Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 417 Bargaining

Chapter 417 Bargaining
Huh, you can't hold back so quickly?

Murphy was a little surprised. With the night elves' arrogance and confidence in their own strength, they could take the initiative to ask for help. It seemed that the battle situation on the front line of Feralas was really not ideal.

In fact, it's really good to help. After all, with his strength, he can run away at any time if he can't beat it.

Since the orcs were beaten back into the Dark Portal in the Eastern Continent, there are almost no important plots to participate in. There are only some daily plots such as suppressing rebels, hunting down cultists, or robbing princes and princesses from various countries. For his current rank, there is almost no help, and he can no longer give any plot points.

It would be cool if you could farm it a few more ranks in Kareem.

But the thing is such a thing, but since people have asked me, wouldn't it be very rude if I didn't take the opportunity to make decisions.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "I deeply sympathize with the experience of the night elves. If conditions permit, I very much hope to fight side by side with the heroes of the night elves to eliminate evil and fight to protect the world , but unfortunately, now I have an important mission - to crusade against the dragon Ankarad, I can only spare time after defeating Ankarad, so..."

Shandris Feathermoon (General Sentinel): "But Ankarad the Devourer is just a neutral dragon living in Ankaluo Crater. Although it is very terrifying, I heard that any creature will be swallowed by it, but for the whole There is no threat to the world, as long as there is enough food, it will not leave its territory.

But the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg is different. Their crazy spread and reproduction, if not stopped, will bring terrible disaster to this world.

Prince Aidan, can't you wait until the crisis here is resolved before you slay the dragon? "

"General Yuyue doesn't need to say much. There is a lot of key information in it. I can't disclose it at will. Maybe after meeting Ms. Tyrande, I can explain it to her."

The implication is that your status is not high enough, and I can't negotiate any conditions with you. Let me meet the boss of your family and then talk about it.

Shandris Yuyue was slightly taken aback, but she also vaguely guessed Murphy's purpose, "Prince Aidan wants to see Lord Tyrande?"

"Of course, we must pass through Feralas if we want to crusade against Ankarad. It is also appropriate to visit by the way."

"I understand, I will arrange someone to take Prince Aidan to meet Lord Tyrande."

That night, the expeditionary force stayed overnight at Feathermoon Fortress. Early the next morning, Shandris Feathermoon sent a messenger to take Murphy to Feralas to meet Tyrande.

Before boarding the ship, Shandris Feathermoon sees Murphy off.

"I'm sorry Prince Aidan, I still need to be stationed here to guard against the Naga army on Terror Island, so I can't send you off."

"It's okay, good luck."

Under the guidance of the guide, the fleet sailed towards the east.Pass through the strait between Feathermoon Stronghold and the Forgotten Coast, and finally land in the Undercurrent Harbor on the Forgotten Coast.

There is a night alliance army stationed here at the port, five hundred night elf archers and two thousand centaur rogues.

It can be seen that the centaur has made up for the lack of night elves' lack of troops. Even this kind of port with little strategic value can station thousands of troops.

After the messenger explained his purpose, the local night elf officer immediately led Murphy towards the camp of the Night Alliance.

Murphy left a hundred dragon-controllers to guard the fleet, and the rest of the troops and adventurers, more than 2000 people, marched mightily inland.

Through desolate beaches, dense jungles, and lush green wilderness, Feralas is a typical jungle landscape, with rugged and steep mountains and trees and vines all over the mountains. To Murphy's surprise, a large number of forests have disappeared. left behind a desolate scene full of mess.

Judging from the traces left on the ground, it should have disappeared not long ago, leaving no stumps, as if they had been uprooted.

"It should be a war spell - tree revitalization." Mengmeng Big Tits said suddenly.

Tree activation is a natural spell mastered by forest guardians and druids. It can activate trees into free-moving treants. Although treants are not weak in combat, treants can only survive for a month. The death of a person means the death of a tree.

For druids and forest guardians who love the forest and life, the cost of this spell is undoubtedly huge, and they will not be used easily.

But judging from the area of ​​the currently disappeared forest, the Night Alliance has obviously begun to use this spell on a large scale.

"It seems that the situation of the Night Alliance is very urgent." Morgan Lisa also guessed.

This speculation was thoroughly confirmed after arriving at the night elves' camp.

In the plateau wilderness area in the south of Feralas, Murphy saw a vast wilderness, full of earth pits left by activated tree people, thousands of them at a glance, and a large number of broken trees scattered in the distance On the ground, there were thousands of huge bug corpses, among which the battle beetle was the most numerous. This is a two-meter-long beetle with a hard shell and huge fangs and claws. Common ground combat unit.

Although the battle is over, it is not difficult to see the tragedy of the battlefield from the number of corpses.

Some druids are summoning vines and roots of plants to devour these corpses and transform them into nutrients for making the ancient tree of war.

In the north of the battlefield, there are continuous camps and war fortifications.

The nearest is a huge army camp full of night elf characteristics. The weird forest composed of countless ancient war trees and ancient guardians is like an indestructible line of defense. Behind these giant trees tens of meters high are one after another. A tree house created with druid spells.

On the east side of the night elves' camp, there was a huge centaur camp built with rough tents. Hundreds of arrow towers and densely packed spiked horses stood on the periphery, and a large number of centaur pioneers patrolled outside the camp.

In the camp, you can still see many centaur-style fortresses, fortresses, and even several airship towers tens of meters high, and several huge airships are docking.

In addition, there are some Indian-style tents located in the gap between the two camps. Without asking, it must be the camp of the tauren, and the camp is much smaller.

From the distribution of these three camps, it can be seen that although they are in the same camp, the night elves and centaurs are still separated from each other, but the tauren have a good relationship with both sides.

Murphy led his army into the night elves' camp, walking in the open space between the ancient war trees, listening to the weird creaking sounds of the ancient war trees, it still felt like a war atmosphere.

Knowing Murphy's arrival, Tyrande personally received them.

The last time Murphy saw this high priest was a year ago, and he only cast a few glances from a distance. Now that he will observe him closely, he is indeed amazingly beautiful. His lavender skin is delicate and smooth, and his figure is tall and well-proportioned. What is impressive is the holy and elegant temperament exuding from her body.

No wonder Illidan and Malfurion fell in love with this woman in front of them together.

Tyrande (High Priest): "Prince Aidan, it's a pleasure to meet you. I have already learned about your origin from the messenger. Thank you for your assistance to the Shandris fleet. The Alliance and the night elves once fought side by side. It is a pleasure Glad to have you lend a hand once again in this difficult time."

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "You're welcome, Ms. Tyrande, I just happened to meet at the right time. The Alliance and the night elves should have helped each other. Speaking of which, I have an important mission this time. I need the help of the night elves, I want to lead the army to Un'Goro Apparition, I hope Lady Tyrande can send me some guides."

"Prince Aidan traveled across the ocean to hunt down the giant dragon named Ancalad. There must be a very important reason. I also want to help, but unfortunately, the jungle leading to the Ankaluo crater has now been destroyed. Occupied by the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, if you want to go there, it will inevitably lead to conflicts and wars."

Mo Feixin said that your perfunctory is too obvious. There is more than one road from Feralas to Ankaluo Crater. Your battle line is obviously almost reaching Sirisus, even if you take a detour through Thousand Needles It's not like there's no way out.

"That's it, that's really a pity. It seems that we can only retreat to the sea first, and then go to Ankaluo crater by other roads."

Tyrande smiled slightly, "Hehe, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. If Prince Aidan can join us and help us defeat the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, then we can go there smoothly. With Prince Aidan's strength, even if he is far away from Kari Mudo, I have also heard about your feat of defeating the orcs, presumably some Ahn'Qiraj Zerg are definitely not your opponents."

Do you wear a top hat?Too bad it doesn't work for me.

Murphy immediately said modestly, "I don't know much about the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, but I can make Ms. Tyrande so difficult. It seems that the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg is very powerful. How can I be so arrogant? I should withdraw to the sea." Be safe."

Tyrande couldn't help but stagnate, this human being is really a bit slippery, he doesn't play tricks at all, it seems that there is some blood.

Seriously said: "Prince Aidan, if you can help me defeat the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, I am willing to send the Phantom Marksman Legion and the Horned Eagle Knight to assist you in slaying the dragon. The Phantom Marksman is the strongest shooter unit of the night elves. The Horned Eagle Knights are good at air combat, with their participation, the dragon slaying operation will be very easy.

Moreover, the night elves have an outpost in the Ankaluo crater, and they have a good grasp of the activity rules of the giant dragon Ankarad. With this information, the dragon slaying operation is naturally sure, what do you think? "

Mo Fei thought to himself, this is a classic RPG task flow, if you want to do A, do B first, and if you want to do B, do C first.

However, he is not too interested in this kind of payment before delivery. Since you are begging me, of course it is the delivery before payment.

"How about this, Ms. Tyrande sent troops and me to slay the dragon first. If things are really as simple as Ms. Tyrande said, then one day must be enough time to complete the dragon slaying, and then I can devote myself to Lead my troops to assist Lady Tyrande in defeating the Ahn'Qiraj."

After speaking, he looked at Tyrande with a sincere face.

Tyrande finally got anxious now, and said to her heart that the chosen one of the moon god Elune, the high priest of the night elves, and the leader of the night alliance, it is unreasonable that you still refuse to talk to you so nicely.

"That's enough, Prince Aidan. If it weren't for the attack of the orc army, Cenarion Fortress would not have fallen. It is precisely because your alliance failed to deal with these hateful orcs that made things so out of hand. The Ahn'Qiraj Zerg also has the responsibility of you humans."

Oops, I started throwing the pot away.

We are professionals.

Murphy also looked serious, "Ms. Tyrande is suspected of shifting responsibility. When the orcs attacked our alliance, why were the night elves unwilling to support us? Since they are facing the threat of the whole world, Why do night elves just stand by and do nothing?

Since the Dark Night Alliance didn't make a move back then, why should they count on us now? "

"But once the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg occupy Kalimdor, the next target will be the eastern continent."

"Well, but I believe Ms. Tyrande must have a way to prevent this terrible thing from happening. The powerful army of night elves will definitely defeat the evil Zerg."


Suddenly there was a sound of applause outside the door, and then a dull sound of horseshoes gradually approaching.

The two looked out of the conference hall together, only to see a tall centaur with a height of more than two meters and covered in golden armor, walking in with steps that no relatives would recognize. It's hard to ignore.

"Hahahaha, this must be Prince Aidan. I have heard that Prince Aidan is very powerful, especially with his verbal skills. He really deserves his reputation."

Murphy looked intently.

Emperor Shenwu (King of Centaur) Epic Hero Level 90, Level 265000.The health value is [-] ([-] times the health value of the camp leader).

"It turned out to be Emperor Shenwu, the king of centaurs. It's been a long time since I last saw him, but he still has the same demeanor."

Emperor Shenwu was slightly taken aback, "Your Excellency, have you met me before?"

"At the time of the Battle of Ashenvale, I saw it from afar."

"Ha, it's a pity that I don't have any impression."

Tyrande frowned at the elf's slender long white eyebrows, "Shenwu Emperor, what are you doing here, the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg has launched an attack again? We must defend the front line."

"Don't worry, Ms. Tyrande, my soldiers will do their job well. I heard that an alliance army has arrived, so come and have a look. I think Prince Aidan's plan is good. As long as you act quickly, the dragon slayer can use it Not too long, one day is enough.

After solving Ankarad, we can get a strong support, so why not do it. "

"Hmph, that's easy to say. To go to Ankaluo Crater, you need to climb over steep mountains, pass through a dangerous jungle, and fight a terrifying dragon. One day is not enough."

"Then just send out the air force, plus my airship carrying a group of ground troops, and that's it."

(End of this chapter)

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