out monsters.

Fortunately, the NPCs killed by adventurers can be refreshed. Although there are not many people who are killed every day, as long as there are no plot characters involved, the plot event will not be triggered.

This allowed the Frostwolf clan to survive.

Although he was depressed in his heart, there was no reaction on his face.

The Young Wolf Lord shrugged, "It's okay, Alterac is fighting a civil war now, so you don't pay much attention to us, we are developing pretty well."

"Hehe, even if it is, then Mr. Young Wolf Lord, are you interested in developing better? I have a huge benefit to give to Your Excellency. It depends on whether you have the courage and dare to do it."

Young Wolf Lord sneered, "Is there anything I dare not do."

"Then do you want to be the great chief of the new tribe?"

New tribe?Great Chief?
The Young Wolf Lord was a little puzzled.

"The old tribe has lost its centripetal force with the defeat of the second orc war. Today's old tribe is just a show, and it is supported by some players who have no sense of existence. It is impossible to restore the glory of the past.

The Abyss Legion and the Blood Ring Legion have split and become independent, and are no longer part of the tribe.

Although the Dragonmaw Legion and the Blackstone Legion still declared their allegiance to the Horde, everyone knew that Ba Dao could not command them ruthlessly.The separation of these powerful clans has made the tribe lose its meaning of existence, and it is only a matter of time before it is completely shattered.

So it’s time to build a new tribe. You should know that the tribe in World of Warcraft was not the old tribe now, but the new tribe established by Thrall. The old tribe was bloodthirsty and warlike, and was the lackey of the devil. The new tribe followed the ancient tradition of the orcs, pursued glory, and later participated in the Holy War of Mount Hyjal and captured a force to defeat the Burning Legion. It is completely different from the scum of the old tribe.

Lord Young Wolf nodded and shook his head again. It is true to say so, but history has changed, and it is hard to say whether a new tribe will be born. Moreover, his cheap brother Sal has not been found yet, and he does not know where he went.

The boy continued: "Do you know how Thrall established a new tribe?"

Of course the young wolf master knew about this period of history. Thrall first took over the position of chief of the Frostwolf clan, and then broke through several orc detention centers and rescued a large number of orc captives.

"Orc detention center?"

"That's right, Thrall took over the Frostwolf clan first, and then rescued a large number of orc captives from the orc detention center. These captives came from various clans, and thus the new tribe gradually took shape. Then Thrall subdued and absorbed the Darkspear trolls and tauren, and thus the new tribe was formally established. Later, it formed an alliance with the Forsaken and the blood elves, becoming a powerful force capable of rivaling the alliance.

Now you are the Chieftain of the Frostwolf Clan, and you can do the same. If you follow Thrall's historical route, you can become the Great Chieftain of the new tribe and the true leader of the faction. "

"Sounds good, but... very dangerous."

The young wolf master hesitated to speak. It is not so easy to attack the orc detention center. The orc detention center will definitely be heavily guarded, and there is a high probability that it will be established within the Kingdom of Lordaeron. The orc army he can currently mobilize is only a few thousand people. Running to rescue the prisoners is a life-threatening job, and it is not just once or twice. Many rescues are required-there must be many orc detention centers.

As long as he fails once, he will kneel. There are so many heroic adventurers in the alliance. Once he is blocked, he will be beaten to death. He is not tired of living.

He didn't have Thrall's aura as the protagonist, and besides, Thrall didn't have so many human heroes at that time.

"Hehe, it is indeed dangerous, but what if someone cooperates with you? Let me introduce myself, King Godwin of Lordaeron—"

The boy—or Godwin stretched out his hand as he spoke.

Godwin?Nest grass!

The young wolf master also reacted.

He looked at the pale and frail young man in disbelief. This boy turned out to be the King of Lordaeron in the game.

But seeing the other party's calm and indifferent eyes, the Young Wolf Lord immediately believed it.

It's not true if it's fake, and it can't be fake if it's real. He didn't think the other party would be so bored to come and make fun of him.

Godwin continued to explain his plan.

"My plan is very simple. One hundred thousand orc captives can be handed over to you to help you expand your strength. Of course, these captives are not free. Once these orcs are integrated, I want you to attack the kingdom of Stromgarde. The strength of the kingdom of Stromgarde is average, and an army of 10,000+ orcs is enough to take it down.

Or at least it can be severely damaged. I will lead the army of Lordaeron to rescue it in a critical moment, but we just need to cooperate with it.

I can make you the chieftain of the tribe, but you must serve me. You build your new tribe, and I build my Lordaeron empire. How about we make a deal? "

The young wolf master finally agreed to Godwin's plan, because the hundred thousand orc captives were too tempting.

The two even signed a contract ensuring they wouldn't betray each other.


"You really want to give him a new tribe?" Back home, the maid who had been by the side finally couldn't help asking.

"Of course not. When the Frostwolf orcs break into Strom, that's when the contract ends. It's also the moment when the orcs lose their usefulness. They leave the mountains of Alterac and are exposed to the wilderness. Lordaeron's army will surround this group of desperadoes. If the Young Wolf Lord wants to live, he must continue to follow my orders."

Godwin looked at the city scene outside the window with a confident and excited face.

"The new tribe and the old tribe will become the two sharp knives in my hands. Stromgarde and Quel'Thalas are just the beginning. Stormwind City, Ironforge, Eagle's Nest Mountain, Alterac... One by one, they will all become mine.

I will be the first human emperor and rule the entire sky world.


In the valley of Alterac, Lord Young Wolf is discussing the details of the action plan with a few of his cronies.

"Master Young Wolf, someone is looking for you."

As soon as the young wolf master turned around, he immediately noticed the old orc following behind the guard.

The white-haired old orc in front of him was travel-stained, with a firm face, and his majestic body could not be covered by the worn-out cloak.

Just by standing there, there is an aura of calmness and prestige.

"Lord Saurfang!" The young wolf lord was taken aback.

Seeing the young wolf lord, Saurfang couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, "Ha, I finally found you young wolf lord, you are Durotan's son, right, you can't be wrong, you have your father's fangs and shoulders."

"Why did you come here - looking for me?" Young Wolf Lord was a little confused.

But Saurfang said: "I came to find you under the order of Chief Orgrim before he died. Before he died, he asked me to give something to Durotan's child and assist him. Now I can finally complete the mission he gave me.

As Saurfang said, he opened the package behind him, and a dark hammer appeared in front of the young wolf lord.

【Hammer of Doom (Legend/One-Handed Hammer)
Story Items: Unique

Attack power 55-97.

Weapon Special Effect 1: Fury of the Storm.Your attacks have a chance to trigger Windfury, increasing your attack speed by 100% for 10 seconds.

Weapon Special Effect 2: Fury of Lava.Your attacks have a chance to trigger a Lava Burst, dealing 555 Fire damage to the target and applying a layer of Ignite to the target, dealing 15 Fire damage over 255 sec.

Weapon Special Effect 3: Lightning Fury.Your attacks have a chance to trigger a chain lightning, dealing 5 Lightning damage to up to 175 targets and paralyzing them for [-] second.

Weapon special effect 4: Storm, earth and fire, obey my call!Summon the power of storm, earth and fire to attack your enemies and destroy them! (Need to obtain the approval of the spirit of the elements).

Item introduction: Doomhammer was cast from elemental lava in Draenor, the hometown of orcs, and has a deep relationship with elements.Only those who can communicate with the elemental can awaken its true power. 】

The young wolf master was so excited that he couldn't speak, what is pie in the sky, bah bah bah, pie is not as fragrant as a plot weapon.

This is a legendary weapon.

In history, Thrall created a new tribe with the Hammer of Doom. Could it be that he was destined to become the great chief of the new tribe?
He held the Hammer of Doom, feeling the powerful power in this legendary weapon. This is destiny, destiny made me the great chief of the new tribe.

For a while, the pride was dry.

At this time, several other heroes in the camp also rushed over.

Lord Young Wolf looked around, King Saurfang, Saint Musaro the Burning Sword, Drek'Thar the Great Shaman, there are so many powerful heroes to assist them, with legendary weapons in hand, and the King of Lordaeron as a strong support, there is no need to worry about the injustice of the world and the failure of hegemony.

(End of this chapter)

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