Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 430 'One-on-One' Boss

Chapter 430 'One-on-One' Boss
But those are things for later. The most important thing right now, as Murphy said, is to defeat the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, destroy the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, and seal C'Thun again.

At this moment, the fel energy storm has moved tens of kilometers in the direction of Silithus, where the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg has been killed and wounded, and the sea of ​​insects has been cleared out from the middle like the Red Sea separated by Moses. A piece of road.

And Emperor Shenwu has led the centaur army to follow the storm to kill.

Tyrande, Malfurion and others also knew the priorities, and immediately organized troops to follow up.

Tyrande rode on the white tiger and led thousands of moonsaber knights to follow, followed by hippogryph knights. Malfurion also rode a big horned deer and led thousands of druids to follow. Morgan Li Sha, Shandis Feather Moon, and the Dragon Knights led by Asona...

In short, those who can fly and run, have wings and have four legs, all the elite troops followed up towards the gap, with only one purpose, to break through from the middle, and kill the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj in one breath. The leader of the enemy, no amount of bugs is a threat.

Naturally, Mo Fei also transformed into a giant storm dragon, and led the dragon scouts gathered around him, while spewing thunder at the bugs on the ground frantically, while covering the army's attack route and moving forward.

After the Zerg army regained some order from the chaos, it also began to try to regroup. The Zerg boss who led the army was not unresponsive. General Ajax stopped Emperor Shenwu, but was slammed by the emperor with a ground bondage and a dragon tooth Slap to death.

Princess Haholan met Murphy, and she died of heartbreak when she met him. Murphy didn't even notice that the opponent was a BOSS, mainly because these bugs were so colorful that it was hard to tell who was who.

Although there are a huge number of Zerg, but in terms of individual strength, they are really not outstanding. They are more of a leader and command task. The individual combat power is not very strong, but the sword king Viknilas Great Emperor, Demon Emperor Vek'lor the Great, these two Anubisath giants are very powerful in fighting.

However, the two of them were obviously not working hard. Before facing the fel hurricane, they decisively chose to avoid it, but now they all ran to the front lines on the two wings.

Ner'zhul's face became more and more gloomy in the face of the menacing dark night coalition forces coming from the middle.

Ner'zhul (Void Walker): "Hmph, useless waste, bugs are just bugs, and those Anubisath giants are not as brave as they look, and they are far worse than the original tribal army .”

Cho'gal (Chief Twilight): "Master Ner'zhul, what should we do? Should we gather an army of orcs to join the battle?"

"No, there is no need to continue this war. There is no need to shed the blood of the orcs for the ruins in the desert. They have more value to play. Gu Gall, bring the things we collected before. Get ready to retreat."

Ner'zhul has never been a reckless person who admits death, and it is his habit to avoid troubles. Even now that he has obtained the power of C'Thun and has an absolute advantage in power, he still makes two-handed preparations.

It would be better if he could win this battle, but he still remembered that his real goal was to seize the power of the Old Gods. The Ahn'Qiraj Zerg was just a tool, and he would never fight the night elves for a tool in the end.

He has already witnessed the strength of the night elves' top combat power with the help of the demonic eyes of the void before. Tyrande, Malfurion, and Emperor Shenwu are all very powerful heroes, especially their identities as divinely favored ones. The divine power is extremely powerful.

Now that there are more Storm Dragon Kings, although Ner'zhul claims to be powerful, he is not fully sure to defeat them all.

Now that the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg is useless, just throw it away.

"Yes Master."

As Gugall said, he immediately went down to organize the retreat.

The orc army of the [-] Abyssal Legion had already been prepared and stood in formation in the wilderness southwest of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. If it was an advantageous round, they would be the decisive force to complete the final blow.

But if you can't win, just retreat from the southwest coast. The shaman in the legion has already opened up a road leading to the coast. At this time, when they heard the order from Chogall, they immediately started to pack up and run road.

Going forward in a mighty direction to the southwest.

A transport cart followed the team, carrying a large number of treasures excavated from the temple of Ahn'Qiraj.

Ancient enchanted weapons, precious magic scrolls, obsidian statues, and a large number of insect eggs, as long as the conditions are right, they can breed Ahn'Qiraj Zerg as servant units in the future.

Of course, since there are no queens and nests, it may be difficult to recover to the present state in the future.

But as a cannon fodder unit is still possible.

The orc army began to retreat, but Ner'zhul didn't leave. The Ahn'Qiraji Zerg is now relying on him to command. He must delay for a while. The Ahn'Qiraj Zerg army still has a very considerable number. Get ready to try it one last time.

At this time, the fel hurricane finally began to gradually slow down after advancing for hundreds of kilometers, and the wind power was not as strong as before.

Facing the fel energy storm that was so close at hand, Ner'zhul was also quite suspicious. It was really hard for him to understand that the storm dragon king was able to cast such a powerful spell because of the power of fel energy.

But it's nothing to me!
Ner'zhul thought in his heart, the third eye suddenly opened, and the purple void power gathered in his hand.

Storm - retreat!
boom!The power of the void is blasting at the center of the storm, and the force generated by the explosion instantly disperses the hurricane that has not much power.

The evil energy and the power of the void mixed together, forming a huge shock wave, flying sand and rocks for a while.

When the storm gradually dissipated, a black and green horror trail hundreds of kilometers long and more than ten kilometers wide was left in front of my eyes. There was no grass on the ground, and the power of evil energy infected the land. Green wildfires can be seen everywhere. Most of the night elves They avoided these areas in disgust, but the centaur army rushing to the front didn't care. The iron hooves trampled on the burning and smoking ground, and rushed towards the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj like a tide.

Emperor Shenwu took the lead with a 'horse' and rushed to the front of the team.

Defeating Ner'zhul would make legends—he was sure of that, but he wasn't sure how to beat Ner'zhul.

Generally speaking, the rating of the plot battle is determined by the performance in the battle.

So I must play a role in the battle as much as possible to ensure promotion.

And in a battle of this scale, there must be many heroes participating in the battle, and the more people there are, the less combat merit they will get.

How much credit is required to be promoted, but he is not sure.

If you can single out and defeat, you will naturally have full confidence in advancing.

But if he was too slow to do it himself, and a dozen heroes ran over and fought together to win, then he would not be sure.

So the fewer the number of people participating in the battle, the better——

You can't beat Ner'zhul single-handedly by yourself, even if you cooperate with others two or three times, that's the upper limit, any more will be dangerous.

Of course, this refers to the characters in the plot. Miscellaneous soldiers and adventurers are all background boards, and it doesn't matter how many people come.

It happened that he had an army of tens of thousands around him, if Ner'zhul didn't have many troops around him, he might as well have piled him to death just because of the large number of people.

As long as there are no other heroes, this can be considered a 'one-on-one'.

The gate of the Beetle Wall appeared in front of him. To Emperor Shenwu's surprise, the gate was open. Although there were some insects defending the gate, the number was not too many.

A voice came from behind the door.

Ner'zhul (Void Walker): "Bugs, your master needs your sacrifice. Kill these invaders."

Those Zerg who fled due to the fel hurricane, under the control of powerful spiritual power, once again besieged the intruding army.

Emperor Shenwu didn't hesitate, "Kill, the Gale Knights will kill with me! Shadow of War, stay here, don't let anyone affect my promotion!"

After finishing speaking, Emperor Shenwu led thousands of elite troops to crush the worms blocking the way, and rushed through the gate of Ahn'Qiraj in a rush, while the shadow of war commanded the troops to sweep the surrounding Zerg troops and guard the entrance of the gate.

When Emperor Shenwu led his troops to the gate, what appeared in front of him was a huge high platform. On the high platform, a huge meat mountain was slowly rising from the ground. One-eyed, unusually eye-catching.

Emperor Shenwu was taken aback and stopped hastily.

Thousands of Centaur Gale Knights and Centaur Condor Archers all stopped in the square.

Kesuen?Isn't it dead?Emperor Shenwu was taken aback. The information he received was not detailed, but he only knew that Ner'zhul had absorbed C'Thun's power and was promoted.

But he didn't expect that Ke'thun was still alive.

He looked up, and sure enough there was a problem.

C'Thun's body (flesh golem) level 100.HP 645000.

It doesn't even have a BOSS logo.

Due to the loss of most of the power of the void and C'Thun's consciousness of the ancient god, this empty body was no longer bound by the Titan seal of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, and was forcefully transported to the ground by Ner'zhul.

At this time Ner'zhul himself stood on top of the giant eye, controlling the body.

On the square, the centaur army occupied the place tightly, and the only enemy in front of them was Ner'zhul.

Ner'zhul (Void Walker): "You are very brave, king of centaurs, but unfortunately you have come to the wrong place. Facing this power beyond your reach, your reckless behavior will only lead to death.

But I am kind and generous, rely on me, I will give you endless strength, your people are brave and good at fighting, they should not waste their lives here, lead them to join me, and fight for me!

Why escape from your nature?conquer!kill!destroy!You are one with us orcs, join me and I will share this power with you. "

Only then did Emperor Shenwu notice Ner'zhul under the huge eyeballs.

Ner'zhul (Void Walker), World Destroyer Tier 728000 Boss, HP [-].

It turned out to be the third level of the world-destroyer! ?

Although Emperor Shenwu had heard about it before, he didn't fully believe it. The original Deathwing was only the first rank of Mieshi. Although the original Deathwing was not perfect, so his strength had not reached the peak, but he was still the king of the black dragon. Ah, there is an orc in this cargo area...

However, Emperor Shenwu has heard some words from analysts in the company that the boss rating of this game is judged based on its overall strength.

In addition to individual combat power, it also includes commanding power, boss reputation, status, and the knowledge and wisdom mastered by the boss.

Ner'zhul's strength lies in his intelligence, being able to blow up a planet does not rely on brute force.

So even though he was at the second level of Mieshi before, his individual strength may not be comparable to that of the five great dragon kings.But he was able to use his knowledge to deploy resources to achieve the purpose of destroying the world.

This point can generally be reflected in the blood volume. The blood volume of a humanoid boss is often less than that of other big bosses of the same rank.

But a humanoid boss in this area has more than 70 HP, which is too exaggerated. You must know that the five dragon kings only have this HP.

At this time, facing such a powerful enemy, Emperor Shenwu calmed down instead.

It doesn't matter whether you can win or not, first perform the trick well, and then you can't lose the show.

Emperor Shenwu (King of Centaur): "I am the descendant of Elune, the blood of the demigod Malorne, the heir of the demigod Cenarius, and the chosen one of Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth. The blood of the gods, what I believe in is the great mother earth.

You despicable orc bastard, put away your vicious words, evil temptations, nothing can stop me from beheading you here.

Your blood will soak every inch of this desert, and you and your master will be sent back to where they came from. "

Ner'zhul (Void Walker): "Master? Huh, stupid centaur, you don't understand what you are facing. I have already captured the essence of C'Thun. I am the real master. I will take more, and when I absorb the power of all the ancient gods, I will rule the world."

Absorb the power of all the ancient gods?Emperor Shenwu was a little surprised, this Ner'zhul's ambition is not small, but let alone, he might succeed, after all, he has already absorbed one.

As an old player, Emperor Shenwu has a good understanding of the history of Warcraft. Ner'zhul has no ability to succeed, but his ability to kill is not small. In the past, he could play the master who blew up an entire planet.

It's a pity that you met me today. I have five thousand elite troops here, and I will kill you.

So what about the 70 blood volume, I have so many brothers, one shot per person, one arrow per person, wouldn't you just die.

This Ner'zhul is also a big supporter, not even a mob is left around him.

Emperor Shenwu (King of Centaur): "Very ambitious plan, but unfortunately you met me, your ambition is doomed to fail - attack! My soldiers, kill him!"

Countless centaurs charged, and the iron hooves shook the ground. The collective charge of thousands of centaurs seemed unstoppable.

However, Ner'zhul just snorted coldly, "It's time for you small mortals to realize the true power."

Wake up, C'Thun, wake up, flesh and blood incarnation!

That huge one-eyed slowly looked at Emperor Shenwu, and Emperor Shenwu's heart trembled, a strange purple light was gathering in that one-eyed, and an unknown feeling suddenly emerged in his heart.

Soul Annihilation Ray!

Surprised!The purple light of soul annihilation instantly refracted the audience.

PS: I'm sorry that there is only one update today, and I will try to make up the missing chapter tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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