Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 433 Unkillable Ner'zhul

Chapter 433 Unkillable Ner'zhul

Ner'zhul (Voidwalker): "And how do you know?"

Aidan Delong (Storm Dragon King): "I am the Storm Dragon King, the inheritor of the blood of the ancient dragon. I have personally experienced ancient wars, witnessed the destruction of the sky city, and also witnessed the moment when the ancient gods came. Over the past few years, I have been quietly observing this world, guarding this world, and monitoring the movements of the ancient gods.

I knew something was wrong the moment you broke into the temple of Ahn'Qiraj. The Old Gods are best at bewitching mortals, bewitching ignorant people who are after power.

Give up your power, and don't lead yourself to an end worse than death.

We can end this senseless fight. "

Coupled with his vicissitudes of life and sincere tone, it is quite convincing.

Ner'zhul sneered noncommittally, "Give up your power? How should you give up this power?"

"It's very simple, use my ancient dragon's claws to remove this evil power from your body, it only takes one click..."

Ner'zhul (Void Walker): "No, never! This power belongs to me. I am Ner'zhul, the most powerful orc shaman. Even if there is a Void Lord, my will will never Will yield to it, no one can control me! - Awaken C'Thun, Awaken my great creation!"

Damn, the mouth gun didn't work.

Aidandron (Storm Dragon King): "Ah, this is the path of destruction you chose, so let me finish you, orc shaman, face your doom!"

Shouting loudly, at the same time sending a private message to Emperor Shenwu.

Aidan Delong: Dude, let's run, we can't beat it.

Emperor Shenwu: What are you afraid of? If you die, I will pay. Come on!
Your sister, I don't need to be afraid if I have a big move to save my life. I think it is not easy for you to practice a number, since you are not afraid of death, I will accompany you.

With a dragon roar, Mo Fei rushed towards Ner'zhul directly.

However, at a distance of more than 100 meters, despite a few spells, as long as you give him a dragon claw at close range, you can kill him.

The claws of an ancient dragon can kill even a true god, let alone you, an ancient god and human being.

Murphy is quite confident.

The huge tentacles of C'Thun's flesh and blood puppets entwined towards him one after another, and purple light condensed in the eyeballs, ready to launch eye ridges.

Dragon Claw Slam!

The claws of the ancient dragon swung out vigorously, and the tentacles under the sharp claw blades were easily torn apart.

Thunder breath!

A bolt of dragon thunder knocked C'Thun's huge eyeballs back, and the light beam shot into the sky immediately.

Emperor Shenwu also launched a charge at the same time, but without a bunch of buffs, the speed was obviously much slower.

Ner'zhul raised his hand and sent an ancient god's tentacle, and Emperor Shenwu also swung his spear fiercely.

Deadly Throw!

Pooh!Ner'zhul's body was pierced by the spear, his body was stunned, and the tentacle of the ancient god also missed.

As soon as Emperor Shenwu stretched out his hand, another plot weapon appeared in his hand - the great sword of hunting gods!

Special effect of the weapon - God Killing Black Flame!
Strange black flames shot out from the sword, and when Ner'zhul stabilized his figure, he manipulated the tentacles to wrap around him again, and Emperor Shenwu swung his sword, and the tentacles snapped.

In the blink of an eye, he was near Ner'zhul.

give me death!
Combat skills - five consecutive cuts!

The great sword with black flames swirled with a swirling sword energy, and the momentum was extraordinary.

Ner'zhul gave his staff a slap - walk in the void!
A mass of purple-black light engulfed him instantly like a black hole, and the next second the purple-black light flashed, Ner'zhul appeared more than a hundred meters away.

As soon as the staff was lifted, a bolt of lightning in the sky was falling on the top of his staff, condensing into a lightning sphere that made a strange sound.

Burst Thunder!

With a wave of the staff, the lightning ball roared and flew towards Emperor Shenwu.

Unexpectedly, a dragon wing slammed between the two, and with a bang, electric currents shot out, and the power of the lightning ball explosion almost set off an electromagnetic wave, but to the Storm Dragon King, it could only be regarded as a tickle. .

Dozens of void balls blasted towards Murphy again.

Earth barrier!

Emperor Shenwu waved his hand, and a rock wall rose into the air in an instant, blocking the magic ball, but this time it was his turn to block Mo Fei's knife.

Boom boom boom!Amid a series of explosions, the stone wall was blasted out with huge holes and collapsed, but this blow was also blocked.

One horse and one dragon, they played a perfect coordination.

Ner'zhul didn't care, devouring C'Thun made his mana almost infinite--the void ball!
Another dozen huge magic balls bombarded.

Murphy's scalp felt a little numb looking at the huge magic ball that was approaching in an instant, still coming?Is this thing an instant skill? Changing to another hero is definitely a hero skill effect. It is even more powerful than ordinary hero skills, but to Ner'zhul it seems to be an ordinary level A skill. .

This time, Emperor Shenwu didn't move, and his skills had a CD.

Murphy hurriedly raised the dragon claw.

Arcanagoth's arcane vortex!

A huge energy vortex rotated in the center of the claw, sucking all the void balls into it, and the arcane ball instantly became as huge as a star.

Back to you!
The arcane magic ball, which is more than ten times larger than the void magic ball, flew over.

boom!The huge explosion was like a small nuclear bomb.

Mo Fei was overjoyed, but immediately realized something was wrong—there was no harm number!
Be careful!

In the next second, seven or eight tentacles entangled the huge body of the Storm Dragon King, pressing him firmly to the ground.

Ner'zhul was suspended in mid-air, with C'Thun's huge eyeball behind him. The purple void magic power escaped from him, forming a huge energy capsule. With C'Thun behind him as the background, it was like a god.

"See, you have no chance."

Mo Fei didn't talk nonsense, and continued to release the dragon feast skills.

Time and space turbulence in Norreldorm!

The figure suddenly became invisible and insubstantial, and all the tentacles fell into the air.

Mo Fei flapped his wings and rushed towards Ner'zhul.

Void ball!

Seven or eight magic balls attacked head-on, but this time, the void magic ball passed directly through the Storm Dragon King.

At this time, Murphy was no longer in the same timeline, and the Storm Dragon King in front of him was just an echo of time.

This is?Time magic?Ner'zhul was slightly taken aback, but he had never seen such a spell.

But as long as the opponent wanted to attack, he had to return to reality. Ner'zhul directly condensed the magic power of the void, ready to use a big move, and immediately killed the giant dragon in Shunjiang where the opponent appeared.

Emperor Shenwu saw it clearly on the ground, immediately put away the big sword, and pulled out a big bow casually.

Dramatic weapon——Quiklein Gale Bow!
Weapon Special Effects - Harnessing the Arrow of the Wind!
Whoosh whoosh!He shot seven arrows in one breath.

Puff puff puff!A series of arrows abruptly interrupted Ner'zhul's spellcasting.

In the next second, the figure of the giant dragon approached.

The originally illusory figure suddenly became real, but it was Mo Fei who returned to this timeline.

Ner'zhul Murphy looked at the interrupted spellcasting without hesitation.

Pfft, Gu Long's sharp claws pierced through Ner'zhul's chest, this time Murphy aimed at the opponent's heart.
11923 (Critical Strike)!

Still not fatal, Murphy was speechless.

Why can't this thing be killed?Is there no harm at all?
How can this be done, it can't be killed by grinding blood, this guy has more than 70 blood, I'm afraid it will die before it dies.

He was about to make two more strokes.

Flesh spread!
From Ner'zhul's wound, countless granulation tentacles suddenly grew out, growing wildly and spreading, and in an instant, a mass of frantically wriggling flesh and blood grew out of the dragon's claws.

Murphy was so frightened that he swung his paw violently, and threw Ner'zhul and the wriggling flesh out.

Emperor Shenwu immediately ran towards the direction where Ner'zhul fell, and the weapon in his hand was replaced by a big dragon's tooth, and he swung round and tried to hit a home run.

Brave strike!

Bang, -7892!

Ner'zhul was knocked out like a ball, rolled on the ground for more than a dozen laps before stopping, and there was no movement for a while, as if he had been knocked out.

"kill him!"

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, one dragon and one horse rushed towards Ner'zhul at the same time, but at this moment, C'Thun's flesh and blood puppet entwined its tentacles towards the two of them like crazy.

Damn it!This thing is really troublesome.

"Kill C'Thun first!" Murphy roared.

I can't kill Ner'zhul, I don't believe you can't kill a flesh and blood puppet.

PS: Thanks to the book friend [Xingxia Zhengyi Lazy Sheep] for the leader of the reward, and I will add more tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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