Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 424 The Great Master's Reward

Chapter 424 The Great Master's Reward

Murphy made his choice without hesitating for too long.

The talent of the Lord Protector is actually very good. 500 dominance points are equivalent to enough to command 125 additional fourth-level soldiers. You must know that many lord-level players do not have 500 dominance points in total. This is definitely Excellent expertise.

For a hero with a lord template or a royal background, it can be said to be a very good talent.

Although in large-scale battles, the player's command of troops is not limited by the command value, but when leveling up on weekdays, the importance of command value is very high.

Because the "command" troops are equivalent to the player's personal guards, the experience gained from killing monsters can be directly obtained by the player, 500 points of command is equivalent to more than 100 knights helping to fight monsters and level up, the upgrade efficiency is absolutely Not ordinary high.

Therefore, the level of lord players is often quite fast, and this is the biggest advantage of royal background players over commoners.

Also, troops directly 'ruled' by the player will not be affected by morale.

Relatively speaking, the large forces commanded by players on the battlefield are more like allies.

However, this huge advantage is of little use to Murphy, mainly because his efficiency in spawning monsters in the dragon form is not weaker than that of the army at all, and he doesn't really need soldiers to help him level up.

The talent of diplomatic expert is also of little significance to him, because the effect of the master of bluff slightly overlaps. When he contacts neutral forces and different races, he can use the master of bluff to gain trust. There is no need to waste a specialization slot .

Relatively speaking, only the Fearless Fighter specialty is extremely useful to him, especially for protracted battles. In the past, on large-scale battlefields, Murphy was often limited to the lack of mana in the later stage, and he did not dare to use all his firepower. Open, the big move is also somewhat cramped.

But with this talent, there is no need to be afraid anymore, and his own efficiency in recovering mana is almost equivalent to a perpetual motion machine.

Moreover, this talent also has an effect on the fel value of the Ring of Dominion. In other words, after stacking the BUFF, it is equivalent to having 2.5 times the power of fel energy. Putting a rain of chaos is equivalent to summoning 25 hells Fired up (in theory).

How could Murphy not be moved by this.

Well, it's decided, it's you.

Murphy thought about choosing this specialty.

The speed of the return trip was very fast, and in the evening, the two airships had already arrived over the camp of the Night Alliance.

Murphy stood on the side of the boat and looked towards the wilderness below.

Fortunately, it seems that there has been no major war in the past two days. There are no large-scale Zerg gatherings in the wilderness outside the camp, only some adventurer teams are fighting with the scout troops sent by Ahn'Qiraj Zerg.

This kind of small-scale battle is very friendly to adventurers, and the guilds brush Ahn'Qiraj Zerg in a team-scale.

Morgan Lisa (Grand Arcanist): "Look where! There are so many big birds."

Murphy looked in the direction of Morgan Lisa's finger. Sure enough, in the sky in the northwest of the night elves in the distance, a large number of storm crows flew from the sky, and they were constantly landing in the night barracks. After landing, they turned into It looks like a night elf, and even a few tauren can be seen mixed in.

"It's the Druid Legion! It seems that Malfurion should be here." Emperor Shenwu said lightly.

The airship stopped next to the aviation tower in the centaur camp. Mo Fei and others followed Emperor Shenwu from the tower to the ground. Emperor Shenwu's centaur troops naturally returned to the barracks for repairs. The phantom sharpshooters also began to return to the dark night immediately. The camp of the elves.

After discussing with Emperor Shenwu, Mo Fei also joined hands and came to the Dark Night Barracks.

Morgan Lisa, Hemet, and Mengmeng Big Tits naturally also followed.

When the group arrived at the night elf hall, Malfurion had already arrived and was discussing something with Tyrande. He looked a little tired and nodded politely when he saw the two of them coming in.

Malfurion (Arch Druid): "I have heard about your arrival——Prince Aidan, I am very glad that you can join this war against the evil Zerg. We once fought side by side in Ashenvale, and now we are fighting together again. Be an ally."

As Mo Feixin said, this person probably got second-hand information from Tyrande.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "It's my honor, too."

Tyrande raised her eyebrows: "So you have completed the task of slaying the dragon?"

Emperor Shenwu (King of Centaur): "Yes, Ankarad the Devourer can no longer bring terror to this world. We killed him in the wilderness with our own hands."

Tyrande nodded, but his brows did not open.

Emperor Shenwu immediately realized what was going on.

"Did the Aspect not answer your call, Archdruid?"

Before the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg went berserk, Malfurion went to the Emerald Dream. On the one hand, he wanted to quell the nightmare. At the same time, he also had another mission, which was to find a way to contact the guardian dragon. After all, the last battle of the quicksand was based on It was only with the support of the Dragon Legion that the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg was defeated.

But it doesn't seem to be going well.

Malfurion shook his head: "The dragon kings have encountered some troubles. The soul of the dragon that was sealed in the Emerald Dream was stolen by an orc warlock. The Orc Legion, now the Dragonmaw Legion is hunting dragons everywhere. With the power of the Dragon Soul, the guardian dragon can't fight against it at all. Now it can only hide around, and recruit adventurers to try to get back the "Dragon Soul" .”

Emperor Shenwu immediately acted filled with righteous indignation, "Damn it, it's those hateful orcs again. These green-skinned beasts have already brought too many threats to this world. We must solve them."

After hearing this, Murphy felt a little emotional. He didn't expect that the Dragonmaw Clan would still get the Dragon Soul, but it was wrong. In history, the Dragonmaw Clan obtained it with the cooperation of Deathwing. How did they do it this time? Where did you arrive?

He couldn't help but think of that orc warlock named Nekros. He fought a fight back then. He didn't think much of it at the time. Didn't he think this guy was so fierce?

Snatch the soul of the dragon, hunt down the big dragons, tsk tsk tsk, it feels a bit like a big villain boss.

But he couldn't help but feel a little bit excited.

The "Dragon Soul" is an artifact of the dragon clan jointly created by the five dragon kings. It can restrain the four guardian dragon clans, but the storm dragon is not subject to this restriction. When the immediate troubles are resolved, it is better to find an opportunity to kill the Dragonmaw clan , It would be great if he could grab the soul of the dragon.

The 'Dragon Soul' contains a part of the guardian power of the four guardian dragon clans, which is of great help to the promotion of the dragon god, and it may save a few dragon kings from being killed.

However, relying on him alone, it is still too difficult to snatch the soul of the dragon.

Even adding the Dragon Sorrow Knights would be enough, but he remembered that the Dragonmaw Legion was a whole orc army, the number of the six major legions was close to [-], and they might have enslaved many dragons now.

One hundred thousand orcs plus hundreds of dragons is not easy.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "That's right, these evil orcs are a huge threat to our world, everyone, after we solve the threat of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, why don't we go and take it back together?" Dragon Soul!"

Tyrande looked at Murphy suspiciously, and thought that when did you suddenly speak so righteously, it was strange to ask you to help fight the Zerg before.

He wanted to refuse, but now he was relying on others to fight the war, so he thought for a while and said, "Of course, but let's talk about it after the war against the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg is over."

Speaking of the threat from the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, everyone cheered up immediately.

Backed by the ancient god C'Thun, the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg is definitely a formidable enemy.

This battle is not easy to fight.

Tyrande introduced the current battle situation to the map.

"The Ahn'Qiraj Zerg has not launched a large-scale attack in the past two days, but the enemy's strength is constantly increasing, and a bloody battle is about to begin.

We have stationed troops in various main roads around Sirisus to block the enemy's offensive. At present, we barely block the Zerg in the Sirisus Desert. Once the front is defeated, the Zerg army will pass through Feralas, Thousand Needles The Stone Forest, the Barrens, and the Stonetalon Mountains spread rapidly, and it won't be long before the entire Kalimdor falls. "

The strength of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg lies in its ability to reproduce, so once they are allowed to bloom more and open more than a dozen sub-bases, it will be over.

Malfurion (Arch Druid): "It's a pity that Cenarius has not been resurrected, otherwise our chances of winning this battle will be greatly improved."

Emperor Shenwu (King of Centaur): "Are there any orcs in the camp of Ahn'Qiraj Zerg?"

Tyrande shook his head, "No, those orcs seem to have disappeared after opening the seal, Emperor Shenwu, do you know anything?"

Emperor Shenwu (King of Centaur): "According to the information provided by Prince Aidan, this orc army is probably one of the six armies of the tribe. It is called the Abyss Army. Commander of the Shadowmoon clan, and Ner'zhul may well have become a servant of the Old Gods."

Ner'zhul! ?Both Tyrande and Malfurion showed solemn expressions.

I don't know what kind of conspiracy this Ner'zhul is carrying out.


Temple of Ahn'Qiraj - Plaza of the Sun

Ner'zhul looked up at the towering statues surrounding the vast plaza before him.

The architectural style of this square is extremely magnificent. The stone floor made of huge flat rocks is full of majesty and sacred style, which is in sharp contrast with the big bugs crawling around and scurrying all over the ground.

"This temple is definitely not built by these bugs," Ner'zhul thought firmly in his heart.

He didn't like this eerie place, there were creepy giant zergs everywhere, wolf-headed giants with expressionless faces, and buzzing bees flying all over the sky.

He couldn't see the emotional changes of those bugs from their weird faces, nor could he guess what they were doing as they crawled around.

These alien-style scenes are very strange, and strangeness often breeds uneasiness.

But he must stay here, waiting for the 'reward' promised by the 'great ancient god'.

This anxiety also spread among the other orcs. The warriors all clenched their weapons tightly and maintained a defensive formation, while the shamans were more or less confident, but they couldn't help whispering.

A shaman approached.

Black Wind Old Demon (Shadow Moon Prophet): "Master Ner'zhul, when are we going to wait—those bugs make me shudder."

Ner'zhul glanced at his subordinates, "Hmph, they are just low-level servants without self-awareness. There is no need to be nervous. They are servants of C'Thun, humble ants. Without the order of their master, they will not There are any changes.

Let the chosen shamans be ready, and there should be no hesitation when they act later. "

Black Wind Old Demon (Shadow Moon Prophet): "Don't worry, Lord Ner'zhul, we are all willing to die for you."

While speaking, finally, a huge purple-red bug walked in front of Ner'zhul.

Its towering body is seven or eight meters high. Under the cylindrical body are six huge sickle legs. On the top of its head are two huge tentacles more than two meters long. There is actually a gorgeous robe on the tin shell, but upon careful observation, the robe seems to be the gorgeous wings of some moth-like creature.

Lord Kerry (Zerg Overseer): "Orcs, the great master has summoned you, go, go to the depths of the temple, and receive your 'reward', jie jie jie jie."

Its weird worm mouth made weird noises, as if it was laughing.

The orcs were all restless.

Ner'zhul raised his hand, and his soldiers immediately fell silent.

Ner'zhul (Chief of Shadowmoon): "Of course, this is our honor. Please allow me to take some subordinates to receive the reward. They are all warriors of the tribe and have fought bravely for the freedom of the great master."

Lord Kerry (Zerg Overseer): "Of course, Jie Jie Jie Jie, go, the more people the better, the great master has many gifts to bestow on you, Jie Jie Jie Jie."

The voice was getting more and more unsettling.

The orcs growled menacingly.

Ner'zhul nodded calmly, and with a wave, the twelve orcs selected before came out of the line. They were all dressed in black robes, hoods and hoods. A powerful priest and shaman of the Shadowmoon clan, and the most loyal follower of Ner'zhul.

With these twelve men, Ner'zhul walked towards the depths of the temple of Ahn'Qiraj.

Go deeper and deeper, pass through dense swarms of insects and Anubis guards, and go further and further underground.

Walking in the dark passage, Ner'zhul walked forward slowly. The two sides of the temple were densely covered with Ahn'Qiraj's bloodthirsty guards. These Ahn'Qiraj Zerg's strongest bugs had hideous black shells, terrifying scythe legs and pincers Same mouthparts.

The densely packed eyes are like countless green candles in the dark.

This made the shaman following Ner'zhul tense.

"Steady, don't forget your mission." Ner'zhul said in a low voice, and several people suddenly became less nervous.

After finally passing through this long corridor full of terrifying zerg, he finally came to an empty and silent hall.

This is the audience chamber, the last chamber leading to the deepest part of Ahn'Qiraj's temple.

To Ner'zhul's surprise, he was not alone.

A burly two-headed ogre with a height of more than five meters was waiting there with several subordinates of different races.

There are orcs, humans, ogres, and even an elf, all dressed in purple robes and full of evil.

Cho'gall of the Twilight clan?Ner'zhul immediately recognized the two-headed ogre, one of Gul'dan's generals, and the leader of the Twilight clan, but it seemed that he was a little different from the past.

"Gul'gall? Why are you here? Didn't you leave with Gul'dan? Speaking of which, is your master okay?"

Cho'gall gave Ner'zhul a look of awe. Strictly speaking, he could be regarded as Ner'zhul's descendant, but the orcs don't pay attention to seniority, only strength is the most worthy of respect.

As for Ner'zhul's power at this time, although Cho'gall didn't have an intuitive understanding, he keenly felt the danger at this time.

"Master Ner'zhul, after we went out to sea, we were attacked by a black dragon. Gul'dan had fallen, and I survived by chance. Now I have joined the great old god and become the leader of the Twilight's Hammer. We pledge allegiance to For the great master, I vow to bring the Twilight Judgment to this world."

"Hmph, you really look the same."

Ner'zhul was not surprised by Cho'gall's style of following whoever had the biggest fist.

A deep will came from the depths of the temple.

Mysterious voice: "Come in, Ner'zhul, you have completed your mission, come up to receive your reward."

Ner'zhul took a deep breath, it's time!

He glanced at Cho'gall.

"Do you want to come together, Cho'gall?"

Choogall took a few steps back in a hurry, and lowered his head humbly, "This is your honor."

Ner'zhul sneered, but said nothing.

He walked slowly into the dark tunnel, followed by his twelve apostles, and the group of figures quickly disappeared into the darkness leading to the depths of the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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