Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 413 Game of Thrones Dwarven Edition

Chapter 413 Game of Thrones - Dwarven Edition
When they arrived at South Sea Town, they boarded the fleet and sailed towards Ironforge.

In less than two days, they arrived at the port near Ironforge and landed.

Marching along the snow-covered wilderness of Khaz Modan, the closer he got to Ironforge, the more excited Bucket Anvilmar became. When he saw the majestic fortress in the snow-capped mountains, the dwarf prince burst into tears Eyes full.

But this excitement disappeared immediately when the team arrived at the entrance of Ironforge.

Bhakt Anvilmar (Prince of the Dwarves): "Hell, why did you change the statue at the door, why is my father's statue gone?"

Modimus Anvilmar was the first King of Ironforge. After Anvilmar died, the internal division split, and the three major families fought each other. In the end, the Bronzebeard family won, and the statue at the door was naturally replaced with a bronze one. Ancestor of the beard family.

The dwarf guards had noticed such a group of soldiers a long time ago. Although Murphy left most of the soldiers on board and only brought a hundred dragon blood giant warriors as guards, a hundred shirtless men with giant swords, Still quite compelling.

From a distance, a group of dwarven guards appeared at the gate. Before Murphy had time to introduce his purpose, a dwarf wearing a horned helmet had already separated from the crowd and squeezed out. It was Muradin.

Muradin Bronzebeard (King of the Hill): "Haha, Aidan, we meet again, long time no see."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Long time no see, Muradin, you still look so energetic."

"You are not bad, I heard about your feat of slaying dragons in Northrend, okay boy, you are worthy of being the son of the king of mountains who can defeat the king of white dragons, why don't you call me for this kind of thing, we dwarves are not An expert in dragon slaying."

Mo Fei said in his heart that you are not a nanny, and you are not a remote, so it is useless to find you.

"Next time, definitely next time, oh yes, let me introduce you, this is an ancient dwarf explorer I rescued from the white dragon's lair in the Frost Mountains. Senior, what is his name, oh yes——Bucket Anweimar, have you heard of this surname? I seem to remember that the founder of Ironforge was named Anweimar."

Muradin blushed immediately, and glared at Murphy angrily.

"Uh... it's called Anvilmar. King Modimus Anvilmar was once the ruler of the dwarves, but that was a long time ago."

"Oh, there is such a thing, so today's event can be regarded as the return of the king, oh, I think this kind of happy event must be publicized, let the dwarves of Ironforge know it, let's enjoy it together Are you happy?"

"Ahem, Aidan, please stop messing around. The reason why Ironforge abstained in the vote was because it didn't want the alliance to split. For the sake of our old friendship, let's talk about it later."

Murphy looked at Muradin's begging, and it was not good to be intimidating. He wasn't too angry at first, but he had to do what he said. If you threaten you and you don't take it seriously, then I won't make a mess of it like I am Good tempered.

"Okay, let's talk about it later - talk about it later."

Muradin laughed dryly, and looked back at the dwarf prince with an embarrassing expression on his face, but the dwarf is straight-tempered after all, and he just gave him a big hug.

"Prince Bucket, welcome back to Ironforge. After leaving for so long, I think you must miss this place very much, but this city has changed a lot, so you have to be mentally prepared."

"But don't worry, the Bronzebeard family will always welcome you."

There is something in the words, Murphy thought to himself.

It's changed a lot—it means that the Kingdom of Ironforge has changed its name to the Bronzebeards, so don't worry about the throne.

You are always welcome in the Bronzebeard family - as long as you don't make trouble, we can discuss it.

Such a 'tactful' subtext is already the most euphemistic word for a rectal dwarf.

Bucket Anweimar didn't know if he heard it, and walked into Ironforge impatiently.

He muttered as he walked, "Ah, you must be a descendant of the Bronzebeard family. I drank with your great-grandfather back then."

Muradin's next words were choked back immediately.

A group of people walked into the gate of Ironforge, and the huge space inside Ironforge made Bucket Anweimar dazzled. Ironforge was not so grand and magnificent back then. After thousands of years of continuous excavation and mining, it became With today's scale, it seems that the Bronzebeard family's rule over Ironforge has been very qualified for 2000 years.

The passing dwarves looked at this group of people curiously, especially Bucket Anweimar, who was walking in the front. His clothes were unusually simple, and he looked like an ancient dwarf warrior in a dwarf epic.

It was even more strange that Prince Muradin respected this man.

Muradin also noticed the gazes around him and hurriedly greeted him.

"Let's go to the bar first. I have a barrel of fine-brewed mead in my collection, and we just taste it together."

Bucket shook his head, "I want to go shopping, if possible."

"Of course, Duval Stormpike, show Prince Bucket around and don't let him get lost."

Seeing Bacter walk away, Muradin stared angrily at Murphy who was watching the joke.

"Come on Aidan, it looks like we need to talk."

Dwarf conversations are usually done at the wine table, and today is no exception, especially when old friends meet. Muradin originally only planned to drink with Murphy, but soon several dwarves smelled the wine and joined in cheekily. came in.

Muradin didn't drive them away either. These dwarves were familiar with each other, and they couldn't walk when they saw good wine.

Everyone drank around the wine table, and the atmosphere soon became lively.

"Aidan, I think you should understand—uh (Muradin belches), this is no longer the barbaric era when Ironforge was just established, the Bronzebeard family has ruled Ironforge for thousands of years, if Bucket If you exercise the right of claim, it will definitely make a mess, and it will not be good for you, me or anyone else."

Murphy nodded. The dwarves or the entire alliance valued claiming rights very much. As a descendant of the Anvilmar family, Bucket Anvilmar naturally had the claiming right to Ironforge, but after all, thousands of years had passed. , Ironforge is very stable under the rule of the Bronzebeard family, it is really hard to say how many people can accept it.

Murphy was not so easy to talk to, "But he is the descendant of Anweimar after all, so is the noble blood of King Anweimar meaningless?"

"Of course not, we are willing to give him the title of a member of the royal family, territory, gold, these are all fine, but the political structure of Ironforge cannot be destroyed. I heard that you are going to hunt dragons again, as long as you can help me Convince him to accept our arrangement, and I can send a team of dragon hunters to assist you - Hemet!"

Muradin suddenly roared.

"Oh, I'm here." A drunken bearded dwarf raised his glass and continued to drink.

Muradin pulled him away, patted Hemet on the shoulder and introduced.

"Hemet is a world-renowned hunter. He once hunted adult black dragons and adult red dragons. During the orc war, he once shot the head of an orc warlord. Together with my dragon hunting musketeers, it will definitely let you This time the action is twice the result with half the effort.”

The Dragonhunter Musketeer is a unique and extraordinary unit of Ironforge.

There are several powerful traits such as massacre, powerful armor-piercing, and deadly shooting. Because they are too precious, they have not appeared in the previous battles, but only played some roles in the defense of Ironforge.

But as a player, you can naturally learn about the power of this extraordinary unit through various channels.

For Murphy, who lacked long-range soldiers, it was indeed very attractive.

"Haha, of course I can help you, but well, although the firepower is enough, my team still lacks a powerful healer. Look..."

"It's okay, it's on me."

"Okay, then I'll persuade him for you, it's for his sake too."

After the banquet was over, Murphy returned to the residence that Muradin had arranged for him. Bucket Anvilmar was looking out the window in a daze at the cityscape of Ironforge. Ironforge was located inside the Dun Morogh Mountains, where the sun was out of sight. But the lava flowing in the middle of the city and the huge furnace filled the whole city with a hazy crimson light and a sultry feeling.

This scorching heat is just the right balance for the frigid climate of the Dun Morogh Mountains.

"Bucket Anweimar, how is it? How does it feel to return to your hometown?"

Bucket nodded, "My ancestors built this city, and I was born in this city, but I didn't expect it to become so majestic now, but this is no longer my home—but all It will end today, and I will take back what my ancestors lost."

"Eh—but it's been a thousand years."

"Hmph, so what, the noble blood of Anvilmar is destined to rule the city of Ironforge."


"You don't need to persuade me, Prince Aidan, I am very grateful to you for rescuing me from the frozen land of the White Dragon, but as the last descendant of the Anvilmar family, I have my responsibilities to bear. King, I will form an alliance with Alterac, and I will repay you when the time comes, this is my promise."

Once the dwarf's stubborn temper came up, he didn't care about anything, and Murphy also had a headache.

It seems that I have to find a way to persuade (fool).

Hero Feat: Master Bluff Invokes—

"Then tell me Bucket, Anvilmar, is your family ruling all the dwarves, or the city of Ironforge?"

"Of course all dwarves, Anvilmar is the king of the dwarves, forever!"

"But today's Ironforge is no longer the original Ironforge. The three major clans of the dwarves have long since split up, and the dwarf kingdom of the past has long since ceased to exist. The Ironforge in front of us, although it is still called Ironforge Forge, but it is no longer the previous Ironforge.

The dwarf kingdom no longer exists, so how can the Anweimar family talk about ruling? "

Bucket was stunned for a moment, and there was something wrong with what he said, but it seemed to make sense.

"Think about it, after the War of the Three Hammers, the three major clans were completely separated. The dwarf kingdom is equivalent to no longer existing, and Anweimar's ruling goal naturally no longer exists. The Bronzebeard family only rules the Bronzebeard clan, and In the past, the Bronzebeard clan was also ruled by the Bronzebeard family.

They just happened to win the civil war and seized Ironforge. The most you can claim is to go back to the city of Ironforge. However, Ironforge back then was far smaller than it is now. It's so grand and spectacular, you have to make up for the difference.

In fact, Ironforge was almost demolished due to continuous reconstruction, leaving only a small part of the cave area. After calculating the inside and outside, at most people will give you a compensation for the demolition, or the cave area I will give you back that piece of land.

The cave area has been harassed by cavemen and kobolds all year round, and there are water and oil leaks. I'm afraid you can't maintain it by yourself. "

Bucket was stunned, how could he do that?
"Then—then what should I do?"

"So why don't you make a price. Let me tell Muradin and the others that the Bronzebeard family is fair and will definitely give you a satisfactory price. Gold, territories, and royal titles are all fine."

Bucket shook his head, "No! I don't want money. What you said is about Aidan. Anweimar's ruling power is based on the unity of the three major clans. Without the Three Hammers Alliance, there would be no dwarf kingdom, no dwarves The kingdom would have no throne to inherit.

I'm going to Blackrock Mountain to find the Dark Iron clan, and to Eagle's Nest Mountain to find the Wildhammer clan. I want to reunite the dwarves and re-establish the kingdom of Anvilmar. Only then will I have a chance to inherit the throne. "

Damn, you really dare to think about it. The Bronzebeard family is more shameless. The Wildhammer dwarves probably can't do anything to you. At most, they will drive you out. The Dark Iron dwarves don't want it. They are already a monster force. So what if I kill you directly at that time.

"Or you are thinking about it."

"No, I have already decided that the glory of the Anweimar family must not end in my hands."

Bucket said seriously.

Murphy looked at Bucket helplessly, and thought that well, at least Muradin's commission was settled.

When Murphy told Muradin the result of the matter, Muradin was also dumbfounded.

After standing there for a long time, he couldn't help sighing.

"As expected of King Anweimar's descendant, if he can really unite the three major clans, it doesn't matter if our Bronzebeard family is loyal to him."

(End of this chapter)

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