Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 412 Mage Advisor and Infantry Commander

Chapter 412 Mage Advisor and Infantry Commander

Murphy directly sent private messages to several old teammates.

Don't be familiar with raw, since the cooperation last time was very pleasant, there is no need to change people.

The first one I looked for was the main healer of the team last time, Mengmeng Big Tits, there was a powerful healer by his side, it was really comfortable during the fight, we had to draw the team closer.

Aidan: "Mengmeng big tits, I'm going to slay the dragon again, how about it, come?"

Mengmeng big tits: "I'm sorry brother Aidan, the Church of the Holy Light is holding an event recently, I can't leave as the main force of the church, next time."

Damn, you refused so simply, last time you were assigned a plot orange weapon, such a good thing didn't even come to fruition.

I don't know what the mission of the Church of the Holy Light will be, so Mengmeng's big tits are so interested.

But it doesn't matter, Mo Fei said in his heart that if the big tits don't come, there will be mistresses, and Phoenix's treatment is also okay.

Aidan: "Phoenix, go to Kalimdor to slay dragons?"

Phoenix: "Sorry Aidan, I recently took on a plot mission, so..."

Aidan: "Could it be the mission of the Holy Light Church?"

Phoenix: "Uh-yes, sorry."

Well, it seems that the Church of the Holy Light is quite big, let's get rid of the DPC first without treatment.

Aidan: "Kaya Shadowchaser, Dragon Slayer, come or not."

This girl's output was quite strong last time, and this time with the best bow, her combat power must be improved to a higher level.

Kaya: "No time."

Aidan: "Church mission?"

Kaya: "Yeah."

Murphy thought it was hell. Murphy took a look at the occupations of the three of them, Holy Priest, Holy Light Messenger, and Light Ranger. It seemed that all three were thugs of the Holy Light Church.

But Murphy still didn't give up.

Aidan: "Morgan Lisa, are you slaying the dragon?"

Morgan Lisa: "Yes, yes, when."

Murphy heaved a sigh of relief, finally he had something reliable.

Aidan: "It's just two days, but I have to go to Ironforge first to do some business. Let's meet up in Ironforge."

Morgan Lisa: "What are you doing in Ironforge?"

Aidan: "Send warmth."

Yes, it is to send warmth.

At the beginning, he sent a letter to King Magni, hoping that the other party would cooperate with his actions and stop Godwin's money-making plan to build an orc detention center. Since King Magni refused to cooperate, there was no need for him to consider for the other party. The dwarf prince The Buddha is ready to receive it.

It's not that he doesn't like the other party's dislike, the main thing is to threaten this kind of thing. If he doesn't honor it for the first time, no one will take it seriously in the future. Therefore, Mo Fei decided to send the dwarf prince to Ironforge. past.

Back at Longshang Castle, Murphy called over all the important figures brought back from Northrend.

These few stayed quite comfortably in Longshang Castle.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Are you all used to staying here?"

Bucket Anweimar (dwarf prince): "I'm used to it. Alterac's climate is very similar to that of Khaz Modan, and the wine here is also very strong. Thank you Prince Aidan for your hospitality. However, I think I It's time to go back to Ironforge, it's been hundreds of years, and I don't know what Ironforge looks like now."

Murphy said: "That's a coincidence, I'm going to slay the dragon this time, and I'll pass Ironforge, how about going on the road together, oh yes, the destination of the dragon slaying is the continent of Kalimdor, Ms. Vivienne, Are you interested in going together?"

Vivienne Nightsong shook her head, "It still doesn't work. I learned from some adventurers what happened during the time when I was sealed. Nowadays, night elves are strictly forbidden to study magic. As a magician A scholar, an immigrant of the Highborne, I'm afraid I'm not fit to go."

Murphy nodded. The Highborne is the name of a group of elf nobles who are loyal to Queen Azshara. They are different from ordinary night elves. The main body of the Night Alliance today is the ordinary night elves from back then. The elves were driven away because of their research on magic, and a large number of them ran to the eastern continent and degenerated into the current high elves.

Vivienne Nightsong's identity would be somewhat embarrassing, go vote for night elves, people don't want to see you, go vote for high elves, they look different.

On the contrary, there are still a small number of upper elves scattered all over the place, maintaining the appearance of night elves, but these people are too weak to hide in the XZ, and there is no value in going to them.

"What's the plan for Ms. Vivian?"

Vivienne Nightsong (ancient magister): "I heard that the mages among you humans built a magical city and have in-depth research on magic. If possible, I would like to study and study at the Dalaran Academy of Magic. comminicate."

Murphy was startled when he heard this, he was going to run away, how could this be successful, I managed to rescue these wild heroes, it would be unreasonable not to recruit them as his subordinates.

However, it was not easy for him to refuse. After all, we were not affiliated, and the other party did not swear allegiance to him.

Although I saved the other party's life, it's somewhat unseemly to repay the favor.

Mo Fei thought for a while, and suddenly his heart moved, if it's not a subordination, then I'll just make you a subordination.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Ms. Vivienne, of course this is not a problem, but... things may not be that simple."

Vivienne Nightsong (ancient magister): "Oh, why?"

"Now that the Alliance has just ended its war with the Horde, Ms. Vivienne is very wary of alien races. As a remnant of the ancient night elf empire, she is neither human nor looks completely different from the high elves. If I go rashly, I am afraid it will be difficult to get Dalaran. Trust, you might even be treated like a spy.

I do have a suggestion, how about Ms. Vivienne joining the Kingdom of Alterac and taking up the position of Mage Advisor of the Dragon Sorrow Knights? In this way, as an ally, Dalaran must have no reason to reject Ms. Vivienne .

As the Protector of Alterac, I can also write you a letter of introduction. With this letter, everything will go well. "

Hero Feat: Master Bluff Invokes—

Well, it's not exactly a bluff, it's just a little exaggerated.

Vivienne thought for a moment, then nodded slightly.

"Sounds good, then I will trouble Prince Aidan. It is a great honor for me to be able to join a group full of honor and justice such as the Dragon Slayer Knights. I am willing to serve you in exchange for the opportunity to go to Dalaran to learn magic." Chance."

[System prompt: You have obtained the allegiance of the ancient magister Vivienne Nightsong. This hero has become your subordinate. You can check its loyalty and related attributes in the lord system. 】

Murphy clicked on the lord system to check.

[Vivienne Nightsong (Ancient Magister)

Hero Type: Spellcaster/Scholar.

Hero Specialties: Language Master, Ancient Magic Student, Mana-addict, Arcane Affinity, Magic Scholar, Keeper of Secrets...

Heroic Position: Mage Advisor to the Dragon Sorrow Knights.

Loyalty: 40/Unmanageable.

Identity introduction: The ancient night elf magister rescued from the eternal frost, knowledgeable, good at using the ancient magic of the night elves, the powerful ancient magic is amazing, but due to the loss of the energy support of the Well of Eternity, it is easy to lose in battle Run out of magic.

Possesses a lot of ancient lore that has long been lost in the night elf empire, and is proficient in multiple languages ​​such as dragon language, troll language, murloc language, and pandaren language.

Because of their noble status and profound knowledge, they always have a contemptuous and arrogant attitude towards those low-level races with relatively low intelligence, but their good social etiquette can perfectly hide this arrogance. 】


Mo Fei felt secretly refreshed, finally he had a decent subordinate.

Although it is still very unreliable at the moment, if you do more interactions, your loyalty will always increase.

At this time, the Vrykul warrior couldn't bear it anymore.

Arthona (Warbringer): "Athona - wants - fight! Wants - glory - for Odin."

This guy has a pretty loud voice. He is over three meters tall and has a muscular body. He looks very domineering.

"Don't worry, fight with me. Fighting is absolutely indispensable. If you want, you can join the Dragon Sorrow Knights. I will order you to be the infantry commander of the Dragon Sorrow Knights. You will be responsible for commanding a thousand powerful dragon blood warriors."

The hunk commands the hunk, and the style of painting is very harmonious.

"Athona - Allegiance - Aidan!"

[System prompt: You have obtained the allegiance of the war messenger Asona. This hero has become your subordinate. You can check his loyalty and related attributes in the lord system. 】

[Athona (War Envoy)
Hero Type: Warrior/Leader.

Hero position: Infantry Commander of the Dragon Sorrow Knights.

Hero Feats: Fearless Warrior, Mentally Retarded, Warmonger, Dragon Slayer, Tomahawk Master, Deathsworn...

Loyalty: 55/obedient.

Identity introduction: A Vrykul warrior rescued from the eternal frost, with a low IQ, but brave and warlike.

The Vrykul take war as their natural mission, and the war messenger is a loyal believer of Odin. Asona believes that a heroic and glorious death can enter the Hall of Valor, become a hero, and enjoy an endless feast.

In order to become a heroic spirit, Asona did not hesitate to challenge Boleius, the king of white dragons alone, but was sealed in the eternal frost.

Now that he has successfully escaped from trouble, he has not given up on his ideals, and joined you in order to find the battle of glory. 】

Although the job of War Emissary is not a lord type, it can improve the morale and fighting will of allies, and even make them frenzied. It is also very suitable for group fights.

It's just that the background of this character who pursues heroic glory and died in battle is a bit unfavorable. Suicidal tendencies are not a good thing.

I can only pay attention in the future, and don't let him hang up inexplicably.

As for the dwarf prince, it is naturally impossible to join the Dragon Knights. He is the second generation of the king, so how could he be inferior to others.

Murphy didn't ask. That afternoon, he mobilized an army of 1000 people and set off for Nanhai Town.

PS: There is another chapter in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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