Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 434 Deadly 1 Strike

Chapter 434 Fatal Strike

"Emperor, kill C'Thun first!" Murphy shouted in the sky.

As long as this big guy is dealt with, troops from outside can come in and attack Ner'zhul. In that case, the battle will be much easier.

After solving this, two-on-one, plus the vast number of younger brothers, it is hard to believe that you can't beat a mere humanoid boss.

So what about your Mieshi Tier [-], the Mieshi Tier [-] also needs to talk about the rules of the game.

Emperor Shenwu hesitated for a moment, and immediately realized that this was the best way at present.

Ner'zhul doesn't know how to transform it, he has no fatal weakness at all, and there is no possibility of quick killing at all, even if he is unconscious and beaten, he will have to fight for a long time with hundreds of thousands of blood.

But Ke'suen is not necessarily, this thing should still be able to kill, as for the weakness, it is probably that huge one-eyed eye, in the depth of the pupil of that one-eyed eye, you can see a cloud of dark purple light, probably Its core now.

At this moment, while roaring, Murphy had already launched the first attack.

However, as soon as he moved, seven or eight tentacles entangled the dragon's body one after another.

These tentacles are extremely powerful and flexible, and their soul is like a giant snake. Murphy stretched his wings and waved his dragon claws, but he couldn't break free.

This time Murphy didn't have escape skills.

Wan Lei Tianyin!

Boom, the crimson lightning shot out in all directions. Taking advantage of the moment when the tentacles that bound him were released by the electric paralysis, he spread his wings and flew into the air. He kept climbing and flew to 300 meters in the blink of an eye. Height, ready for justice to descend from the sky.

However, Naksuen immediately squirmed and raised countless tentacles to the sky. These tentacles did not know how they grew out, and they stretched wildly from the ground to the sky. As the dragon climbed to the height, it continued to climb, and it grew two to 300 meters. Did not stop growing.

Mo Fei's scalp felt numb, and he felt like weeds, what the hell is this?

What about the law of conservation of energy?This is not scientific.

Looking at the scene like a group of snakes dancing chaotically below, Mo Fei really didn't know what to do. If he plunged into it, he might be tied up immediately.

Emperor Shenwu: Get ready, I will cover you!

Emperor Shenwu (King of Centaur): "Mother Earth, I beg for your help, Mother Earth, I summon your power, in the name of Mother Earth Goddess, elves of the earth, release your power, and bind this evil in front of you." enemy.

Emperor Shenwu suddenly raised his front hooves and stomped heavily on the ground.

boom!The ground was trembling, and as he trampled on the ground, the gravity instantly increased several times. Those tentacles themselves had a huge mass, and grew to a height of 300 meters. There was no support point at all. At this time, under the gravity barrier, a The thick and long tentacles of the roots were suddenly unable to lift under the pressure of their huge weight, and fell to the ground in a hurry.

good chance!Murphy saw it clearly, right now, with his wings together, he swooped down on C'Thun in a swoop. A pair of ancient dragon's claws were already ready to attack the giant eyes.

The huge eyeball seemed to be able to see through his thoughts, and the depth of the pupil was red.

Flesh Disintegration Rays!
A crimson light blasted from the one-eyed head-on, the beam was more than one meter thick, and it was almost like a laser cannon in a science fiction movie.

This skill is C'Thun's lore skill against flesh and blood creatures.

[Flesh disintegration ray: Disintegrate the target's flesh and blood, causing shadow damage of 1% of the target's maximum health per second. The power of this skill will continue to increase as the skill continues to hit. 】

After being hit by the red light beam, Murphy's blood volume immediately went crazy.
875! -985! -twenty three! -1055!

One percent of the life value per second, and it will gradually increase. Even with the 33% magic resistance of the ancient dragon scale, the negative effect immunity of the ancient dragon body still makes Mo Fei's heart beat wildly.

If this accumulation continues, I am afraid that I will die in a few tens of seconds.

Murphy climbed up in a hurry, turned around, moved and dodged, trying to avoid the damage of the ray.

However, the size is too big, and the effect is not obvious.

The one-eyed eye kept turning as he turned, and it couldn't be avoided at all.
1975! -2000!

no!I can't bear it anymore.

Just when Murphy was about to run away.

A figure jumped up, but it was Emperor Shenwu who charged at the eyeball.

The BUFF on his body is obviously not as much as when he assaulted Ner'zhul. There is no way, the cooling time of some special effects of equipment is too long.

But relying on alternative equipment and magic scrolls, the speed was still superimposed to 575%.

In an instant, he rushed to the eyeball, and at the same time he jumped up, the ancient oath spear in his hand thrust out with all his might.

With a puff, the spear penetrated deeply into the huge one-eyed eye until it reached the handle, which also interrupted C'Thun's skills.
10187 (Critical Strike)!

Damn, not long enough!Emperor Shenwu stood on the eyeball, stepping on the slippery eyeball, his four hooves kept slipping.

Originally, this spear was more than three meters long, and it was enough to deal with ordinary enemies. Even a giant dragon could pierce through it, but Ke'thun was huge, and the one-eye alone had a diameter of more than ten meters. They have all been pierced in, but there is still some distance from the core.

At this moment, a voice sounded in the sky.

Aidandron (Storm King): "Get out of the way—I'm coming!"

Emperor Shenwu hurriedly jumped aside, and when he turned his head, he saw a three to forty-meter-long super-giant thunder gun gathering into shape between the dragon claws of the Storm Dragon King in mid-air.

Dragon Thunder Shaping—Giant Thunder Gun!

Murphy aimed at the end of the long spear stuck on the eyeball and threw the thunder gun suddenly.

The giant thunder gun hit the bull's-eye, and the power of the dragon thunder blasted directly into the giant eye along the metal gun body of the ancient oath spear.
457812 (fatal blow)!

The giant eye trembled violently for a while, and exploded from the inside with a bang.

Only less than one-third of the broken part of the huge eyeball remained, and it fell on the base like a mountain of meat. The rest were all blown into pieces and scattered everywhere.

It worked!Murphy was overjoyed.

Emperor Shenwu also heaved a long sigh of relief, finally dealt with a formidable enemy, he picked up the ancient oath spear from the broken flesh and blood.

However, before Ma and Long had time to be happy, a strong energy fluctuation and disturbing horror made them turn their heads subconsciously.

At some point, Ner'zhul had awakened.

At this moment, he was reading and casting spells, and a purple and blackened energy cluster was gradually forming in his hands.

Around him, the space seemed to be torn apart. Countless dark space cracks spread towards the space around him, and the void energy was passing through the cracks and continuously gathering on him.

[Source of the Void: Open a rift leading to the Twisting Nether, and directly absorb the power of the Void from the Twisting Nether. Your Void magic power will increase by 100%. This effect is only valid near the crack. 】

This posture looks like it is going to amplify the move.

Aidan Delong (Storm Dragon King): "No, stop him!"

Emperor Shenwu was about to charge in a hurry, but it was too late.

Void—Soul Breaking Wave!

The black-purple energy waves shot out like a laser cannon.

Silently, there was no huge explosion, and there was no earth-shattering roar. It just pierced through Emperor Shenwu's head silently, blasting a round hole in his mighty and domineering face.
152198 (fatal blow)!

With a splash, Emperor Shenwu collapsed.

My day!Mo Fei saw the dragon's scales standing on end, and felt the horror of the world-destroying boss for the first time.

The fatal blow finally appeared, but it was his teammates who were killed.

Seeing that Ner'zhul turned his gaze on him again, and his hands condensed magic again, Murphy swooped down with one wing without hesitation.

While descending the height, rotate the body desperately to avoid being hit to the vitals.

The opponent's spell must be interrupted before the opponent finishes reading the article!
However, the opponent's casting speed was much faster than he expected.

Just when Ner'zhul was still a hundred meters away.

The spell guide is complete.

Void—Soul Breaking Wave!

The purple beam of light struck head-on, completely different from the fierce beam of light released by C'Thun before. Before Murphy even had time to feel the pain, he felt a hollow pain in his chest. The beam entered from his chest and pierced through his back. And then, even the scale of the ancient dragon couldn't block the blow.

Mo Fei felt his eyes darken, damn, the world-destroying boss is really fierce!
The giant dragon's body instantly stiffened and solidified, falling from the sky, with a bang, the huge body of the Storm Dragon King fell heavily to the ground, turning into a rock-like texture, and remained motionless in the posture when it fell, like a The eternal rock statue, lifeless.

"Hahahaha! Hahahaha! Ahhahahaha! Damn reptile, now you know who is stronger."

Ner'zhul laughed happily. After experiencing the defeat of the tribe, he finally felt the joy of victory.

Yes, only power is the true meaning of everything.

He looked at the power of the void in his hand, his skin was cracked one after another, and the power of the void was escaping from it, and the gleaming appearance looked very dangerous.

"The flesh and blood of a mortal is too fragile after all." Ner'zhul muttered to himself.

He went straight to the body of Emperor Shenwu.

Ner'zhul was going to take away the magic weapon of the centaur king.

Just as he bent down and was about to pick up the spear, suddenly a khaki light rose.

The centaur king who fell to the ground stood up again under the control of that force, opened his eyes, and the hole on his face disappeared without a trace.

[Earth Rebirth (God Granted Skill/Hero Skill)
Passive: Triggered when you receive fatal damage, you will be resurrected again with the power of the earth. (Cooldown time: 24 hours. It can be triggered at most once in each plot event)]

Ner'zhul was taken aback, did not expect this centaur to be able to repair itself?
"You're not dead?"

"Mother Earth is protecting me, orc, I don't fall so easily."

Emperor Shenwu said, what he was waiting for was the moment when Ner'zhul approached, and only in close combat could he have a chance of winning.

The two started almost simultaneously.

Ner'zhul shot countless tentacles towards Emperor Shenwu, and Emperor Shenwu also stabbed the ancient oath spear towards Ner'zhul vigorously, but before the spear touched his body, he was entangled by tentacles one by one, followed by four legs , upper body.

Damn it!Emperor Shenwu screamed in his heart that something was wrong, even if he could be resurrected, he would not be an opponent at all in a one-on-one fight.

"Hahaha, the centaur is over, your stubbornness makes you doomed to death, die, die!"

Ner'zhul's deep and hoarse voice was like a death knell, and the tentacles gradually strangled and tightened.

"And your stubbornness is destined to lead you to a path more terrifying than death." The deep roar made Ner'zhul tremble.

A huge shadow with pitch-black wings slowly covered the sky above him.

Dragon Claw Slam!

Walk in the void!

boom!A sharp blow fell into the air.Ner'zhul appeared more than 100 meters away in a panic.

Although he dodged the attack, his face was completely expressionless.

"Are you not dead?" He looked at the lively Storm Dragon King in front of him in disbelief.

"This, this is impossible!"

One or two of them can't be killed, my big move makes me feel lonely.

Aidan Delong (Storm Dragon King): "Your magic is indeed very strong, but it is meaningless in front of the power of the ancient dragon. I have already seen the truth of life and death, the mysteries of time and space, the ancient truth of reality and illusion. wisdom……"

Suddenly there was the sound of horseshoes outside. It was the Shadow of War who had received the call of Emperor Shenwu and brought troops to kill them. Behind the centaur army was the allied army of night elves.

Ner'zhul looked at the two with a ferocious face, and suddenly, that expression became calm again.

Ner'zhul (Void Walker): "Looks like it's time to say goodbye to you two, you really make me feel afraid, I don't know how you survived, but you'd better not stand in my way in the future Otherwise, the power of the ancient gods will crush you all!"

After saying this ruthless sentence, Ner'zhul slammed his staff, puff, and his figure disappeared into the black hole, but this time, he didn't appear again.

It wasn't until it was confirmed that Ner'zhul had really left that Mo Fei and Emperor Shenwu looked at each other, and then he let out a sigh of relief.

It was so fucking exciting, I almost ran out of cards, and if I continued to play, I really had to wait for death.

A world-destroying boss is indeed a world-destroying boss.

Fortunately, there is the newly learned life-saving skill of the body of the ancient dragon, otherwise this time it will really die.

Thinking of this, Mo Fei looked at Emperor Shenwu again. He didn't expect that this guy could be resurrected, and it was resurrected with full blood without side effects, which is a bit awesome.

He looked mighty just now, but in fact, he was already at the end of his battle. He had lost a lot of blood before, and he lost half of it just now.

Emperor Shenwu heaved a sigh of relief, but at the same time he sighed. Ner'zhul ran away. It seems that his advancement will fail after all.

"It seems that there is no way to advance." Ke'thun is not a world-destroying boss, but a flesh and blood puppet. Although it is very strong, it is a template for summoning creatures.

The real BOSS is Ner'zhul, but he didn't win it.

But think about it, if it's the real Ke'thun, it's estimated that the two of them will be even more invincible.

Murphy looked at the bombed torn corpse of Ke'suen, but he laughed.

"Don't draw conclusions so early, haven't we already defeated the ancient gods?"

"But it's just a flesh and blood puppet."

"Others don't know."

Emperor Shenwu was taken aback.

"Don't forget, the content recorded in the chronicle is not necessarily the completely true history, but the history in the eyes of the characters in the plot. I will act according to my eyes."

While speaking, a large group of people had already entered through the gate of Ahn'Qiraj.

Tyrande, Malfurion, Fandral Staghelmet, Morgan Lisa... none of them will fall.

The brigade's centaur warriors, the Moonsaber Knights, quickly occupied the square, and a group of heroes gathered around, looking at the corpses and tentacles of the ancient gods all over the ground in shock.

Apparently there has just been a terrible battle here.

Morgan Lisa kicked the fleshy corpse, her eyes were shining,
"Damn it, you guys are too fierce. Is this C'Thun? True or not, that's the ancient god."

Others were even more shocked, especially Tyrande, Malfurion, and Fandral Staghelm. These three had all participated in the Quicksand War that year, and they knew the power of the Old God very well.

"This is what you did?" Fandral Buckhelm asked in disbelief.

Aidandron (Storm Dragon King): "That's right, the evil ancient god C'Thun broke through the enchantment under the Titans, trying to use his evil power to destroy the world. When we arrived, he was engaged in an evil battle. Ritual, that's why the Ahn'Qiraj are so crazy.

I shot together with Emperor Shenwu, and finally defeated him after a bitter battle. In a short time, C'Thun will not be our trouble. "

(End of this chapter)

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