Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 419 This Is the Power of the Storm Dragon

Chapter 419 This Is the Power of the Storm Dragon
"Gentlemen and ladies, welcome to the 'Lucky' airship. I am your navigator Gordon Mane. Please fasten your seat belts. We are about to enter dangerous airspace."

Following the voice of the navigating goblin, the airship flew higher and higher, thin clouds gradually appeared around it, and the airflow became violent.

Murphy stood on the bow of the airship, but he didn't care about it at all. He was not afraid of falling. If he can fly, he can be willful.

Others are not so reckless. Although there is a high probability that they will not be killed even if they fall, it is still a dangerous thing. Hold on to the nearby ship's side cables tightly.

Only Emperor Shenwu stood side by side with Mo Fei at the bow of the boat, looking at the clouds ahead and the dense jungle below.

"By the way, why didn't you see Malfurion? Malfurion doesn't care about such a big matter?" Murphy asked suddenly.

"Malfurion went to sleep. I heard that there is something wrong with the Emerald Dream, and Malfurion needs to deal with it. A large number of archdruids also went to sleep."

Druids can hibernate into the Emerald Dream to deal with the Nightmare Invasions that appear there.

It takes so many people to deal with it together. It seems that the nightmare invasion is very serious this time. Could it be that N'Zoth did it again?
Murphy thought in his heart. According to the development of the historical plot, Xavius, the king of nightmares, should have been on the line with N'Zoth. Xavius ​​has been trying to pollute and corrupt the Emerald Dream. Maybe this is also N'Zoth's way to restrain the power of the night elves. .

"It's a bit strange to say, Shandris Yuyue told me that the orcs opened the seal of Ahn'Qiraj, but what I saw on the forum was that the player guild did it. Brother Shenwu is the overlord of Kalimdor , one of the leaders of the Night Alliance, must know something."

Emperor Shenwu glanced at Mo Fei, but he didn't hide it, "In fact, they are all correct answers. The seal of Ahn'Qiraj was indeed opened by the orcs, but it was opened with the cooperation of the player guild. How could it be so easy to fall due to the vigilance level of Fortress Albion, at least it is possible to issue an early warning.”

What!Murphy was a little surprised, "Why did they do this?"

"Why can it be, of course it is to upgrade equipment and monsters." Emperor Shenwu said with a smile, "Since the alliance between the centaur and the night elves, the night alliance has basically dominated Kareem. enemies, after the adventurer is born, he can only upgrade by brushing mobs.

It’s nothing at first, but when their level reaches a certain level, they can’t stay idle. After all, the player level of the Alliance is too high, and even the player level of the Horde is much higher than ours. As a latecomer camp, we must Thinking of some crooked tricks.

The best way is naturally to fight a big war. If there is no big war, then create a big war. They don't care what the enemy is, as long as there are enough numbers and enough experience.

And the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg is such a perfect enemy, there are so many little monsters, they can't be killed no matter how hard they are, they just happened to be used for leveling. Didn't you see that it's only been a few months, and the Dark Night Alliance has already appeared at level [-] Are you an adventurer? "

I go!Murphy was speechless, these players really dared to do it.

But it's really easy to use. It's very troublesome to upgrade in the wild. Monsters don't refresh infinitely like in those online games in the past. A bandit stronghold only has a dozen or dozens of monsters, and a bandit fortress has one or two hundred monsters. It will take 24 hours to refresh.

But fighting a big battle is different. Thousands of monsters are rushing over like a tide. If a team cooperates well, the experience value will definitely increase.

He glanced at Emperor Wu, and suddenly his heart moved: "I guess there may be your contribution to this?"

As the leader of the faction, the higher the level of wage earners under him, the higher the level, which is also a huge benefit to Emperor Shenwu.

Emperor Shenwu shrugged, "I just didn't stop it anyway."

"Gentlemen and ladies, if you look down, you can see the beautiful scenery of the Feralas jungle and a nest of Ahn'Qiraj Zerg. Have you noticed those huge circles, which are leading to the pit? The wormhole entrance of the network, look at the earthen tower, the 'chimney' on it is the place where the soldiers bees come in and out."

Murphy looked down, and sure enough, through the clouds and mist, he could see several earthen tower-shaped insect nests on the ground, as well as a huge circular pothole. The Ahn'Qiraj worms would pile up soil on the edge of the pothole, forming a strange shape. The pattern of the dragon is said to be related to the thought imprint of the powerful Zerg lord who controls and enslaves them.

Some huge biological arthropods grow out of the ground and spread all over the lair, maybe some kind of early warning system, full of alien alien style.

Suddenly, a cloud of sparse black mist poured out from the hole at the top of the worm nest, and flew towards the airship, and a faint buzzing sound could be heard getting closer.

"Oh my god, they seem to notice us, hold on tight ladies and gentlemen, I think we have to climb up."

The goblin shouted, and the next second the airship suddenly began to climb.

But the flying speed of the bug swarm was faster, approaching them in the blink of an eye.

It wasn't until this moment that Murphy understood what the numerical superiority of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg meant. Even though it was only a single nest, the number of air force units was still in the thousands.

The sound of countless Ahn'Qiraj Zerg flapping their wings filled the sky with a deafening buzz.

The largest number is the Ahn'Qiraj soldier bee. These big bugs are two to three meters in size and have two pairs of transparent wings. If you have a shadow on the bugs, you will definitely have a nightmare when you see them. There are giant poisonous stingers on the tail and sharp mouths. Mouthparts, mainly in close combat.

Then there are Ahn'Qiraj Venom Spitters. They are a bit like the Mutalisks in StarCraft. They can spit venom at the enemy to attack. The venom is corrosive, can cause acid damage, and can also produce poisonous mist to cause continuous damage.

The Ahn'Qiraj stinger flyer, a weird, spike-shooting bug that appears to be a distant relative of the silithid.

But the most dangerous ones are obsidian scavengers. They have a body like a sphinx, but their huge wings are made of obsidian. Strong and able to absorb magic.

Hemet Nesingwary: "Ready for battle lads, put me on deck."

Karina (Captain of Phantom Shooter): "Sisters, cheer up and prepare to fight."

Hulala A group of dragon hunting musketeers and phantom shooters rushed to the deck from the lower deck of the airship, and formed a shooting formation behind the sides of the ship on both sides of the deck. The knights and the harpies also started to attack the swarm.

Dense lightning, bows and arrows flying all over the sky.

Hundreds of soldier bees were shot down in one encounter, but they were rushed to the front by swarms of soldier bees and started a fierce close combat.

Screams, hisses, and the sky became one.

Although the dragon-controlling sky patroller was powerful in combat, he was besieged by several times the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, and casualties soon appeared.

Seeing his subordinates die one by one, Mo Fei's heart was bleeding.

It's all money.

"Withdraw, retreat to fight near the airship!"

"Hemet, Karina, give me cover fire!"

Soon the combat area shifted towards the airship.

The two hundred long-range units on the airship finally had a chance to fire.

Bang bang bang!

Whoosh whoosh!

Bullets fly across the sky and arrows rain down. Unlike those horned eagle knights with poor hit rates, the airship is a very stable combat platform. Standing on it and shooting arrows will not affect the hit rate at all. In addition, they are all super soldiers. That's called a fierce.

After several rounds of concentrated fire, swarms of bugs were shot down from the sky immediately.

The swarm immediately began to attack the airship. Bingfeng and Stinger Scorpion didn't matter, but those obsidian scavengers were more dangerous.

They are capable of firing wrecking spheres, each hit leaving a massive destructive effect on the airship.

"Fire! Fire!"

The dwarf musketeers fired wildly, and Hemet even activated the hero skill.

Hero Power - Aim!shooting!

boom!The head of an obsidian scavenger was directly blasted to pieces, turning into a pile of obsidian fragments and scattered to the ground.

The rest of the obsidian scavengers hurriedly distanced themselves. Before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, the sky suddenly darkened, and a bigger and more ferocious obsidian monster joined the battlefield.

Gordon Mane (Lucky Navigator) "It's the Obsidian Destroyer! Damn it, get that thing off!"

The surrounding guards immediately focused their fire on the monster, but the huge monster with a wingspan of more than 40 meters and a life value of more than [-] revealed that it was so easy to shoot down. The ball produced a large-scale explosion, but blasted and killed several horned eagle knights in the sky. .

"Morgan Lisa, knock it down!" the cute big tits yelled.


A scorching fireball the size of a washbasin blasted towards his face.

But the Obsidian Destroyer just waved his staff, and the big fireball disappeared out of thin air in front of everyone's eyes.

"What the hell is that spell?"

Emperor Shenwu knew how powerful this thing was.

"The Obsidian Destroyer can absorb all spell energy. It is the nemesis of the caster. It can only be killed by physical means. However, its armor is extremely high. Obsidian's body defense is amazing, and it is very difficult to kill."

After talking about bending the bow and setting the arrow, the centaur has its own bow and arrow specialization. Although Shenwu Emperor is a melee profession, the power of the arrows shot by relying on super high attributes is quite amazing. Every arrow can Shoots thousands of damage.

It's just a bit off the mark.

But Mo Fei said, "Is it the nemesis of the caster? It seems that I am the only one to come, so it's fine, then let me solve it."

Mo Fei jumped up and disappeared on the bow of the airship. In the next second, a giant storm dragon roared into the air and flew towards the Obsidian Destroyer.

The dense swarm of soldier bees charged head-on without fear of death.

The giant storm dragon opened its mouth—thunder breath!
The crimson lightning instantly bombarded the airspace in front of him, and a gap was instantly punched out.

"Hehe, this is the power of the storm dragon, as expected..."

Swarms of soldier bees surrounded the giant dragon in all directions. They showed their sharp fangs and sharp sickle feet, like ants beating a dragonfly.

The next second——Wan Lei Tianyin!
With the Storm Dragon King as the core, the crimson thunder was released suddenly, and the crimson thunder penetrated the sky, illuminating everything.

boom!Countless soldiers and bees were turned into charcoal under the divine power of Longlei, falling down with smoke.

Emperor Shenwu was taken aback.

"So this is the power of the storm dragon! Sure enough..."

At this time, the giant storm dragon had already reached the front of the Obsidian Destroyer, with a wingspan of more than 60 meters, and its size was a full lap larger than the Obsidian Destroyer.

The Obsidian Destroyer staff crossed, and a beam of dark energy shot towards Mo Fei.

Hero Specialty - Spellbreaker activates.

In an instant, the magical data appeared in front of Murphy.

[Destruction Ball: Causes 840 points of shadow damage and 480 points of arcane damage.

Spell Type: Area Damage Magic/Missile Magic.

Spell School: Shadow Department.

Attack method: flying and moving.

Spell Enhancement: Ball of Destruction +20% damage, with a splash effect, causing an additional 25% damage to units above giant. 】

Isn't the power weak?

Mo Fei didn't dodge or dodge, and directly slammed into it. The ancient dragon's scale saved most of the damage, -782!A small red letter appeared.

At the same time, the Storm Dragon King also showed his sharp claws at the Obsidian Destroyer.

Kacha, one dragon claw grabbed the Obsidian Destroyer's wings to prevent it from escaping, and the other dragon claw grabbed towards the chest, easily piercing through the solid obsidian scales. The Obsidian Destroyer still wanted to struggle, but the Storm Dragon King tried With a single grip, the energy core of the Obsidian Destroyer was directly destroyed.
45719 (fatal blow)!

The remains of the Obsidian Destroyer fell down like a pile of garbage.

Spike!It turned out to be an instant kill.

Emperor Shenwu was horrified, he had fought the Obsidian Destroyer before, and he knew how difficult this thing was, even though it was not a boss, it was more difficult to deal with than ordinary bosses.

"This! Is this the power of the storm dragon! Sure enough..." Emperor Shenwu murmured to himself with a solemn expression. Before, he thought that a mere golden four would be so powerful even if he turned into a dragon, but he didn't expect... …such a powerful force.

Finally, as the two ships flew higher and higher, the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg had to give up hunting.

The air force guards moved closer to the airship, and the number decreased a lot.

The edge of the ring-shaped mountain range gradually appeared in front of it, and the continuous peaks rose one after another, like a huge barrier, and the airflow became more violent and turbulent here.

Mur Fei flew to the front of the airship, propped up his wings against the wind, and the strong air flow immediately dispersed to the upper and lower sides.A huge wake area is formed.

There was almost no wind disturbance in the wake area, and the airship finally stabilized.

Gordon Mane (Lucky Navigator): "Hey, thank you, big guy, you really helped me a lot." The goblin navigator shouted excitedly.

Finally, the airship flew over the mountains, and an endless virgin jungle appeared in everyone's sight. Looking from a high altitude, it looked like a huge green basin.

Ancaro Crater, as its name suggests, is a ring-shaped mountain range, and its shape is very regular, as if drawn by a compass.The diameter of this circle is more than [-] kilometers, and the jungle inside the entire crater is more than [-] square kilometers.

Inside the ring mountain range, there are endless primitive jungles, where a large number of dinosaur creatures and monsters live, such as Velociraptor, Sailosaurus, Stegodontosaurus, ooze monsters, and various plant spirits, of course, the most representative The one that belonged to Devilsaur.

In the center of the basin is a volcano, where there are a large number of fire elemental creatures.

(End of this chapter)

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