Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 410 Summer Night in Karadar

Chapter 410 Summer Night in Karadar

Garrosh Hellscream, crawling cautiously in the grass, his brown skin blended with the surrounding withered grass, inconspicuous, the tension in his heart made his hands tightly holding the battle ax sweat slightly.

Less than 100 meters in front of him, a Talbuk is grazing leisurely, raising its head from time to time, and looking around vigilantly.

Every time he looked up, Garrosh had to duck down to avoid detection.

As the distance got closer and closer, my heart gradually became impatient. When there was only 40 meters away, Tabu Yang suddenly seemed to have discovered something and rushed towards the distance.

Damn it!Garrosh stepped anxiously, ready to pursue, but a big hand suddenly pressed on his shoulder.

The powerful hand calmed Garrosh immediately.

Looking up, what he saw was his father's deep and majestic face.

Grom Hellscream (the reclusive orc warrior): "It's too far away, you can't catch up, the talbuk runs extremely fast, if you want to successfully hunt the talbuk, you have to get within [-] steps, charge and kill it with one blow.

Don't rush the child, remember what I taught you, the hunter must be patient, must know how to seize the opportunity, and figure out the reason for his failure, instead of letting anger and impatience go to his head. "

Garrosh took a deep breath, nodded, and tried to calm himself down. It was not an easy task for an orc, but Garrosh managed it anyway.

Probably because of having his father by his side, Garrosh felt very at ease.

After thinking hard for a while, suddenly a bright light appeared in front of my eyes.He woke up suddenly.

It's the wind!

He stretched out his hand to feel the flow of the air. The direction of the wind was changing. It was the wind that blew his scent over just now, and the Tabu sheep would immediately run away.

I had to change direction and approach the target from the downwind.

Doing what he wanted, Garrosh made a decisive circle, found the downwind, and then slowly approached his prey again.

This time he was extra patient, and after spending half an hour, he finally entered the distance enough to charge.

Lock on the target - charge!
Garrosh jumped out of the grass and rushed to the Talbuk in an instant.

When the ax was struck down, the Tabu sheep fell down with a wailing sound.

Looking at his prey on the ground, Garrosh was very excited.

"Haha, I succeeded my father."

"Well done my child, you are worthy of being a member of the Hellscream family." Grom was also very happy. Although he was tired of killing, he still had to teach his children the power to protect themselves.

After more than a year of precepts and deeds, Garrosh has made great progress, and he has the fighting talent he had back then.

On the way back to the tribe, Garrosh carried the Talbuk sheep and followed his father, facing the setting sun, feeling great.

His father was not around since he was a child, and he heard stories about his father from his grandmother.

It is said that his father once drank the blood of the devil, turned into a bloodthirsty monster, followed a warlock named Gul'dan, and killed countless people. Except for Nagrand, the entire Draenor was polluted by evil energy, and all this was the result of Gul'dan and his father.

It was because of what the old Hellscream had done that he was often bullied by other orc children since he was a child.

Garrosh had also been angry and hated, but deep down, he had always longed to see his father again.

But everyone told him that Hellscream went to the New World and probably died there.

Until one day a year ago, Grom suddenly appeared outside the gate of the tribe. After having a secret talk with the old grandmother, Grom stayed.

Grom then called Garrosh to him.

"Son, from today onwards, I will teach you how to be a real orc, with courage, perseverance, honor, and wisdom, and never be carried away by anger. This is the first lesson I teach you."

Since then, Garrosh has lived with his father, learning the art of fighting and hunting.

This year was probably the happiest of Garrosh's life.

In Karadar, Grom Hellscream is a much-talked-about figure, both chieftain of the Warsong clan, legendary war hero, and villain who led the orcs to drink demonic blood and pollute Draenor.

His green skin seemed at odds with the brown of the Karadar orcs.

His eyes occasionally glow red at night.

He can also bring down a clefthoof with a single axe, and even take out an entire pack of ogre marauders single-handedly.

Orcs are in awe of the strong, even though there are various problems, but after showing his own force, Grom still became the most respected person by the young people in the clan.

And Garrosh, from a monster's cub to a hero's son.

Garrus was very curious about his father's past. When he was free, he would often ask his father about the battle stories in another world, but Grom never told them.

If you are pushed into a hurry, you will become gloomy, "There is nothing but blood and death." Grom always said so seriously.

Blood and death... Garrosh had always wondered what it was like.

Occasionally in his dreams he would dream of pictures of other worlds, where he was fighting enemies he had never seen before.

Those strange creatures called 'humans', Garrosh tried hard to imagine the appearance of those 'humans', 'dwarves' and 'elfs'.

But only some weird and vague shapes can be sketched in my mind.

Oh oh oh!
The horns to welcome the hunters sounded, and Garrosh's thoughts returned to reality. The father and son had reached the gate of Karadar.

A young orc hunter came out to meet him.

"Uncle Grom, a big man from the tribe came today and said he was looking for you."

"Big man?"

Grom's eyes were dark, a big man meant disputes and killings, and strictly speaking, he was still a deserter.

"Yes, my lord," the young orc hunter lowered his voice, "I heard that he is the new chief of the tribe. When he came, he brought many guards in full armor. He is very majestic."

The new Warchief of the Horde, Grom wonders who this big man will be, Ner'zhul?Saurfang?Kilrogg?
Walking into the gate of Karadar, when you came to the square, you saw a group of hell boars gnawing on the feed.

Grom was slightly taken aback.

Ba Dao Wuqing (tribal chief): "Haha, long time no see, old friend, Grom, my old buddy, I didn't expect you to be alive. When you disappeared in Dagger Ridge, we all thought you were dead."

Hearing that voice, Grom showed an incredulous expression on his face, and when he turned around, he realized that he heard it right.

"It's you!"

Grom squeezed out two words between his teeth. He had a deep memory of this guy riding a wild boar. In the Battle of Dagger Ridge, Ba Dao Wuqing was his adjutant. However, Ba Dao Wuqing took money from the studio and successfully lured Grom and his army of warsong wolf cavalry into the alliance's ambush circle with his superb acting skills, and even sold the back route.

At that time, Grom didn't understand what was going on, he just wondered why the Badao clan who was in charge of the end was missing, but after returning to Nagrand, he calmed down and thought over and over again in the dead of night, and finally figured out the key.

Ba Dao Wuqing is a fucking [-]-year-old boy.

It's just that now that he has left the tribe, he can only forget about these past events.

But he never expected that he would encounter Ba Dao Wuqing again, and this guy would become the new chief.

"Of course it's me, why, I'm so excited to see my old friend that I can't speak.

Don't have such an ugly expression, old man, don't you give old friends a hug when you meet? "

Seeing Hellscream reaching for the hunting ax behind him, Ba Dao Wuqing hurriedly stopped approaching.

Grom Hellscream (reclusive orc warrior): "I still have a bill to settle with you."

Ba Dao Wuqing (tribal chief): "Don't get excited, don't get excited, I'm just saying hello to you, let's forget about the past, okay, strictly speaking, you are still a traitor to the tribe. As the chief, I didn't even punish you. Why are you so anxious?"

These words made Grom gnash his teeth for a while, even if he grew up, he almost couldn't hold back.

But he still knows the depth, the opponent is the great chief of the tribe, no matter how this great chief became, he can't really do anything to the opponent.

Otherwise, the pure land of Karadar will suffer.

"Haha, is that right? Back then, I had no other choice. You led the army of wolf cavalry into that valley without hesitation. After waiting for a while, I was besieged by the alliance army. I wanted to defend the back for you, but the alliance army was too fierce. Thousands of them came. I fought hard for a long time and you didn't come out, so I had to retreat first.

I was still worried that you would be in danger, but it seems that you also know how to preserve yourself, isn't it okay. "

Garrosh listened intently, but Grom interrupted directly.

"Enough, what do you want from me?"

"I came to you to invite you out of the mountain. Now the tribe is recuperating and working hard to make babies. In two months, I will gather an army of 20, step through the portal of darkness again, and launch the third orc war."

20 troops!When Garrosh heard this, he couldn't imagine what it would be like. The orcs in Karadar had a combined population of only tens of thousands, and most of them were old, weak, women and children.

Imagining the scene of 20 orc warriors rushing to kill, Garrosh became excited.

Grom dismissed it: "20, the tribe had an army of millions back then, didn't it still lose, what can you do with 20 people?"

Ba Dao Wuqing (tribal chief): "This time is different. Orgrim lacks strategic vision and has no overall strategic plan at all. I am different. I have already made up my mind. It is obviously impossible to deal with the entire alliance, but if it is just dealing with a separate country that has been split, there is no problem."

"Which kingdom are you going to fight?"

Hellscream also saw the map of the eastern continent.

"Quel'Thalas, these elves have withdrawn from the alliance, and I recently recruited some elf adventurers to lead the way. As long as we win Silvermoon City, our strategic goal will be achieved.

However, a thousand troops are easy to get and a general is hard to find. During the second war of our tribe, the casualties were too heavy, and those big men from other legions didn’t come with me, so I can only come to you for help. How about it, come with me. I appoint you as the high-ranking warlord of the tribe, leading the cavalry legion of the tribe. "

Garrosh's eyes lit up when he heard that, his father was really awesome, and the great chief of the tribe had to come to his father for help if he wanted to fight.

"Father, let me go with you, I also want to join the war."

Grom glared at Garrosh, turned around and said ruthlessly to Ba Dao: "Enough, I will not go with you, conquer, kill, I have seen too much misfortune, war will not bring salvation to orcs, look around Ba Dao is ruthless, without the intrusion of fel energy and demons, without the destruction and massacre of war, this land is gradually recovering.

I want to protect my homeland, I will not go with you. "

"Father!" Garrosh panicked.

Ba Dao looked at Garrosh relentlessly, but his eyes lit up.

"This must be your son, Garrosh Hellscream, he really is a boy from a hero." He said and patted Garrosh on the shoulder.

Ba Dao Wuqing is like thunder to Xiao Hou, and his popularity is even higher than that of Lao Hou.

Lao Hou mainly had a sense of presence in the Warcraft trilogy, but he died long ago in World of Warcraft, and it was not until the Warlords of Draenor appeared that he had a sense of presence again.

Xiaohou is different. From the beginning of the Burning Crusade, his sense of presence has become stronger and stronger. In the end, he succeeded Thrall as the chief of the tribe, and later became a version boss.

The name of "brainless roar" is well-known far and wide.

Although the nickname Brainless Roar does not sound very pleasant, in fact, just judging from Xiaohou's early performance, he still has great potential.

Especially in the several wars with the alliance, it can be said that they had the upper hand and opened up a lot of territory for the tribe.

If it is accepted, it can be regarded as a potential stock.

Ba Dao Wuqing (tribal chief): "Young man, are you interested in joining the army of the tribe? Our tribe needs you as a strong warrior with both wisdom and courage. I can appoint you as the warlord of the tribe. Do you want to lead the wolf cavalry to gallop, or lead the infantry to charge into battle?"

Tribal Warlord!This title sounds domineering, much better than an ordinary orc hunter.

Garrosh's heart skipped a beat.


"No, you are far from learning how to fight, not to mention that war will not bring you any benefits."

"But father."

"I said, no! Why, are you not convinced? Well, if you can defeat me, I will let you go with him, and I will not bully you. You can use any weapon, and I only use this."

As he spoke, he pulled a wooden stick casually and posed like a monk.

Ba Dao was ruthlessly surprised, thinking that Hellscream can still use sticks?When will this guy learn it?

Garrosh was overjoyed, thinking how could you agree to me with a broken stick.

Orcs don't have any concept of filial piety, even if you are your own father and godfather, you dare to do it if you are in a hurry.

"Father, that's what you said."

Take up the tomahawk!Garrosh roared and slashed with his axe.

Grom backed away.


Back off!

Just one hit can cut the stick.

But Grom dodged from left to right, without the slightest intention of being tough with him. He still looked like a brave and fearless warrior. Garrus was in a hurry and chased after him. Suddenly, Grom's feet slammed, and the long stick in his hand stabbed back like a spear.

Garrosh was caught off guard, and was stabbed in the chest with a stick. He was suddenly out of breath, and fell to the sand with a thud.

Grom shook his head, "You are too impatient, you are not suitable for the battlefield at all."

He looked at Ba Dao Wuqing, "Let's go Ba Dao Wuqing, don't bother me again."


At night, Garrosh lay in bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

He wanted too much to prove himself on the battlefield, and the orc blood of the Warsong clan made him very angry.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

"Garrosh, are you asleep?"

Garrosh hurriedly got up and opened the curtain, only to see a young orc warrior winking at him.

"Dranosh Saurfang, who are you?"

This is the son of Great King Saurfang. He was also called Little Saurfang in history. Like Garrosh, he became an orphan because his father left. Little Saurfang envied Grom's return. Why didn't his father come back?
But now, he finally had the chance to meet his father.

"I'm going to join the tribe. The Great Chief Ba Dao Ruo Ruo said that my father is not dead. He is in that new world. I want to find him! I want to go to war with the army of the tribe. The chief gave me the position of warlord of the tribe."

Garrosh became anxious immediately, "I'll go with you."

"Can your father agree?"

"Hmph, he didn't need other people's consent when he left his hometown. Wait a minute, I'll go get something."

As Garrosh said, he slipped out of Grom's house alone, and he sneaked into the house. Fortunately, Grom was in a deep sleep, and the sound of heavy snoring came from the inner room.

Garrosh tiptoedly lifted the floor, revealing a thing wrapped in animal skins. This was what his father cared about the most, and it had been put here since he came back.

Open it, and a battle ax with a strange shape appears in front of you.

Blood roar!
Garrus picked up the Blood Howl, and a bloody breath rushed towards his face, as if he could hear the screams and wails of those killed in war and beheaded.

Garrosh turned and walked out.

"Have you got it?"

"Got it, let's go."

The two walked out of the longhouse towards the outside of the tribe.

Ba Dao ruthlessly rode a hell boar, standing on a hill, looking at Karadar in the distance, located in the green shade surrounded by lake water, a scene like a paradise, really a good place for the elderly, but unfortunately, as a great chief, he had to go to war, and a feeling of involuntary feeling emerged spontaneously.

Could this be fate, Ba Dao thought emotionally.

Huh, it's really strange that I have such an idea, it seems that I am too involved in the drama.

"Great Chief, here we come"

There were more than a dozen young orc warriors, and even a few shamans.

Everyone is full of excitement.

Ba Dao Wuqing couldn't help sighing, the orcs are indeed a bloodthirsty and warlike race, and the beautiful mountains and rivers of Nagrand can't wipe out their fighting spirit.

"Well done, you are all warriors of the tribe, destined to become conquerors, to establish your own legend and glory, let's go! Let us conquer that new world."

(End of this chapter)

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