Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 411 Watch Legion and New Dragon Slaying Journey

Chapter 411 Watch Legion and New Dragon Slaying Journey

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Brave soldiers of the Alliance, today is the day when the Overwatch Legion was established. You come from various kingdoms and forces, and now you have chosen to join this army voluntarily and take on the important task of guarding the Alliance. Your justice and glory will surely become an example for everyone in the Alliance to emulate. I salute you here."

"Those evil orcs have been defeated and driven back to their own world, but the evil will never disappear, they just hibernate temporarily, and one day they will return and continue to try to conquer and destroy our world.

You have to serve as the eyes of the alliance, monitor and guard the portal of darkness, this is a difficult and dangerous task.

If you are not willing to take on this heavy responsibility, now is your last chance to withdraw. Once you have embarked on the journey, there is no room for retreat. "

After Godwin finished speaking, he glanced at the army on the square, but no one withdrew. He nodded in satisfaction, and in the VIP seats behind him, the leaders of the alliance were watching everything in front of them with great interest.

Murphy was also among this group of people, listening to Godwin's performance he couldn't help but hehe.

You asked if anyone quit in front of so many audiences. If someone really dared to quit, it would be a ghost, and it would not be bad for thousands of years.

Sure enough, politicians like to engage in this kind of formalism.

What is in front of you is the Watch Legion, which was reasonably organized by the countries of the alliance. Historically, this army established a fortress called Fort Watch in the Cursed Lands, and stubbornly blocked the attack of the orcs in the third orc war.

However, history has undergone tremendous changes, because Lothar did not die in battle, the son of Lothar was not established, and the combination of the five heroes of the Black Gate did not appear.

And the Portal of Darkness was not completely destroyed.

History has completely changed beyond recognition.

However, some things are bound to happen, such as sending troops to monitor the movements of the orcs.And now, he will witness everything happen with his own eyes.

This legion was led by a prince of Lordaeron, and two adjutants, General Lodenson and Archmage Saslanan. In addition, several player heroes and lords joined in, including a prince of Alterac.

The purpose of these people joining this legion is not difficult to guess. Since the Watch Legion is stationed at the forefront, once the tribe invades again, it will easily trigger a plot battle. As long as they can defend, the plot points will definitely be indispensable. It can be said that the crisis is as great as the benefit.

This legion is small in size, only about 1 people, but the arms configuration is very neat, the battle mage from Dalaran, the storm knight from Stormwind City, the kingdom crossbowman from Lordaeron, the griffin knight from Eagle's Nest Mountain...

As a special force directly under the alliance, it is powerful.

Watching the Watch Legion march out of Lordaeron's plaza in mighty form, heading towards the port, this army founding ceremony has also officially ended.

With this legion, countries can really develop with peace of mind.

Just as the leaders of various countries were celebrating with each other, Godwin walked towards Murphy.

"Prince Aidan—may I speak privately?"

"of course."

Murphy said, and followed Godwin into a side hall.

He probably guessed the other party's purpose, which was nothing more than coaxing or intimidating. Considering his own strength, Murphy felt that the possibility of coaxing him was higher.

The two sat down, Godwin looked at Murphy, and Murphy looked at Godwin.

"Prince Aidan, are you interested in joining Lordaeron?"

Mo Feixin said that he really cut to the chase.

"You mean let Alterac join Lordaeron?"

"No, I mean I hope you can join Lordaeron. As for Alterac—without you, Alterac is worthless. Without your protection, I have a hundred ways to annex and dismember those guys. In fact, even with you, I can also forcibly annex Alterac, but if we do that, both of us will lose a lot. I think there is no need to make things so ugly.

As a ruler, I don't like to make enemies everywhere, so I extend an invitation to you to join Lordaeron, and I will give you the status and power you deserve.

Your territory can be preserved, and I can even seal you more territories, such as a city. Your Dragon Knights are a powerful force. Instead of wasting the barren land of Alterac, why not join Lordaeron. With the Dragon Knights and the Silver Hand Knights, we will be invincible. "

Mo Feixin said it was really tempting, but he didn't rush to agree.

Firstly, he is not very interested in the city fief and so on. Secondly, once he joins Lordaeron, he will become the vassal of the other party, and the other party can control him at will when the status changes.

"What about the others? If I vote."

Godwin said: "Don't worry, I'm a just person. I'm not interested in the commercial value of Alterac. What I need is the submission and ruling power of Alterac. Your few can still serve as the lords of Alterac and control the original land and castles, but you must swear allegiance to me, become the nobles of Lordaeron, and fight for me when I need it."

In this way, they can not only keep their original wealth, but also obtain additional income. "

"To be honest, I don't care about these things at all. Territories, castles, and kingdoms are just superficial things. Only power is really worth pursuing. I suggest you talk to them. If you can persuade them to join Lordaeron, I have no objection at all."

Godwin showed a proud look, "Power, but the power of kings and lords is also power, and it is power above heroes - the power of domination, don't you want to have it? As long as I give an order, hundreds of thousands of troops will sweep across Alterac, and your shattered kingdom can't resist Lordaeron's army at all."

Murphy nodded. This is true. The king's authority is very powerful. He can issue decrees. No matter how powerful you are, with a warrant from the kingdom, countless heroes and adventurers will chase you down.

The king can also appoint and remove nobles and deprive them of their territories.

In a game with a medieval background like World of Warcraft, the power of the king is extremely huge, and almost everyone agrees that the power of the king is granted by God. Converted to the game mechanism, it is the power of game authority.

In history, Alsace was only a crown prince, and he directly deprived Uther of his position as the head of the Knights of the Silver Hand and disbanded the Knights.

Although Tenaris later canceled this order, the power of the king can be seen in general.

That's why everyone wants to be king.

As the king of Lordaeron, Godwin's existence cannot be ignored.

But for Murphy, he really didn't bother to pursue such power.

No matter how powerful the king is, when he becomes an ancient dragon and becomes a dragon god, the kingdom and power of mortals will be meaningless.

As for now-

"Hehe, it's useless for you to tell me these things, why don't you talk to my brothers, if they agree to join Lordaeron, I will definitely not object, you have your goal, I have mine, as long as you don't hinder me, I will not hinder you.

Conversely, if Lordaeron wants to go to war with Alterac, I will never stand idly by. As a member of the Kingdom of Alterac, the Dragonslayer Knights will definitely fight to the end. Maybe Lordaeron's army can indeed sweep Alterac, but when that time comes, I will also show you the power I have.

Look at the power of the king and my power, which one is stronger.

Farewell then - Your Majesty. "

Murphy turned and left the palace.

He didn't care too much about Godwin's threat. Godwin was not a lunatic, and he would never dare to attack Alterac rashly. He would have to consider the reaction of the countries in the alliance, regardless of whether he could win or not.

You must know that Alterac has not withdrawn from the alliance yet.

But he doesn't really care much about who will be the ruler of the alliance.

However, power is maintained by force, and he will not be cowardly when it is time to show his attitude.

If you really want to fight a civil war, you can still get some experience points.

Godwin watched Mur Fei leave, but he couldn't help feeling a little dignified.

The other party's attitude was so unscrupulous, which he did not expect. He originally thought that even if the other party was unwilling to surrender, he would at least make a show of surrender.

The result directly revealed the attitude.

Are you really so confident?
Godwin admitted that the opponent's strength is very strong. The previous battle in the wetlands and the fel storm even directly changed the local environment.

Compared with ordinary heroes, this Aidan is ridiculously strong.

But he is the majestic King of Lordaeron, the leader of the alliance, as long as he gives the order, he can recruit countless heroes and adventurers, and he will be killed.

The power of the storm dragon is indeed very powerful, but compared with the power of the emperor, how can it compare with it.

However, the other party's self-confidence still affected Godwin to some extent. Since you are so confident, then I should also increase my strength.

The so-called power - as long as you have money, what kind of power you can't get.

Thinking about it, Godwin drove directly to the auction house, opened the list of auction items in the auction house, and started browsing.

Godwin often visits auctions, and all the equipment on his body is epic/legendary, and he can't even see a piece of blue equipment.

And he will continue to update his equipment to ensure that his own strength will always remain in the first echelon of the game.

While flipping through the product catalogue, Godwin thought a little bit divergently—I don’t know how Aidan turned into a dragon.

Godwin thought about it, and typed in the keyword—dragon.

Dragon scale armor, dragon bones, dragon scales, dragon tooth scimitar, dragon fire amulet... Eh, this is——

[Strange Dragon Heart (quest item)

Story Item: Unique.

Use: Eat this dragon heart to trigger an original plot...

Warning: Completing the original plot will have a profound impact on the world view of the game, and players can gain powerful power from the plot.

However, this type of plot has a certain degree of danger, and may cause unknown risks to players. Players are required to be mentally prepared before starting the mission. 】

Original plot?

strong power?
He was stimulated by Murphy, and he was particularly sensitive to the word 'power'.

Looking at the price again, this thing actually costs 250 million, a mere quest item, almost catching up with the price of a legendary weapon.

I glanced at the product reviews, and sure enough, they were all sarcasm.

"This man is crazy, he dares to sell any broken thing for several million."

"It's 250 million. I think the seller looks like [-]."

"Speaking of which, what is the original plot mission?"

"I've never heard of it. It's probably a job-related plot task—it's not worth so much money."

The mission of the original plot seems to be very powerful, but it is a pity that it is related to dragons. This thing is obviously not suitable for him.

I don't know if there are original plot items related to Holy Light.

Enter the keyword—Holy Light/Original Plot.

It really made him find one.

[Golden Seed of the Holy Tree (quest item)
Story Item: Unique.

Use:Plant this seed, triggering an origin storyline.

Item introduction: The strange seed exuding a faint golden light seems to contain the hidden power of the holy light...

Warning: Completing the original plot will have a profound impact on the world view of the game, and players can gain powerful power from the plot.

However, this type of plot has a certain degree of danger, and may cause unknown risks to players. Players are required to be mentally prepared before starting the mission. 】

Remarks: We stole this thing from the world tree, and several heroes died for it, so there is absolutely no bargaining, please contact us if you are interested.

Looking at the price again, it turned out to be 1000 million.

1000 million... Godwin said in his heart that these people are crazy about money.

A legendary weapon is only two to three million.

However, he also noticed one thing, such items will have a warning, which may cause unknown risks.

If he just talked about his ability, he probably wouldn't care about it anymore, and he wouldn't believe the slogan.

But telling him that there might be unknown risks caused him a bit of interest. Generally speaking, the greater the risk, the greater the opportunity.

How about buying one and trying it out?
But 1000 million is still a bit expensive.

He looked at that strange dragon heart again, this one is cheap, which one should I buy?

Godwin thought for a moment.

Murphy didn't know what changes his words caused.

He is preparing a new round of dragon hunting plan.

After struggling with the candidate list of several ancient dragons, Murphy made a choice.

This time the hunting target is the 'Devourer' Ankarad who haunts Anglo Crater.

Choosing this ancient dragon as his target was also a choice that Murphy had carefully considered.

After a battle with Bolelius, Murphy found that the ancient dragon was too dangerous. If he hadn't been immune to time magic, he would have almost been wiped out.

People walk by the river without getting their shoes wet. Considering that the ancient dragons are old monsters that have lived for tens of thousands of years, and the giant dragons are particularly good at absorbing and mastering different powers, it is estimated that these ancient dragons have more or less some strange abilities, similar to the legendary spells of Bolelius' Eternal Frost.

The other several ancient dragons can probably tell some signs from their titles.

What 'disaster of the ocean', what 'shatter the earth', upon hearing this title, most likely there is some kind of legendary spell.

In contrast, the title of 'The Devourer' seems much friendlier. At least judging from the name, this product should not have too scary abilities other than being able to eat.

You are the one.

(End of this chapter)

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