Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 415

Chapter 415
Having said this, Morgan Lisa seemed to think of something, and suddenly looked at Murphy.

"Aidan, since you can transform into a dragon, you must know a lot about dragon games, right? Do you know where you can learn ancient dragon language?"

"Gu Longyu, hehe, I know this."

"You can speak ancient dragon language!" Morgan Lisa was shocked: "Then why didn't you say it earlier?"

"You didn't even ask."

"Then can you teach me?"

"Teaching can be taught, but I'm afraid you can't learn it."

"Ha, can I still learn it? I'm a pure intelligence mage with an intelligence of 120, and my academic skills have been upgraded to the master level. As long as you know it, I can learn it."

After speaking, he raised his hand to Murphy.

[System prompt: Morgan Lisa used academic skills on you and learned language skills from you, whether to accept it, yes/no. 】

Hey, this is the first time I have seen this thing.

But my ancient dragon language is restored from Deathwing's memory, it's not in the skill list at all, how can it be done like this?But Murphy still chose yes.

Sure enough, he didn't expect it.

Morgan Lisa was speechless, "You don't have the skill of ancient dragon language at all in your language skills. You only have the Common Language of the Alliance, the Alterac dialect, and no foreign language. You're so sick, don't you? What are you bragging about?"

Murphy shook his head: "Language is not learned this way, take out your scroll."

Morgan Lisa took out the magic scroll from her backpack.

Murphy took a look at it.

"Look here, the word is 'Duwa Keyin', in the ancient dragon language, Dua means dragon, and Kein means blood, bloodline, blood relative.

This word is 'Dumen Luca', Dumen means summoning, and Luca means time, and it can also be understood as eternity, how to understand it depends on the context...

Murphy explained to Morgan Lisa, but Morgan Lisa looked suspicious.

"But how did you master the ancient dragon language without language skills?"

It’s really no wonder that Morgan Lisa is confused. After all, it’s a game. It’s impossible for players to learn a language. They usually pick up a professional language book. As long as they have enough intelligence and academic level, they can learn it. .

Therefore, although players can master various languages ​​in the game, they rely entirely on memory transmission, and there is no concept of learning at all.

Murphy sighed helplessly, and he didn't know how to explain it.

"In short, just learn how you learn in real life and how you learn in games. That's how I learned the ancient dragon language at the beginning. I learned it by reading a lot of words and descriptions in the ancient dragon language. If you don't want to learn it, forget it."

"Don't, don't, brother, I was wrong, I'll learn, please teach me if I can succeed."

Mo Feixin said that it was more or less the same.

"Okay, just a few days before I arrive in Kalimdor, I will try to teach you before I arrive.

In the next few days, Murphy began to teach Morgan Lisa.

Learning the ancient dragon language is not easy. Murphy gradually mastered it because he occupied Deathwing's body and read the content about the ancient dragon language from his memory.

But it is not so easy to teach people directly.

"The ancient dragon language is a phonetic text. Because the pronunciation organs of the dragon people are different from those of humans, the language is more low-pitched and has fewer syllables. Therefore, the ancient dragon language has many similar words. Therefore, if you want to understand the meaning of the text, you must In connection with the context, it is also necessary to add personal understanding of the ancient dragon society.

Moreover, the scrolls used to record magic have a high probability of merging the meanings of words. You can probably understand it as the classical Chinese in the ancient dragon language, which is shorter and more profound..."

Murphy taught for three days in a row, but Morgan Lisa learned in a mess.

"It's too difficult!" She scratched her hair and said frantically.

Mo Feixin said that although you have an intelligence of 120 points in the game, it looks average in reality.

He could read the words on the scroll, but he didn't have master-level magic specialization, nor did he have enough intelligence, so it was completely meaningless.

On the fourth day, Morgan Lisa finally found a way.

"Haha, I know what to do!"

As soon as Murphy went online that day, he saw Morgan Lisa talking to him excitedly.

"I recorded the text and pronunciation with a camera wizard, and hired a few linguists to help me analyze the translation, and then I memorized it by rote. What is written on this scroll should be a story, Borelius Follow the dragon god through time and space, observe the cold moment before the birth of the universe, and use this as an interpretation of power."

"Then can you use it now?"

"let me try."

Standing on the ship's side, Morgan Lisa held the scroll and read it word by word.

"Dwakin, Dumen Luka, Atasak, Ulubo, call me stupid, Nuba Laxi..."

The obscure ancient dragon language was read out, and the ancient dragon characters on the scroll also lit up one by one, but I don't know if the pronunciation is not in place, some characters are bright, but some characters are still dark.

But even so, Morgan Lisa was excited.

"Duakin, Dumenluka, Atasak, Uluboba, Mashalanubalaxi..."

Morgan Lisa kept repeating the content, and more and more ancient dragon words were lit up on the scroll. Finally, when she read it for the seventh time, all the words on the scroll were lit up.

It turned into a golden light and disappeared.

[System prompt: You have successfully deciphered the magic scroll, and you have learned the magic on it - Bolelius' Eternal Frost. 】

"Success! Hahaha I succeeded! mua!"

He couldn't help saying that he hugged Murphy and kissed him.

Murphy was confused by Morgan Lisa.

However, the smile stopped abruptly, and she looked over Morgan Lisa's head into the distance, and a naval battle was going on fiercely on the distant sea.

"I think you've had a chance to try a new magic - blow the battle horn! We're going to war!"

Whoooo!The loud horn sounded, followed by the clang of the bell.

The battleship was marked by horns and alarm bells, and then the battle flag was also raised.

All the fighters got on the deck and looked towards the distant sea.

"It's the cruise fleet of the night elves!"

"Are those in the sea Naga? My God, there are so many Naga."

"Look, there seems to be some big monster in the sea!"

"Prince Aidan, who are we helping?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Of course it's to help the night elves."

Although the night elves are not allies with the alliance, their relationship is pretty good. Back then, Varian brought the League of Heroes to help the night elves fight against the centaur army.

Therefore, they are all neutral relations. At least they will not be beaten if they go there, and they can also carry out supplies and repairs.

To pass through Feralas this time, we must deal with the night elves, so please help if you can, it can be regarded as a good relationship.

With Murphy's command, the fleet immediately arranged in a linear array and cut diagonally towards the Night Fleet.

[System prompt: You are about to enter the plot range of the plot campaign 'Terrorist Island Sea Battle', please be prepared, your identity in this plot campaign is an 'accidental intervention'. 】

In order to avoid misunderstanding that the fleet was far away, it was obvious that the night elves would not care about this sudden approaching human fleet. The three night elf warships were completely caught in a bitter battle at this time.

The night elves have no gunpowder technology and no magic. The most powerful weapons on the battleship are ballistas and blade throwers, which cannot suppress the approaching Naga. Fighting with the night elf warriors on board.

The sea is full of people, fish tails are churning, and densely packed Naga are rushing towards the fleet. It seems that the destruction of the fleet is only a matter of time.

Fortunately, there was Murphy's rescue.

The fleet yaws 15 degrees to the east, the starboard side is ready to fire, the gunners are in position, the musketeers are in position, and the adventurers are in position!
The gun ports on the right side of the five warships were opened one after another, and the muzzles protruded. On the deck, the position near the side of the ship was densely packed with people.

Dragon hunter musketeers, mages, rangers, hunters, storm attendants, and all kinds of long-distance occupations are all ready for battle.

The dragon-controlling sky surveyor even went straight into the sky.

Just as the fleet came within range—fire!
The dense firepower poured out instantly.

The cannon on the starboard side was the first to fire. The roar was deafening, and the shells flew horizontally, blasting large swaths of water on the sea.

The blood in the sea suddenly surged, how could Naga's flesh and blood body hold the steel shells.

Immediately, a large number of Naga turned around and rushed towards the fleet.

Immediately afterwards, the dragon hunting musketeers also opened fire.

It is worthy of being a sixth-level soldier, with a range of up to 600 meters, which is almost the same as modern firearms, and its power is even greater. The high-level armor-piercing trait can often deal piercing damage. It is common for a single shot to penetrate two or three Nagas. things.

Finally approaching the distance of 300 meters, at this time, the adventurers on the ship also started to output.

"Haha cool!"

"A lot of experience, but it's a pity that I can't pick up corpses."

"Just kill it, and pick it up after the beating is over."

The Dragon Control Skywatcher is also launching an attack, condescending, diving continuously like an osprey hunting, breathing out lightning dragon breath, and blasting balls of electric current on the sea surface.

There were also some that flew directly to the night elves' fleet under Murphy's order, launching air strikes on the naga on the battleship.

"Haha, that's how it feels." Hemet blasted a naga's furious head with a single shot. It was so cool, but Asona was in a hurry. He waved the huge battle ax in his hand and watched the other people's big fights. Screaming target shooting.

"Hurry up, you bastards, my big ax is already hungry and thirsty, fight, I need to fight! Ahhhhh!"

The melee profession is hard work, and I can only watch others enjoy it.

Fortunately, even if it is a melee profession, it has a little bit of long-distance output ability.

Some warrior knights took out their bows and crossbows from their backpacks and fired them one after another. Although there was no skill bonus and the damage was pitiful, they were still participating.

Asona even took out his throwing axe, and flung it towards the sea, which counted as killing a few heads.

I don't know if they heard Asona's call, those naga suddenly accelerated their speed at a distance of more than 100 meters, and beat on the hull of the battleship.

But the Storm Dragon King is the top battleship, with city armor and super high durability, how can these Naga tear it apart, smash it with a clang, and the number of blood loss is -1-2-1- 2 - Immune - Unpunched - 1.

Seeing that it was impossible to go on like this, there was a weird horn sound from the sea in the distance, the waves in the sea were churning, and some huge dorsal fins could be vaguely seen swimming quickly in the sea.

"It's sea beasts! Concentrate your firepower and kill them!"

Boom boom boom!
A round of artillery shot past, and most of them fell into the sea, but a few of them successfully hit the target, and blood spattered immediately.
789! -891! -902!

Nearly a thousand damage per shot.

The blood bar of that monster also appeared at the same time, the giant sea snake (sea behemoth) has 72019/75000 HP!

However, before the second round of artillery could be fired, the giant sea snake plunged into the deep sea suddenly, and the artillery could not shoot at all.

Captain Shandel: "Not good, that monster is going to attack from underwater, we must stop it!"

Murphy said it was time to act.

Dragon incarnate!

The human body instantly turned into the huge body of a giant dragon, circled in the air, and rushed towards the sea.

Thunder breath!A mouthful of thunder turned the bellies of the Naga Boom at the landing point white, Boom!A jet of water shot up into the sky, and Mo Fei dived quickly, and at a glance, he saw a huge sea snake over 150 meters in size, rushing from the depths of the seabed.

And around him, there were countless Naga thugs, Naga warriors, and Naga hunters swarming in, wielding war blades and steel forks.

Although it is not a home game in the water, it is a bit blind to change to other dragons, but the storm dragon is not afraid of this, sea water can conduct electricity.

Wan Lei Tianyin!

Boom, the crimson current spread out in all directions centered on Mur Fei, and spread crazily in the sea, like an electric fish. With just one blow, hundreds of Naga electricity turned their bellies up.

The giant sea snake didn't care, it lost only a few thousand blood, which was meaningless to a giant sea beast with more than 7 blood, opened its abyssal mouth full of huge fangs, and bit it in one bite.

The sea snake's mouth occupies almost half of the face. Murphy didn't want it to take a bite, so he stretched out his dragon claws to catch the sea snake's upper and lower jaws so that it couldn't bite him. But the next second, the giant sea snake's The body then swept over.

Abyss strangled!

In an instant, Mo Fei was entangled tightly, and the extremely tough body of the sea snake kept shrinking, with the passive effect of 'deep sea toughness', its strength was enough to strangle the giant dragon, and the strong body of the Storm Dragon King also creaked under the strangulation The weird sound was the sound made by the dragon scales rubbing violently.

The giant sea snake stared at one pale eye, opened its mouth constantly, and bit Murphy one after another.

At the same time, he was still strangling, and Murphy's health bar began to slowly decrease.

He didn't hesitate.

Rex's Dragon Claw!
In the next second, Mo Fei withdrew his right claw abruptly, and then clawed hard towards the center of the sea snake's forehead.

The huge dragon claws pierced through the hard skull of the giant sea snake like a knife cutting tofu. Murphy was surprised and delighted, and with a sudden force, he pulled out the brain of the giant sea snake.
70191 (fatal blow)!

When the giant sea snake rolled its eyes, its body loosened and sank toward the depths of the ocean.

Murphy looked at his dragon claws with some surprise and surprise. The texture was like a rock. It seemed simple and simple, like a dragon claw carved out of rocks, but unexpectedly it was so powerful.

This ancient dragon's claw is really powerful, such a huge monster, although it is not a boss template, but it would have to fight a lot anyway, but unexpectedly it can be killed so easily now.

(End of this chapter)

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