Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 421 Dragon Slaying Project ABC

Chapter 421 Dragon Slaying Project ABC
Mo Fei was a little surprised that he could learn it with only an intelligence of 8. How low is the IQ requirement for this fel magic.

But it's not difficult to understand how many spells can be used by low-level demons like little ghosts and evil demons among the demon race.

After all, according to the introduction of the skill book, this is only a primary textbook, and there should be a more advanced version later.

He knows the devil language, and the remnant soul of Sargeras keeps nagging in his ears all day, so it's hard to learn it.

Although he felt that low-level fel spells were useless, but the skills were not overwhelming, so Mo Fei still opened it up to learn.

The fel tome turned into a golden light and entered the body.

[System prompt: You have read the Fel Grimoire and learned the fel spells - [Fel Energy Touch], [Fel Energy Missile], [Evil Flame Devour].

Murphy opened the skill bar to check the three spells.

[Touch of Fel Energy: Inject the power of fel energy into the enemy's body and detonate it, causing 155 points of chaos damage, and producing a soul burn effect, interrupting the target's current spell.

Requirements for use: close contact, 3 points of fel energy. 】

[Fel energy missile: Concentrate the power of evil energy into a missile to attack the enemy, causing 50 points of chaos damage to the target. After hitting the target, it will cause a small-scale explosion damage and cause 5 points of splash damage.

Requires: 1 point of fel energy. 】

[Evil Fire Corruption: Summons evil flames to burn the enemy's body, causing 15 points of chaotic damage every five seconds for 30 seconds.

Requires: 2 point of fel energy. 】

Sure enough, they are all just the lowest-level fel magic, a fireball, a DOT, a short-range burst/interruption, and the damage is very touching.

The interrupting effect of the touch of evil energy is even more funny. If you get close, I will just cut you with the giant sword on the door panel. Does it interrupt the casting of the spell if your head falls off?

These three spells are really useless. Ordinary mages can't use these things. They need the power of evil energy to use them. If Mo Fei wants to use them, he can only use the evil energy in the ring of domination.

Murphy threw a fel missile at a crocodile in a distant pool, and was speechless for a while looking at the damage figure of dozens of points.

All I can say is that talking is better than nothing.

Now that Ankarad's location has been found, everyone returned to the camp.

Silent all night.

In the early morning, before the dawn sunlight hit the Angolo jungle, Murphy slowly opened his eyes.

He didn't sleep that night, just closed his eyes and rested his mind. As a dragon feeder, he can stay up for days and nights like a giant dragon. In such a dangerous environment, one must be vigilant.

In order to ensure his own safety and to keep an eye on the troops he brought, he simply stayed up all night.

Before anyone else was online, Murphy decided to investigate alone first. With his speed, even if he encountered danger, he could avoid it in advance.

Mo Fei didn't transform the dragon, which would be too noisy. Instead, he hired a dragon-controller to be the driver. He sat on the back seat of the young storm dragon and flew towards the northeast.

Flying over the vast jungle, over the swamps and lakes, over the huge volcano in the jungle, and after flying for more than ten minutes, a huge rift valley appeared in sight.

The surrounding area of ​​the rift valley is also covered by dense jungle vegetation, and the greenery almost blends into one piece, but the surface at the entrance of the rift valley is unusually flat, and there are crushed trees and plants everywhere. A huge wide ramp leading to the depths of the Rift Valley.

The ramp had apparently been created by some sort of giant creature crawling.

You don't need to guess to know that it must be the trace left by Ankarade's entry and exit.

It's easy to find.

Thinking about the strength of the ancient dragon, he probably wouldn't cover his whereabouts much.

Murphy didn't dare to get too close, so he let the dragon-controller landed from a distance, and told his younger brother to hide, and he cautiously moved towards the direction of the rift.

Passing through a jungle, the sun at dawn finally rises at this time, and the sun shines through the forest, forming fine beams of light. The early morning fog makes this jungle seem a little more magical, quiet and full of fantasy.

Murphy liked this feeling. He was jumping lightly on the dry ground, as if he was not scouting for traces of scary monsters, but walking.

All of a sudden, the eyes suddenly opened up, and a pond appeared in front of him.

Murphy stopped abruptly. He saw a Devilsaur standing by the pond and drinking water with its head down. As if sensing something, the Devilsaur suddenly raised its head and met Murphy's eyes.

Murphy calmly looked at the giant beast in front of him. Devilsaur and Tyrannosaurus rex were very similar. The biggest difference was the huge horny spikes growing out of the back, and the rest were almost exactly the same.

A 'human' and a 'dragon' stared at each other. There was a huge difference in size between the two, but in terms of aura, Murphy did not feel weak. The Devilsaur seemed to sense something, blinked his eyes in doubt, and slowly He turned his head away, backed away and left.

"Heh, you're quite sensible." Mo Fei said to himself.

Suddenly, the sky suddenly darkened.

In the next second, a violent gust of wind blew down, blowing the branches and leaves of the trees scraping.

Before the Devilsaur could dodge, it was bitten and flew into the sky.

Murphy was taken aback.

Look up to the sky.

A huge monster is slowly flying across the sky.

My god, what the hell is that!

Of course he recognized that thing, it was a dragon, no need to ask, it was the Ankarad he was looking for this time, the dragon in front of him probably had a wingspan of more than 200 meters, and its size was even comparable to Deathwing up.

'The Devourer' Ankarad (the Proto-Dragonlord).Level 90, world-class fourth-tier.HP 1459182.

Ancestor Dragon King?This guy has not evolved, and has always maintained the form of the proto-dragon!Murphy was shocked now.

Looking at the giant dragon disappearing into the sky in the distance, Mo Fei remained silent.

I really can't figure it out.

The Proto-Dragon doesn't have any dragon abilities. Obviously, it only needs to absorb a certain kind of energy to master a brand-new skill system. This product has not completed evolution for tens of thousands of years. It's a bit ironic.

And with 150 million blood volume, this blood volume and body shape are almost on the same level as Deathwing, how to deal with this thing?

The key is that the body size is too big. In a real fight, an ordinary person can give it a second with a dragon claw slam.

Mo Fei thought to himself that if he went up to fight hand-to-hand, the result would not be optimistic.

Regardless of the fact that the giant dragon has a wingspan of more than 200 meters, its wingspan is 70 meters, which seems to be only two or three times worse, but in terms of volume, the difference is dozens of times. The two are not of the same order of magnitude at all. It was even more desperate than dealing with Bolelius back then.

Don't worry, our lineup is so strong, with so many heroes and super soldiers, no matter how fierce you are, you can fight. Besides, this is a game, as long as you have blood bars, you can kill them.

Murphy comforted himself.

But how to kill it?
wrong!Mo Fei's eyes suddenly lit up, and he thought of something.

Bolelius is the third-level world-class boss, also at level 90, with only 34 blood.

This guy is only one level higher, but his blood volume is so much worse?It's not scientific.

Maybe the health value is Ankarad's dragon ability?
Since Ankarad's exclusive title is 'The Devourer', then its 'Devour' skill must be quite special, maybe it has some kind of special effect attached, such as being able to devour hero units or something.

Also, the blood volume of most bosses is a whole number, but its blood volume is mixed, which is very unusual. Maybe 'swallowing' can increase its upper blood volume limit and body size?

Murphy guessed that this should be some kind of growth-type boss talent.

That's right, it must be like this, it is because of tens of thousands of years of continuous devouring and accumulation that such a terrifying amount of blood can be obtained, otherwise it cannot be explained at all.

If this is the case, then its other aspects must be relatively weak.

The Proto-Dragon itself did not have the power to control the elements. Ankarad gave up the power of the elements and chose to advance on the road of physical strengthening, which is why he has his current body shape.

This guess is very reasonable. If you look at it this way, at least you don't have to worry about it having any other special skills.

Murphy took another inventory of the troops he brought this time.

100 Dragon Hunter Musketeers, 100 Phantom Marksmen, 100 Centaur Condor Archers, and 100 Centaur Gale Knights.

There are more than 200 Horned Eagle Knights left. The Harpies died a lot when they fought the swarm before, so there are only more than 100 left, plus nearly [-] dragon patrollers.

More than a thousand elite troops.

Just with the full output of the ground troops, it can deal [-] to [-] damage in one round, which means that it can be killed in [-] rounds of output.

This is not counting the output of those air units and a few heroes.

As long as I can hold back the hatred, if everyone outputs with all their strength, it won't take long for more than 100 million health points.

Thinking of this, Murphy's mentality somewhat recovered.

He turned around and went back to the place where the dragon-riding sky patroller was hiding before, called his younger brother and returned to the camp again.

It took more than an hour to go back and forth, and when I went back, other people were already online.

Emperor Shenwu (King of Centaur): "Brother Aidan, where did you go just now?" Emperor Shenwu asked.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "I went to investigate the situation of the boss."

"The results of it?"

"The good news is that Ankarad doesn't have any monster servants around him. He's just a dragon, and he's actually an ancestor dragon. In theory, he doesn't have any dragon abilities. It's a pure melee boss."

"What's the bad news?"

"How do you know there is bad news?"

"Haha, come on, this kind of opening will always be followed by a bad news."

Murphy smiled, "Hehe, well, the bad news is that this dragon has a wingspan of more than 200 meters and a blood volume of nearly 150 million."

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent instantly.

Mengmeng Big Tits (Holy Priest): "How much—how much blood?"

Morgan Lisa (Grand Arcanist): "How-how big?"

Hemet Nesingwary (Beastmaster Stalker): "Odin's beard, what the hell is that monster?"

No wonder everyone was horrified. What is the concept of 200 meters? A modern large aircraft carrier is only more than 300 meters long.

The wingspan is more than 200 meters, which is equivalent to the volume of half an aircraft carrier.

Murphy said confidently, "Don't worry, with me here, it doesn't matter at 200 meters, let's beat him anyway, come on, let me arrange the tactics first."

Everyone gathered around.

Watching Murphy draw a diagram on the ground.

The tactics Murphy arranged were simple.

All the troops were deployed on both sides of the exit of the Great Rift Valley. Murphy turned himself into the Storm Dragon King to go to Ankarad to fight alone, and then attracted him to the ambush circle, and then all the long-range units fired at the same time. As the main tank, Murphy tried his best to attract the boss. For hatred, Mengmeng's big tits are responsible for adding blood, and the rest of them can output with all their strength.

This plan is not subtle, but with such a luxurious lineup, the chance of success is still very high.

However, Emperor Shenwu was hesitant.

"If everything goes well, the battle might be over in a few minutes—what, is there a problem?"

Emperor Shenwu shook his head, "According to my experience, this kind of thing will never go smoothly, and there will definitely be problems."

"There's no way around this. It's the first time we've faced this guy, so we'll have to adapt accordingly."

"It can't be so casual. I think we can make a backup plan, and then make a backup plan for the backup plan to make sure nothing goes wrong."

Hemet disagreed.

"There is no need to trouble yourself. We dwarves are experts in hunting dragons. There is a very simple way to deal with these monsters."

"Oh? Let's hear it."

"Find a sheep first, stuff its belly with explosives, wait until the dragon comes out, lead the dragon to the sheep, wait until the dragon eats the self-exploding sheep——Ka bang!"

Hemet made a explosive gesture.

Several people couldn't believe it.

"how is this possible?"

"Ha, we have succeeded in doing this several times. If it doesn't kill you, add two more shots, and it will work for sure."

Morgan Lisa questioned, "But why is the sheep stuffed with explosives?"

"This is easy, use this!"

As Hemet spoke, he took out a sheep from his backpack, and it looked stupid, and it put it on the ground and spun around in circles.

Murphy took a look, and there was a headshot and a blood strip on the thing's head.

Strange Sheep (Hemet's Pet): Level 1, HP 100.

"This is?"

"The cutting-edge crystallization of dwarf technology, using a mechanically driven bionic sheep, is loaded with 50 pounds of high explosives, enough to blow up an adult dragon into the sky."

Looking at the lifelike self-explosive sheep in front of him, Mo Fei thought that it might really work. Since Ankarad is called a devourer, he obviously likes to eat and likes to use the skill of 'swallow'.

If you really eat this thing, once it detonates, it should be considered a critical blow, right?
Maybe it can produce a fatal blow effect, and it can also produce a serious injury effect at the last time.

This will undoubtedly make this battle a lot easier.

But sheep are definitely not enough. For a big guy like Ankarad, the gap between his teeth is not enough, so he has to get a Devilsaur.

"Speaking of Hemet, can you make a self-destructing Devilsaur?"

Hemet Nesingwary (Beastmaster Stalker): "No problem, I'm good at engineering, and I have enough parts in my backpack to get me a dozen Devilstorms Dragon skin, I can make you a mechanical devil rex that can move and walk."

Two hours - at the entrance of the Great Rift Valley.

With all troops deployed, the heroes hold their final battle council.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Okay, everyone, follow the plan we have arranged before. If it fails, start plan B, and if it fails again, start plan C."

"What if Plan C also fails?" Mengmeng's big tits said very inappropriately.

"Then let's run away. Anyway, we have an air force. At worst, all the troops will be thrown away."

Mo Feixin said that anyway, what I brought with me was the air force, and I wouldn't be afraid if all the four hundred super soldiers died.

"Hemet—do it."

Hermit nodded, pushed out the mechanical Devilsaur that had just been assembled, and started the clockwork. The engineering creation made of metal, wood, explosives, and twelve pieces of Devilsaur leather in front of him started to move forward. With a staggering pace, he walked towards the entrance of the Great Rift Valley.

Seeing the way it wobbled as it walked, Mo Fei was really afraid that it would suddenly fall down.

Fortunately, Hemet's engineering skills are not bad, and he finally reached the entrance of the Great Rift Valley, and then let out a provocative roar towards the depths of the Great Rift Valley.

Don't tell me, the voice is quite similar.

There was an immediate response to the provocation. A deafening dragon roar came from the Great Rift Valley. The violent sound wave set off a gust of wind, and the vegetation flew up.

Murphy's heart suddenly turned cold. He looked at Hemet, who scratched his head and showed an extremely embarrassed smile.

In the next second, the earth trembled, and boom-boom-boom-a huge black shadow slowly walked out from the depths of the rift.

(End of this chapter)

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