Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 427 The Body of an Ancient Dragon

Chapter 427 The Body of an Ancient Dragon
Tyrande said anxiously, "This is not acceptable, the Zerg army may attack again at any time, you will miss the opportunity if you leave."

Emperor Shenwu also chimed in: "That's right, even if the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg doesn't launch an attack, our attack plan must be implemented as soon as possible, who knows what will happen if we continue to delay, it is too far away from Alterac, It is estimated that you will not come back within three to five days, and you cannot leave."

Emperor Shenwu paid more attention to this war than Tyrande and the others. After all, it was related to his promotion to legend. Therefore, the powerful battlefield unit of the Storm Dragon King must be kept.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Don't worry everyone, don't forget that we have a powerful mage here - Morgan Lisa, can you help me open a portal back to Alterac? "

Morgan Lisa shook her head, "Alterac can't, after all, across the endless sea, Alterac's magic node is not strong enough, but I can help you open a portal to Dalaran, Dalaran The signal of the magic tower is better."

Murphy thought that Dalaran would be fine, anyway, Dalaran is next to Alterac.

"Dalaran is fine too."

Morgan Lisa (Grand Arcanist): "Then what will you do when you come back? There is no stable magic node nearby, and even if there is, it is probably not in the teleportation list of the mage. No mage can teleport you here."

Murphy did some calculations, teleported back, and he would be able to fly to Tongtian Peak in about an hour, and then fly all the way back after completing the Dragon Feast. He should be able to fly back here in one afternoon plus one night. up.

Aidan (Prince Protector of Alterac): "Don't worry, I will go back quickly, and I will definitely be back before noon tomorrow. You will not launch an attack early tomorrow morning, right? A little delay for half a day, wait for my strength It is more certain to win if you launch an attack after you become stronger. I swear on my honor that I will never delay your actions.

And my troops are still here, you have nothing to worry about. "

The last sentence was addressed to Emperor Shenwu.

Only then did Emperor Shenwu nod his head. These troops are worth tens of millions, and the other party will never just give them up.

Seeing Emperor Shenwu's statement, Tyrande had no choice but to accept it.

"Well, Prince Aidan, I hope you don't let us down."

After the plan was made, Morgan Lisa opened a portal and watched Murphy disappear into the portal.

Everyone was silent for a moment, and then discussed the war plan again, but they haven't discussed the reason yet.

Suddenly, scouts rushed in to report information.

"Report Lord Tyrande, Lord Malfurion, there has been a change in the lair of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, and they seem to be gathering their forces."

Everyone was taken aback, thinking that this is not a coincidence, Aidan just left.

Emperor Shenwu was quite calm, "What are you panicking? When the soldiers come, they will block the water and cover them with earth. The Zerg army is coming. My centaur army will make them come and go. It is not too late. We will immediately reorganize our defenses. If the enemy launches an attack first, We can just use the fortifications to consume the enemy's troops.

When Prince Aidan returns tomorrow, we will take advantage of the situation to launch a counterattack. "

Hearing what he said, the heroes felt the same way, defense is always more advantageous than offense.


With a flash of white light, Murphy appeared in the magic teleportation tower in Dalaran.

This tall and huge tower is the masterpiece of the mages of Dalaran. It is built on the magic node, coupled with the majestic height and the magic enhancement spell engraved on the platform of the tower, it can make the teleportation magic connect with this place to the greatest extent. .

In other words, it is possible to teleport here in one direction from all over the world.

Moreover, the magic tower still has a mechanism for distinguishing teleportation magic. Only the mages of Dalaran can link to the magic net system here.

Seeing Murphy appear, the mage guarding the Magic Tower nodded at Murphy.

"Prince Aidan, welcome to Dalaran. It must be your first time in Dalaran. Do you need a guide?"

It's cool to have a royal background, even the guards are so polite.

However, Murphy glanced at the majestic street scene in Dalaran outside the tower, and thought in his heart, this is not the first time I have come here, the last time I came here was two years ago, when he came here with the black dragon army Woolen cloth.

It seems that the damage caused to the city has already been repaired, and Dalaran is still so prosperous.

Time was running out, and Murphy didn't have time to exchange pleasantries, so he shook his head, "No need, I need to go back to Alterac to deal with something urgent, is it convenient to use Transfiguration here?"

"Of course, Dalaran is a city of magic, the mere transfiguration..."

Murphy walked to the edge of the tower platform and jumped.

Dragon incarnate!

With a whimper, Mo Fei transformed into a giant storm dragon, flapped his wings, and soared into the sky.

The guard froze in fright, but he reacted quickly and hurriedly picked up the magic communication stone.

"Do not attack the battle magic tower - that dragon is Prince Aidan!"

Finally, the call was made in time, and none of the dense magic towers above Dalaran fired.

Prince Aidan?The ancient elf magister Vivienne Yege who was flipping through magic books in the library was slightly taken aback, then continued to read the book.

The magic in this magic city opened her eyes. Although she knew that the other party would definitely hide something from her, she still eagerly read the magic knowledge she could browse. Compared with ancient magic, modern magic is more detailed There are many, more systematic, and very rigorous, which opened the eyes of Vivienne Yege, an old antique, even if his boss came, he could only stand aside.

And in the Violet Castle not far from the teleportation tower, a young mage apprentice was resting his chin, looking out the window boredly.

Seeing the storm dragon soaring in the sky was taken aback.

He didn't relax until he heard the voice from the magic communication stone.

Suddenly there was a rush of footsteps behind her, and another female mage rushed to the window and looked out the window.

"Gianna, did you see that dragon?"

"Dragon? What dragon?" The girl asked pretending not to know.

"I heard it's Prince Aidan of Alterac. He has the power to transform into a dragon, and he's so handsome." The female mage said excitedly, and finally saw a little black man disappearing in the distant sky. point.

Isn't it handsome, the Dragon King's prestige has added 10 points of charm.

Because of the general pursuit of improving combat effectiveness, almost no players would waste attribute points on the attribute of charm, except for some beautiful women.

In this game where there is generally no charisma attribute, 20 charisma is considered high charisma.

Coupled with the title of prince and the identity of Duke Protector, he is simply the fifth reincarnated prince.

"I heard that Prince Aidan likes to take risks, and he always takes his subordinates to travel around. We are about to start our graduation trip, why don't we join his adventure team? We will definitely encounter many thrilling adventures."

After the battle mages in Dalaran graduate, they have to go on a one-year adventure trip, which is the so-called application of what they have learned.

Usually newly graduated mages will join an adventurer's team to deal with low-level monsters such as kobolds or gnolls, accumulate combat experience, or work as mercenaries in taverns. Of course, if they are mages with strong potential ( hero template), you can participate in those important adventures.

After one year, the mentor will assign work and assess the level of the mage based on the experience of this year.

The deeds of Prince Aidan's dragon slaying have begun to spread in the taverns in Dalaran. Dragon slaying must be more fulfilling than dealing with kobolds.

Jaina listened, but also became a little moved.

She is still very confident in her magical ability. She has learned enough magic knowledge in Dalaran, and now only actual combat is left.

"Maybe I can try, I can ask my father to write a letter of introduction for me..."


Murphy didn't know that his dragon slaying team was about to become the internship unit for two female mages.

At this time, he was soaring in the sky. The Kingdom of Dalaran bordered the Kingdom of Alterac, and Dalaran was just to the east of Alterac, very close to Skyreach Peak.

As I flew into the airspace of the Alterac Mountains, looking at the white snow below, my mood became more open.

At this moment, a private message popped up.

Emperor Shenwu: Brother Aidan, can you speed up a bit, the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg has begun to gather, and it seems that they are going to launch an attack in advance.

Aidan: Okay, I'll try.

Murphy was also a little helpless, it wasn't that he didn't want to help, who knew the Zerg were so impatient.

He could only try his best to speed up the flight.

Although Murphy didn't point out the talent in flying, the storm dragon has the ability to control the wind element and ignore wind resistance, so its flying speed is much faster than that of ordinary dragons.

In less than an hour, they flew over Tongtian Peak.

Passing through the storm of dragon and thunder, and slowly landing on the platform of the Dragon Feast Ceremony Hall, Mo Fei couldn't wait to start the Dragon Feast.

Mysterious voice: "Ah, here you come again so soon, Aidan Deron, I am impressed by your efficiency."

Aidan Delong (Storm Dragon King): "Don't waste your tongue, let's start quickly, I'm in a hurry."

As he said that, he directly put the dragon heart on the altar, and he also changed back to human form.

Mysterious voice: "Let me see——Ankarad's dragon heart, hey, it turned out to be the heart of the proto-dragon. It is very primitive and has not been eroded or polluted by any energy. It is really unexpected. That guy Ankarad has never been very good. Smart, but I didn't expect that it still hasn't completed the transformation after tens of thousands of years."

Murphy asked, "Do you know Ankarard?"

Mysterious voice: "You're right, you shouldn't waste your tongue, let's start Longxiang! Are you ready? People of Longxiang, are you ready to chew that flesh and devour that soul?"

The other party didn't want to say anything, so Murphy stopped asking.

Aidan (Dragon Feast): "I'm ready."

As he spoke and sat on the stone bench in front of the altar, the majestic singing sounded in his ears immediately.


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! "

Accompanied by the singing, Mo Fei picked up the dragon's heart and bit it down.

So fishy, ​​so chewy!
Different from the dragon hearts that have been infested with various energies in the past, Ankarad's dragon hearts are extremely pure, completely made of pure flesh and blood, and it feels like eating raw beef in one bite.

The tough piece of meat was torn off by Murphy with brute force, and he swallowed it whole.

One mouthful after another, this dragon heart is extraordinarily filling, and after a few mouthfuls, it will be overwhelmed.

Fortunately, all dragon hearts are about the same size, and will not grow proportionally according to the size of the dragon. Otherwise, with Ankarad's size, he might not be able to finish a meal.

The majestic singing voice is primitive and savage, as if singing the most primitive wildness, and as if a wild beast is howling.

Murphy's expression became solemn. At this time, the wild scene of the primitive jungle began to appear around him. The lush and dense jungle was chaotic but full of murderous intent. An illusory image of a giant dragon gradually appeared in front of him.

It's Ankarad!This ancestor dragon king doesn't even have a humanoid form?
That's right, the Progenitor Dragon King doesn't even have dragon abilities, let alone such fine magic as transforming into a human form.

The giant dragon rushed towards Mur Fei with a roar, even though it was just an illusory afterimage of the soul, it was still astonishing.

But after all, it was just a remnant echo, and he didn't have much combat power at all. After being killed by several dragon thunders from Murphy, the surrounding soul illusions also dissipated.

Only Ankarad's original power remained in front of his eyes, which was an unusually solid mass of blood-red light spots floating in front of Murphy.

Huh.There are even more than the previous two. It seems that when the dragons absorb elemental energy for transformation, they will consume their original power.

Ankarad did not change form, and kept the state of the proto-dragon all the time. Is it to preserve the original power?

He didn't have time to think about it.

As soon as the original power entered his body, Mo Fei could immediately feel a powerful energy circulating in his body. This energy was extremely pure and thick, and it was purer and stronger than the previous two times.

There was a moment of hesitation in my heart, and I didn't know which part of the body should be strengthened first.

With just such a moment of hesitation, the original power had already begun to fuse with his body.

The bones and muscles all over the body made a creaking sound, as if the flesh and blood were congealing into a rock, and the rock-like muscles bulged up in pieces, and then returned to their original state. Murphy could feel that his bones and flesh and blood were now integrated, All turned into a strange substance like a rock.

[System prompt: You have obtained the power of the source, and the progress of your road to the ancient dragon mission has increased, the current progress is 30%, and you have unlocked a new ancient dragon trait - the body of the ancient dragon. 】

Murphy hurriedly checked.

[The Body of the Ancient Dragon (Legendary Trait)

Passive 1: Immortal.When you are motionless, you will be judged as a stone statue, which will not generate any threat value or hatred value.When you receive a fatal blow, you will immediately turn into a stone form and save the attack at the cost of reducing your health by 50% (limited to one per story event).

Passive 2: Indestructible.Your body size increases by 30%, your life tenacity increases by 100%, the duration of all curses, poisoning, diseases, burning, freezing and other negative effects you suffer is reduced by 99%, and the dizziness, coma, stiffness, instant death, and fear you suffer The probability of waiting for negative special effects to appear is reduced by 66%.

Trait description: It is said that the ancient dragons born outside the physical universe are immortal, immortal, and immortal. Their bodies are composed of extraordinary substances that mortals cannot understand. They are like ancient rocks. They are neither living nor The dead are beyond life and death. Even if the universe is annihilated and time ends, the ancient dragon will still exist forever.

However, the curse of flesh and blood erodes this perfect body. The moment the ancient dragons gain life and soul is also the moment they lose eternity. 】

(End of this chapter)

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