Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 431 The War Can Be Lost, The Dragon Must Die

Chapter 431 The War Can Be Lost, The Dragon Must Die

Soul Annihilation Ray!

The purple energy beam instantly hit Emperor Shenwu, who was in the lead, and Emperor Shenwu felt his chest suffocated, and his heart almost stopped beating for a moment.

He felt as if his consciousness had been pierced through, everything around him became extremely slow, and even the color tone turned into black and white, a cold feeling emerged in his heart, as if he was going to pass away at any time, falling into death the other side...

But fortunately, Emperor Shenwu, as the chosen one of the Mother Earth Goddess, is also the leader of the faction, a hero of the fifth level of the epic, whose soul strength is not usually high, and the black and white colors instantly return to normal.
1500 (soul damage)!

A red number floated above his head.

Soul damage—meaning that the loss of health will also lose the corresponding mana. If the mana is burned out, a DEBUFF will be obtained, the soul is weak, and spells cannot be used for a period of time.

However, for Emperor Shenwu, who has more than 20 HP and more than [-] mana, this damage is not a big problem.

However, the centaurs around were not so lucky.

The biggest feature of the soul annihilation ray is its refraction effect.

[Soul Annihilation Ray: Cause 1500 points of soul damage to a target, and refract to the next target within 30 yards, this effect can be reset infinitely. 】

That is to say, as long as there are enemies within 30 yards of the hit target, the target will be automatically refracted, and it can be refracted infinitely. In theory, as long as the position is concentrated enough, even [-] million enemies can be cleared in a second.

Of course, this trick can be easily avoided as long as the positions are sufficiently dispersed.

However, thousands of centaurs charged collectively, and they were located on the square inside the wall. There was not much space to disperse around, and most of them were crowded together. In fact, no centaur had the awareness of this.

Almost instantly, the light beam connected thousands of centaurs in series, and only some scattered units at the outermost edge of the team, the ranger scouts, escaped this terrifying blow.

The centaurs who were charging collapsed as they ran, their bodies still maintaining a forward posture, and fell into the sand with inertia.

Emperor Shenwu was stunned for a moment, and saw that there was already a horrible scene of corpses strewn all over the field around him.

Kill the group with one shot!
Looking at the scene of corpses strewn all over the field, Emperor Shenwu only felt a chill come out from the depths of his heart.

He subconsciously raised his hooves and stopped charging. The few hundred remaining centaur warriors around him were also frightened and hesitated.

Ner'zhul (Void Walker): "Do you still think you can defeat me now? Centaur King, you see, your army is meaningless in the face of the power of the void, your so-called noble blood is nothing but It's just a weak trick that can make you linger for a while, and the only way out is to take refuge in me and be loyal to me."

Emperor Shenwu finally recovered from the shock.

In addition to the fear in my heart, there is only anger.

That is thousands of elite troops, worth millions, and it will be gone in a second. No matter how arrogant he is, it is still money.

Emperor Shenwu (King of the Centaur): "Kill him! Warriors of the centaur clan, kill him!"

Hero Specialty - Centaur King Activated!

This specialty can instantly increase the morale and attack power of all the centaur warriors around, and hundreds of remnant soldiers collectively launched a charge in an instant.

This time the Soul Annihilation Ray didn't work, and the remaining centaurs were too scattered.

But this flesh and blood puppet of C'Thun doesn't only have this ability.

Ner'zhul (Voidwalker): "You asked for it!"

With a wave of his staff, C'Thun's puppet body immediately squirmed.

Boom boom boom!
Countless huge tentacles burst out of the ground in an instant, each tentacle was three to four meters thick and hundreds of meters long.

With a sweep of the tentacles, seven or eight centaurs flew into the sky, and when one hit the head hard, five or six centaurs were smashed into a pulp.

C'Thun's tentacles (K'Thun's derivative): Level 80 war behemoth with 50000 HP.

Although it is just a tentacle, it has an independent life value and skill system.

Some frantically whipped and wiped out all enemies with violent physical attacks.

Some sprayed blood-red mist, turning the centaur into muddy flesh.

Some tentacles split a huge mouthpart at the top, swallowing the centaur alive.

Those centaurs who launched the charge were killed and injured in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the centaur warrior Shenwu Emperor who was being crazily slaughtered around him with no expression on his face, he was observing and recording the skills of the flesh and blood puppets of C'Thun.

At this time, C'Thun's huge one-eyed eye was slowly staring at him.

Seeing that the little brother was almost dead, Emperor Shenwu didn't hesitate, but turned around abruptly and rushed towards the direction he came from.

This was beyond Ner'zhul's expectation. He didn't expect the centaur king to be so straightforward, he ran as soon as he said he wanted to, even though so many of his subordinates were killed, he didn't lose his mind.

Hastily controlled the tentacles to intercept, but Emperor Shenwu suddenly accelerated—running at top speed!
With four hoofs like the wind, he ran out of Ahn'Qiraj's gate in the blink of an eye.

When Emperor Shenwu came out of the gate of Ahn'Qiraj, in the wilderness outside, the shadow of war had already killed all the bugs nearby, and was organizing an army to build a defense line.

Seeing Emperor Shenwu hastily greeted him.

"Boss, are you in trouble?"

Emperor Shenwu sighed, "Big trouble."

"Do you want me to lead the troops to charge first?"

"It's useless, the more soldiers you have, the faster you die."

Emperor Shenwu was anxious for a while, the legend in his hand could not be promoted, and it couldn't be solved by spending money and piling up troops, so he had to think of a way.

The giant storm dragon crashed down on the open space next to Emperor Shenwu. Just now, Mo Fei had glanced at the square behind the wall from the air, and he was also shocked by the scene of corpses strewn across the field.

This guy is a bit fierce, what kind of ghost skill is this?
Seeing Mo Fei, Emperor Shenwu, his eyes lit up immediately.

Emperor Shenwu (King of Centaur): "Prince Aidan, help me advance!"

Aidan Delong (Storm Dragon King): "Don't worry about mortals, the heroes of the night elves are about to arrive, wait until the heroes gather together, we will attack together, even Ner'zhul can't defeat us!"

Murphy has no shortage of plot points, and the tens of thousands of bugs killed by the previous fel storm are enough for him to advance to epic.

It's enough to play Ner'zhul with an assist, and he doesn't intend to be tough with the third-order boss of Destroyer.

Emperor Shenwu (King of Centaur): "No, if there are too many people, my advancement will not be safe - 1000 million, as long as you help me kill Ner'zhul, 1000 million will be yours."

Damn, it's 1000 million to open your mouth so arrogantly.

That's right, he is a billionaire, a technology giant, and it is said that his net worth is hundreds of small targets, so what is 1000 million worth?

Speaking of which, Mo Fei is really short of money right now. Dragon slaying is an expensive hobby. Buying ships, building cities, recruiting soldiers and horses is money for everything.

Or just make a fortune from it. Anyway, I have life-saving skills and can fly.

So what about the third level of Mieshi, you can't give me a second, right?
"One hundred million, give me one hundred million, and I will kill Ner'zhul for you."

Emperor Shenwu looked at the dragon in front of him speechlessly, "I'm rich, but I'm not a fool. This doesn't fit the market. With [-] million, I can form a company of heroes."

Mo Feixin said that he did not expect Shenhao to be so good at living.

"You can't say that, don't forget that the other party is a world-destroying boss, and now we can only rely on the two of us, and then we must work hard. My account is currently unique in the game, how can it be worth [-] million Bar."

"But you're not guaranteed to die, besides, can't you fly, if you can't beat you, you can still run.

How about this, if you die, I will give you 1000 million burial expenses, if you don't die, then [-] million hard work expenses, and the boss will drop half of each of us, but you can choose first. "

The calculation is clear, and Murphy really has no objection. Of course, he can ask for a price. Anyway, Malfurion Tyrande and the others are coming soon, and it may be possible to force the other party to increase the price.

However, Murphy is still shameless. The Emperor Shenwu also helped him slaughter Ankarad before, so it would be too embarrassing.

Aidan Delong (Storm Dragon King): "Okay, just 1000 million, when will we do it?"

Emperor Shenwu (King of the Centaur): "Now, I will be in charge of the frontal assault. You just need to hold Ner'zhul from the air and cover me. As long as you let me get close to Ner'zhul, I will take another blow. Kill him!
Shadow of War, call me another [-] troops! "

This time, Emperor Shenwu learned his lesson. He also noticed that the wandering centaurs hadn't been hit. Obviously, as long as there is a certain distance between the soldiers, everything will be fine.Of course, due to the limitation of the venue, it is impossible to spread too loosely, so we simply use the team as a unit.

And that big eye ridge move obviously needs a certain cooling time, as long as the team goes up and sends it, it's over, and it can always rush over.

But those tentacles can only be tough. Fortunately, the blood volume is not too thick. As long as the blood volume is enough to output [-], it is still easy to kill tough.

The three thousand and a half horses were divided into thirty centurions by him, and the distance between each team was at least 50 meters.

Send five teams to attack at a time, and attack in six waves.

In fact, it can be done in more detail, but the situation is urgent at this time, and I can't care so much.

He looked towards the back, and he could vaguely see that the path he came from had been blocked by the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, and they were desperately attacking the army of night elves. Starfire, moonfire, and meteors could be seen in the sky from time to time. Fire rains down the light.

The Ahn'Qiraj Zerg along the way are constantly flanking, which can slow down their speed somewhat, but at most half an hour the night elf reinforcements can kill them, and the battle must be resolved within half an hour, otherwise they can only be surrounded by everyone. beaten.

"let's go!"

Emperor Shenwu once again stepped through the gate of Ahn'Qiraj,

Behind him, the centaur troops outflanked both sides of the gate, and in the sky, the Storm Dragon King also led the dragoons into the battlefield.

A new battle is about to start again.

This time, Ner'zhul was a little more dignified. He didn't care about a mere centaur king. Now that there was an extra storm dragon, he had to deal with it cautiously.

Murphy in the sky was also observing the opponent in front of him.

The huge tentacles overgrown in the empty square are very troublesome to look at!

A giant war beast, and it can be summoned infinitely. Judging by the size of those tentacles, even if he pounces on it, he won't be able to please him, but as long as he kills the main body, it will be fine.

He looked at the high platform, the huge meat mountain, the huge eyeball on the meat mountain, and Ner'zhul next to the eyeball.

C'Thun's flesh and blood puppet?So this thing isn't the real C'Thun?Let me go, Ner'zhul has more than 70 health points.It seems that the rumors on the forum are true, Ner'zhul really absorbed the essence of C'Thun.

Ner'zhul's blood volume in hero form was less than 20 at the beginning, but after being blackened, his blood volume was ten times that of less than [-].

After defecting from the tribe and becoming the final boss of the monster force, the blood volume will be doubled, and it will not exceed 40.

The remaining 30 or so were probably raised by absorbing Ke'thun's power.

This ancient god is really great.

As he thought, he circled in the sky.

Just as Murphy was hovering under control, Ner'zhul also looked at him.

Ner'zhul (Void Walker): "Storm Dragon King Aidandron, we meet again, very good, I have been looking forward to this day for a long time, you gave me a shame in the battle of Brokenspear Peak, and now, I I will repay you twice, are you ready to meet my revenge!"

Aidandron (Storm Dragonlord): "Small orc, I am amazed by your persistence, your efforts are very 'interesting', it seems that you have gained some power, it really impresses me, but it is meaningless , in the face of real strength, you have no chance.

Look at those so-called armies of yours, no matter how many ants there are, they are still just ants, before the power of the storm they turn into dust, I once slaughtered your warriors and warlords in the wetlands, and wiped out your warchief in Stormwind City, no Wrong, Orgrim died at my hands.

The so-called tribe is just my defeated general, now you, a defeated general and stray dog, how can you be my opponent. "

No matter how deep Ner'zhul's palace is, no matter how stable his mind is, the anger in his heart can no longer be restrained after hearing Murphy's words--Are there any mistakes, I even defeated the ancient gods, you are just a small The reptiles dare to be so presumptuous with me.

Ner'zhul (Void Walker): "Enough, you poisonous dragon, vile beast, you have successfully provoked my anger, come down and face me, let me see if your power is as good as Your mouth is as powerful as it is!"

Aidan Delong (Storm Dragon King): "Hmph, little orc, you asked for this, prepare to face the power of Aidan Delong!"

Ner'zhul felt ruthless in his heart, and immediately gave C'Thun's flesh and blood puppet an automatic attack command. He decided to kill this broken-mouthed dragon first no matter what. Today's war can be lost, but this A dragon must die!


"Let's go!" Seeing that the Storm Dragon King had successfully held back Ner'zhul's hatred, Emperor Shenwu immediately waved his hand, and the two hundred-man cavalry immediately rushed out.

On to the second group!

Another two teams of centaurs rushed out.

On to the third group!

When Emperor Shenwu gave the order, he also brandished his spear and killed him.

The weapon in his hand was replaced by the weapon he used to before, which was also a plot weapon - the ancient oath spear.

The so-called all beings are equal under the spear, the spear weapon has the highest speed damage bonus, as long as the speed is fast enough, one shot can hurt the past, and the damage can be said to have no upper limit.

Soul annihilation shoots!

A centurion was wiped out in an instant, but it didn't matter.

The centaur centurions behind are following up continuously.

A tentacle attacked him, and immediately dozens of centaurs shot arrows and slashed, attracting the hatred of the tentacle.

Emperor Shenwu didn't stop, his speed became faster and faster, and he rushed towards Ner'zhul without hesitation.


Roar!The Storm Dragon King let out a deafening roar, flapped his wings violently, and was about to dive down aggressively. Ner'zhul immediately gathered the magic power of the void, and was about to hit the wild dragon head-on, but the opponent suddenly turned around and circled around. Hovered up in the sky.

One lap - two laps...

Aidandron (Storm Dragonlord): "Little orcs, prepare for destruction!"

Three laps—four laps...

Aidandron (The Stormlord): "Ignorant mortals, the wrath of the Stormlord will crush you!"

Five laps—six laps...

Aidandron (Storm Dragon King): "See, this is the power of the Storm Dragon King!"


Why are you coming down!
It's so far away, it's not within the casting range at all, how can it be hit?
Boom!Suddenly there was a loud bang that made Ner'zhul turn his head, and he saw that Emperor Shenwu lightly dodged the impact of a tentacle, and he was less than 50 meters away from him.

Although Ner'zhul is powerful now, but the legal system is naturally afraid of melee combat, so he is still nervous at this moment.

hateful!Kill him quickly!

Ke'suen summoned three more tentacles in an instant, entangled Emperor Shenwu from three directions, but Emperor Shenwu accelerated suddenly, so fast that an afterimage was brought out, and he came to the front in an instant, with an 'ancient oath' in his hand Spear', stabbing towards Ner'zhul.

(End of this chapter)

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