Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 435 Promotion to Legendary and Fairy Friend

Chapter 435 Promotion to Legendary and Fairy Friend

After hearing what Murphy said, everyone was shocked.

"You killed the Old Gods?" Fandral Staghelmet still had an unbelievable expression on his face. He once faced C'Thun in the War of Quicksand, and the mental coercion alone made him afraid to approach him. , regarded as an irresistible terrifying existence, but could not meet again and was already dead on the spot.

Emperor Shenwu also came to his senses at this moment, and interjected, "That's right, this C'Thun is very powerful, and the evil magic it casts is even more terrifying. My soldiers paid a heavy price for this, if it wasn't for Mother Earth God’s blessing, I’m afraid I will die in this battle today.”

Everyone looked at the centaur corpses all over the place, and they clearly understood that the word "tragic" was not just casually.

Aidandron (Storm Dragon King): "However, in the end we succeeded in beheading C'Thun and destroying this ancient evil god and enemy of justice. I think this way, the war will be considered a victory." ?”

As Murphy spoke, he watched everyone's reactions.

He realized very early on that the content recorded in the Sky Chronicles did not seem to be the complete truth, or that there were loopholes in the system's mode of judging the content of the plot.

At the beginning, all their brothers teamed up to kill King Aiden, but what was recorded in the annals was——King Aiden fought heroically with the orcs and died in battle.

Later, Varian took Godwin's order to assassinate King Tenaris, and it was also recorded in the chronicle that King Tenaris was killed by an orc assassin.

Not to mention, the big scene he played with the Balrog Lord Lagrios on Broken Spear Peak later, despite the poor acting skills, the plot presented was also accepted by the system.

From this, Murphy can judge that the system's records of the chronicle and the records of the plot events are not completely recorded according to what actually happened.

All the hidden information will not be presented, but will be recorded according to what the characters in the plot see.

It is even possible that it was deduced and recorded according to a certain established logic, as long as it meets this set of standards and logic, it is true.

For example, the princes of Alterac cheated me, it would definitely be ugly to write it out, and it would even make people feel that the plot is too bloody.

But if it was King Aiden who died heroically in the battle with the orcs, it would naturally be full of epic sense.

In other words, what the 'witnesses' of these episodes see is what is recorded in the chronicles.

Because of this, Mo Fei was very sure that as long as he could make his point clear, it would not be difficult for Emperor Shenwu to advance.

After all, they did kill C'Thun--albeit only a shell.

They also did almost die in battle - although it was Ner'zhul who killed Shenwu Emperor.

They also sacrificed countless fighters-although they were killed by a single prismatic ray.

As for Ner'zhul running away, there is no need to explain it in such detail. After all, a mere 'orc shaman' is probably just a small character controlled by the spiritual power of the ancient gods, so there is no need to mention it at all.

Except for a slight omission of details, everything that happened was exactly the same as what he described.

Sure enough, after hearing what the two said, the heroes of the Night Alliance did not have any doubts. The huge corpse of C'Thun in front of them could not be faked, and the tentacles all over the ground could not be more real.

Thinking that one horse and one dragon killed the legendary ancient god, the eyes of everyone looking at them are completely different. This is not an ordinary demigod of the wilderness, but a real ancient evil god, who once ruled the world. A high-ranking existence, a legendary thing.

At this time, a Moonsaber Huntress rushed over from the outside.

"Ms. Tyrande, Lord Malfurion, the Zerg army is retreating, and they seem to have completely lost the will to resist."

Now it's hard to believe it or not, what else could be the reason for the defeat of the Zerg - of course it's because the masters behind them have died.

Malfurion (Grand Druid): "Shenwu Emperor, you... It seems that forming an alliance with the centaur clan is the wisest decision I have ever made. You are worthy of being the heir of Cenarius."

Tyrande also had to bow his head to pay tribute, "King of Centaur, it's an honor to be able to fight side by side with you in this war. I have always had some prejudices against you in the past, but now it seems that I was wrong, you are a real A hero, a legend."

Saying that, Tyrande turned to Murphy next to him.

"Master Aidan Deron, thank you very much for your help in this war. I deeply respect your strength and fearlessness. From now on, you are the best friend of our night elves. If you need any help As for the matter, just ask, we will do our best to serve our friends."

Kane Bloodhoof (Tauren Chieftain): "Soldiers, let us cheer for Emperor Shenwu and Storm Dragon King!"

The cheers suddenly rang out, whether it was centaurs, tauren, night elves, or dryads waved their weapons and cheered to these two great warriors. This was also a cheer for this difficult victory.

At the same time, the voice of the world announcement also rang.

[World Announcement: In 1450 of the Era of the Firmament, the Battle of Ahn'Qiraj officially came to an end.

The storm dragon king Aidandron and the centaur king Shenwu jointly defeated the ancient god C'Thun and beheaded C'Thun on the spot.

No one knows how C'Thun broke through the Titan barrier and escaped from the temple of Ahn'Qiraj, but this is obviously no longer important.

With the physical incarnation of the Old God destroyed, C'Thun would not be able to threaten the world for a long time.

As a result, the two heroes successfully prevented C'Thun's evil plan to destroy the world.

The performance of the centaur king Shenwu Great in this battle amazed the world. As a king who slayed the ancient gods, he was considered to be the most powerful legendary warrior in the centaur family. The real king, his prestige Resounding throughout the continent of Kalimdor.

The Storm Dragon King Aidan Deron, as a participant from the Eastern Continent, this mysterious human who transformed into a storm dragon is also well known to the residents of Kalimdor, and the Night Alliance respectfully called this mysterious dragon king—the Elf King. Friends, and vowed to provide any help to them.

After this battle, the Night Alliance completely defeated the old enemy of Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, and the faction's power evaluation was upgraded from [very powerful] to - [invincible].

The adventure level in the Sirisus region has been lowered from [50-65] to [35-50].

This event has been recorded in the Sky Chronicles. 】

The content of the announcement did not arouse Murphy's thoughts too much. What really excited him was what he heard next.

[System prompt: According to your performance in this plot battle, you have obtained 5795 plot points, your rank has been increased, and now it is the first epic rank, and you have obtained a new hero specialty. Select in the system.

System prompt: You have obtained a hero soul, and you can choose new hero skills. 】

I'm going, there are so many plot points!Murphy was excited for a while, and he was almost halfway to the first level of the epic.

In fact, I have already made some psychological preparations. The number of bugs slaughtered by a fel storm may exceed 5795. Coupled with the joint killing of C'Thun, [-] is not too outrageous.

However, after the epic, it takes 5000 plot points to go up to one level, and there is no more level-up battles. It seems that it will not be so easy to level up in the future.

Now that the strength can be improved a lot, what should I choose for the new hero skills...

Murphy thought happily.

At the same time, a golden light flashed on Emperor Shenwu's body.

A golden light shot up from the body of Emperor Shenwu, as if a Saiyan transformed, and the name above his head had a golden frame with a golden light.

However, this special effect can only be seen by the players present, and in the eyes of the NPC, it just feels that the aura of Emperor Shenwu has become stronger. Considering that he just solved an ancient god, it is completely understandable that it is a breakthrough in the battle.

Finally advanced!
As the first legendary hero in the player group, Emperor Shenwu only felt sour and comfortable at this moment, and he was in a good mood. Facing the cheers of the crowd, he was very humble.

Emperor Shenwu (King of Centaur): "Hahahaha, it is my duty to protect Kalimdor and this world. Centaurs are powerful warriors and should take up this responsibility. Whether it is an ancient evil god, It’s still the Burning Legion, and any enemies who want to invade this world will be destroyed by me! For Kalimdor!”

Speaking loudly here, and private messages there did not stop.

Emperor Shenwu: I have advanced.

Aidan Deron: Congratulations.

Emperor Shenwu: Don't say anything, I'll let someone give you money.

[System prompt: Your account has obtained a new income, please confirm. 】

Mo Fei clicked on the account and took a look, it turned out to be a full 2000 million.

The 1000 million agreed before, Emperor Shenwu actually doubled it for him.

Aidan Delong: The boss is open and bright, the boss is generous.

Emperor Shenwu: It’s easy to talk about it, we are also a life-long friendship, you have helped me so much, money is nothing, just make friends.

Mo Feixin said that I just like people with scenes like you, you are particular.

This kind of friend has definitely been made before, much stronger than Wang Ziheng.

Murphy didn't ask what are the benefits of being promoted to Legendary. The other party will definitely not tell you about such things involving the bottom card, so it's better not to ask rashly.

With the settlement of the plot, the other players participating in the battle also gained their own gains, but compared with the two, they are completely incomparable.

The only pity is that the big boss C'Thun didn't lose anything, and it was probably wiped clean by Ner'zhul in advance.

There is no way, what can a summoned creature drop.

Although the war is over, the follow-up development of the next thing is far from over.

Hunting down those fleeing Ahn'Qiraj is an important task.

As a branch of the Aqir Zerg, the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg has a strong ability to reproduce. Without the spiritual domination of the ancient gods, it will soon restore the nature of insects, nesting, hunting, multiplying, and growing.

Although it is impossible to develop a horrific bug swarm like before, it will still be an ecological disaster. You must know that Sirisus used to be a tropical jungle with lush vegetation, but it was ravaged by the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg and gnawed directly It's a desert.

Therefore, for a long time to come, the night elves will continue to clear up these Zergs and reduce their numbers.

Fortunately, now that there are adventurers to help, these troublesome things can naturally be handed over to them, such as 'where to go' and 'kill a few'. This kind of hunting mission just needs to be arranged carefully.

There are also good things, such as those material treasures in the temple of Ahn'Qiraj.

After the monster lair is captured, it can be plundered and scraped. The higher the level of the monster lair, the more abundant the supplies.

NPCs are different from players, they don't have the concept of limit operation, and generally hoard a lot of resources.

Although a large number of treasures were taken away by the orcs in advance, the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg has lived in Sirisus for thousands of years, and its wealth reserves are still astonishing, not to mention the treasures created by the tol'vir and the giant Anubisas back then. All of the wealth has now become the spoils of the Night Alliance.

But there is nothing about Murphy here.

It wasn't that he wasn't qualified to participate. In fact, Tyrande and Malfurion strongly invited him to participate in mining wealth and distributing the spoils.

However, Murphy refused decisively.

The reason is very simple, if the benefits are shared, then the favor this time will naturally be gone.

Although you helped us kill the ancient gods, you also took away the loot. It's equivalent to playing a dungeon with everyone. After the battle, you will get a point for the equipment, and no one owes anyone else.

But Murphy can't just let it go. The Night Alliance is an entire official faction. Favors that can be owed to him by an entire faction are definitely worth more than some treasures.

Besides, these treasures have already been taken by the orcs, so it is estimated that there will be nothing too good left.

Now that 2000 million has been entered into the account, Murphy can't look down on this thing anymore.

So I directly refused, and said in a high-spirited manner, that we, the mighty Storm Dragon King, Lord Protector of Alterac, help you out of good intentions, and do good deeds without expecting anything in return—just don’t refuse when we ask you for help in the future.

However, when truckloads of rare ores, precious materials, ancient books, and sophisticated equipment were pulled out of the temple, Murphy still felt a little regretful.

Damn, a lot of loot.

It's no wonder that Mo Fei was amazed. He had only turned over Frost Dragon's Nest, Bandit Fortress and the like at most before. Although the value of the resources he plundered was huge, compared with the power of world-killing monsters like the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, it was inferior. It's not a star and a half, and the spoils of war are naturally completely incomparable.

Emperor Shenwu took a large amount of spoils as a matter of course, and he was the hero who killed Ke'suen.

The centaur family even assumed huge responsibilities and casualties in this battle.

Emperor Shenwu (King of the Centaur): "Haha, brother Aidan, don't be jealous. Don't look at the many things. In fact, there are not many valuables. They are all ordinary goods. Besides, I am running an entire racial power. The troops lost in this battle are not limited to these, and speaking of which, I have lost money."

Murphy has no doubts about this. Wars are always a matter of burning money, and the same is true for wars between the Alliance and the Horde. In the end, no one wins. Not one level.

Even if you win, you lose money.

Although adventurers can be resurrected, the potion money, repair fees, magic scrolls, and arrow bandages that are consumed are all money.

Murphy has always suspected that those who provoked these wars were all tricks of the game company. Otherwise, how would they consume the player's resources? With the war, the supplies in the auction would be sold like crazy. It's for sale.

Not to mention, you can buy a lot of good things in the mall.

Emperor Shenwu (King of the Centaur): "By the way, if you are not in a hurry to go back, why don't you go to Haotian City with me for two days and show you the main city of my centaur clan."

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Is it far?"

"It's not too far, it's in the Barrens, but it's not barren now. :"

"Huh? How to say."

"I hired a whole team of experts, assembled hundreds of thousands of slave laborers, and worked on infrastructure construction in the barren land for more than half a year. Water diversion from north to south, water from west to east, reservoir dams built, oasis fertile fields opened up, and today's The barren land is full of life.

Needless to say, environmental protection in the game is much more economical than environmental protection in reality. "

Murphy was amazed when he heard that, as expected of a rich player, he played so well.

Murphy thought about it, but he wasn't in a hurry to go back, he might as well go and have a look.

After discussing with everyone, Hemet and Mengmeng chose to go back to Ironforge directly, but Morgan Lisa happily expressed her willingness to follow.

Anyway, Mo Fei could fly back directly, so he asked everyone to go back by boat, and he and Morgan Lisa joined the army of Emperor Shenwu's class returning to the court.

Three days later————

"Is this the barren land?"

Standing on the airship, looking at the vast green land below, Murphy asked in disbelief.

Although some old barren traces can still be seen, overall, the greening rate has exceeded 70%, which looks quite pleasing to the eye.

"That's right, how about it? It's not bad, but the south is better. There are still many barren areas in the north."

"It's really amazing!"

Murphy sighed sincerely.

He is still very confident when it comes to farming equipment, fighting bosses, and exploring hidden plots, but he has to admire the courage of Emperor Shenwu for such a big project of environmental transformation.

In the distance, a magnificent city appeared on the vast plain.

Open the map and check it out. Its location is probably at the crossroads in history.

"Hey, why did you build a city in this kind of place? Why didn't you choose the location of Orgrimmar?"

Historically, the tribe established the main city Orgrimmar on the east side of the barren land near the sea. Its name was in honor of Orgrim, and that area was called Durotar in honor of Thrall's father. Durotan.

But now, everything is clearly different.

"No need, the location of Orgrimmar is indeed dangerous and suitable for defense, but our centaur family is best at field warfare on the plains, but it is not suitable for urban warfare, so the location of the main city is naturally more open, flatter and more suitable for defense. good.

On the plains, my centaur army is not afraid of any enemy. "

Murphy nodded, which made sense.

At this time, a harpy suddenly landed on the ship's side, lowered her head and whispered something in Emperor Shenwu's ear.

Emperor Shenwu's expression changed slightly, and he suddenly laughed.

"what happened?"

"A very interesting thing has happened. Maybe you will want to know that the tribe has begun to gather troops and is preparing to pass through the Dark Portal for the third time."

(End of this chapter)

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