Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 414 Target Kalimdor

Chapter 414 Target - Kalimdor

Bucket Anvilmar moved quickly.

After only staying in Ironforge for one day, he was busy with his great cause of restoring the country.

Although he claimed to re-establish the ancient dwarf kingdom, Bucket didn't set off in a hurry. Instead, he wandered around Ironforge. After one day, he managed to win over a dozen followers.

There are dwarven mountain rangers, scholars from the Society of Explorers, mercenaries, and even a few adventurers.

It is a long way to go to the Black Rock Mountain Range, and there will inevitably be some dangers along the way, and it is important to have some subordinates to act.

On the third day, Bucket bid farewell to Murphy and Muradin, and took his expedition team on the road.

Murphy didn't pay much attention to Bucket's adventures, he still had his adventures to go.

December 12th—Outside Ironforge—

Today is a rare good day, there is no wind and snow, the morning sun shines on the white snow of the Dun Morogh Mountains, reflecting crystal light.

Murphy followed Muradin out of the gate of Ironforge, and the snow creaked under his feet. When the two came to a training ground on the hillside, at this moment, a whole hundred dragon hunters were ready to go. , They wore dragon skin cloaks with fire resistance function, and carried crit shotguns taller than them. Each of them had mighty beards, and around their necks hung amulets made of dragon teeth.

It looks domineering.

Muradin (King of the Hill): "Look, Aidan, I have specially assembled these for you. They are all the best warriors in Ironforge. There are a hundred dragonhunters and musketeers. With them , no matter what dragon it is, it can be defeated."

"Only one hundred?" Mo Fei said a little greedily.

Muradin glared at him immediately, "Is one hundred too few? These are all elite troops, and even a prince cannot easily mobilize them. If it weren't for the fact that you helped me solve a big problem, I would I’m not even willing to send it to you.”

Mo Feixin said okay, the Dragon Hunter Musketeer is still very powerful.

He already understood the attributes of this extraordinary unit yesterday. Sixth-level soldiers cannot be mass-produced. They are super long-range and have a hundred dragon hunter musketeers.

It was Hemet who led the team.

Hemet Nesingwary (Beastmaster Stalker): "Prince Aidan, Hemet Nesingwary is here to serve you. I heard that you are going to hunt dragons. Hey, what a feat! , I am very happy to be part of this hunt."

"I'm also very happy to meet you, Mr. Nesingwary. I hope to see your demeanor in action. This time we are going to hunt a great dragon. Are you confident?"

Hemet Nesingwary is a well-known hunter in World of Warcraft. Murphy has heard of him a little bit. Besides, he always feels as if someone has mentioned this person to him before, but suddenly Can't remember.

Looked at Hemet's profile picture.

Hemet Nesingwary (Beastmaster Stalker), Gold Level 79, Level 8850, HP [-].

Noticing the way Murphy looked at him, Hemet boasted to himself.

"Hey, I'm a professional, have you seen this waist knife of mine - Chi Yanlongya scimitar, it's a trophy I got from hunting a black dragon.

These boots, the Swift Snakeskin Boots, are the trophies of a giant Hydra I hunted.

This pair of bracers - the Wrathful Tiger Bracers, I made from the fur of Tiger King Emin I hunted down in Stranglethorn Vale.

And this cloak—the Shadowfang cloak, from a ferocious shadow cheetah, that beast is really cunning, I spent three days and three nights in the jungle with it before killing it, I used its This cloak is made of fur, it is quite warm, how about it, it is very beautiful. "

Shadowfang!Murphy suddenly remembered.

When he was still playing the Black Dragon, his consciousness was once eroded by Murphys. For this reason, he went online to ask someone for advice. At that time, he met a player named Shadow Fang.

That hapless Shadowfang is playing the Beast - a shadow cheetah named Shadowfang.

I vaguely remember that guy was killed by Hemet.

Good guy, it seems that this cloak is the relic of that guy.

Murphy looked at the soft black fur cloak, shining in the sun, it was extremely gorgeous.

Gee tut.

Mo Fei couldn't help feeling, "It's really beautiful."

Murphy calculated the current lineup. With Hemet as a super hunter and Morgan Lisa as a powerful mage, the long-range damage is stable.

I act as the main tank, and the Vrykul man acts as the off-tank, and now there is only one healing.

In fact, if conditions permit, Murphy still hopes to find more people.

However, the more people there are, the more equipment will be distributed, and there are many people with mixed hands. Now is the troubled time, so it's better not to just drag people in.

"Muradin, has the treatment you promised arrived?"

"It's here, it should be here soon—hey, don't you see that it's here."

In the sky, a griffin slowly landed, and the figure of the cute big tits jumped off the griffin.

Muradin (King of the Hill): "Haha, look at what I said, Mengmeng, you are finally here, the Kingdom needs your service, there is an important mission for you, um, for my A good brother was chaplain for a while."

Mengmeng Big Tits just jumped off the Griffon, looked at Murphy's stunned face, and then smiled: "So it's Brother Aidan."

Murphy didn't expect Muradin to call her over.

"Don't you have church tasks to do? Why are you here?"

Mengmeng's big tits also looked helpless, "The mission of the church is important, but the mission of the kingdom is more important. If I don't do this thing, it will deduct the reputation of the kingdom. There is no way, who made me a dwarf."

Muradin said in surprise, "It turns out that you know each other, so it's easy to handle. If you discuss it slowly, I won't accompany you."

With that said, he turned around and left on his own.

Murphy was a little curious, "What exactly is your church going to do? Is there any big action that has recruited so many people?"

Mengmeng's big tits whispered mysteriously: "I usually don't tell others about this kind of thing, but brother Aidan is certainly not an outsider. Our church summoned us to plant trees."

"Planting trees? What do you want to plant trees for?"

"Use the holy light to infuse the tree with holy light energy in turn. I heard from Archbishop Fao that once the tree grows, it can greatly improve the abilities of all holy light occupations. The effect can affect the entire eastern continent, and it can also increase more Many practitioners of the Holy Light can even give birth to the entity of the incarnation of the Holy Light. In short, it is a great project that will last for the present and benefit forever, and all members of the Church of the Holy Light must participate.

When I left, even the Knights of the Silver Hand were in place, and all the practitioners of the Holy Light from different factions from all over the place arrived. "

Murphy was amazed when he heard that, he was worried that the Church of the Holy Light was going to attack Varian.

Unexpectedly, it was planting a tree, but listening to this meaning, this tree is not ordinary.

He still wanted to know more, but Mengmeng Datui refused to say any more, and asked instead.

"Brother Aidan, what kind of dragon are you going to hunt this time?"

"'The Devourer' Ankarad, an ancient dragon living in the Ankaluo crater, but don't worry, this product should not have the disgusting ability of Bolelius's immortal frost last time, we will fight step by step, Steady."

In fact, Mo Fei was not fully sure about this, but he had the passiveness of bluffing the master, and there was no pressure to swear.

Mengmeng's big tits also believed it.

"That's good. The last time was too dangerous. Although brother Aidan is very strong, I still feel that there is no need to always take this kind of risk. Is it possible to go further with a wretched development?"

Once the heroes are assembled and the army is formed, the next step is the adventurers.

There is still a great need for adventurers, and Mo Fei directly issued an announcement to recruit adventurers as the Lord Protector.
[Alterac Federation Edict: Prince Aidan, Lord Protector of Alterac, issued this edict. The contents of the edict are as follows——

Ankaluo Crater Land Reclamation Team, the fleet is ready, and it will set off in three days, recruiting adventurers above level 40 to go with the fleet, a total of 1000 places, until full, no tickets required.

The target - the great dragon Ankarad, as long as you participate in the killing, you will get the prestige of the Alterac Federation and a large amount of gold coin rewards, as well as the title of the kingdom - Dragon Slayer Warrior.

The top ten adventurers who contributed the most will be rewarded with a Storm Drake mount.

PS: I am going with the army, so safety can be guaranteed, if you want to come, please private message me. 】

Less than a day after the announcement was issued, there were many responders.

However, the quality of the adventurers this time is obviously not as good as last time. There is no way, the Kalimdor continent is much less attractive than the Northrend continent.

Because many players have arrived in Kalimdor through various means before, and even Kul Tiras and Gilneas have already opened the route to Kalimdor, and the number of adventurers in the Night Alliance is also over One hundred thousand, compared with wild virgin land like Northrend, it is obviously not so attractive.

That is, some guilds who haven't been there want to take a ride.

There are also those who are greedy for the storm drake mount, and the flying mount is still a high-end product in this game.

And although there are many adventurer players, those above level [-] are limited.Most of the thousand adventurers stayed in Northrend last time, and it would not be so easy to recruit another thousand top players.

But Murphy wasn't picky either. Anyway, adventurers were mainly used as cannon fodder and pathfinders. The real slaying of dragons depended on heroes like them, and some of them were fine.

Soon a thousand adventurers were gathered, most of them were above level 40, and there were only one or two hundred people above level 200.

300 dragon knights (300 dragon-blood giant warriors, 400 dragon-mounted heavy cavalry, [-] dragon-riding sky patrollers)
100 Dragonhunter Musketeers.

1000 adventurers of various professions.

After boarding the fleet, the fleet headed for the Kalimdor continent mightily.

It would take four or five days to cross the endless sea to reach Kalimdor. If he had nothing to do, Murphy gathered the main heroes of this time to discuss the dragon hunting plan.

He first decided to mark the marching route on the map.

Ankaluo Crater is located in the southern part of the Kalimdor continent, and there are three routes to choose from.

The first route, landing at the steam port in the southeast of Kalimdor, can be reached through the Tanaris Desert. The biggest problem with this route is the harsh environment of the Tanaris Desert. Tanaris It is extremely hot, and there are few oases. Marching in the desert will be affected by the [Extreme Heat] DEBUFF. The extreme heat can stack up to ten layers. The extreme heat will make the player gain thirst value. The more layers of extreme heat, the faster the thirst value will increase. Once the thirst value reaches 100%, it will start to lose health continuously and slowly. It is necessary to continue to replenish water to relieve the [extreme heat] state, otherwise it is easy to die there.

The second route landed from the Forgotten Coast in the southwest of Kalimdor, passed through the vast jungle of Feralas, and arrived at Ankaluo Crater.There are two dangers in this route, the naga active on the Forgotten Coast, and the sinister beasts in the jungle of Feralas.

The third route landed from the Stormrage Coast at the southernmost tip of Kalimdor, crossed the desert of Uldum, and arrived at Ankaluo Crater.

The Uldum Desert is much more suitable than the Tanaris Desert. There are many oases, and there is even a Khajiit (Torvir) kingdom, where many Tigers live.

However, it is a storm-prone area, and the throne of the wind god where Alakir, the king of wind elements, lives is located in the sky above Uldum.

"Prince Aidan, I wonder which route you plan to take?" Hemet couldn't help asking after listening to Murphy's introduction.

Murphy pondered for a moment, the first one must not be considered, how much water should be brought with so many soldiers, unless there are a large number of mages to help make water, it can still be considered.

The third way, he is not afraid of the storm, even as the son of the storm, maybe he can get acquainted with Al'Akir, after all, Al'Akir is also a member of the God of Storms.

But apart from this point, there is not much benefit to going this way. Uldum is currently very closed, and there is not much information for reference.

The tol'vir seem to be fighting a civil war too, and getting involved is a lot of trouble.

After thinking about it, "Let's take the second route, land on the Forgotten Coast, and pass through Feralas."

The advantage of this route is that all the threats come from monsters, be it Naga or beasts, just kill them all.

Just take it as a way to level up.

After confirming the route, several people chatted about the specific battle plan.

"Ankarad the Devourer is said to be a huge ancient dragon with a huge appetite. It feeds on the local Devilsaur, but it has no special abilities."

Hemet said, "Don't worry, Prince Aidan, when that monster appears, our Dragon Hunter Musketeers will teach it a lesson."

The cute big tits reminded, "By the way, Morgan Lisa, didn't you get a legendary magic scroll, did you learn it?"

Morgan Lisa shook her head, "Don't mention it, I thought I was asking for Dragon Language, but later I found out that it was Ancient Dragon Language. There is no place to learn this stuff. I went to the library in Dalaran and found it. The Royal Scholars of Lordaeron, no one knows about it."

(End of this chapter)

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