Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 437 Your Great Chief Chapter is Here

Chapter 437 Your great chief is back

After half an hour—

"Great Chief, aren't we going to conquer Azeroth? Why waste time on this ruined city."

"What do you know, we must first settle down when fighting against the outside world, and we must ensure that there is no threat in our rear before we can launch an expedition with confidence." Ba Dao ruthlessly told these new generation of orc warriors about the tribe's war in Azeroth, Various reasons for failure.

He is very clear that the war with the alliance is definitely not something that can be separated in one or two wars. In the long run, which side has the greater war potential and which side will have the last laugh. The most important thing is the leader, the hero, the chief, Lords and such.

No matter how many soldiers there are, it is also a background board. The sky world is a view of hero history, and what is seen is the power of heroes.

Just as he was speaking, the gate of Shattrath opened slowly, and Garrosh walked out with his guards.

"Great Chief, Adal accepted your terms, but he is only willing to accept no more than ten orc apprentices."

Ba Dao Wuqing chuckled, "Okay, ten people will be ten."

He only cares about how many orc apprentices there are, not to mention ten, even three or five are enough, as long as the problem of whether there are any is solved.

The ten Orc Holy Light disciples are not the key point, the key point is that in this way, new adventurer professions can be added for the adventurers of the tribe. As long as the plot makes sense, new professions can be developed.

As for how many orc paladins and orc priests there will be at that time, that is not up to Nalun.

"You did a great job Garrosh. I have to say that you are even better than your father back then."

Garrosh was slightly taken aback by this praise, but he didn't say anything.

[World Announcement: In the 1450th year of the Firmament Era, the naaru of Shattrath accepted the tribe's peace agreement. Shattrath joined the tribe in name and became a neutral city under the rule of the tribe.

The great chief of the tribe, Badao Wurui, sent a group of orc apprentices into Shattrath to practice the way of the Holy Light with Naaru. From this, the teaching of the Holy Light gradually appeared in the tribe.

This event has been recorded in the Chronicles of the Sky】

[System prompt: Your camp has added a new power system, you can check it on the camp management interface. 】

Ba Dao Wuqing immediately opened the camp management interface, and sure enough, a new power system was added.

[Power of Holy Light: Since you sent orc apprentices to practice Holy Light, your faction technology tree has acquired technology related to Holy Light.

1. Develop related arms: Consume 50000 gold to develop a new arm with Holy Light as the core power system, and there is a 10% probability of developing an extraordinary arm.

2. Develop related occupations: Consume 100000 gold to develop a new occupation with Holy Light as its power system.There is a 50% chance to develop an advanced career.

Ba Dao resolutely chose to develop a new profession.

The 100 million coupons were thrown in instantly.

System prompt: The development is successful. Among the orc adventurers, there are some special groups who practice the holy light. The orcs cannot understand the teachings of the holy light such as humility, compassion, and mercy, but their fanatical pursuit of heroism and glory makes them master it in another way. With the power of the Holy Light.

A new adventurer class added to the Horde: Glory Thug (advanced warrior class) - the fanatical pursuit of glory and the worship of power allow these orc warriors to bless themselves with the power of the Holy Light, improve their own strength and defense, and Heal your wounds.

They believe that the power of the Holy Light will protect them from enemies and make them the pride of the tribe. As long as they have glory in their hearts, they can be invincible. Only when they win can they gain glory and the favor of the Holy Light.

Sure enough, it was successful, it was this Glory thug, I felt a little inexplicably happy when I heard it.

He took a look at the advanced skills of this class, mainly focusing on Holy Light-enhanced armor and weapons, and he can also use Holy Light to heal himself, which belongs to a very fleshy tank class.

In addition, Glory Thugs also have a special ability. Every time they win a battle, they will get a BUFF called 'Horde of the Horde', which increases the power of their skills and critical strike rate. This BUFF can also be superimposed. A model of growing stronger.

Not bad.

Ba Dao Wuqing has been developing new adventurer professions for the tribe during this time. As long as the tribe camp integrates into the new power system, the corresponding professions and arms can be developed in the camp management interface, but they all cost money, and this profession It will vary according to culture and race.

For example, this glory thug is obviously not a concept at all with the paladins of the alliance.

So far, he has developed three new advanced professions.

Glory mob (warrior, thief advanced career).

Fel Knight (Warrior, Warlock Advanced Class): This class is mainly evolved from the necromancy mastered by Grogo Evileye. Grogo Evileye is the first Fel Knight, for the upcoming During the war, he helped Ba Dao Ruqing create a group of fel knights, which were basically the same as the historical tribal death knights.

However, when developing the class, the system reminded that the name Death Knight had already been used. In the end, Ba Dao Wuqing could only use the name 'Fel Knight' randomly given by the system, which was very depressing.

Furious Hunter (Warrior, Hunter Advanced Profession): This powerful hunter gave up long-range weapons such as bows and crossbows, held a battle axe, and fought side by side with his beast companions to hunt those powerful beasts, Gorons, elements, and even demons together .

It's a bit like a warrior but it can't wear heavy armor, but it can take a baby. It's a melee hunter.

Now that there is this glorious thug, the adventurers of the tribe are blessed.

Ba Dao Wuqing looked at the development of new professions in this way, of course, to attract more adventurers.

He is very clear that adventurers usually don't have much sense of belonging to the camp, and the gameplay is king. Many people, even the alliance and tribes, will experience it and play whichever side is fun.

Therefore, the more occupations and the more cool they are, the more adventurers can be used.

It can be said that it is very important to have one more on your own side and one less on the alliance side.

Everything is ready, and the war is finally about to begin.

Two Days Later—The Dark Portal—

The majestic Dark Portal stands on the Hellfire Plain, and around the Dark Portal are fortresses, arrow towers, and fortifications of countless tribes.

At the beginning, because he was worried that the Alliance would cross the Dark Portal to attack Draenor, Ba Dao Ruthless has been arranging manpower to deploy around the Dark Portal. Now it has become a huge fortress group. Once the Alliance passes through the Dark Portal, waiting for their attack It will be an impregnable defense system.

But now it is the Horde that is attacking.

Countless orc armies are slowly passing through the Dark Portal, one team after another, with no end in sight.

Murphy's guess was correct. The tribe did not have a million-strong army, but relying on the strong breeding ability of the orcs, of course the main thing was to spend money.

In the past four months, Ba Dao Wu Qing has assembled a full 50 troops.

Coupled with a considerable number of servants of various ethnic groups, their momentum is not weak compared to the tribes in the second war.

This time, Ba Dao Wuqing spent a lot of money in order to kill Draenor. After the approval of the board of directors, countless money was spent and countless war machines were built.

Fel mechas, hellfire chariots, and steel war scorpions are all more cool than each other, and of course the cost is also more expensive than each other. This is much more powerful than the old tribe that relied on catapults to support the scene in the past.

Especially the magic mecha. The 40-meter-high mana mecha walked all the way, and even the ground trembled.

Grogo Xieyan is supervising the warlocks to provide technical services to the tribal army. After obtaining the shares of the tribal group, Grogo Xieyan decisively chose to take refuge in Badao Wuqing, and now he can't work hard.

They are all migrant workers. Working for the Burning Legion is not as good as working for capitalists. The Burning Legion can at most give you some power, or give you a succubus secret, a nightmare horse mount or something.

The capitalists give money.

And if you have shares, you will be the boss. Making money for yourself is much more enjoyable than working for the Burning Legion.

Riding a nightmare steed, with the appearance of King Lane, but the green light of fel energy in the eyes, Grogo Xieyan's new look is much cooler than the original orc warlock.

Grogo Evil Eye (Fel Energy Knight): "Great Chief, the first batch of fel mechs have been shipped, and now we are shipping the components of the No. [-] weapon 'Supremus'. Can complete the transportation work.

Ba Dao relentlessly glanced at the transport vehicle not far away, and saw a huge cart being dragged by four clefthoof oxen, on which was a huge rock of more than ten meters.

Ba Dao Wu Qing (tribal chief): "This is Hellfire?"

Grogo Evil Eye (Fel Energy Knight): "To be precise, this is just one leg of Hellfire. Because it is too large, it can only be dismembered and transported there before being reassembled." Grogo Evil Eye Said not without complacency.

The No. 200 weapon 'Supremus' is indeed a hellfire, but it is the largest hellfire created by warlocks in history. It was when the evil fire army and the sword army were at war that he specially summoned orc warlocks to consume a lot of resources The final decisive weapon developed is close to [-] meters in height, even stronger than the giant mecha in the Pacific Rim.

It's a pity that this thing is fierce, but it requires too much fel energy to activate it. Grogo Xieyan took a group of warlocks as charging treasures for a week and failed to activate it.

In the end, it could only lie on the outside of the Dark Temple.

But now that there is an entire tribe as the background, it is different. If there are not enough warlocks, you can find adventurers. With the current number of tribe players, tens of thousands of warlocks can gather together.

Now I no longer have to worry about not having enough evil energy.

When this big guy comes out, he won't be invincible on the battlefield.

Ba Dao ruthlessly looked at this foot but nodded in satisfaction. Men, all have this mentality that the bigger the better, especially for war weapons, big is beautiful and big is strong.

The final battle weapon or something, it's so emotional.

"Very well, the power of the Horde will eventually make Azeroth tremble, ahahahaha!"

"Ahahahaha!" Grogo Xieyan also laughed, and the two of them felt like evil villains.

"By the way, Chief, have you ever worried that some of our shareholders will disclose the news to the alliance?"

Hearing this question, Ba Dao Wuqing stopped laughing, but a sternness flashed in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I only have a plan. I just promised the shareholders to attack Azeroth, but how to fight, how to fight, who to fight first, who to fight for, and how long to fight, that's not up to them to decide."

At this moment, behind Ba Dao Wuqing, little Saurfang and Xiao Roar also looked shocked, they had never seen such a scene in Nagrand.

Looking at the huge black army and all kinds of war weapons, the blood of the young orcs suddenly boiled.

And on a mountain peak in the distance, Grom Hellscream was wearing a fur cloak, looking at this strange yet familiar scene, he couldn't help but sigh.

The war is about to start again.

He saw the son who was following Ba Dao Wuqing, full of vigor, just like himself back then—no, compared to himself who was only thinking about killing and conquering back then, his son was obviously much calmer.

But they also yearn for war and make contributions.

He thought of all the past that happened in Azeroth, the screams of his soldiers dying in battle, the screams of killing enemies, the friendship, hatred, everything, it seemed like yesterday, and it seemed like a lifetime had passed.

Finally, Grom showed a determined look—he must never let his tragedy happen to his son again.

He slowly walked down the mountain.

Ba Dao Wuqing was the third wave to pass through the Dark Portal. To be cautious, he first sent some orc adventurers to serve as vanguards (cannon fodder). Fortunately, this time the Alliance did not gather troops to block the Dark Portal.

He was not surprised by this. He had already planted many spies on the Alliance side and reported the situation at any time. Orgrim didn't know it back then, so he was very familiar with this trick, and his spies were everywhere in Stormwind City. people.

According to the news sent back by these spies, the army in Stormwind City has no intention of gathering at all, and the other kingdoms are not aware of it.

On the contrary, the adventurers from the Kingdom of Stormwind gathered thousands of people to block the door when they heard that there was movement on the side of the tribe. They were beaten up by tens of thousands of adventurers from the tribe and easily defeated.

It was unbelievable that everything was going well.

The only relatively big threat at present is the tens of thousands of troops in the Watch Fort on the edge of the cursed land. Those are elite troops from all countries in the alliance, and they are used to monitor the movements of the tribe.

Moreover, the Fortress of Watch is extremely strong and cannot be breached easily.

Standing under the statue of the Portal of Darkness at this moment, Ba Dao glanced ruthlessly at the two statues built on the basis of Medivh.

Suddenly there is a sense of mission to create history.

There is no script to copy, and I feel a little at a loss.

Garrosh Hellscream (Overlord): "Warchief, what do we do next?"

Ba Dao Wuqing (tribal chief): "Send messengers to the major legions and ask them to send troops to join the battle. Tell them, I, Ba Dao Wuqing, your great chief—is back!"

(End of this chapter)

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