Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 428 Chaos Battlefield

Chapter 428 Chaos Battlefield

don't die!Indestructible!
At this moment, Mo Fei only had this feeling in his heart.

Without the slightest hesitation——

Dragon incarnate!Murphy turned into the Storm Dragon King again. He was eager to find out what was so special about this new trait. Then he immediately felt the difference from the past. Long, the feeling became clear.

The body of the giant dragon seems to be as one as a rock, solid and powerful, with muscles and bones integrated into one body, which allows each part of his body to be controlled independently, and his control over the body has reached an unprecedented level.

When he stood still, a subtle sense of stagnation emerged inexplicably, as if it could last forever.

Lifting a dragon claw, the thick forelimbs became stronger, and it had a strange texture like a rock.

This is a very wonderful feeling.

It is difficult to describe and explain in words.

He can't feel cold and heat, he can't feel howling wind and biting cold.

No, he could feel it, but none of that would make it feel any discomfort anymore.

This kind of strange feeling is like standing in a higher dimension. Although in this material world, there is a feeling of being detached from reality.

At this moment, Mo Fei only wanted to find someone to fight and try how powerful this new ancient dragon body really is.

Suddenly, a private message appeared in the address book.

Emperor Shenwu: Brother Aidan, is your side alright?Come here quickly, the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg is attacking.

What?So fast!
Murphy was taken aback for a moment, but then he whimpered, let out a long dragon cry, and flew in the direction of Kalimdor. This battle came at the right time.

Aidan Deron: Hang in there, I'm over here.

With a flutter of wings, it flew across the sky like the wind.

It's a pity that it is still too far away from Kalimdor, and there is no suitable teleportation transfer station. Even if you fly with all your strength, it will take at least a whole night.

While flying, Mo Fei kept an eye on the situation on the battlefield and asked how the battle was going.

As for Emperor Shenwu, he also kept sending new information about the battle, but he was obviously tired by the battle and often had no time to reply to the message. Whenever this happened, Murphy would ask Morgan Lisa.

The army of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg is still gathering, and this time they seem to be out in force, trying to defeat the army of the Night Alliance in one fell swoop.

In the wilderness at the junction of Sirisus and Feralas, an army of more than one million Zerg is already waiting.

On the side of the Dark Night Alliance, they are also dispatching troops, and various special envoys for help are constantly dispatched to the rear. In the face of this fierce battle, all forces must be concentrated.

The main force is still the centaur army, and Emperor Shenwu assembled more than 50 troops in order to become a legend.

The population of the night elves is small, but they have assembled an army of more than [-].

At eight o'clock in the evening, the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg began to send a large number of scouts to conduct a comprehensive armed reconnaissance, and the Night Alliance also sent a large number of adventurers to engage in a tragic encounter with Ahn'Qiraj's scout troops.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the Zerg army launched the first wave of tentative attacks. Although it was only a tentative attack, the number of troops sent still exceeded [-]. In front of the solid battle line composed of trees, there were heavy casualties, and they were frantically shot and killed by the archers of the Night Alliance.

At 45:20, the Zerg retreated, and the second wave of offensive was launched immediately. This time, the force of the offensive exceeded [-], and they launched rounds of fierce attacks on the places where the direction was weak. The battle situation was once precarious.

At [-]:[-], after discovering that the enemy's offensive had slowed down, Emperor Shenwu personally commanded the Gale Knights to launch a countercharge, defeating the enemy's main force in one fell swoop, beheading the leader of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, Skram, and the Zerg retreated.

At 35:20, the third wave of offensive came, still more than [-] Zerg army, among which there were even orc priests mixed in. The orc priests cast terrible void magic, and a large number of ancient war trees on the front line were corrupted and destroyed. Thanks to a lot of adventures The desperate blocking of the attackers, especially the life-for-life tactics of some assassin players, successfully killed most of the orc priests and slowed down the enemy's offensive.

At [-]:[-], Tyrande received the blessing of Elune, the moon god, and summoned a meteor shower to repel the enemy.

At twelve o'clock, the fourth wave of offensive was launched, and the front line was crumbling. The tauren chief Kane Bloodhoof led the tauren army to join the battle. Hiding in every corner of Kalimdor, and now all these tribes have returned, so that the strength of the Tauren has greatly increased), a thousand elites of the Dragon Knights Expeditionary Army also joined the battle, Vrykul Solar and Cain Bloodhoof Fight side by side and successfully block the enemy's onslaught.

At [-]:[-], the fifth wave of offensive, the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg sent a large number of Anubisath war giants. At the critical moment, the Sacred Tree Legion arrived and stabilized the front line. Immediately afterwards, the Warden Legion arrived on the battlefield, and the defense line of the Night Alliance was strengthened.

At [-]:[-], the sixth wave of offensive, the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg sent out the tunnel worms, sending a large number of troops behind the line of defense, and the Dark Night Alliance was forced to retreat to the third line of defense.

At 10:10, the seventh wave of offensive, the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg dispatched a large number of air forces to fight for air supremacy, and fought with the Horned Eagle Knight in the dark. Ten minutes later, the Purifier Dryad troops arrived on the battlefield. Ten minutes later, Shan Tees Feathermoon led the Feathermoon Legion to the battlefield and successfully repelled the Zerg.

At [-]:[-], Tyrande assembled [-] adventurers to launch a counterattack. Malfurion launched a war spell—Wrath of Nature, summoned a large number of treants to serve as cannon fodder, and regained the second line of defense.

At [-]:[-], Fandral Buckhelm led another druid force to the battlefield.

At 55:[-], the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg gathered an army again, preparing to launch the ninth wave of offensive...

While flying, Murphy listened to the battle report from Morgan Lisa. At the beginning, his heart raised it from time to time. It seemed that every attack would defeat the Night Alliance, but every time, he successfully blocked it. Come down, either the heroes will start their big moves, or new reinforcements will arrive on the battlefield.

But the strength of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg is really terrifying. Each wave can concentrate hundreds of thousands of troops to launch an attack, and they can maintain their morale intact even after being repelled so many times - Murphy doubts that the Zerg has no such thing as morale at all. , maybe it is the hive mind that is not afraid of death.

At the back, Murphy also gradually calmed down.

At this moment, the sky in the distance has revealed the sun of dawn, and the coastline of Kalimdor is about to appear.

Murphy calculated the distance, and there was still about an hour before he could reach the battlefield.

an hour...

With a thought in his heart, Mo Fei began to slowly lower his altitude, and breathed out a thunderous breath at a Naga swimming in the sea.

System prompt: You have entered a combat state.

Murphy didn't stop to watch the results. In fact, he didn't slow down at all.

Seventeen seconds later, there was another breath of thunder, this time killing an unlucky murloc.

Twenty-three seconds later, another breath was taken. This time, no monster was found. Fortunately, there are always small animals in the sea. Three small fish and a lobster were electrocuted to death with one bite...

The only purpose of Murphy doing this is to maintain the combat state. According to the game settings, if he still does not perform any combat actions after 30 seconds of leaving the battle, he will leave the battle.

So as long as you keep attacking once every 30 seconds and hit a target, you can accumulate the 'fierce battle' BUFF.

Fortunately, the storm dragon flies extremely fast, and 30 seconds is enough to fly several thousand meters. Within such a long distance, some living things can always be found.

While accumulating the 'Fierce Battle' BUFF, Mo Fei secretly prayed in his heart——

You must hold on.


Personnel Manager (Centaur Overseer): "No, Boss! We're going to be overwhelmed." The Centaur Overseer in front of him was covered in bloody wounds bitten by bugs, so someone nearby came over to add blood to him.

Although only 30% of the pain is felt, fighting in and out of the bug pile is also a very painful memory, especially those big bugs are more terrifying than one another, so that the HR manager who has a slight spider phobia in reality is called Alexander. Staying awake in the middle of the night to accompany the boss to fight with the big bug, if it weren't for the double bonus, he wouldn't be able to do anything.

Emperor Shenwu looked at the centaur generals who surrounded him, and then at the army of centaur who had suffered heavy casualties behind him. There was a total of 50 troops. After the continuous fighting throughout the night, more than half of them had been killed or killed.

Even if most of them are garbage soldiers generated by the system, they are still piled up with countless money.

But as long as he can be promoted to a legend, all of this is worth it. Moreover, if he wants to wear the crown, he must bear the burden. As the centaur king and one of the leaders of the Night Alliance, he must be worthy of his responsibilities.

Thanks to intrepid adventurers, and heroes of all races, the fight lasts.

Since the Night Alliance is the official faction, there have been many hero players in the past half a year. In this regard, they have a great advantage.

But it looks like I can't hold it anymore.

If this continues, he will have to make a big move.

"Boss, should we retreat? Let's retreat before we lose all our capital."

"Yes, boss."

"Boss, I have a plan. If we retreat now and directly attack the World Tree by surprise, we can easily take down the World Tree while the Dark Night Army is restrained here. If you can absorb the power of the World Tree, you may also be promoted to a legend. .”

To be promoted to a legend, I think it is almost the same as being promoted to a world-destroying boss.

Emperor Shenwu shook his head, "No, the more we have to persevere at this time, the only one who can turn the tide and save the world can be called a legendary hero, besides stabbing a knife in the back, I don't even bother to do it, to gather more troops , I want to fight to the end."

"Boss, boss, there is new information!"

A centaur pioneer ran over quickly, "I just went offline and went to the forum for a while. It was not C'Thun who commanded Ahn'Qiraj's army, but Ner'zhul. Ner'zhul killed C'Thun and sent C'Thun's Purification absorbed, and now becomes Voidwalker.

Some people say that Ner'zhul was actually taken away by C'Thun, but in short, Ner'zhul has now become the third rank of the world, and his strength is old and strong. "

What... Emperor Shenwu was stunned.

According to the original plan, he was responsible for dealing with Ner'zhul.

"Hahaha, it's better to become stronger. The stronger the enemy, the more sense of accomplishment after defeating it. What are you afraid of? Go back and share the information with Tyrande and Malfurion. The three of us will go together, let alone Naeo Zu, even if Archimonde comes, give him a blast."


Ner'zhul stared coldly at the army in front of him.

The priests behind him all looked at him in fear.

Ever since he absorbed C'Thun's void power, Ner'zhul's feeling that no strangers should enter became more and more serious. In the past, they were in awe of the chief, but now they are afraid of him.

Ner'zhul (Void Walker): "Tyrande, Malfurion, Emperor Shenwu... These leaders of the Night Alliance are more powerful than I imagined, hum, but it doesn't matter, in front of the endless Zerg army, They are doomed, the void will consume them, and it is time to strike the final blow."

He looked behind him and waved his hand violently.

Behind him, countless Ahn'Qiraj Zerg with red and black shells were waiting in formation.

This is the mighty Ahn'Qiraj Bloodthirsty, Ahn'Qiraj Black Battle Tank, and Ahn'Qiraj Tyrannical Warrior, all elite units.

With more than [-] elite monsters, this force will become a key force to open the gap.

Ner'zhul issued instructions to various bosses in the spiritual realm.

Ner'zhul (Voidwalker): "My faithful servants, now—all-out attack."

The several major bosses of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg were all put on the battlefield by Ner'zhul.

On the ground, the twin emperors—the sword emperor Veknilas the Great and the demon emperor Vek'lor the Great led the Anubisas giants on a rampage. Behind them, the tide-like Zerg rushed towards the crumbling defense line of the Night Alliance. , an army of hundreds of thousands of Zerg, stretching as far as the eye can see like an ocean.

In the sky, Princess Hahoran led countless Ahn'Qiraj Soldier Bees, Ahn'Qiraj Flying Scorpions, and Obsidian Destroyers, their vibrating wings almost covered the dawn sun.

Under the ground, dozens of giant tunnel worms are constantly digging forward, preparing to launch a surprise attack.

Comprehensive and three-dimensional offensive.

Facing the crazy attack of the Zerg, Tyrande couldn't help but turn pale. Standing on a tree tower, looking at the endless Zerg army in front of him, Tyrande felt that he would be swallowed at any moment.

Tyrande (High Priest of the Moon God): "Eluen, the great goddess of the moon, your believers pray to you devoutly, please grant me strength, and let the power of the moon god come to this world."

In the sky, the moon that had gradually disappeared due to the dawn sun suddenly became extremely clear and bright, and then countless holy moonlights fell down one after another.

Miracle bestowed by God——God Punishes Moonlight!
But among the players, it has a more appropriate name - Luna Railgun!

Boom boom boom!
Under the bombardment of God's Punishment Moonlight, countless bugs were turned into powder.

However, there were too many bugs, and the Luna railgun could only defend an area in the center of the shadow camp.

On the side of the centaur camp, Emperor Shenwu also decisively activated his ultimate move.

Emperor Shenwu (King of Centaur): "Mother Earth, your child needs your help, lend me your strength, and awaken the great will hidden deep in the earth!"

Miracle bestowed by the gods—the earth awakens!
The ground suddenly cracked countless gaps, and a giant hand made of rocks and mud slowly entered the depths. The palm alone was more than ten meters long. Soon, an earth giant with a height of one hundred meters appeared in front of everyone. in front of you.

This is a 'legendary creature', not a boss is better than a boss, especially in this large-scale battlefield, it is simply like Optimus Prime.

With every step, countless bugs could be trampled to death, and the shock wave even scattered the bugs.

But the worm's fangs and sharp teeth can hardly break through its defenses.

Emperor Shenwu leaped forward and rushed onto the giant's shoulders in one breath, commanding the giant to kill wildly.

"Wow, what a cool big move—I'm coming too."

Hero Skill - Meteor Fire Rain!
Morgan Lisa also started her big move.

Countless flaming meteors fell from the sky, bombarding the bugs on the battlefield, but compared with the Luna orbital gun, it was not in the same order of magnitude at all.

Seeing that he was about to withstand it, suddenly——

Boom boom boom!
On the ground of the camp behind them, a dozen or so huge tunnel worms suddenly burst out of the ground, opened their mouths wide, and sprayed small worms out.

This scene was staged in every camp, and countless bugs entered the camp, causing chaos in the rear.

Although there were a large number of adventurers in the rear who did not fight, after a night of fighting, many adventurers had two or three layers of wounded debuffs, and they did not have much combat power at all.

It was a massacre.

(End of this chapter)

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