Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 425 Chaos Element

Chapter 425 Chaos Element
A group of people walked quietly in the dark corridor, leading to the dark tunnel deep underground, exuding a deep and cold atmosphere.

In the darkness, there seemed to be countless eyes watching the intruders.

Ner'zhul touched the handle of the dagger at his waist from time to time, feeling anticipation and fear in his heart.

The terrifying existence witnessed in meditation is about to appear in front of his eyes.

Suddenly, a dark red light appeared in the darkness. As it gradually approached, it was the entrance of the tunnel. When he walked through the door with his servants, a terrifying giant mountain of meat appeared between Ner'zhul and Ner'zhul. before the eyes of his priests.

"My god, this thing is so curious!"

Someone in the team exclaimed.

It's really curious.

The monster in front of me has eight huge eyeballs, which are evenly distributed around the body. The trunk of the body is a huge pile of flesh, a full six to seventy meters high, wriggling, and extending out many thick tentacles. Some of these tentacles Like thorns, it is covered with barbs and thorns, some have a big mouth that is split at the top, and some have eyeballs at the top, staring at everyone blinking and blinking.

At this time, it seemed that everyone had been sensed. The top of the meat mountain slowly cracked a vortex mouthpart full of sharp teeth, and a huge eyeball with a diameter of tens of meters rose from it.

The pupils of the eyeballs looked at Ner'zhul, and Ner'zhul's heart shook for a moment, as if he saw the supreme god, the ruler of all things in the world, and also his undisputed master.

A strong urge to worship made him almost kneel down.

"Great master, I..."

(No! I am Ner'zhul, I will never bow to anyone!)

He held the handle of the knife with his hand. This strangely shaped blade was not made of metal. It looked like the limbs of some kind of alien creature. There were several raised barbs on the handle, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

The barb on the hilt stung his palm, and Ner'zhul regained consciousness for an instant.

The effect of mind control still haunted him all the time, but he was already able to resist it.

Thanks to the information provided by his priests, he is very clear about the origin of this terrifying existence in front of him.

C'Thun, one of the five ancient gods who came to the sky world in ancient times, the ancient gods once occupied this world and tried to corrupt it.

Until the Titans come and defeat the Old Gods.

In order to protect themselves, the ancient gods have rooted themselves into the interior of the planet and merged with the planet. In this way, it becomes completely impossible to completely destroy them unless the planet is directly destroyed.

But at the same time, their power is also dispersed.

The materialized flesh and blood entity in front of him is only a small part of C'Thun's total power.

Fear comes from the unknown. Once you know the true identity of the enemy and get to the bottom of it, the fear and awe will naturally be much less.

If he was facing the complete ancient god, he really only had to worship him, but what he saw was just a flesh and blood incarnation of C'Thun, which gave him a chance to draw a chestnut out of the fire.

Ner'zhul (Chief of Shadowmoon): "Oh! Great ancient god-C'Thun, your humble servant hereby greets you. Ruy, open the gates of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.

Oh, great master, you said that you would give me gifts and rewards, which made me ecstatic, now that I am here, I can see your majestic and sacred real body, which really makes me very excited..."

As he spoke, he gestured to the crowd behind him.

The twelve high-ranking shamans began to spread out calmly, outflanking C'Thun's huge body.

C'Thun (Old God): "You did a good job Ner'zhul. Once I break free from this cage, my will will spread throughout this world. Now, come forward and receive your rewards. I will bestow Your glory, endless glory, and that glory is—to be one with me!"

As the voice said, tentacles wound around Ner'zhul one by one.

Ner'zhul glanced at his men out of the corner of his eye, "Very well, it's almost there."

He let those tentacles wrap around his waist, dragging him towards the huge eyeball.

Ner'zhul (Shadowmoon Chief): "Are you going to devour my flesh? It will be an honor for my humble body to become part of the great master."

C'Thun (Old God): "Your pathetic flesh and blood are worthless to me, what I need is your soul, your will.

Don't worry, I won't take anything away, on the contrary, I will inject new energy into your body, your fragile flesh and blood will become extremely powerful, the only difference is that your soul will belong to My will, I will leave an eternal imprint on your heart, you will be my eyes, my limbs, my most loyal servant. "

There was a sneer on Ner'zhul's face, "It's now—do it."

With a loud roar, the twelve high-level shamans around took off their camouflage at the same time.

C'Thun (Old God): "Sad mortals, your betrayal will bring you ruin..."

Soul Annihilation Ray!

A purple beam of light suddenly shot out from the huge eyeball, the beam hit the first target, and immediately refracted to the second target, then the third, and the fourth, one after another, instantly twelve shadow moons high The super shamans were all hit by the soul annihilation ray.

Yet none of them fell.

The black robes on those shamans shattered, revealing bodies of different shapes. The flames burned their flesh and skin, rocks grew out of the flesh, and their bodies turned into nothingness like gusts of wind or rushing water.

These high-level shamans let out screams, obviously the spells they cast cost them a huge price.

[Forbidden Shaman Technique: Elemental Incarnation!

Spell introduction: Sacrifice your flesh and soul to become a powerful elemental creature. You will completely lose your human form and live in the form of an elemental creature. 】

This is a forbidden spell created by the shaman of the Shadowmoon Sect in ancient Draenor. It can turn the caster into a powerful elemental creature. It was frequently used in the ancient wars of Draenor.

However, because the shamans who turned into elements often fell into madness because they couldn't bear the psychological pressure brought by the shape change, this spell has also become a taboo.

But as the inheritor of the Shadowmoon Sect, Ner'zhul naturally mastered this forbidden technique.

He is well aware of the power of the ancient gods, and even more clearly the power of the ancient gods to control the flesh and soul. If he wants to defeat these terrifying existences that can corrupt the flesh, annihilate the soul, and control the mind, he must abandon the flesh and soul and become immortal. elemental creatures.

Thanks to these fanatical followers, his plan was carried out.

As twelve huge elemental creatures appeared in the pitch-black temple, especially those fire elemental creatures, the firelight also illuminated the surrounding darkness.

Black Wind Old Demon (Storm Element): "Haha, be silly, we elemental creatures don't want to eat your soul annihilation ray."

Bad Second Young Master (Elder Fire Element): "Prepare to die, Kesuen, I will take your first kill today."

Master Xuanji (Turrent Surge): "We're not even human beings because of you, and you've deserved death."

Brother Hao (rock element): "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!"

C'Thun (Ancient God): "Ants who don't know what is good or bad, dust who are overwhelmed, you don't even know what a great existence you are facing. Refusing my gift will be the most stupid decision of yours."

As it spoke, its tentacles slowly tightened, about to strangle Ner'zhul to death.

Ner'zhul suddenly pulled out the dagger from his waist, swung the knife, and the sickle-shaped blade cut off the tentacles easily.

Ner'zhul (Shadowmoon Chief): "Hmph, since you can take this power, why do you need to pray for it, C'Thun, your power is mine now."

C'Thun (Old God): "Xal'atath Blade of the Dark Empire! Where did you get this weapon?"

The huge eyeballs trembled crazily, and they looked extremely frightened towards the strangely shaped blade in Ner'zhul's hand.

"Hahaha, I feel scared!" Ner'zhul trembled excitedly, so what about the ancient gods, he also surrendered in front of this god-killing blade, he summoned a whirlwind, leaped up, and wanted to kill the gods The dagger pierced into the pupil of the huge eyeball.

But in the next second—boom!Countless huge tentacles crazily drilled out from the ground, entwined and whipped towards Ner'zhul.

C'Thun (Old God): "Fear? You said fear? I will let you know what real fear is, real despair!"

More and more tentacles emerged from the ground, each with a diameter of more than one meter and a length of tens of meters. For a while, the hall was like a group of snakes dancing wildly.

Ner'zhul was forced to retreat again and again, the power of the elements surrounded him, and the power of the earth turned into two huge arms seven or eight meters long to protect him.

The force of the wind made him float into the air, avoiding the tentacles' attack.

The flame turned into a sea of ​​fire under his sway, burning the flesh and blood of those tentacles.

Not to mention that there are twelve powerful elemental creatures fighting side by side with him.

Although this Ke'thun is powerful, the strongest thing is the control of mind and soul, as well as the corrosion and control of flesh and blood. There is really no good way for these elemental creatures that do not eat mind control and are not affected by the curse of flesh and blood.

It can only be physically killed by the differentiated tentacles in hand-to-hand combat.

However, elemental creatures are also good at melee combat. Earth elemental stone elements are hard, fire elementals burn, water elementals freeze, and wind elementals also have high physical damage immunity.

Dozens of tentacles fluttered around for a long time, but none of them were killed, and several tentacles were killed instead.

Ke'suen also realized that something was wrong. As an ancient god, he fought hand-to-hand with a group of desperate elemental creatures.

You can't control the elements, but you can control the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg.

As Ner'zhul approached, he found that C'Thun's huge eyeball was slowly retracted into the meat mountain, wrapped in layers of flesh and blood.

Ner'zhul raised his hand and a lava burst, followed by a powerful lightning strike, and then summoned a giant wind blade.

After a saturated attack, the flesh of Roshan was only scratched.

This is bad!

Ner'zhul suddenly screamed that something was wrong.

Only by piercing the artifact in his hand into the eyeball can he absorb C'Thun's power, but the body of the ancient god is extremely tough, when will such a mountain of meat be blown away?
I'm afraid that before he was blasted away, those terrifying insects might have already rushed in and completely tore him apart.

No, it must be resolved quickly!

Seeing that there were not many tentacles left, he took out his staff directly.

Ner'zhul (Shadowmoon clan): "Come to me my faithful shamans, your master needs your help."

A group of elemental creatures all surrounded them.

Brockay (Elder of the Earth Element): "Master Chief, give your order."

Antar (Elder of Fire Element): "Serve you, my master."

Black Wind Old Demon (Storm Element): "Boss, if you have anything to say, just say it, we brothers are all your fans, are you sure you have a knife in your chest?"

Ner'zhul nodded in satisfaction, "Very well, my loyal followers, I am very satisfied with your loyalty and courage. To defeat the ancient gods, you must cast forbidden spells. This requires you to continue to sacrifice and sacrifice Your strength! Now—begin!"

He slammed his staff straight at everyone.

Forbidden Shaman - Hero Skill - Summon Chaos Elements!
A huge elemental circle appeared at the feet of all the elements. In an instant, all the elements felt the power of the elements in their bodies being crazily extracted, and gathered towards the magic circle.

The most intuitive expression is - the blood volume is crazy.

Their bodies made of different elements began to disintegrate crazily. The four different elemental powers of wind, torrent, flame, and earth began to gather together and transform into a special form that had never been seen before, a pure energy body.

From the blackest to the darkest, it seems to be able to absorb and annihilate all matter, which is the most primitive chaotic energy in the universe.

This trick is a new skill developed by Ner'zhul himself. It combines the sacrifice call of the warlock spell and the elemental control of the shaman spell to sacrifice four elemental creatures with different attributes to create a brand new hybrid life.

Once the spell is complete, the sacrificed elemental will die and a new life will be born.

Black Wind Old Demon (Storm Element): "No! Boss, we don't bring such things."

Bad Second Young Master (Elder of the Fire Element): "My old mother Ner'zhul, I will be your little brother for eight lifetimes."

Master of Mystery (Turrent Surge): "Chief, please calm down first, we have something to talk about."

Antar (Elder Fire Element): "I die for Ner'zhul."

Brocket (Elder of the Earth Element): "Ashes to dust, dust to dust."

Those NPCs are very open-minded, and they have no complaints about sacrificing for the boss.

Players can stop doing it. The ritual in front of them is completely different from transforming from an orc shaman to an elemental creature. The orc shaman can still continue to play after becoming an elemental creature, and even has stronger fighting power, but he is no longer a humanoid creature.

It is not unacceptable to change the hero account to the boss account.

But if it is sacrificed, it will die completely, and it will be used as a material for casting spells, which is unbearable.

They followed Ner'zhul also thinking about their thighs, and after Ner'zhul became the villain who destroyed the world, they could be a boss guarding the level anyway.

How can I accept this fate of sacrifice in vain.

But Ner'zhul completely ignored the wailing and cursing of these subordinates.

If one wanted to achieve great power, one would have to sacrifice something. In order to seize the great power of the ancient god, a mere dozen or so subordinates were nothing. As long as the plan was successful, some sacrifices were completely acceptable.

He frantically released his mana, and finally, twelve powerful elemental creatures merged together, the storm, the earth, the fire and the water, all gathered into a dark and strange human form.

Unstable Chaos Elemental (Servants of Ner'zhul): Level? ? ? ? ,life value? ? ? ? .

It worked!Ner'zhul was overjoyed. He could feel that the chaotic element in front of him was not stable. After all, it was not a natural product, but a forcible fusion of spells, and it might collapse at any time.

"Quick, blast that body away!"

When the Chaos Element raised its hand, it was a Chaos Impact, and the black energy quickly dissolved C'Thun's flesh and blood.

Ner'zhul hurried over.

Layer by layer is dissolved.

The huge eyeballs are finally exposed.

Right now, Ner'zhul jumped up vigorously, and the blade of the Dark Empire in his hand suddenly pierced into the eyeball.

Immediately, powerful void energy poured into Ner'zhul's body crazily along the dagger.

Ner'zhul (Void Walker): "Haha, that's it, more power, more power!"

Until the pupils of the eyeballs gradually dimmed, and Ner'zhul finally pulled out the dagger, C'Thun's last thoughts echoed in his mind.

"Everything... is not... over..."

Of course it wasn't over, and Ner'zhul was well aware of that.

"Oh my god, you, you killed the ancient god!" A terrified voice came from behind, but it was Cugall who was summoned by the will of the ancient god and rushed in to rescue him. Looking at the scene in front of him, he said in disbelief. In his cognition, the ancient god was the most powerful existence in the universe, and he was killed just like that.

"Hmph, I'm not that capable yet." Ner'zhul said.

The Old God is a parasitic life rooted in the planet Azeroth. Its huge neural network spreads across the entire continent. It is almost impossible to kill it completely. What he just destroyed was just a flesh and blood entity created by it.

As long as there is enough time, those roots and tentacles rooted in the planet will re-condense a new body, a new will, and a new C'Thun.

This is the scariest thing about the Old Gods.

The flesh and blood entity in front of him only has [-]-[-]% of the power of the main body at most, and what he just absorbed is about half, that is, [-]% to [-]% of the power.

But even if it only has [-]% strength, it is extremely powerful.

Feeling the endless void power in his body, Ner'zhul trembled with excitement.

Googall is still pressing, "Why are you doing this?"

"Since you can take that power away, why ask for a gift—ah!"

Ner'zhul suddenly let out a scream, and the powerful void power in his body made him feel as if he was about to be torn apart.

He tried his best to maintain the stability of his ability, but his body was still involuntarily eroded by that energy, hold on, hold on!

Ner'zhul is well aware of the consequences of losing control of energy, I can control this force!

Ner'zhul said to himself, crazily mobilizing powerful mental power, suddenly he felt his brain swell, and the flesh between his brows slowly split open, revealing a huge eyeball.

(End of this chapter)

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