Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 422 The Despicable Junior

Chapter 422 The Despicable Junior

Murphy cursed secretly in his heart, what the hell, sure enough, the dwarf's cowhide can't be taken too seriously.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Everyone, implement plan B!"

Without hesitation after speaking, he suddenly turned into a giant storm dragon, flapped his wings, and soared into the sky.

The huge black shadow in the canyon was quickly revealed in the sunlight, and a terrifying dragon with a body length of more than 170 meters and a wingspan of more than 200 meters appeared in front of everyone.

It was just a quick glance before, but now Murphy can finally take a closer look. Its body shape is similar to that of Deathwing. The surface of its body is covered with gray horny dragon scales. Different, the color of Ankarad's dragon scales looks primitive and simple, but it looks more like the texture of reptile scales, a primitive appearance of wild creatures.

Its dragon horns are section by section, and each section forms a protrusion like bone hyperplasia. There is no light that symbolizes powerful elemental power in the longan's eyes, but a cloudy and fierce light.

Just lying there, a terrifying aura rushed towards his face. It was not the effect of the dragon power technique, but the death coercion brought by the pure terrifying beast.

'The Devourer' Ankarad glanced at the mechanical Devilsaur who was kicking two mechanical legs on the ground, and then looked up at the floating Storm Dragon King, a ferocious look flashed in his cloudy eyes.

Roar!It roared in contempt, as if it was demonstrating. For some reason, Murphy felt that he was facing a real beast at this moment. He didn't even try to talk, but directly attacked.

Thunder breath!

A crimson dragon thunder is blasting on Ankarad's forehead, -2179!

Seeing the damage figure popping up, Mo Fei immediately felt relieved. Generally speaking, the basic damage of Thunder Breath is only in the early [-]s, and dragons have a certain degree of resistance due to their biological attributes. The higher the resistance, the higher the resistance.

But the guy in front of him actually dealt almost full damage with a mouthful of thunder breath. It seems that the guy's resistance is basically zero.

Ankarade felt pain and rushed towards Murphy.

Without hesitation, Murphy turned around and flew forward.

Ankara flapped his wings while running wildly, and every time he flapped his wings, he could bring up a violent air current.

It took three or five flaps before it finally took off into the air. When such a big creature flew up, the air flow it brought was like a storm.

Don't look at the slow start, but once you start to speed up, Mo Feifei doesn't need to be slow at all, and even gradually has the tendency to catch up.

Fortunately, Murphy had already flown into the ambush circle at this time.

Aidandron (Storm Dragonlord): "Now—do it!"

Bang bang bang!

Whoosh whoosh!

Immediately, bullets and arrows rained wildly from the jungles on both sides.

The four hundred elites who had already ambushed for a long time, crazily output firepower at Ankarad in the sky.

Injury figures also continue to emerge.
219! -217! -199! -231!This is the damage of the phantom shooter, which is stable and accurate.
69! -72! -55! -81!This is the damage the Gale Knight shoots.
589! MISS! -1080 (critical hit)! MISS! -497! MISS!This is the damage done by the Dragon Hunter Musketeers. The muskets in their hands are powerful, but the accuracy is much worse. Half of the bullets are missing...

In the blink of an eye, three or four rounds of output were fired, completely eliminating the boss's nearly [-] health points.

Mo Fei breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it. This thing is big enough, but its defense power is quite low. The dragon scales are completely made of meat, and its various resistances are really poor.

Seeing that Ankarad was attracted by the surrounding soldiers, he hastily fired two more dragon thunders, trying to maintain his hatred.

However, Ankarad didn't hesitate at all, and pounced directly towards the ground. The location of the pounce was the place where the firepower was the most fierce-the jungle where the dwarves were hiding.

The huge body of thousands of tons smashed heavily into the jungle, and the huge shock wave sprayed out trees, mud and gravel overwhelmingly.

The dozen or so dwarf musketeers who bore the brunt were crushed to death without any suspense.

The rest fled in panic.

Hemet Nesingwary (Beastmaster Stalker): "Don't run away lads, keep firing and keep the formation!"

After speaking, another shot was fired with a bang.

Hero Power - Aim!shooting!

boom! -7852 (crit)!

Murphy was taken aback. This guy did so much damage. He was really afraid that Ankarad would go ahead and let Hemet do it regardless of other things.

However, Ankarad didn't rush and bite indiscriminately. Instead, he let out a terrifying roar, which caused the surrounding shooters to fall into fear.

[Dragon King's Wrath: Make all surrounding enemies fall into despair and fear. 】

Taking advantage of the fear of the audience, it straightened up its huge body, and the gray scales grew layer by layer,
Life Evolution——Essential Armor!
[Life evolution: Use your powerful life force to perform an evolution, upgrade and strengthen one of your body parts, or increase your size by 10%. Every time you use life evolution, your upper limit of life will be reduced by 50000 points.

[Essential Armor: The tough dragon scale enhanced by the powerful source of life, increases your armor value by 500 points and gains 250 points of damage reduction. 】

At this time, everyone was finally freed from the state of fear, and started to focus fire again.

Bang bang bang!

Whoosh whoosh!

The firepower continued, but the damage dropped to a large extent.

Originally, a critical strike could deal more than a thousand damage, but now only two or three hundred are left, and the original two or three hundred damage, now sixty or seventy, and the original sixty or seventy damage, this will directly become 'immunity' The words ''not penetrated'' and 'resistance' are gone.

Murphy looked carefully, my god!What the hell is this.It was agreed that there would be no dragon abilities.

Ankalade roared and killed the shooters in the jungle.

One paw down, instant kill.

Sweeping it with one tail, it was still an instant kill.

It's completely destructive momentum. Fortunately, there are enough soldiers and they are scattered enough. They continue to fire while running away. Just looking at the output efficiency, it is impossible to kill him before the group is wiped out.

No, we can't go on like this.

It seems that he still has to rely on his own 'Ancient Dragon's Claw'.

No matter how big the body is, no matter how thick the armor is, I can kill even a god, just a great ancient dragon - let it die.

He folded his wings together and swooped over.

There was no breath, no thunder, and it pounced on Ankarad's back silently. The moment he approached, a pair of sharp dragon claws pierced Ankarad's neck.

Ankara turned around suddenly like a prophet, and swept the dragon's tail. This dragon's tail seemed to have been evolved, thick and long, and extremely agile.

Mo Fei wanted to turn over to dodge in mid-air, but it was too late, and he was caught straight with a slap.

Rolled and fell to the ground.

Murphy struggled to get up, and as soon as he got up, he saw Ankalade rushing towards him.

Dragon Claw Slam!

The huge dragon claws were bigger than Murphy's entire forelimb, and looked terrifying. The four blades of the claws were like blades, and they were terrifying.

The size gap is so huge, facing Ankarad, he is like a baby facing an adult, there is no possibility of confrontation.

Murphy hastily used his life-saving skills.

Thundercloud incarnation!

It turned into a cloud of thunderclouds in an instant, and the dragon's claws passed directly between the thunderclouds, almost smashing them apart.

It still hit close to 50 damage. You must know that the thundercloud form only takes [-]% of the physical damage. It can be seen that the target's general attack has close to [-] damage.

Leiyun turned into the figure of the storm dragon again in mid-air, leaving a few hideous scratches on his chest.

Damn, is this guy so fierce? I thought he didn't have any dragon abilities, so he could hang up and fight. I didn't expect that the strength of hand-to-hand combat and the characteristics of biological evolution would make this battle so difficult.

Ankarade was also staring at Murphy.

Ankarad (Ancestor Dragon King): "My dragon scales are indestructible, my sharp claws destroy mountains and rocks, my body is like a mountain, ignorant mortals, arrogant descendants, this is the end of provoking Ankarad-now, let I will crush all the ants you brought, and your flesh and blood will be kept until the end, usually I don’t devour the flesh and blood of my fellow ants, but for you, I will make an exception for you.”

Aidandron (Storm Dragon King): "Face me—Ankarad! If you have the guts, I really underestimate you. I think you are just a stupid beast, but it seems that you still have a little strength. It's time to take this battle seriously.

Come on Ankarad, attack me with all your strength, this time there is no interference from those human servants, no tricks and traps, just you and me, let us have a duel between dragon kings! "

While speaking, a message was sent to several people at the same time.

Aidan Delong: Plan B failed, ready to implement plan C.

Emperor Shenwu: Received.

Morgan Lisa: Got it.

Ankalade finally got really furious, soared into the air, and rushed towards Murphy in the sky.

While constantly changing directions, Mo Fei turned around from time to time and sprayed out dragon thunders one after another.

Over a swamp.

Surrounded by a vine, Emperor Shenwu was staring at the sky. When he saw two dragons flying over one after the other, he hurriedly raised his staff.

Emperor Shenwu (King of Centaur): "Mother Earth, I beg for your help, Mother Earth, I summon your power, in the name of Goddess Earth, elves of the earth, unleash your power and restrain this evil in front of you enemy.

He suddenly pushed the development towards the ground, and in an instant, a gravity symbol suddenly appeared on the ground of the swamp, and the gravity above the entire swamp area instantly increased several times.

Seeing that Ankarad was about to catch up with the target, his body sank suddenly, and he fell towards the bottom.

However, Mo Fei used the thundercloud avatar again, suspended in mid-air. In the thundercloud form, he was not affected by gravity.

Ankarad also knew that he was in an ambush, so he waved his wings vigorously, and the wind howled, setting off waves of air, but he didn't fall down in a daze.

Even trembling as if about to lift off again.

When Murphy saw him, he said in his heart that I would give you a step.

Thundercloud's Wrath!
The falling thunder light fell directly towards Ankarad.

The thunder cloud slammed on Ankarad's back firmly. This time Ankarad finally couldn't bear it and fell down.

The whole body fell into the swamp, and the muddy water splashed all over the sky. Before Ankarad got up, Morgan Lisa's figure also appeared.

She pointed the staff at Ankarad's chest, hesitated, but turned to the left.

Her magic range is limited, and it is unrealistic to freeze Ankarad. Besides, if it is really frozen, the dragon will not be able to be slaughtered, so according to the plan, it directly aimed at the left wing.

Eternal Frost of Borelius.

A force of ice quickly spread towards the dragon's wings.

By the time Ankarad climbed out of the muddy swamp, Murphy had already soared into the air, suspended above the sky, and began to summon the dragon thunderstorm, and the stand output was output.

A series of crimson dragon thunders struck Ankarad continuously, and each bolt of lightning could cause over a thousand damage.

Roar!Ankarad let out a frightening roar, and was about to fly into the air to pursue again. However, as soon as he flapped his wings, he found that something was wrong. The left wing was surrounded by a layer of ice shell, and he couldn't flap it at all. It didn't care at first, it was only frozen Magic, just brute force to break free.

However, a vigorous flap of the wings could not break the ice at all.

If you can't break the ice, you can't fly, and if you can't fly, you can only be beaten on the ground.

What's more, in the distant sky, Wuyang Wuyang's horned eagle knights, dragon patrollers, and harpies swarmed in, and began to output crazily at Ankarad, who was unable to fly on the ground.

It is to bully Ankarad that he can't fly, and he doesn't even have dragon breath, otherwise he can spray a few mouthfuls into the air anyway.

Mo Fei also shot down the dragons one by one, and asked if you were still alive.

Although Ankarad has the protection of the source quality scale armor is extremely strong, but as long as he keeps riding his face like this, he will be killed sooner or later.

Ankara threw himself madly at Emperor Shenwu and Morgan Lisa.

But one of the two ran fast, and the other flashed continuously, and they didn't choose to fight at all.

The angry Ankara roared again and again, but there was nothing he could do.

Kong has a tyrannical strength, but he can only be hanged and beaten.

This is the tragedy of close combat.

Seeing that one-third of his health had been consumed, Ankarad suddenly turned his head and climbed towards the volcano.

not good!When Mo Fei saw it, his heart immediately raised.

He wasn't entirely sure Ankarad's purpose in climbing up to the volcano.

Probably to dissolve the eternal frost on his body with lava.

Probably looking for a place to hide.

But there is another possibility that it wants to transform its form. At this time, the nearest energy source is only a volcano. Ankarad is the ancestor dragon king, and theoretically it can still be transformed. If it is really transformed into a lava dragon, or Volcanic dragons and the like, maybe there will be changes.

Aidandron (Storm Dragonlord): "Don't let it climb into the volcano, minions—strike with all your might, Centaur King, stop it!"

Emperor Shenwu (King of Centaur): "Mother Earth, give me your strength, and use the power of the earth element to turn the land in front of you into a muddy swamp."

Terraforming - Swamp Transformation!
He aimed at the surrounding flat ground and frantically used the terrain modification technique, which was a divinely granted skill obtained by the Earth Mother's chosen ones, which could quickly transform the terrain.

I saw that the originally solid ground quickly turned into muddy and slippery silt, which continued to spread piece by piece. The tonnage of Ankarad was already large, and his entire lower body suddenly sank into it, crawling slower and slower.

And Emperor Shenwu continued to expand the scope of the swamp.

Well done, that's it!

The Air Force is still attacking.

Murphy also continued to spit out dragon thunder.

After more than an hour of bombardment, coupled with the crazy output of a large number of air forces, finally, Ankarad, whose blood volume had bottomed out, lay in the muddy swamp and fell into a near-death state.

Ankarad (Ancestral Dragon King): "Aidandron, the Dragon King of despicable descendant...this is not a noble dragon...what should happen...face me..."

What responded to him was another dragon thunder that fell from the sky.

[World Announcement: In the year 1439 of the Era of the Firmament, the Storm Dragon King Aidandron, the Centaur King Shenwu Great, and all the heroes joined forces to kill Ankarad the Devourer. There will be great and unknown changes.

This event has been recorded in the Sky Chronicles. 】

[System prompt: According to your performance in this event, you have obtained 2450 plot points.Your rank has been raised, now it is the fifth rank of gold, and you have gained a new hero specialty. 】

The points given last time are much less, there is no way, the last time I brought adventurers, and adventurers do not exist in the plot events, so the plot points will not be diluted, and the performance of the four heroes is not as good as him Eye.

But this time there are too many troops, and with the strong control of Emperor Shenwu to grab the limelight, it is reasonable to have fewer plot points.

I am looking forward to stepping into the ranks of epic heroes as long as I upgrade to another level.

Mo Fei looked at Emperor Shenwu, but Emperor Shenwu looked helpless.

"Why, no advanced?"

"No, the system said that my reputation has increased..."

"It seems that only by defeating the world-destroying boss, or a hero of the same legendary rank, can one advance."

Mo Fei thought about a world-destroying boss?This thing is hard to find.

(End of this chapter)

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