Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 423 The Curious Drop

Chapter 423 The Curious Drop

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Don't think too much, let's divide the equipment first."

Murphy said, this is a happy event.

Emperor Shenwu cheered up after hearing this, and nodded. It is always a good thing to have equipment points.

At this time, the rest of the people also gathered around.

The two regrouped the various soldiers and horses, and found that the casualties in this battle were really not ordinary.

Especially those long-range troops who ambushed the ancestor dragon king in the first wave were unable to resist Ankarad's attack. If their positions were not scattered enough, they would probably be wiped out.

Even if there is no group destruction, the casualties are heavy. Among them, the dwarves suffered the heaviest loss, the most firepower and the highest hatred. More than 50 dragon hunting musketeers were killed, more than half of them.

The Phantom Marksman also died more than 40 times, even the elite captain who led the team died, and Murphy didn't even notice how he died.

The loss of centaurs is much smaller. These animals are indeed four-legged, and they run extremely fast. When they see something wrong, they will run wildly. About thirty of them were hung up.

In addition, about [-] of the air force that participated in the siege later died. The main reason was that Ankarad was too big, and he would occasionally be pulled off by his claws when he swooped down.

Moreover, Ankarad's roaring skills have a huge range, and if you get too close, you will be roared down.

But generally speaking, this battle went smoothly, and it did not fall into a bitter battle from the beginning to the end. On the one hand, the troop lineup was strong enough, bringing together so many powerful units from the Alliance and the Night Alliance; Ankarad has nothing to do with absorbing elemental power. No matter how big he is, no matter how powerful he is, it's useless without skills.

Pure meat target.

Resisting beating is resisting beating.

Although that super evolution was not bad, it was only used once. Fortunately, I still kept Dragon Soul Annihilation waiting for his ultimate move.

But without the participation of Emperor Shenwu and the night elves, it's really hard to say whether this thing can be done.

Even if he wins, it is estimated that most of his thousand extraordinary troops will be killed or injured.

From this point of view, it was really thanks to Emperor Shenwu's proposal.

Everyone gathered in front of the hill-like boss corpse, and Mo Fei immediately took away the dragon's heart, which was the most important thing.

[Heart of Ankarad (core material)
Story Items: Unique

Item introduction: The dragon heart of the ancestor dragon king Ankarad. Although Ankarad is dead, this heart is still full of activity and keeps beating.

The Proto-Dragon is the original form of all dragons. Before gaining extraordinary power, its form is like a beast. Ankarade is willing to accept the survival instinct of the beast, so he becomes the only Primordial Dragon.

(You can feel the original power of the ancient dragon family from this fiery dragon heart)]

Because I greeted you before, no one objected.

They are all waiting to share the rest of the equipment.

Murphy was not in a hurry to divide the loot, and arranged the distribution order according to the contribution of this battle. There were no twists and turns in the process. This battle was obvious to all, and it was clear who made the most contribution.

Emperor Shenwu is naturally the number one hero under Murphy, and the whole audience controlled the movement of the dragon.

Followed by Morgan Lisa, who disabled the dragon's flying ability.

Then there is Hemet, who has dealt a lot of damage.

Finally, there is Mengmeng big tits - this nurse is pure soy sauce in this battle, the key is that Ankarad's damage is too high, all the minions are instant kills, there is no chance to increase blood, and the hero hides far away. Dare to take the blame.

Only Murphy enjoyed a few shots of the Great Holy Light Art, but somehow he followed suit, so he was ranked last.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Okay, everyone, according to the rules set before, one needs as much as one needs, one piece per person, I'm going to touch it."

As he spoke, he touched the corpse.

Immediately, a row of drop lists popped out before everyone's eyes.

This Ankarad is big, and the drop is equally astonishing. More than 20 items have been dropped, but only four of them have names.

The first thing--

[Ankarad's Horror Roar (Extraordinary Combat Technique/Dragon Skin Scroll)

Combat skill description: Make a terrifying roar of terror, causing the creatures around you to fall into fear and despair. The louder your voice, the wider the skill range and the longer the duration.

Learning conditions: Constitution 80, stamina 80.

Skill introduction: A scroll of combat skills engraved on the dragon skin, describing the terrifying roar of Ankarad. Ankarad is the overlord of Un'Goro Crater. His terrifying roar made all the creatures living here feel fear and despair. No one dared to fight against it. 】

The meaning of this combat technique is a bit unclear, and it is somewhat similar to another combat technique - Shocking Roar. The key is the power of the skill depends on the voice. It is estimated that the tauren will have the best effect when used, but compared with the effect used by Ankarad itself, it is estimated that it will be worse. A lot.

However, extraordinary combat skills are still the only ones in the world, and they are still very valuable.

the second one--

【Blood of Evolution (Legendary/Consumable)

Use: Evolve a Beast, granting a Superb Trait, or empower a Normal Ability into a Superb Ability, (only available for Beasts).

Item introduction: Ankarad's understanding of life forms in the process of continuous devouring - "evolution, continuous evolution, never-ending evolution, only evolution is the only guarantee of survival in this world!" '

This drop of dragon's blood contains a trace of its hidden power to continue to evolve. 】

This thing is still somewhat useful, mounts, battle pets, pets, and beast forms of druids can all be used, and can even be sold to players with beast templates, but it takes a little effort to trade them.

Generally speaking, a battle pet with an extraordinary combat skill is considered a top-quality pet. If this thing is used well, it can raise the top-quality pet to another level, and its value is huge.

The third -

[Ankarad's Stomach Sac (Backpack/Epic)

Number of backpack grids: 1 grid.

Equipment special effect 1: super large capacity.The items contained in this backpack are not limited by volume, and can accommodate up to 'extra large' volume items.

Equipment Special Effect 2: Manual Devour.This backpack can be used to store biological units (it must be used when the unit is unable to resist, and the stored unit can try to escape through the strength judgment, and cannot be used for super-large or larger units).

Item introduction: Ankarad's huge stomach sac, it is said that Ankarad can devour everything, no matter how much food can fill its appetite, and the secret of its ability to devour everything comes from its magical stomach. 】

The fourth -

[Ankarad's Great Dragon Fang (two-handed giant hammer/legendary)

Story Item: Unique.

Attack power: 128-302 (siege damage).

Attack Speed ​​-30%.

Equipment Requirements: 80 Strength.

Weapon Special Effect 1: Ultimate Armor Break (Passive).When Ni's attack hits the target, there is a certain probability of destroying the target's armor, reducing the target's armor to 0.

Weapon Special Effect 2: Shattered to pieces (passive).If the target is killed by this weapon, it will be shattered and cannot be revived with resurrection and control of the undead.

Weapon Special Effect 3: Super Endurance (Passive).When you launch an attack, increase your toughness by 885 points, making you immune to most physical control effects.

Weapon Special Effect 4: Shield Breaking Strike (Passive).When your weapon attack is blocked by a shield, the blocker's toughness will be weakened by 1000 points, and targets with toughness lower than 0 will be knocked to the ground or fly.

Item introduction: A simple weapon made of the huge dragon teeth of Ankarad. The strange rock-like texture does not seem to be an ordinary dragon bone material.

With the tip of the dragon tooth as the handle, the thick root of the tooth is like a giant hammer, which can smash everything. Although the craftsmanship is rough, this huge dragon tooth itself has terrifying destructive power. It is said that the holder of this weapon can gain the great power of Ankarad . 】

This weapon made Murphy look a little sideways. It was the first weapon he had ever seen that had a higher attack power than his Dragon Slaying Sword. The tooth foot is two meters long, the pointed end is the handle, and the thick tooth root is the hammer head.

The power requirement of 80 is 30 points higher than that of the Dragon Slaying Great Sword.

This thing is really a bit scary. It is estimated that it will be very useful for fighting big monsters. The special effects of the four weapons are quite powerful.

It’s just that the effect of -30% attack speed is a bit disgusting. If you encounter an agile hero, you will probably be killed.

But the following 24 items are all the same thing - the contents of Ankarad.

It looks like a dark ball of slime.

[Contents of Ankarad (garbage/????)

Appraisal: Obtain an item randomly.

Identification method: super-dissolving agent.

Item introduction: Items that are difficult to digest after being swallowed by Ankarad. After being soaked in the gastric juice of the giant dragon for a long time, they have lost their true colors. The contents formed after being wrapped by the condensed gastric juice may contain any items. 】

Murphy looked at the full screen - [Contents of Ankarad] with emotion.

It has to be said that Ankarad, as a world-class fourth-rank boss, is one rank higher than Bolelius, and this drop is really pitiful, only four treasures were dropped.

Although there are two legendary quality drops, one of them is a consumable item, which is definitely much worse than a plot weapon.

And almost all of them are body parts, which look shabby.

I just don't know if this content can produce good things.

Mo Fei waved his hand generously, "I've already got the dragon's heart, share the remaining four with you."

As the No. [-] hero in this battle, Emperor Shenwu was the first choice without any suspense. After a few glances, he chose Ankarad's big dragon tooth. After all, it was a legendary weapon. The weapons are pretty good too.

In particular, this big dragon tooth has a unique shape, looks very individual, and is very cool.

Moreover, the equipment made by hand is more fulfilling.

Morgan Lisa hesitated for a moment, and chose [Ankarad's Stomach Bag (Backpack)]. These items are useless to her. The biggest advantage of this stomach bag is that it can hold living things. In the future, units frozen by Eternal Frost can Take it home as a souvenir.

Hemet chose the blood of evolution, and there will be battle pets for pets in the future.

Mengmeng's big tits chose [Dragon Skin Scroll: Ankarad's Horror Roar], she couldn't learn this stuff, so she had to take it back and sell it for money.

Next is the twenty or so stomach contents, which are not easy to divide, there are 24 in total, no matter how they are divided, some people will take one less.

Hemet said: "I don't want such a good thing, how about giving me the material from this dragon?"

Mo Feixin said that you are shrewd, for such a big dragon, keel, dragon skin and dragon blood are absolutely indispensable.

But he didn't bring collection workers, so it seems that he really didn't recruit.

Several other people looked at each other in blank dismay, and were about to bargain, when Hemet suddenly burst into tears.


I only hope that the harvest this time can bring some comfort to your family, woo woo woo. "

A few people were speechless for a moment, this shit is too shameless, let's talk about dead people, but it is true that dwarves die the most.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, it's yours."

"I think so."

Hemet quickly touched his tears and shouted at the dwarves, "Boys, what are you waiting for, hurry up and get to work."

A group of dragon hunters and musketeers immediately took out their skinning knives and began to collect and work.

Unexpectedly, this dragon-hunting musketeer also has its own collection skills, and it really is a professional dragon hunter.

Now that Hemet took the dragon's material, the remaining 24 stomach contents were divided equally between the four, exactly six for each person.

Looking at the six dark things in the bag, Mo Fei still had some expectation in his heart.

The gastric juice of a giant dragon can melt even steel, and what can survive in Ankarad's stomach must be a good thing.

Maybe some hapless dragonslayer's armor or something.

It's a pity that a super-dissolving potion is needed to identify it, so I have to go to the alchemy shop later.

After distributing things, everyone looked excited.

The harvest is full.

Only Emperor Shenwu had a sad face while carrying a big dragon tooth.

Murphy: "Don't be discouraged, I think I will be able to advance sooner or later."

Emperor Shenwu (King of the Centaur): "It's a world-destroying boss... Sigh, you can meet but you can't ask for it."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "As far as I know, Ner'zhul is a world-destroying boss."


"It's not wrong. I fought against him when the alliance and tribes were fighting. At that time, he was a legendary second-tier hero. After being blackened, he must be a second-tier boss. Join hands to kill him, won't your legend rise to the top?"

Emperor Shenwu nodded slightly, this is also a choice.

After Hemet and his dwarves finished collecting the materials on the dragon, Emperor Shenwu couldn't wait to go back.

Murphy didn't refuse either, at least he borrowed someone else's soldiers and horses, and he should go back to help them fight a battle. He said that he was already a golden five, and he might be able to advance to another level after finishing the story battle, so he stepped into the epic hero the ranks of friends.

A group of people boarded the airship and began to return.

While looking at the scenery, Murphy clicked on the specialty interface.

The three hero specialties lined up, and Mo Fei looked at them intently.

Feat 1——

[The great lord who protects the country (military expertise).You have successfully obtained the special honor of Lord Protector of Alterac, became the supreme military commander of Alterac, and participated in the high-level meetings of the alliance in this capacity, so you have gained higher prestige and the ability to command the army .

Special effect: Your reputation in the alliance increases by 5000 points, your commanding power increases by 500 points, the morale of the troops you command increases by 20 points, and if you command an Alterac army, an additional 20 points of morale increase value.

Feat 2——

[Diplomatic expert (behavior expertise).During an expedition, you have continuously received support and assistance from different races such as dwarves, night elves, and centaurs. Therefore, you have mastered the knack of diplomacy and become better at communicating and communicating with different races.

Special effect: When you make contact with neutral forces/non-human races, the initial favorability with you will be increased to friendly, and you will get an additional 10% discount when shopping in stores of this force. 】

Feat 3——

[Fearless Fighter (Combat Specialty).You have been fighting a powerful enemy far more powerful than you in a battle for more than 60 minutes without being defeated, so you have mastered the experience and skills of fighting a strong enemy for a long time.

Specialty Effect: After entering the battle, you will get a layer of 'Fierce Battle' BUFF every 60 seconds, all your energy consumption will be reduced by 1%, the longer your battle with the enemy lasts, the more energy your combat skills/magic/powers will consume The less, the energy consumption can be reduced by up to 60%. 】

(End of this chapter)

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