Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 418 Promotion to Legendary Hero

Chapter 418 Promotion to Legendary Hero
After hearing what Emperor Shenwu said, Tyrande showed a hesitant look.

Tyrande questioned: "What if he fails? Not only will he lose a helping hand, but he will also lose an elite army."

Emperor Shenwu said: "I will personally join the dragon slaying team, and I will definitely not fail."

"Then what about your camp? The Zerg will attack again at any time. I need your troops to assist me. The night elves alone cannot resist the tide-like swarm."

"My adjutant—the Shadow of War will command the troops for me, and my khans, they are brave and good at fighting, and there will be no problem in just one day."

Tyrande was finally persuaded, "Well, if you insist."

Tyrande looked at Murphy, "Prince Aidan, I don't want to accept your request, but if dragon slaying is so important to you, then I can only accept it, and I will send a An elite force will support you and take you to Un'Goro Crater, I hope you will not forget your promise, after slaying the dragon, help us fight against the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg."

Emperor Shenwu (King of Centaur): "Haha, Ms. Tyrande, don't worry, I believe that the noble prince of Alterac will never break his promise, you are right, Prince Aidan."


These two sang together, why did they suddenly feel like they were being PUAed?

But he couldn't allow him to think too much at this time, with the participation of Dark Night Elite and Emperor Shenwu, this time the dragon slaying was indeed a sure thing.

Emperor Shenwu is an epic fifth-tier hero, and it seems to be the highest rank among all player heroes.

"Of course, as the prince of Alterac, my honor will never allow me to break my promise."

Emperor Shenwu (King of the Centaur): "Then there is no need to delay, we will set off in a while, and strive to reach Ankaluo Crater before dark, and solve Ankarad tomorrow.

Prince Aidan, please streamline your troops. My airship can only carry [-] soldiers at most. The extra soldiers should stay in the barracks temporarily. "

This reason is very good.

Murphy thought for a moment before making a decision.

The infantry and cavalry obviously had to stay. This thing was mainly used for escort, and dragon slaying would not be effective at all, unless the dragon ran to the ground to fight on the ground.

Murphy also kept Solal, who is a melee class and happens to command infantry and cavalry.

Aidan (Prince Protector of Alterac): "Solar, I will leave these troops to you to lead. If there is a fight after I leave, you must not go up. Don't lose too many troops."

Murphy exhorted with some concern, although the cost of dragon blood giant warriors and dragon heavy cavalry is not as outrageous as that of dragon patrollers, they are still in the thousands, and 600 troops add up to 400 million.

Solal (commander of Longshang Infantry): "Don't worry, Lord Aidan, I know what to do."

If you don't know, you can only keep him, and the remaining three must be brought.

In addition, one hundred dragon hunting musketeers must also be brought, plus the 100 phantom marksmen promised by Tyrande, two hundred super long-range soldiers, just a boat of people.

In addition, all the dragon patrollers are also brought, and they can fly by themselves.

When Mo Fei assembled his troops and came to the centaur's camp, he found that the two airships were ready to go.

"Huh? Why are there two airships?" Mo Feixin said that one can carry 200 people, and the other two can carry 400 people. I should have gathered more troops.

Emperor Shenwu explained: "Don't be surprised by Prince Aidan. As the king of centaurs, I naturally have to bring some guards. Our centaurs are also excellent archers, and we are also very experienced in fighting dragons."

This is absolutely true. In the Battle of Ashen Valley, the Centaur Empire's mighty dragon army suffered heavy losses, but they also gained a lot of experience.

The group of centaurs in front of them are not just simple guards.

[Centaur Condor Archer (Level [-] Mounted Archer).

Troop specialties: powerful shooting, armor-piercing arrows, precision strikes, ultra-long range, anti-flying units]

[Centaur Gale Knight (Sixth Level Integrated Cavalry)
Unit specialties: fast running, powerful armor-piercing, spear charge, rapid shooting, and anti-large units. 】

Although he couldn't see the attributes of the troops, but just looking at the excellent equipment of these centaur guards, Murphy gained a little more confidence.

The centaur eagle shooter has a big eagle bow in his hand, doesn't wear any armor, only wears an eagle feather cloak that speeds up his movement, and his main weapon is a kite.

The Centaur Gale Knight is wearing plate chain armor, a mithril spear, and a hurricane longbow. He can shoot from a long distance, and he can also charge with a gun. Adding layers can deal more than ten times the physical damage.

An anti-flying unit and an anti-large unit, but the ancient dragon is both a flying unit and a large unit (strictly speaking, it is a super-giant unit, but anti-large includes large and above), it is definitely a professional player.

Mo Fei was a little suspicious, "Brother Shenwu, you are too concerned about the dragon slaying operation this time, so you must have some kind of conspiracy, right?"

Without Tyrande by his side, Murphy didn't bother to pretend, and asked straight to the point.

Emperor Shenwu laughed out loud.

"Of course there is a conspiracy. People live in this world, and there is a reason for everything they do. I will help you, of course there is also my reason, otherwise it could be because you are handsome?"

Mo Fei was speechless for a while, "That's not impossible." He muttered in a low voice, "So what is your plan?"

Emperor Shenwu was also calm, "I need plot points to upgrade. I am now at the fifth level of epic. Do you know what the fifth level of epic is? As long as you go up one more level, you can be promoted to legend.

I guess you must be thinking, is there not much difference between Legend [-] and Epic [-], isn’t it just one more hero skill..."

Mo Fei couldn't help but feel his heart move, "Isn't it?" He asked, but he already had the answer in his heart.

Certainly not.

Emperor Shenwu spread his hands, "Hehe, well——I don't know either."

My day, Mo Feixin said that you don't know what you are bluffing about?
Emperor Shenwu took it for granted, "There has never been a legendary hero in the player group before, so there is no reference information at all, so no one knows what is different about this legendary hero.

But I personally guess that becoming a legendary hero must be more than just one more hero skill and one hero specialty.

You can think about the legendary heroes who have played, who are they? "

Murphy recalled, if only from the existing legendary heroes... He has only known three legendary heroes so far, Medivh, Aegwynn, and Ner'zhul.

These three people are all legal professions, and they all have the power to control and influence the world.

Needless to say, Medivh is the guardian of the Alliance, the culprit who opened the Dark Portal and attracted the invasion of orcs.

Aegwynn, the guardian of the previous generation, once independently defeated the clone of Sargeras, saved the world, and sealed the remains of the clone in the tomb of Sargeras.

Ner'zhul, the spiritual leader of the orcs, blew up the entire planet of Draenor in history, and now it is very likely that he has dug up the villain of the ancient gods who intends to destroy the world.

From the resumes of the three, it is not difficult to see that the legendary hero has the power to protect the world when he is whitewashed, but after being blackened, he will transform into a world-destroying boss with the potential to destroy the world.

Murphy looked at Emperor Shenwu again. Such a comparison of Emperor Shenwu seems to be a bit unsatisfactory. He is strong and powerful, and he is also the leader of the faction. A sense of detachment from the world, rewriting the laws.

The kind of terrifying power that can really touch the essence of power.

Emperor Shenwu said eloquently, "Although I don't know what is the difference between legendary heroes after they have advanced, I have discovered one of the biggest differences between the legendary rank and the epic rank."

Murphy tentatively asked, "Oh, what's the difference?"

He didn't expect the other party to answer him immediately. He didn't think the other party would easily disclose such crucial information. Even if he wanted to say it, he had to ask for some benefits.

At least he would definitely do it if it was changed.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Shenwu didn't hesitate, and said the answer directly, "Legendary heroes are very difficult to upgrade. All the previous ranks can be advanced as long as they have enough plot points. The less, the more plot points are needed, and the low-level plot events may not even be given at all.

But at least if you brush more, you can always advance. "

Murphy nodded. He was also very touched by this point. He participated in the sea battle of Terror Island before. Although the battle should not have caught up, he only got an assist, but he also killed a lot of miscellaneous soldiers, and even killed A giant sea snake, and it ended up giving 150 plot points, which was like a beggar.

This is only the Golden Four, and Emperor Shenwu is the Epic Five. The difference is so big, and the difficulty of advancing must be higher.

However, this guy has an entire camp as his backing, so it's not that difficult to participate in plot events.

"But the legendary level is different. Do you know how many plot points I have now? 4999/5000, just 1 point before I can advance."

What!Murphy was shocked now, and he immediately sensed the problem.

Generally, the number of stronghold points for participating in the plot is an integer, and it is almost impossible to give 4999, which is obviously not a normal phenomenon.

The only answer is that his upper limit is only 4999, and certain special conditions must be met to complete the final advancement.

"So you don't have any plot points for participating in plot events now?"

"That's right." Emperor Shenwu said, nodding in appreciation of Mo Fei's keenness.

"Let me guess, is it necessary to complete some special conditions, such as legendary achievements."

Emperor Shenwu sighed, "I'm not sure about this, anyway, the system didn't give me any hints, and I also went to the forum to search for information, but there was no useful information."

Mo Feixin said of course not, and there are no legendary heroes among the players, how can I give you a reference, besides, who can be as rich as you, with hundreds of millions of dollars thrown into the game, Epic V is already the highest rank La.

"I don't have any clues yet, so I try to participate in the plot events that I can participate in. I have also done dragon slaying, but this is the first time for Taigulong to participate. Maybe it will happen if it happens."

Murphy nodded, "So that's it, I understand, I feel that there is a good chance, Taigu Long, but, maybe the goal of being promoted to a legendary hero is to defeat some special bosses and obtain some powerful achievements. It's always good to try more.

By the way, have you taken the legendary feat? "

"I have taken it twice, but it was taken before."

"That's right, maybe if you take another Legendary Specialty, you'll be advanced by the way."

But he thought in his heart, it shouldn't be that simple, he has already obtained several legendary achievements, and he has obtained several legendary hero specialties, and it doesn't feel too difficult. The Emperor Shenwu has such a rich family background, so he can definitely obtain it if he wants to.

He had another guess.

Legendary heroes are called legends because of the enemies they defeated, like Aegwynn defeated the incarnation of Sargeras, and they became legends.

And Medivh itself is the body of the remnant soul of Sargeras.

Perhaps, only by defeating a world-destroying boss, or having the potential to be called a world-destroying boss, can one be promoted to a legendary hero.

This information is very useful, although it doesn't mean much to him at the moment, after all, he is only at the fourth level of gold, and it is a bit far from being promoted to a legend.

By the time we spoke, the team had already boarded the airship.let's go
The two airships flew out of the airspace of the centaur camp one after the other, climbing to altitude while flying.

Three hundred dragon-controllers followed around, and there were three hundred eagle knights and three hundred harpies, guarding around the airship. The overwhelming air force made Murphy feel good. With such a huge air force, many ants killed elephants. , Dragon slaying is not like playing.

However, not long after flying out, Murphy realized that the troops he brought out were really nothing.

As the height increased, he could observe the battlefield better. In the distance, he saw the barren wilderness, where the vegetation in Feralas was almost eaten away, revealing the bare soil and towering tower-like insect nests stand up.

Many dark wormholes can be seen on the ground, and many huge Ahn'Qiraj workers are busy.

And above the wormholes of those worm nests, a dark cloud hovered over those worm nests.

However, when Mo Fei looked carefully with his long eyes, he was surprised to find that it was not a dark cloud at all, but a bug from Wuyang Wuyang, an air force unit of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg.

Tens of thousands of them are circling.

This is just the strength of a main nest.

"I'm going, so much?"

"That's right, that's all." Emperor Shenwu said with a wry smile.

"I always think that we centaurs are enough to give birth. With the blessing of the mother of the earth, the blessing of artifacts, the specialties of heroes, the birth rate is super high, and there are millions of soldiers a year, but the birth rate of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg is lower than that of half a centaur. People and horses are several times higher.

No matter how fast the fertility of centaurs is, they will be born one by one. The Ahn'Qiraj Zerg will directly give birth to one litter, and the reproduction speed is not a concept at all.

In the first battle, I wanted to rely on the superiority of the force to flatten the wave, but I was almost pushed back. Fortunately, the fortifications were built in advance, and the first wave was defended by relying on the defensive tower.

The next few battles were basically defensive battles, fighting in the wilderness was only for running, and the endless swarms of insects would overwhelm everything. "

There was a bit of fear in Emperor Shenwu's voice.

As soon as he spoke, the goblin driving the airship had already turned around and flew towards the Ankaluo crater.

(End of this chapter)

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