Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 429 Fel Hurricane

Chapter 429 Fel Hurricane
Tyrande (High Priest of the Moon God): "Quick, destroy the Zerg in the camp!"

Maiev Shadowsong (Lord of the Wardens): "I'll deal with them!"

A beautiful figure suddenly flashed to the place where the bugs were densest.

Blade whirlwind!
Countless blades flew in all directions, puff puff puff puff!

There was a sound of metal piercing through flesh and blood, and it fell down instantly.

Blade whirlwind!blink!Blade whirlwind!blink!Blade whirlwind!
Maiev Shadowsong seems to be dancing a dance of metal and death, every flicker will inevitably set off a piece of death.

Other night elf heroes also cleared the Zerg in the camp one after another, and they were slaughtered in the blink of an eye.

On the other side, in the centaur camp, the lords and generals of the centaur are also quickly eliminating the tunnel worms. Most of the centaur clan are members of the Shenwu Emperor Company, and they are even more commanding. The Zerg killed seven or eight.

However, the tauren camp in the middle of the two camps was not so lucky.

This camp originally existed as a buffer zone. Although the site was large, the defense system was not perfect. The tauren were not skilled craftsmen. They didn't even have a defensive tower, and they all relied on manpower for defense.

The previous few charges had all relied on the help of the centaur and the night elves. At this time, the two forces were too busy to take care of themselves, so there was no time to take care of them.

For a while, countless tauren and bugs were fighting together in the camp, but after a while, they couldn't kill them all.

What's more terrible is that the twin emperors have brought a group of Anubisath giants to kill them.

These giants with a height of more than ten meters are much more fierce than the tauren. Even by brute force, they can beat the tauren violently. The surrounding walls are destroyed instantly, and countless bugs swarm in along the gap.

Emperor Viknilas: "The gap is open! Kill it, penetrate the enemy's defense line, and outflank the enemy's barracks!"

Hearing that shout, countless Ahn'Qiraj worms flocked here frantically, the black worms crowded one by one, hundreds of thousands of worms almost covered the sight, looking around like a sea of ​​worms.

Emperor Shenwu looked at the Tauren camp on the right, and suddenly screamed that something was wrong.

The strength of the Night Alliance is far lower than that of the Zerg. They used to rely on a tight front to fight against the enemy. Once they are pierced through the front and lose the cover of the formation, they will inevitably collapse.

He hastily manipulated the earth giants to rush over to support them. This rush rushed out of the range of the centaur camp, lost the cover of the surrounding troops, and immediately fell into the siege of countless bugs.

Although the life value of the earth giant is as high as more than 60, and its defense is amazing.

But they can't stand the siege of countless enemies around them, especially those obsidian destroyers, whose magic power destruction skills are best at dealing with this kind of summoned creatures.

He lost blood crazily as he walked, but Emperor Shenwu still gritted his teeth and rushed towards the gap, which had to be blocked.

Just outside the tauren camp, the earth giant staggered and fell down—this thing also has a blood bar, with more than 60 health points, and it stood firm for more than ten minutes under the siege of countless bugs, and finally couldn't hold it anymore.

Rumble!The giant collapsed and turned into countless fragments of rock and soil, crushing many bugs to death.

Emperor Shenwu jumped up and landed on the ground. The moment he landed, he was immediately surrounded by insects.

He reached out his hand and took out the big dragon tooth, swung it out with a hammer, and smashed a bunch of bug fragments into the air.

War tramples!boom!
All the bugs around were stunned.

Combat skills - iron cavalry charge!
The whole body is shrouded in the phantom shadow of a group of pitch-black war horses.Wherever it passed, the bugs were knocked out one after another.

Then he pulled out another horn.

Leader Skill - Call of the Centaur King!
Whoooo!With the sound of the horn, dozens of centaur ancestral warriors appeared around.

"Old warriors of the centaur, charge with me!"

It's over, it's really over now!
Emperor Shenwu rushed to kill wantonly with his weapon, while looking at the surrounding situation, the tauren's defense line had completely collapsed, and more and more bugs flocked to this gap, and he alone could not stop this tide-like attack. Army of bugs.

Maybe you can use an earthquake spell to delay it--

No, the damage of the earthquake technique is too low, it's just a strong deceleration effect, and it's useless without the cooperation of the troops.

When he turned around, those centaur ancestral warriors had all been wiped out, and there were only endless bugs around.

Looking at the terrifying scene in front of him, Emperor Shenwu knew that this game was completely lost, and no amount of centaur army could stop it.

If it doesn't work, just withdraw!
In the sky, a black shadow suddenly passed by, and the gust of wind caused countless bugs to stop.

Thunder breath!

A red lightning bolt swept away the bugs in front of Emperor Shenwu.

Aidan Delong (Storm Dragon King): "Mortals, don't be afraid, don't despair, the Storm Dragon King has arrived, and the battle is about to reverse!"

Dragon Thunder Storm!

Boom boom boom!
Dozens of dragon thunders blasted down, but there were only waves of ripples. Not many insects were killed by the bombardment, but they managed to attract the attention of both the enemy and us.

"Damn, what's the use at this time." Tyrande looked at the storm dragon in the sky in the distance, and said annoyedly, her God's Punishment Moonlight could no longer be released. After all, the grace of the gods is also capped.

Emperor Shenwu (King of the Centaur): "Brother Aidan, you are finally here, but it's hard enough for you to come. There are too many enemies."

Aidandron (Storm Dragonlord): "You know nothing of power, mortal."

He said, and flew forward for more than 100 meters.

Thundercloud's Wrath!
boom!The giant storm dragon turned into a crimson thundercloud and descended from the sky. The explosion sent countless bugs flying.

The moment he landed, Murphy transformed back into a human form.

Without a trace of hesitation, he picked up the Storm Controller with both hands and waved it vigorously.

It's up to you——

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "The great storm god Annolos, I summon you as the son of the storm, please lend me your power to awaken the holy storm, cleanse the world who dare to fight with you Be an enemy's despicable thing."

He suddenly raised the sword high and activated the special effect of the weapon.

Weapon special effect 1: Arouse the storm (limited to one use per day).Summons a small storm, causing a continuous blowing effect on small-sized units within the storm range, and a continuous slowing effect on medium-sized and above units. You can increase the power and influence range of the storm by consuming additional mana.

The gust of wind whizzed and whirled, and the airflow whizzed around Mur Fei, expanding and turning bigger and bigger.

A gust of wind knocked away the insects rushing towards Murphy, and Murphy continued to rotate the weapon, and every time he swung it, the surrounding storm became more violent and bigger.

The mana was continuously consumed, and Murphy began to inject evil energy before the mana was exhausted.

The power of fel energy from Sargeras' Ring of Domination poured wildly into the Stormbringer.

Hero Specialty - The Lone Brave is triggered!
Specialty effect: When there are no friendly units around you and you are surrounded by enemies (the number of enemies is greater than or equal to 10), you will get an additional 5% attribute bonus. The more enemies there are, the higher the attribute bonus will be , can stack up to 50%.

Your abilities will also have a higher chance of reaching their power cap. 】

Hero Specialty - Fearless Fighter triggers!
Specialty Effect: After entering the battle, you will get a layer of 'Fierce Battle' BUFF every 60 seconds, all your energy consumption will be reduced by 1%, the longer your battle with the enemy lasts, the more energy your combat skills/magic/powers will consume The less, the energy consumption can be reduced by up to 60%. 】

Since he has already stacked up the fierce battle buffs at this time, he only consumes 40% of the original mana and fel power. More than 2000 mana can be used for 1000, and 2500 fel power can be used as [-] points.

And the hero specialty of the Lone Brave can make the skills he uses to their full potential.

With the injection of the power of fel energy, the green color of fel energy gradually appeared in the storm, and the knowledge of fel energy that I had mastered when I was studying the fel tome instantly came to my mind.

Fel energy is a violent and primitive energy. The easiest way to use it is to detonate its energy and trigger a fel energy flame. This is also the fel energy magic that is most easily mastered by all demons.

At this time, Mo Fei's thoughts moved, and the power of evil energy in the storm was instantly ignited, forming a spiraling evil energy flame. The entire storm was like a huge green flame tornado, spreading continuously, and soon the bull's head was destroyed. Most of the range of the human camp is shrouded in it.

Those bugs were still rushing in one after another, but they were ignited one after another under the sweep of the fel energy storm, burning into green corpses.

The fire takes advantage of the wind to double its power.

A huge fel flame hurricane gradually took shape.

The kill prompt refreshes the screen instantly.

You kill Ahn'Qiraj hunters, gain 345 experience points.

You kill Ahn'Qiraj soldiers, gaining 380 experience points.

You killed the Ahn'Qiraj Digger, gaining 340 experience.

You kill the Ahn'Qiraj, gaining 360 experience points.

You kill the night elf adventurer, you gain 450 experience points, and you gain a little sin.

You kill the centaur ranger, you gain 290 experience points, you gain sin.

you kill...

I rub it, it's so powerful?

Murphy was surprised and delighted, seeing the storm spread, covering a range of more than five kilometers. The last time he used this combination of skills was when he was fighting a tribe in the wetlands.

At that time, it was just to break through, and the power wasn't that great.

At that time, in order to increase the lethality, he had to activate the dragon thunderstorm in the storm, and only then did he make a jump.

However, this time, the flame vortex that came with the ore storm killed countless bugs.

And it kills indiscriminately.

Also, this game does not have the setting that allies are harmless, as long as the magic hits the target, it will definitely cause damage.

Fortunately, this camp has long since fled to death, and there are not many left, almost all of which are prompts to kill bugs.

Those Wuyang Wuyang swarms were all involved.

The Zerg army in the distance looked at the gradually forming fel energy storm, but Ner'zhul showed a ferocious expression.

Aidan, it's you bloody human again!
Although Ner'zhul didn't see Prince Aidan summoning the fel storm, he heard it mentioned by the warlord chiefs who participated in the battle, especially Ba Dao Wuqing, who tried his best to exaggerate the power of this storm.

At that time Ner'zhul thought that this kid was making excuses for his failure, but now he suddenly realized that he seemed really powerful.


System prompt: You have upgraded.

With a flash of golden light, Mo Fei was directly promoted to a level.

Murphy was not surprised, his experience bar was still increasing crazily.

go ahead!

He swung the storm controller violently, and the fel storm began to rotate forward under his control.

Murphy hastily disconnected from the storm. In just a few minutes, all 1000 points of evil energy were exhausted, and more than half of his own mana was consumed.

The scale and lethality of the fel storm in front of him far surpassed the one summoned in the wetlands.Due to the BUFF of the Fearless Fighter, the power of the storm this time is fully [-] times that of the previous one.

When the storm began to move forward and gradually left the tauren camp, what was left was a devastated land that had been ravaged by the Zerg and the storm.

There are broken bodies and the remains of buildings everywhere.

From a distance, it looks like a huge green sweeper, devouring the lives of countless Ahn'Qiraj Zergs.

The ocean-like Ahn'Qiraj Zerg either frantically fled to the sides, or was swept into it by the storm, eaten and wiped clean, and burned into green charred remains.

Emperor Shenwu trotted over with his hooves on.Looking at the constantly moving fel energy storm, he also looked shocked.

At this time, teams of centaur troops rushed over quickly, guarding around Emperor Shenwu.

Emperor Shenwu (King of Centaur): "Immediately dispatch craftsmen to rebuild the defense system here, and mobilize [-] troops to fill the line of defense."

After ordering his subordinates, he looked at Murphy again.

"What kind of magic are you using? The god-given skill of the God of Storms? No, when did the power of the God of Storms turn into evil energy? I heard that you used it once when you were fighting an orc, but you didn't expect it to be so powerful. amazing."

Just as Mo Fei was about to answer, a golden light flashed on his body, and he was promoted to another level.

"Don't worry about it so much, my blow is enough to penetrate the front of the Zerg army. If you want to counterattack, you'd better bring your troops to kill it immediately."

Emperor Shenwu immediately realized that this man-made fel energy storm covered an area of ​​five or six kilometers in diameter, almost one-third of the front line, and in the process of rotating forward, a straight line of Ahn'Qiraj Zerg All were involved, and those who were not involved also ran away, which was equivalent to clearing a safe passage.

This is a good opportunity to penetrate the enemy's line in one fell swoop and kill the enemy leader.

Emperor Shenwu (King of the Centaur): "Soldiers and soldiers of the centaur clan, mobilize all the reserve forces - charge with me!"

With an order, tens of thousands of elite cavalry were immediately drawn up from the rear front.

At this time, the storm had advanced several kilometers, leaving countless corpses and fragments of Ahn'Qiraj Zerg in its path, and the garbage equipment could not be seen at a glance.

Although the storm's lethality is not weak, it is relatively scattered, and it is useless against bosses. Even elite monsters can escape before being burned to death as long as they react quickly, but ordinary Ahn'Qiraj Zerg can't move , basically being involved in it will undoubtedly kill you.

With a flash of golden light, Murphy upgraded again.

Emperor Shenwu took tens of thousands of centaurs and chased after the hurricane.

I went, and I was promoted to level five.

Murphy was both surprised and delighted. He purposely put on the amulet that increased the experience value that Emperor Xuan gave him back then, but he didn't expect it to be so cool.

At this time, Tyrande and other night elves high-level troops also rushed over. The fel hurricane that Murphy cast almost smashed the center line of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, and by the way, it also disrupted the offensive on both sides, allowing the night elves to withdraw Come over here.

But looking at the scorched ground left behind by the fel hurricane, these high-level night elves looked gloomy. They recognized the attribute of this energy—fel energy, which is the power used by demons.

It was this power that Sargeras sent the Burning Legion into this world during the War of the Ancients for [-] years.

That tragic war completely destroyed the night elf empire, and the Well of Eternity also exploded, directly blowing up the entire primitive continent into four pieces.

The earth-shattering scene that day made every night elf who experienced and survived unforgettable.

Everything stems from that disaster.

And the fel energy storm in front of them reminded them of the forgotten past.

Tyrande (High Priest of the Moon God): "Prince Aidan, after the war is over, I hope you can give us a reasonable explanation."

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Hehe, I don't have to wait until the end of the war. I can tell you the answer right now. Do you remember Aegwynn?"

Of course Murphy was ready to speak.

Tyrande nodded, "The human guardian?"

Fandral Deer Helmet said in a strange way: "It turns out that you have been mixing with human beings for a long time, hehe... It seems that you have hidden a lot of things."

Tyrande glanced at Fandral Buckhelm, "The Aspects told us about Aegwynn."

Tyrande's casual words made Fandral Buckhelm choke back.

Since the guardian dragon fought side by side with Tyrande and Malfurion during the War of the Ancients, he only recognizes these two couples as the leader of the night elves. This makes Fandral Staghelmet a little bit, and so do I. Arch Druid, I am also a high-ranking night elf, why don't you take me seriously.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "That's right, it's her. Hundreds of years ago, Sargeras once again invaded the world in the form of a clone. Aegwynn defeated the clone of Sargeras and fought against the blue dragon. help seal his body in the Temple of the Moon God in the Broken Isles, also known as the Tomb of Sargeras."

This time it was Tyrande's turn to get angry, and this gang of guardian dragons was too bad. It was simply unforgivable to use the holy Temple of the Moon as the graveyard of the demon Sargeras.

"Although the clone of Sargeras was defeated, the remnant soul of Sargeras could not be eliminated. In order to prevent it from continuing to do evil, Aegwynn and I sealed this power and made an artifact - Sargeras The Ring of Dominion!"

As Mo Fei spoke, he lit up the ring on his hand, which made several people stare at him.

"This is—an artifact? Sargeras' Ring of Dominion, so powerful, no wonder..." Fandral Staghelmet said with a blurred gaze, and suddenly became furious, "How dare you use Sargeras' evil strength!"

"So what, if I didn't make a move, you have already failed, so it's not too much to say thank you."

Malfurion said seriously, "I hope you understand what you are doing, Prince Aidan. Fel energy will corrupt the user's soul. Falling will only happen sooner or later. I know this very well. My brother Illidan once swore that You can control this power, but in the end you will fall..."

"Don't worry about the archdruid. Of course I know what I'm doing. It's just evil. My will is stronger than you know. Now, let's pay attention to this war and get rid of the Zerg army first. ""

In the past, Mo Fei would worry a little bit about being corroded by evil energy, but now that he has the body of an ancient dragon, he no longer worries about it. The last thing the body of an ancient dragon fears is being corroded.

As for revealing the secret of the Ring of Dominion, on the one hand, it is impossible to hide it even if you want to hide it. At least those who have seen it twice will definitely guess.

But the most important thing is that with Mo Fei's current strength, he no longer has to worry about being coveted for equipment.

Besides, there is another reason.

Murphy was about to start brushing equipment to make money, so he naturally wanted to show off the limelight.

Of course, he wasn't going to brush other people's equipment, but was preparing to send artifact tasks to adventurers to make money by duplicating equipment.

Artifact, this is, even if it is a counterfeit version for adventurers, it is not expensive to sell one hundred and eighty million, as long as a dozen or twenty pieces are sold, the money will come.

Of course, Mo Fei's copying of the artifact is not out of thin air, and it needs to consume a lot of coupons to copy it, but the wool comes from the sheep, as long as the income obtained from the distributed task is greater than the consumption of the generated task reward, it will be profitable .

(End of this chapter)

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