Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 426 Rise of the Void King

Chapter 426 Rise of the Void King

Gu: "Master Ner'zhul? Are you okay?" Gu Gal looked at Ner'zhul who was crying in pain, and asked tentatively.

The other party turned his head abruptly, and the weird one-eyed eyes between his foreheads looked straight into his eyes as if they could penetrate the soul.

Gu Gal was taken aback. His huge and burly body with two heads instinctively stepped back. After taking two steps, he realized that it was impossible to run at such a time, so he decided to kneel.

Gal: "Master Ner'zhul, are you alright?"

Ner'zhul (Void Walker): "Hmph, I'm good, I'm very good, this power - makes me stronger than ever, the mystery of the void, the wisdom of the shadows, have now fallen into my body In my hand, I can see everything!
But this is just the beginning, there are other ancient gods buried in various parts of this world, I will dig them out one by one, and wait until I gather the power of all the ancient gods..."

He hesitated to speak, and turned to look at Ke'thun's flesh and blood body. Although Ke'thun's will had dissipated, this was the flesh and blood incarnation of the ancient god after all. Since its vitality was strong, the torn meat mountain Unexpectedly, it slowly started to heal, and the pupils that had lost their radiance also slowly turned again.

Gu: "It—will it come back to life?"

"Of course not. This is just an unconscious body, but it still has a lot of power left. Maybe this powerful body can be put to good use."

Ner'zhul muttered to himself, as if he was thinking about something, with a mysterious expression on his face, Gu Gall didn't dare to take a breath.

The two heads exchanged glances.

Gu: Let's run.

Gal: You can't run, you're dead if you run.

Gu: So what should we do?
Gal: What else can I do, seek refuge, this is not the first time.

Finally, Ner'zhul let out a low, hoarse, weird laugh, talking to himself.

"That's right, that's it. This body is still very useful. Use it to control the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg. These ferocious bugs will be a good tool. Although the orcs are obedient, the number is still too small. I I will lead an endless army of Zergs to sweep away all enemies, and with the addition of these bugs, my plan will be carried out more smoothly."

Gu Gall: "But Lord Ner'zhul, the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg is facing the siege of the army of the Night Alliance. They have failed to defeat them in several battles. The war is not over yet."

Ner'zhul (Void Walker): "Huh, it will be over soon. I will personally command this army and launch an attack. I want to see who can resist the combination of Zerg and Orc, who can resist This comes from the power of the Old Gods!"

As he spoke, he raised one hand, and the energy of the void gathered in his palm. He suddenly injected this force of the void into C'Thun's flesh and blood, and the body like a mountain of meat squirmed again. Standing up, the flesh and blood healed quickly, huge eyeballs rose from the mountain of meat, and those tentacles that had been stretched danced again.

Looking at the "resurrected" C'Thun, Ner'zhul nodded in satisfaction, striding towards the outside of the temple, and when he reached the door, he suddenly looked back at Cho'gall.

"Do you want to come together, Cho'gall."

"Of course, Master Ner'zhul, my great master." Cho'gall said without hesitation, and followed Ner'zhul humbly. He originally followed Gul'dan, but later he was attracted by the powerful power displayed by the ancient gods. Choose to change masters and serve the Old Gods.

Now that Ner'zhul can control the power of the ancient gods, there is nothing to say, just change the boss.

An hour later, Ahn'Qiraj Square——

In the empty square, the orc army had been assembled by Ner'zhul. Before that, the main force of the orcs was stationed outside the temple. Because they were wary of Ahn'Qiraj, only a small number of orcs followed Ner'zhul into An'Qiraj. The Qiraji Gate.

Now that Ner'zhul has gained control over the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, naturally there is no need to worry about internal strife.

Ner'zhul was wearing a void robe and walked slowly up to the high platform in the middle of the plaza. All the orcs looked at him.

The powerful void energy emanating from Ner'zhul's body made the surrounding Ahn'Qiraj Zerg fearful and uneasy. They crawled under the high platform as if facing the gods. These low-level Zerg units did not have much wisdom and acted completely according to the orders of the superiors. .

At this moment, in their eyes, Ner'zhul's rank is undoubtedly the highest.

Lord Crowe also felt the pressure. He didn't understand what happened. He originally thought that the master would treat these tiny orcs as desserts or transform them into low-level servants, but he didn't expect to actually give him a gift.

Looking at the weird eyeballs on Ner'zhul's forehead, Lord Crow felt a burst of envy and hatred in his heart. He could feel the great power of Ner'zhul, which must be a gift from his master.

Until the eyeball suddenly stared at it, Lord Crowe was shocked, and he froze on the spot as if he had seen a ghost.

Ner'zhul (Void Walker): "My orc warriors, warriors of the abyss legion, you follow me to this strange land, for the glory of the tribe, for the future of the orcs, now I have obtained the ancient The power of God, now, as I promised before, I will share this power with you.

Those warriors who think they are brave, come forward and accept this blessing from the void, which will be more powerful than the blood of demons.

With this power, no one in this world can fight us! "

The orcs looked at each other and whispered. At the same time, the voice of the system prompt also appeared in the ears of the players among these orcs.

Among the tribal camps, Ner'zhul's popularity is still very high, mainly because when the family separated, those few more popular characters either died or disappeared, and the rest were Ba Dao Wuqing, Grogo Evil Eye, Reid Blackhand, third-rate characters like Nekros,

In comparison, Ner'zhul is completely an order of magnitude higher.

Therefore, there are many orc soldiers, orc elites, and orc warlords played by players in the Abyss Legion.

At this moment, they all heard the sound of the system prompt.

[System prompt: You triggered the plot event [Rise of the Void King].

In 1439 of the Era of the Sky, Ner'zhul, the spiritual leader of the orcs, absorbed the power of the void from the ancient god C'Thun, and decided to bestow the power of the void on the orcs, transforming and strengthening their own legions, in order to practice their own. evil plan.

As a result, the [Abyss Legion] composed of several orc clans fell into darkness completely. While gaining great power, it also became an evil enemy spurned by the world.

[Abyss Legion] The force type has been changed from 'monster force' to 'evil monster force', becoming the common enemy of all official camps, neutral forces and other monster forces will also regard it as an enemy.

Your identity in this plot event is——orc soldier/orc warlord...

Please make your choice.

Choice 1: Reject the power of the void and stick to the glory of the orcs.

Your race will not change, and Ner'zhul will be dissatisfied with you, which may have a bad influence on you in the future. Because of your insistence on honor, the orthodox tribe's favorability for you has increased, and you Gained a chance to rejoin the orthodox tribe.

Choice 2: Accept the power of the void and follow Lord Ner'zhul to the death.

Your race will be transformed from [Orc] to [Void Orc], which is a Void-enhanced version of Orc.

You will get new racial talents - Will of the Void, Blood of the Old God, Body of the Faceless...

New optional advancements - Void Priest, Shadow Wizard, Abyss Knight, Fallen Orc Berserker, Faceless Hybrid Orc, Void Orc Lord...]

Faced with this choice, the NPC would hesitate and struggle for a while, but the players almost all chose to accept the power of the void, and they were able to follow Ner'zhul until now. , anyway, it's already a monster template, so what's the big deal if it's blackened again.

If we want to be bad, we will be bad to the end, blackening will be blackening to the end, blackening is three times stronger, if we continue to be so extreme blackening, then it will not be ten times stronger.

Void Orc - this thing sounds like a hang.

Let's fight against the whole world with Lord Ner'zhul, that's called domineering.

Some players even think that it would be great if they can really successfully destroy the world, and they can be regarded as doing a great cause to change history.

At that time, regardless of whether it is the Alliance or the Horde, I will have to call Lao Tzu Dad.

In one, it is of course a matter of taking refuge in the villain early and enjoy it early, and the discount is discounted if you vote late, the sooner you vote, the better.

So hula la a large group of orcs gathered around, shouting one by one to die for Ner'zhul, long live Ner'zhul, Boss Ner'zhul, I will give you monkeys, the atmosphere was extremely warm.

Most of the NPCs also chose to accept the power of the void, and only a few who cared more about glory remained silent and did not step forward.

Looking at the tens of thousands of orc warriors surrounding him, Ner'zhul nodded in satisfaction.

Naturally, the more reliable servants, the better.

He raised his staff high, and his voice resounded through the square.

Ner'zhul (Void Walker): "Open your hearts, put down your guard, and now—accept the blessings of the void!"

He pointed his staff sharply at the sky.

Void Magic - C'Thun's Gaze!
A force of void shot towards the sky, hovering, as if tearing the sky apart, forming a huge purple pupil.

The pupils stared at the orcs on the square, the powerful force of the void radiated these orcs, transformed their flesh and blood, and eroded their will.

This is much more efficient than drinking the blood of demons. Under the influence of the power of the void, all orcs began to gradually change.

Some had purple emptiness in their eyes, and murmured incomprehensible words in their mouths.

Some screamed, their muscles swollen and enlarged, and they were almost deformed.

Some arms turned into giant tentacles.

What a scene of demons dancing wildly.

Seeing the terrifying magic performed by Ner'zhul, Lord Crowe finally couldn't help but leaned forward.

"Master Ner'zhul...does the great master have any orders? I sensed a huge wave of mind before, it seems that the master is calling us..."

Lord Crowe didn't dare to speak clearly, the mental fluctuations were clearly calling for help, but how could the great master call for help?It couldn't be because of the tiny orc in front of him.

However, when the one eye on Ner'zhul's forehead looked at it, Lord Crowe suddenly felt a wave of fear and a familiar mental pressure.


Ner'zhul sneered: "That's right, it's me. I have already occupied the body of this weak orc. My body was sealed and locked in a prison, but through this puppet, I can personally lead you to victory, smashing the Night Alliance, conquer this world!
Now, go gather my army and prepare for battle! "

at the same time------

Tyrande (High Priest of the Moon God): "It is almost impossible to wipe out all the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, they are all over Sirisus and the surrounding areas, and they are constantly breeding more troops.

The only way to defeat them is to kill the ancient god C'Thun who was sealed in the temple of Ahn'Qiraj. In the distant past, the guardian dragon once told us about the legend about C'Thun. It came from this Void creatures outside the world, defeated by the Titans, sealed in the temple of Ahn'Qiraj, and sent tol'vir and Anubisath to guard them.

However, a group of ancient aqir, attracted by the spirit of C'Thun, occupied the fortress and enslaved the tol'vir and Anubisath, which were the Obsidian Destroyer and the wolf-headed giants.

Becoming the so-called Ahn'Qiraj, they have been trying to free their master, C'Thun.

But the Titan's seal did not fail, and C'Thun was trapped in the prison deep in the temple and could not escape. He could only use its powerful spiritual power to control the army of Ahn'Qiraj Zerg.

My plan is to confront the army of Ahn'Qiraj Zerg head-on, advance the battle line to the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, and then send an elite force to raid the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, kill C'Thun, without C'Thun's mental control, The Ahn'Qiraj Zerg will lose their powerful cooperative combat capabilities and fall into chaos.

In this way, their defeat will be inevitable..."

Listening to Tyrande's eloquent talk, Mo Feixin said that this plan really has the characteristics of a game.

Whether it is the Old Gods or what, in the end can not escape the end of a team of 'greedy adventurers'.

Emperor Shenwu (King of the Centaur): "I will personally lead the centaur army to confront the army of Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, and contain the enemy's main force on the battlefield. Then Lady Tyrande and Master Malfurion, raid Kesu En's task is entrusted to you."

Emperor Shenwu's plan was very shrewd. C'Thun is undoubtedly a world-destroying boss, and Ner'zhul is also a world-destroying boss, but the strength of the two is not at the same level.

C'Thun is the ancient god. How can Ner'zhul compare? Ner'zhul can't even beat the alliance. Even if his strength becomes stronger after blackening, he is still in the category of humanoid creatures.

He had also been a BOSS before, and he knew that a humanoid BOSS had a fatal weakness, that is, the chance of being fatally hit was extremely high, and it was easy to be beheaded.

At the beginning, he was almost beheaded by Hellscream, but fortunately, he was protected by the Mother Earth Goddess.

So it should be relatively easy to kill Ner'zhul.

C'Thun is completely different, the ancient god should also be considered a "god", in other words, it is likely to be a holy armor, and ordinary attacks and magic should be invincible.

It may even be more difficult to deal with than ordinary "gods", and it is by no means comparable to parallel imports like the demigod Cenarius.

Anyway, it is speculated that the only thing you need to do to become a legend is to defeat the world-destroying boss. Of course, the persimmons have to be picked up softly. Besides, fighting on the ground with a large army to protect you, and the Storm Dragon King to help you fight, it is definitely better than going deep underground to find the ancient gods. It's safe to come.

After hearing this, Murphy immediately understood.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "I will also fight side by side with Emperor Shenwu to deal with the army of Ahn'Qiraj Zerg. My soldiers will fight bravely! But before going to war, I may need to go back to the A trip to the Eastern Continent."

Tyrande's face sank: "Prince Aidan, you don't mean to break your promise?"

"Of course not, I just need to go back and deal with some things."

The so-called dealing with some things is of course eating the heart of the dragon, Ner'zhul is a strong enemy, at least adding an ancient dragon trait will give him more confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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