Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 436 Garrosh and the Naaru

Chapter 436 Garrosh and the Naaru

Horde is going to war again?
Murphy was not too surprised when he heard the news. In fact, this was already within his expectation, and it was also the consensus reached by players in the alliance.

If you think about it, you will understand that the main focus of this game is PVP+PVE, and PVE is naturally about fighting bosses and doing dungeons.

The core gameplay of PVP is faction confrontation and plot battle.

This game currently does not have the battlefields and arenas in traditional games—in fact, even if it is launched, it is estimated that it will not be so popular. If you can personally participate in the battle that changed history, who would play it—unless There are benefits or something.

Therefore, it is almost certain that the tribe will counterattack Azeroth. If the tribe does not come, there will be so much PVP content.

Regardless of whether it is tribe players, alliance players, game officials, or even the wishes of plot characters, this war is inevitable, it is nothing more than fighting early or late.

What surprised Murphy was that when the tribe chose to go to war, he thought it would take half a year or a year, but after only a few months, he couldn't help but go to war again, and he didn't know the population of the tribe. Now, can an army of millions be assembled again? Although the orcs can give birth, it's only been a few months, so it won't be born so quickly, right?

This is not the mitotic greenskin in Warhammer.

The choice of this time point is quite good. The Kingdom of Stromgarde and the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas have just withdrawn from the group, and the strength of the alliance has dropped a lot.

However, with so many factions branched out from the tribe, the heroes of the older generation are almost dead, and I feel that they should be much weaker.

It's really hard to say when you really fight.

Another thing that surprised him was that Emperor Shenwu received the news so quickly, and there is still no news on the forum.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "And how do you know?"

Emperor Shenwu (King of Centaur): "Have you heard of tribal groups?"

Murphy nodded. Of course, he had heard of it. The investment company founded by the chief of the tribe himself was very popular.

"I invested tens of millions in the tribal group, and I can be regarded as a small shareholder, so any major actions of the tribe must be reported to us in advance, and we can only implement them with the consent of our shareholders. After all, wars between tribes are not only Game behavior is more of a commercial behavior, so it is natural to know.

This plan has just been submitted, but it has already been approved by the majority of shareholders. It is estimated that the fight will start in two days. This matter is also related to you, so let me tell you, should I make preparations early. "

Murphy was speechless after hearing this, why are you still a shareholder of the tribe... Sure enough, capital has no borders.

But let him know the news in advance, so he can take advantage of it.

For example, if you resell war materials in advance, at least you can make a lot of money.

"Aren't you going to join the tribe?" Morgan Lisa suddenly asked suspiciously. "I feel that the painting style of centaur and tribe is quite similar."

Emperor Shenwu laughed loudly, "Of course it's impossible. I'm a good centaur king. How could I go to those orcs? The strength of our Dark Night Alliance is now higher than that of the Horde, but are you playing games, anyway? It’s impossible to really kill the opponent by killing them, it’s just a plan in advance, look, Haotian City is here.”

Ahead, the majestic city was finally clearly visible.

The city is located on an open plain, surrounded by vast grasslands and sparse forests in between, giving it the air of a king.

Looking at the majestic city in front of him, Murphy sighed, but couldn't help thinking about the current situation of the tribe, and he didn't know when the attack would be launched. Should he notify Stormwind City?And Godwin, if he knew about this, how would he react?
Speaking of which, he is also one of the top executives of the alliance. When it comes to fighting, this is another good time to collect plot points, but it will affect the dragon slaying operation a bit, alas.

But don't be afraid, the big deal is to slay dragons at ordinary times, and come back to participate in the battle when there is a big war.


Meanwhile - Draenor - Terokkar Forest:

This cold and quiet forest was extremely lively today. The orcs' boots trampled on the soil, and the roar of the war wolves scared the sky away. The torrent-like army of orcs completely surrounded the city of holy light.

On a hillside only a few miles away from the city wall, Ba Dao ruthlessly rode a wolf, looking at the majestic city in front of him exuding a sacred halo, he felt a little bit emotional, what a big city, it was able to sweep Draenor before the orcs. How lucky to have survived the tide.

That light must have come from a creature called 'Naru'.

In fact, what he, the great chief of the tribe, didn't know was that Shattras had been captured by orcs long ago, and the city was slaughtered directly.

Today's residents in the city were regrouped after the arrival of the naaru, not only the draenei, but also survivors and refugees from other races, almost all of whom were victims of the wave of orcs.

Now they are hiding in this city, trying to avoid their greatest enemy, but it is a pity that Ba Dao Wuqing, who has known the history for a long time, sent people to investigate the city very early, and now it is time to solve this trouble.

A young orc warlord followed him on a warg.

Dranosh Saurfang (Overlord of the Overlord): "Great Chief, are we really not going to launch an attack? Those Draenei are so weak, as long as you give me [-] troops, they will definitely be defeated within three days." Take it down."

Ba Dao ruthlessly glanced at the little Saurfang who was eager to try, and then at Xiaohou on the other side. Compared with the impulsive and belligerent little Saurfang, Xiaohou was much calmer.

This inevitably surprised him. Speaking of which, Xiaohou has always been a reckless and belligerent image in his impression, and the nickname 'brainless roar' was not called for nothing in history.

But he didn't expect Xiao Hou to be so calm and composed now, and he didn't show any impetuousness in the face of a big battle, and he didn't know if it was the result of his father's precepts and deeds.

Ba Dao Wu Qing (tribal chief): "Be patient, Dranosh, don't be so impatient, as a fighter, you must keep calm at all times, and don't let the anger go to your head, otherwise you will die on this sooner or later.

To take a long-term view, our goal is to conquer Azeroth, not just a dilapidated small city in front of us. Destroying Shattrath is easy, but we can't get anything except a large number of casualties and harvesting a ruin. On the contrary , Keeping it can be of many uses, let those enemies who are dissatisfied with the tribe gather in this city, so that it is more convenient for us to monitor and monitor.

And those creatures called 'naaru' have what I want, and I'd like to get it if I can. "


A huge crow descended from the sky and turned into a black-feathered arakkoa wizard.

The bird man limped up to the ruthless wolf and prostrated himself.

This is the newly recruited race of the tribe—the arakkoa. As the original race of Draenor, it once established a powerful arakkoa empire. It was later slaughtered and conquered by the orcs. The remaining arakkoa hid in their dilapidated temples and survived. Well, in the past, the orcs looked down on these weak races, and there was no other way but slaughter.

But Ba Dao Wuqing saw their value, at least they could be used as auxiliary spell-casting units, and they could also be used as scouts.

Most importantly, it is possible to add a new joining race.

So I looked for a chance to eat carrots and sticks, and successfully recruited a batch.

Udark (Arakkoa Wizard): "Warchief, quack, those stubborn draenei won't surrender."

"Have you made my request clear?"

"Quack, sure, quack, but they'd like to interview you in person, quack."

An orc chief said angrily: "Great chief, what are you waiting for, hehe, you should kill them all!"

Ba Dao glared at the orc ruthlessly, and the orc chief suddenly dared not speak.

Now with the surrender of Grogo Xieyan, Ba Dao Wuqing has completely established his authority within the tribe. The main reason is that the big clans have been separated. Apart from the player clan, there are several small clans who follow him. There is no confidence to call him number at all.

Ba Dao ruthlessly glanced at the warlords and chiefs behind him, "Who of you would like to go for me and tell the other party my request."

As soon as the words came out, no one answered.

The draenei and the orcs have a deep hatred. Wouldn't it be death if they went in to negotiate?Besides, negotiating is not the style of orcs.

And talking about things like this always feels not manly enough.

However, after a moment of silence, someone still stood up.

"I'm coming, Warchief!" Garrosh said calmly.

"Oh, you are not afraid that they will kill you?"

"With the great chief around, they wouldn't dare to do anything, and I won't give them this chance." Garrosh was surprisingly confident.

"Okay, then you go, if you die, I will let this city be buried with you." Ba Dao said ruthlessly.

The gate of the city opened slowly, and Garrosh stepped in, followed by two orc guards. Refugees crowded both sides of the dilapidated street. The refugees from Shattrath looked at Garrosh with hatred and fear. In the past ten years, orcs have almost slaughtered the entire planet.

Those who can survive almost have a deep blood feud with the orcs, but similarly, the endless killings have already left too much shadow and fear in their hearts. Now looking at the three orcs, although there is much hatred, but more More is fear.

Especially the tide-like army of orcs outside the city.

Not even the thick walls of Shattrath gave them any sense of security.

Even though their eyes were burning, no one dared to curse or throw a stone.

In this strange and oppressive silence, Garrus walked all the way into the Hall of Holy Light.

In the hall of holy light, Garrosh finally saw the creature named 'naaru'.

The naaru is a kind of energy creature composed of pure holy light. For the draenei who believe in the way of holy light, they are sacred and noble existences.

There is not only one naaru, but the one in front of him should undoubtedly be their leader, and it is not difficult to identify it from the size alone.

It was suspended in the air like a huge jigsaw puzzle, and its body was composed of many different luminous fragments. These fragments combined into a mysterious rune pattern, exuding a soft divine light, making Garrosh feel inexplicably kind, joyful, comfortable, Peace of mind, just like the feeling when I saw my father for the first time.

He nodded as a salute.

A voice suddenly sounded in his mind, gentle and calm.

Adal (Naru): "I am A'dal, the leader of the Naaru, tell me your purpose, orc."

Garrus Hellscream (Battle Warlord): "Mr. Adal, I have brought the will of the chief. Outside Shattrath City, millions of tribesmen are waiting to destroy this city at any time, but the chief He is benevolent, he is deeply aware that all the mistakes made by the tribe in the past are the result of the bewitching of the demons of the Burning Legion.

Fel energy nearly destroyed the world, so the warchief has decided to ban the use of fel energy indiscriminately.

It was the Draenei who brought the demons into this world, but considering that the Draenei had already paid a heavy price, the warchief decided not to pursue this responsibility. Since everyone is at fault, let everything pass Bar. "

Hearing this, the draenei around are going crazy in popularity, can you f*ck talk, the emotional orcs almost killed all the draenei, is it all our fault?
Let it go...

After saying this, even Garrosh himself felt a little blush. He didn't think it was a big deal to talk about murder and arson. Can the orc thing be called evil?

But it's a bit shameful to come to the door to mock and talk nonsense with your eyes open.

Fortunately, Xiaohou was a brown-skinned orc, so he couldn't tell it was blushing.

Garroth Hellscream (Warlord): "The Warchief has decided that as long as Shattrath accepts the peace talks and joins the Horde, we will no longer be enemies."

Join a tribe?

These draenei feel extremely absurd. They feel that either they are crazy or the orcs in front of them are crazy. The draenei have a bloody feud with the orcs, and they are almost wiped out. Now let’s say you join the tribe...

Garrus Hellscream (Warlord): "Of course, this does not require the Draenei to really join the tribe's legion, as long as they obey the tribe's rule in name, this conflict between the orcs and the Draenei Even if it's over.

Oh, by the way, my great chief also said that he hopes to send orc apprentices to learn the way of the Holy Light from all the naaru. "

"This is absolutely impossible!" The Draenei garrison officer shouted angrily. Teaching the orcs the way of the holy light is not imparting power to the enemy. What's more, how can these barbaric and bloodthirsty orcs learn the power of the holy light? It's as absurd as letting mushroom people learn to use fire magic. "

Mushroom people are spore people, this thing is plant life...

Garrus glanced at the draenei garrison officer, but he didn't get angry. In fact, after his father taught him, he could understand the reactions of these draenei.

"Mr. Adal, please make a decision. It is to accept the sincerity of the great chief. From now on, Shattrath will become a permanently neutral and peaceful city, and the tribe will promise never to take the initiative to attack Shattrath.

Or refuse this goodwill, then the tribe's army will crush the city to powder within a day, and every resident in the city, regardless of race or age, will be slaughtered.

Join the tribe or be crushed, it all depends on Mr. Adal's choice. "

These iron-blooded and realistic remarks suddenly made the angry shouts in the hall extremely quiet. Yes, they are not only them, but also their family and children. All the draenei fighters are silent.

PS: There are more at night.

(End of this chapter)

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