Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 416 The Night Elf's Old Friend

Chapter 416 The Night Elf's Old Friend

Mo Fei looked at his pair of dragon claws, and thought that these were much more practical than ordinary dragon feast skills.

Although the dragon food skills are powerful, they usually have a cooling time, but this ancient dragon's claw is a passive effect, which directly improves one's normal attack to the level of a small killer, and it will be useful if you fight with the ancient dragon in the future I have more confidence.

It doesn't matter if you are big, just dig your heart and brain.

Just as he was thinking, a bolt of lightning shot at him. When he turned his head, he saw densely packed Naga sea witches surrounded him in the surrounding sea, and they were shooting lightning bolts and ice arrows at him. Come.

In sea water, the release of many magics will be restricted, but lightning magic is not included in this list, and ice magic is relatively less affected, so Naga sea witches usually use lightning and ice as their main spells.

But from Murphy's point of view, this little bit of lightning is almost like scratching an itch, completely defenseless.

"Small Naga, let me teach you what is the real thunder!"

Dragon Thunder Storm!

A series of crimson thunderbolts descended from the sky, and they were transmitted deeply into the sea. Although the sea water weakened the power of the dragon thunder, but also because of the conduction, the killing range of the dragon thunder was greatly increased. Every time it landed, it could explode A large area of ​​red damage numbers appears.

Those Naga sea witches let out weird roars, and soon many Naga thugs, Naga warriors, fighting sharks, and deep-sea murlocs rushed towards Murphy crazily.

Murphy didn't hesitate. The ants killed the elephants. After all, the dragons' actions in the water were not as smooth as in the sky, and they floated directly towards the sea. Anyway, they lost the giant beasts of the deep sea, and Naga had already lost the chance to destroy the Storm Dragon King. , his mission has been completed.

boom!A water column rose into the sky, and the storm dragon flapped its wings and flew into the sky.

In the sea water, countless Naga drilled out of the sea, densely packed lightning bolts and ice bolts attacked the air.

As Murphy flew higher and higher, in order to ensure the range, the Naga gathered more and more densely.

Mo Fei looked at the crowded crowd below, but his heart suddenly moved.

Dragon Thunder Shaping!

A thunder gun condensed in the dragon's claws, but this time, Mo Fei did not throw it out immediately, but continued to accumulate the power of the dragon thunder. The thunder gun became thicker and longer, and the violent power of the dragon thunder was The dragon's claws were restless, the crimson thunder light flickered, and it made a terrifying sound. Otherwise, the dragon thunder would have exploded because of its uncontrollable power.

But now, under the firm grasp of the ancient dragon's claws, that dragon thunder was completely locked between the dragon's claws.

Sure enough!

Mo Fei was overjoyed. The ancient dragon's claw not only increased the damage of normal attacks, but also enhanced his control power. This powerful power originated from the beginning of the universe. It is so powerful that as long as it is used well, it will not only enhance It's just the ability to fight in hand-to-hand combat.

After accumulating power for more than ten seconds, the dragon thunder gun was 60 meters long, and then Mo Fei threw the dragon thunder gun towards the sea.

boom!The moment the dragon thunder gun fell into the sea, it exploded suddenly, turning into a billowing crimson energy ring, which quickly spread towards the surrounding sea water.

Wherever the thunder ring passed, four-digit damage numbers burst out from Naga's head. For Naga whose blood volume was generally less than a thousand, it was almost a ring of death. Gold coins and all kinds of junk equipment covered the sea.

The scene was magnificent.

With just one blow, hundreds of Naga sea witches and all kinds of sea monsters were killed.

This scene made Commander Naga, who was directing the battle, stare straight at him, and was immediately shocked and furious.

Rulgas (King of the Tide): "Dragon! We have no vengeance, why attack us."

As soon as Murphy turned his head, he saw a naga ocean lord riding a dragon turtle pointing at him with a trident and roaring.

Aidandron (Storm Dragon King): "Hmph, little Naga, you are like ants in my eyes. I crushed a group of ants, do I need to explain to the ants?"

"Damn dragon, don't think that you can ignore the majesty of the Naga Empire. The power of the master behind us is beyond your imagination. Let's face the wrath of the sea."

Lurgas waved the trident violently, and the surrounding sea water immediately swirled around him, as if some big move was brewing.

However, before the big move was released, a white mist suddenly enveloped him, the sea water began to freeze, and spread rapidly, even the vortex-like ocean current was directly frozen into solid ice, and the power of frost was slowly and unstoppably Surrounded the king of tides.

"Quick, support me quickly."

Several Naga sea witches around immediately cast the frost barrier, but it was useless. The Naga lord wanted to run away, but at this time his lower body was frozen with the sea water, which made him feel even more frightened. Yes, totally unable to break free.

Dispel the magic!


The surrounding naga sea witches are still trying hard, but it has no effect at all.

"What! This is... what kind of power?"

In the blink of an eye, the ice spread along his body, completely freezing him inside.

A Naga lord wielding a trident, surrounded by swirling sea water, with the base of a dragon tortoise underneath, like a solidified sculpture, let alone it, it is quite artistic.

Murphy looked towards the boat, and as expected, it was Morgan Lisa who made the move.

"Hahaha, did you see that, he's so handsome." Morgan Lisa excitedly waved her staff and shouted to the people around her. The King of the Tide is also a terrifying BOSS. Dragon language magic is really powerful.

Then right away she noticed a problem.

"Damn, there's no kill prompt, and you can't touch the corpse, hell!"

Mo Fei couldn't help but be speechless for a while, couldn't it be that he couldn't touch the corpse, and the Naga lord was not killed, he was just frozen.

He flapped his wings and slowly landed on the deck of the Storm Dragon King, turning into a human form.

"You can wait until the battle is over to unfreeze it, and then kill it."

"Uh, it doesn't seem to work. My magic doesn't have the function of unfreezing. Let me check it out. I'm dizzy. I have to die to be able to unfreeze."

[Eternal Frost: Forbidden magic power from before the birth of the universe. It is said that this kind of magic cannot be considered to be controlled. Only the death of the caster can free the sealed person...]

Murphy was a little speechless after hearing this. From this point of view, the Eternal Frost is strong, but it can only be used as a control skill, and the frozen target cannot be killed, which is a bit of a pitfall.

However, there is no such thing as perfect in this world, and being able to 'kill' a boss in an instant is considered a magical skill.

In such a short time, the night elves' battle was also decided. After losing the commander and a large number of follow-up troops, Naga's morale plummeted. The night elves on those battleships finally gradually regained the upper hand. Kill all the Naga who had been killed on the boat before, and a small number of Naga jumped into the sea and fled.

At this time, the two fleets were already very close, and the opposite side finally began to send out signals.

Captain Shandel: "Prince Aidan, the other party has issued a semaphore, let us follow."

"Come on."

Murphy said.

The two fleets were half a sea mile apart, heading northeast. Behind the fleet, the ocean surface was full of Naga's corpses, as well as the huge ice block.

Not long after the fleet sailed out, the dorsal fins of huge deep-sea giant snakes surged again on the distant sea surface. There were as many as four or five, and there were even "flying snakes" flying all over the sky, with the membranous wings of marine life, But it can fly in the sky.

There are more than ten giant dragon turtles, each of which is packed with Naga warriors, like moving fortresses.

This Naga army obviously came to support them, but what they saw was a miserable scene.

The corpses of countless Naga fell in the ocean currents.

"Look, it's Lulgas, he doesn't seem to be dead."

"Take it back!" the leading Naga lord roared.


Murphy didn't see what was going on behind him. After the fleet drove for more than an hour, a huge island finally appeared in front of him. The fortress, lighthouse, and port wharf on the island could be vaguely seen.

The port is a very good deep-water port, with a circular pier and two fortresses at both ends. The walls of the fortress are covered with ballistas and blade throwers, and there are ancient guardians sitting on the embankment near the sea. These ancient guardians Players can throw boulders, both into the air and into the sea.

Dense elven soldiers patrolled and guarded heavily.

Murphy looked strange, it looked like he was about to go to war.

After the fleet docked, Murphy also set foot on land with a group of heroes.

At the same time, the elf fleet also docked, and a group of elf warriors got off the ship and greeted Murphy.

The leader was a youthful and beautiful Sentinel General with long blue hair and a delicate face. At first glance, he seemed to be in his early twenties.

But looking at the ranks and grades above his head, Murphy didn't dare to belittle him.

Shandris Feather Moon (Sentinel General) Epic Tier 90, Level 14400, HP [-].

Don't look at this little girl who looks like a little girl, but Mo Fei knows very well that this girl is a strong warrior who has lived for tens of thousands of years.

I still know something about Shandris Feather Moon Murphy, she is the adopted daughter of Tyrande, she was adopted by Tyrande after the War of the Ancients, and she was trained as an excellent Sentinel General.

Due to the long life of night elves and sufficient time to upgrade, all night elves are the highest level of the template cap.

And cordially, according to some revelations in online forums, night elf NPCs of the same level tend to have more and more comprehensive skills, and their specialties will be more powerful.

Shandris Feathermoon (General Sentinel): "Hello humans, thank you for your help. May I ask what made you appear in this distant land?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "I am Prince Aidan from the Eastern Continent. I came to fight against the evil dragon 'The Devourer' Ankarad, and I passed by your land.

As for the previous help, please don't worry about it. I once fought in Ashenvale with Ms. Tyrande and Master Malfurion. I am an old friend of the night elves, and friends should help each other. "

Strictly speaking, this is not a lie. During the Battle of Ashenvale, Murphy played the role of Deathwing. Didn't he just 'fight' with Tyrande?

Shandris Feather Moon realized instantly.

In the Battle of Ashenvale, Prince Varian of the Stormwind Kingdom led a group of Alliance heroes to aid the night elves. Shandris Feathermoon knew about this, and she thought that this was one of the Alliance heroes who came to aid at that time , Immediately a great impression.

"Yes, friends should indeed help each other. If His Royal Highness needs help, please feel free to ask. Don't be polite. I am very happy to see the human hero again. Please go to the fortress to recuperate."

Mo Feixin said that you said this.

With the assistance of the night elves, this journey must be much easier.

As the two walked, Mo Fei tentatively asked, "Have you been fighting here recently?"

"Yes, the war has spread to all areas of South Kalimdor. The Ahn'Qiraj Zerg is expanding wildly. In order to stop these evil creatures, the army of the Night Alliance is now confronting the enemy in Feralas, and it will break out every day. Fierce fighting and conflict."

It turned out it wasn't over yet.

Murphy thought to himself, he did know that the Night Alliance was at war with the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg. He had seen news about it on the forum before, but he was not very clear about the reasons for this war.

It stands to reason that the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg should not have erupted at this time.

He couldn't help recalling the background introduction of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg.

According to the historical records of Warcraft, a tragic war broke out in Azeroth 1000 years ago. Although this war ended in a tragic victory for the night elves, it had a profound impact on the future trend of history.

This war became known as the "War of the Quicksands".

The cause of the war was the revival of Silithus initiated by the night elf archdruid Fandral Staghelmet. In order to find water sources and try to revitalize this vast and desolate area, some night elf druids trespassed Ahn'Qiraj Palace, awakened the dormant Qiraji.

But what's more terrible is that the ancient god "C'Thun" who was imprisoned in Ahn'Qiraj drove the Qiraji into madness and attacked these druids.

Although the druids escaped successfully, the Qiraji, which covered the sky and the sun, had completely fallen into madness.

The Qiraji army broke out from the underground tunnels of Ahn'Qiraj without warning, quickly engulfed Silithus, and further expanded its sphere of influence to other areas.

Relying on their strong reproductive ability, the Ahn'Qiraj basically swept away all those who stood in their way with a crushing posture, until finally they successfully attracted the intervention of the Dragon Covenant. Only barely drove the Qiraji back behind the high walls of Ahn'Qiraj.

However, even with the help of the dragon army, it is difficult for the night elves to completely eliminate the threat of the Qiraji. The Ahn'Qiraj hid directly in the cave lair deep in the ground, where the ancient god Ke was imprisoned. Su En, even the dragon dare not break in.

There was really no other way, so the night elves and the dragon army simply summoned a huge magic barrier. This magic barrier was called the "Wall of Beetles", which completely sealed the Qiraji in it.

After that, the commander of the Dragon Legion, the Bronze Dragon Anachronos, made two sacred objects, one was the Gong of the Beetle, and the other was the Battle of Quicksand.

The dragon army handed over the Battle of Quicksand to Fandral to prevent the need to enter Ahn'Qiraj again one day in the future and open the gate of Ahn'Qiraj.

But at that time, Fandral fell into madness because of his son's death in battle, and directly destroyed the Quicksand Scepter, saying that he would never open the gate of Ahn'Qiraj.

According to the original timeline, adventurers will not restore the Quicksand Scepter until five or six years after the end of the Battle of Haishan, that is, in the 60s, and the Gate of Ahn'Qiraj will be opened again, and they will go deep into it and crusade against the ancients. God C'Thun.

But I didn't expect that the battle of the sea and mountains hadn't happened yet, and the Burning Legion hadn't even showed up yet, so the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg would go berserk first.

"But how did this happen? Aren't the Ahn'Qiraj bugs sealed by the Scarab Wall? And if I remember correctly, didn't the night elves set up a Cenarion Fortress outside Ahn'Qiraj's Gate to monitor them? To prevent the door from being opened?"

This is a bit similar to the feeling that the Alliance established a watchfort to monitor the Dark Portal.

Shandris was a little surprised, thinking how did the other party know this information?
But after all, she is a little girl who has lived for 1 years, and the city government still has some, so she nodded calmly.

"Yes, for 1000 years, druids and sentinels have been monitoring the situation at the gate of Ahn'Qiraj to prevent the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg from escaping their bondage.

Everything was normal at first, but not long ago, an army of orcs suddenly attacked Cenarion Fortress. These savage beasts slaughtered the defenders in the fortress, and before the army of night arrived, a bloody massacre started. The sacrificial ceremony used evil horror magic to destroy the seal on the gate of Ahn'Qiraj, and what's more frightening is that it is likely to have awakened the terrible existence deep in the kingdom of Ahn'Qiraj.

Now the Ahn'Qiraj worms are flooding everywhere, and Ms. Tyrande and the Centaur King Shenwu led the coalition forces to stop them desperately.

I was originally ordered to lead the troops on the island to increase the number of troops, but to make matters worse, the Naga on the Terror Island also became restless and attacked us continuously. I had to lead the fleet to solve this problem in one fell swoop, but The size of the Naga army is much larger than I expected, so the previous scene happened. "

However, Murphy had a guess in his mind. Behind the Naga was the ancient god N'Zoth, and behind the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg was the ancient god C'Thun. In matters, but occasionally cooperate.

It seems that Naga's attack should be the behavior of N'Zoth in cooperation with C'Thun.

As for the mysterious orc army, Murphy also had a guess.

Could it be the Abyss Legion led by Ner'zhul?

According to the statement in the tribal section of the game forum, this guy is said to have led an army to dig the ancient gods, but he didn't expect that the first one to dig was Ke'thun.

While he was contemplating, Shandris suddenly said: "Although it is presumptuous to say so, I wonder if Prince Aidan is willing to join this war against the evil swarm?"

(End of this chapter)

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