Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 420 Unexpected Surprise

Chapter 420 Unexpected Surprise

The two airships landed on a clearing at the edge of the jungle. This is a raised hill at the foot of Un'Goro Crater. It has a good view and flat terrain, making it suitable for a temporary camp.

After landing in human form, Mo Fei first counted the remaining troops. After counting, he couldn't help but sighed. He lost more than a dozen dragon-controllers in an inexplicable air battle just now.

The cost of this thing is close to [-] yuan. The current price of dragon eggs will only become more expensive. I really can't afford to die.

Moreover, he has no money in his bank account now, only about 200 million left. If he wants to retrain, he can only rely on the little dragon eggs tributed by the Dragon Thunder Knight adventurer, which is a drop in the bucket.

It seems that if there is a chance in the future, I have to find a way to make some money. This is the third dragon. In the future, there will be plenty of places to spend money. Why don't I sell the few pieces of equipment that I don't need?
He still has a plot weapon [Savage Ripper] in his bag, but he hasn't sold it yet, so he can probably sell it for two or three million.

Just as he was thinking about it, Emperor Shenwu suddenly pointed to the distant jungle and said. "It's still early, let's start acting now."

It's true that it's not completely dark yet, but after an afternoon of flying, the sun has already begun to sink into the opposite mountains.

It is estimated that it will be dark in half an hour at most.

"Do you want to fight at night?" Murphy asked. He has no pressure on fighting at night. Dragons all have night vision capabilities. Those night elves should be fine, but dwarves can't do it. As for centaurs, most of the night Galloping in the jungle is obviously not a wise behavior.

"No, it's just a reconnaissance. We must make sure that we can kill the dragon tomorrow. It is best to return to Feralas' camp before it gets dark tomorrow night. War may break out at any time. The sooner we can resolve the matter here The better."

Emperor Shenwu said solemnly, although he said before leaving that he trusted the khans under his command, but his subordinates knew very well that he still needs to be in command if a big battle is really going to happen.

It would be fun if the Night Alliance collapsed because of his absence.

Murphy thought for a while, then nodded, "Okay, then let's start to act."

Of course not all of them can be dispatched.

Murphy asked the dwarves to set up a camp nearby as a retreat.

A team of ten night elves searched and reconnaissance within a few kilometers around.

And the centaur is fast, and it is also a team of ten people, conducting a large-scale reconnaissance operation on the surrounding jungle.

Soon the team was organized, and teams of ten were sent out to investigate.

Murphy and the others were not idle either. Except for Hemet who was left to guard the camp, Morgan Lisa, Mengmeng Big Tits, Murphy and Emperor Shenwu also set off with a few guards.Several people walked slowly towards the depths of the jungle.

Emperor Shenwu walked at the front of the team, and it has to be said that it is convenient to run on four legs.

The three of Murphy also summoned their mounts and walked through the swamp and jungle with difficulty.

The landforms inside Un'Goro Crater are basically swamps and tropical rain forests, and it is very difficult to walk. After walking for more than ten minutes, Murphy regretted it a bit.

It stands to reason that a great ancient dragon is huge, and it must be difficult to hide, but the Un'Goro crater is huge, and it is not easy to find it.

It's a matter of searching the past bit by bit.

"Why don't I fly into the air to investigate." Murphy suggested. The biggest disadvantage of doing this is that Ankarad can easily detect it in advance and take precautions.

Emperor Shenwu shook his head, "Don't be so anxious, I have a hunch that we may have a surprise tonight."

Murphy didn't pay much attention at first, but suddenly realized that Emperor Shenwu is the chosen one of the Mother Earth God. His premonition may not be just a literal premonition, maybe it is some kind of prophecy spell?
"Have you discovered anything?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

While speaking, another muddy lake blocked the way, and there are such puddles of unknown depth everywhere in Un'Goro Crater.

A few swamp crocodiles seemed to feel the threat, and slowly sank into the swamp. Suddenly, a strange giant flying insect appeared out of nowhere and attacked everyone. Morgan Lisa fired a fireball at random. seconds.

"Are we really going to search on foot like this? This is so stupid," she complained.

"It's really stupid. It's not so easy to find a dragon on horseback in such a large area." Mengmeng Big Tits also chimed in.

Emperor Shenwu jumped on all fours and landed steadily on the other side of the puddle, and suddenly saw a gleam of fire in the darkness ahead.

"Look, isn't there a surprise here?"

It wasn't until everyone got closer that they realized that it was a bonfire, and there was actually a person sitting beside the fire.

A woman, to be exact, was sitting by the fire, eating a crocodile steak.

She was wearing an explorer's leather jacket, her wheat-colored skin looked very healthy, her body was fit, her hair was purple, and her eyes shone slightly under the firelight.

The attire is even more exquisite and fashionable, an explorer's leather armor suit, coupled with a few ancient elf-style accessories, just like the fantasy version of Lara Croft in Tomb Raider.

Morgan Lisa couldn't help whistling.

what's the situation?Murphy was also a little surprised. It was a bit strange to meet a beautiful woman walking alone in such a wild jungle.

He glanced at the name on the man's head.

Simone (Suspicious Traveler): Explorer.Level 82.

There's a dog lying next to it
Basque (Simone's pet) Level 76.

One person and one dog looked mediocre, but their grades and names betrayed their extraordinaryness.

And as a human being, it's still a neutral unit, which is a bit subtle.

Seeing everyone, Simone also greeted happily.

Simone (Suspicious Traveler): "Hey, good evening folks, it's great to see some civilized faces in this treacherous jungle, why not by the fire, I'm just roasting Some crocodile steak, I guess you must have dinner every time."

Several people looked at each other, and quietly outflanked each other.

After standing in place, Mengmeng's big tits raised her hand and cast a spell of holy light.

Detect evil!

Where the halo spread, Simone's head instantly turned a hostile bright red.

Simone (suspicious traveler): "Damn believers of the Holy Light, you asked for this." Her voice suddenly became sharp and harsh, with horns growing on her head, wings growing out of her back, and hooves growing out of her feet. It turned into a two-meter-tall demon.

Although the appearance has changed, the face is still the same face, it turned out to be a succubus.

But her dog whined, dropped its disguise, and turned into a hellhound.

Look at the name again.

Simone (The Forgotten Demon).Horror-level boss level three, level 82, HP 88500.

I'm going, I'm lucky, I actually met a lonely wild boss.

The process of the battle was lackluster. Facing the heroes of the four epic tiers, the demon in front of him had no power to resist, and was seriously injured in two or three hits.

Murphy pressed the dragon-slaying giant sword on Simone's neck, but didn't do it right away.

A boss of this level doesn't expect to drop any good things. Compared with the dropped items, he hopes to get some information. Although he doesn't know why this succubus appears here, he should know something about Ankarad information.

"Honey, can we talk?"

Simone (The Forgotten Demon): "If you want to kill, kill humans. Death means nothing to me. I will not succumb to you inferior races."

This is true, the demon's body is distorting the void, even if she is killed, it will only let her leave the material world.

Fortunately, Murphy has his own way.

He calmly took out Sargeras' Ring of Command from his backpack, and secretly put it on his hand.

"Hehe, are you sure you have nothing to say to me?"

Simone looked up at Murphy, and was in a trance for a while. The human prince in front of her suddenly had an aura that made her palpitate.

"who are you?"

"Hmph, you don't even recognize me, you've let me down, Simone."

"Master Sargeras? But how is this possible?"

"This human is just a shell of me. My body is too powerful to enter this sad world. This is the only way to understand the dynamics of my enemies. They are all mortal servants under my control. Don't worry about it. .”

Emperor Shenwu didn't say anything, but Mengmeng rolled his eyes.

Simone didn't doubt it, and knelt at Murphy's feet.

"Oh, great Sargeras, please forgive my rudeness just now."

"Hehe, don't worry, I am very satisfied with your loyalty, tell me now, why did you appear here?"

Simone (The Forgotten Demon): "Everything starts with the War of the Ancients. After the War of the Ancients ended, the Legion retreated. I was forgotten in this world. In order to continue to carry out the mission of the Burning Legion, I lurk down. For 1 years I have wanted to continue serving the Legion..."

The more Murphy heard it, the more surprised he became.

It turns out that after the War of the Ancients 1 years ago, the entire Primordial Continent was blown to pieces. Most of the Burning Legion that invaded Azeroth ran back, but there were also a few demons left behind, wandering in different places for 1 years. In the mainland, some were discovered and killed, like Simone, which was relatively successful.

It's amazing. He has lived for 1 years without dying, so he is considered a talent.

"Did you find the giant dragon named Ancalad in Un'Goro Crater?"

"Yes master, I have seen it in the canyon near the volcano."

"Draw me the specific location."

Simone complied.

Looking at the markings on the map, Mo Fei was very happy. He was suddenly in awe, and somehow found the location of the target.

Can't help but look at Emperor Wu, his 'hunch' is quite accurate.

At this time, Mengmeng's big tits and Morgan Lisa couldn't help squeezing over to check.

This move immediately angered Simone, "Go away, you lowly mortals, and pay attention to your identities in front of the great master."

These words made Morgan Lisa and Mengmeng Big Tits show a hint of murderous intent.

"Aidan, can we do it?"

Before Murphy could speak, Simone saw something was wrong.

Suddenly raised his hand and cast the black cloud spell, turned around and ran into the darkness in the distance.

Before the few people had time to make a move, a black shadow suddenly flashed in the darkness, followed by the sound of a blade piercing into the flesh, and the scream of the succubus. A dagger pierced through the back of Simone's chest and came out of her chest. .

When Simone's body fell, the figure of an orc also appeared in front of everyone.

Also a female orc.

The three of them almost made a move.

Emperor Shenwu hastily stopped him and said, "Everyone, don't be nervous, this is my subordinate—Assassin Garona."

Murphy looked intently—Garona (Master Assassin): Epic Tier 84.Level 9950, HP [-].

It's really the Garona in history, Mo Feixin said I'll go, the legendary orc assassin in the history of Warcraft - Garona, actually followed you.

The greatest achievement in history was killing King Lane under the control of Gul'dan, and he and King Lane were still good friends.

Later, in order to avenge King Ryan, he chased and killed the Shadow Council and the Twilight Clan alone, and almost killed the orc warlocks of the Night Council.

The Twilight Clan had nothing to do with her. In the end, Cugall managed to injure Garona severely by selling himself as a bait, and then ran away with the Twilight Clan, thus getting rid of Garona's pursuit .

Another well-known identity of her is Medivh's wife. In the old history, she also gave birth to a son with Medivh - Med'an. It is said that it is the character design of the savior Long Aotian, with humans, orcs, draenei, etc. Multiracial origin.

Belongs to BUFF stacked full.

Not to mention the appearance, Garona in this timeline has never experienced those ups and downs in life, and she still looks very 'pure'.

Emperor Shenwu continued to explain: "Perhaps you haven't noticed, she has been secretly protecting me. Please relax Garona, they are not enemies."

Garona put away her dagger, but her eyes were still vigilant.

Mo Fei felt hehe in his heart, and kept following, we haven't noticed yet, Emperor Shenwu is showing his strength ingeniously.

But such a super assassin has been following him all the time, and he didn't even notice it. It's a bit scary to think about it.

Morgan Lisa and Mengmeng's big tits have already rushed to the fall of the corpse.

"Let me see what's good."

"I want her boots."

"That necklace is so beautiful, mine, mine."

The two girls immediately began to share the spoils.


Emperor Shenwu...


Fortunately, these two also understand the rules, even if it is the drop of this low-level boss, they can't mess around.

In fact, there is nothing good about it, this Simone is wearing a Devilsaur suit.

Devilsaur Boots, Devilsaur Leather Armor, Devilsaur Leggings...

Because of the plot, a bunch of them were killed, but unfortunately there are only two things that are really valuable, a skill book and a dagger.

The rest of the good looks are good looking, but nothing more than blue quality.

But the two girls didn't care so much, one of them chose two, and they couldn't be happier.

Instead, he kept the skill book and dagger.

Mo Fei waved his hands helplessly, "You guys choose first."

"Then let's use the dagger." Emperor Shenwu didn't like this, and let Garona take the dagger.

"Then I'll take the skill book."

As Mo Fei spoke, he took a look at it, and unexpectedly found that he could still learn it.

[Fel Energy Grimoire (Skill Book)

Reading: Allows you to randomly learn three minor fel spells.

Learning needs: demon language, intelligence 8.

Item introduction: The basic theoretical knowledge about the use of evil energy is recorded in the language of demons. After learning, you can master the primary usage of evil energy. It is the standard teaching material for demons in the Burning Legion law system. 】

(End of this chapter)

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