Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 438

Chapter 438
Blackrock Mountains - Blackrock Tower -

Brother Black Hand sat on the stands of the training ground, looked at the orc fighters in the hall below who were training against each other, and nodded in satisfaction.

After several months of tug-of-war with the Dark Iron Dwarves at Blackrock Spire, they finally gained a foothold.

The largest output of the Blackrock Spire is a large amount of black iron ore. Using the metal ore here, coupled with the forging technology obtained from the black iron dwarves, the equipment of the Blackstone clan has been upgraded again, and all black iron heavy armor , strong soldiers and sharp blades, it is no longer the tragic situation of a man with an ax in his hand.

The heavy army of the Blackstone clan was finally established again. Looking at the rows of tin cans in the training ground below, Reid Blackhand suddenly felt proud. This is the foundation of the Blackhand family.

A Blackstone guard hurried over, "Master Chief, the Great Chief's messenger has arrived."

Great Chief?Tyrannical sword is ruthless?

The two brothers looked at each other, both a little surprised.

Since Ba Dao ruthlessly blocked the Dark Portal, Draenor and Azeroth have basically stopped communicating with each other. They have no idea what happened on Draenor.

I don't even know that the tribe has risen again now.

I'm somewhat curious about Ba Dao's ruthless return to Azeroth.

"This is a letter from the warchief."

The two brothers took the letter and read it again, and were immediately surprised.

The content of the letter is very simple.

I, Ba Dao Wuqing, the great chief of the tribe, inheriting the legacy of Orgrim, vowed to crush the alliance and conquer Azeroth.

Now that the 50 army has been prepared, according to the strategy formulated by Orgrim back then, all major legions must send troops to join the alliance according to the agreement of the year to build a great cause together.

I am now waiting at the Portal of Darkness for you to lead your troops to join the alliance.

Maim Mafia said, "Brother, are we going to meet the alliance?
Red Blackhand shook his head, "Blackstone Mountain is our home, our foundation, the Blackstone Clan managed to gain a firm foothold here, how could they give up so easily.

Besides, the alliance is not so easy to fight. "

There is no way, it is really because during the first two wars, Reid Blackhand was psychologically shadowed by the alliance.

For the first time, Dad was directly slapped.

The second bloody battle lasted for half a year, but it was finally reversed.

To say that the fighting power of the soldiers of the alliance is actually the same, but it can't stand the fact that there are many heroes and lords, and the top fighting power of the tribe is too far behind.

Not only is the number inferior to the opponent, but they are also not united enough. Everyone has their own ideas, and in the early stage, they can rely on the seven heroes of Draenor to play a wave of advantages.

Later, with Gul'dan leaving, Hellscream disappeared, and the strongest fighters of the tribe died one after another, Destroyer Blackhand, Brother Saurfang, Durotan, Orgrim, Kargath Bladefist... …those mighty heroes fell one by one.

Red Black Hand witnessed the tragedy of this war with his own eyes, and he really didn't want to continue to participate in the war.

Calling the messenger, Red Blackhand stated his decision, "Tell the chief, I really want to join him, but we have just established a foothold in the Blackstone Mountains, and the Black Iron Dwarves have been trying to regain this territory. The underground is attacking, so I have to prepare for the war with the Dark Iron Dwarves, so I can't participate in the war.

However, I am still willing to serve the warchief. I will send an elite Dark Iron heavy infantry to join the Horde's army, and I will also provide a batch of Dark Iron equipment to the Horde's warriors, including the Dark Iron dwarf blacksmith. "

The main force must not be sent, but it is still possible to send a small group of troops to provide some equipment.

The messenger didn't talk nonsense, he nodded and agreed.


Stranglethorn Valley - Blood God Fortress -

"What, Ba Dao ruthlessly asked me to meet him and fight the alliance together?"

Kilrogg Deadeye sat on the chieftain's throne, facing the sneer on the face of the orc messenger in front of him.

"Tell the 'Great Chief' that we are currently being harassed by trolls, and we don't have the energy to help him fight. Besides, the Blood Ring clan has already withdrawn from the tribe, so you can get out."

But the messenger was not angry.

"Chief Kilrogg, my great chief said that we are all orcs, tribal brothers from Draenor. We should unite as one to survive in this strange world. Of course he understands the difficulties of Chief Kilrogg. , So when I came, he said that the Blood God Legion does not need to send out a large army, as long as it casually dispatches some special troops, it will be fine.

As long as the face is decent, the chief can let go of the past, and if the Blood God Legion is in trouble in the future, the tribe is willing to help. "

Um?Kilrogg Dead Eye couldn't help being a little puzzled. Back then, Ba Dao Rurui inherited the position of Great Chief, but he voted against it.

Is Ba Dao Wuqing so easy to talk to?
After thinking about it, it is not a big deal to send only a small number of troops. It is better to maintain a good relationship with the tribe than to have many enemies.

"I can send fifty blood priests to join the tribe's army." Kilrogg said tentatively.

Fifty blood priests are really a bit out of hand. This is not enough for an alliance adventure team to kill in a day.

However, when the messenger came, he had received instructions from Ba Dao Wurui, and there was no requirement for the quantity at all.

"Okay, fifty blood god priests are enough, I think the chief will be very satisfied."


Dragon Islands——

"Grab it, don't let it get away."

"Throw and throw the net!"

"Go away you green-skinned monsters, tremble before the power of the dragon--ho!"

The adult red dragon in front of him spurted a mouthful of dragon fire head-on, and the Dragonmaw hunters immediately skillfully avoided the attack of the dragon's breath, while constantly shooting anchor chains and throwing nets.

Angrily, the red dragon smashed an orc infantry into meatloaf, and swept away a hapless orc warrior with its tail.

These hateful green-skinned monsters dared to challenge the majesty of the dragon, which was really intolerable.

Just as it was thinking about how to destroy these orcs, an orc warlock wearing a dragonskin robe slowly walked towards the giant dragon, with a magical crystal shining on the top of the staff in his hand.

The red dragon froze for a moment, and in the next second, a huge force of coercion and restraint suppressed it.

The red dragon fell powerlessly to the ground, wailing in pain, its huge body was powerless to resist.

"You despicable orc, what have you done?"

Nekrus (Chief Dragon Throat): "Hehehehe, it doesn't matter what I did, soon it won't be something you need to worry about, give up struggling, give up resisting, it's meaningless."

Looking at the huge dragon in front of him, Nekros has no fear. Facing the power of the dragon soul, these dragons can only surrender.

He put the staff on the forehead between the dragon's horns, the crystal light on the staff flashed, and the dragon's eyes immediately became empty and lifeless, as if its soul had been sucked out, and it was tamed obediently by the orcs. Master Long put on the collar and shackles, and hung up the saddle.

This is already the seventh dragon hunted today.

This dragon island is really a paradise for hunting dragons.

An orc dragon knight descended from the sky, and the green young dragon under his crotch was unusually obedient.

The Dragon Knight quickly walked up to Nekros, "Lord Nekros, the great chief has sent a messenger."

Five minutes later, Nekrus picked up the messenger, and there was a 'consultant' with him to meet the messenger.

"What? The chief wants us to go to the Dark Portal to meet?"

Nekros subconsciously turned around and looked at the black-skinned orc behind him.

The orc glanced at him, and Nekros's face was dull for a while, and then he returned to normal immediately.

Seriously said: "Dragonmaw Legion is carrying out an important operation, it is inconvenient to join the battle at this time."

The messenger has long been prepared for this: "The great chief said that this situation may occur. If so, please send some dragon knights to help the battle. The number can be any number. The most important thing is that there must be dragons. division."

Nekrus turned around and glanced again. This action made the messenger a little puzzled, who is that black-skinned orc who is so valued?

The black-skinned orc nodded slightly, and now Nekros finally agreed.

Nekros is much more generous than Kilrogg. After discussing with his 'consultant', he decided to send 500 dragon training warriors, [-] young dragons, [-] young dragons, and [-] adult dragons. Go fight for the Horde.

These dragons have been wiped out of consciousness by the dragon soul, and they only have beast-like instincts, which are very suitable for manipulation.

In addition, a batch of dragon trainers and dragon eggs were also sent.

This little resource is nothing to the current Dragonmaw clan. With continuous hunting in the Dragon Islands, the Dragonmaw clan has mastered more than [-] dragons of various colors.


Endless Sea——Abyss Fleet——

The courier jumped off the wyvern, and was immediately startled by the orcs who came to meet him.

There were several eyeballs on the opponent's face, one arm became deformed and thick, his brain was a little crooked, his mouth full of fangs grew randomly, and he had a halazi, making him look not very smart.

Looking at the orcs around them, almost all of them looked like this.

There was something wrong with the look in his eyes.

However, this messenger has seen many scenes. Orcs like to strengthen themselves in various weird ways, drinking the blood of demons, absorbing evil energy, chopping off a hand and pressing it on the blade, and gouging out eyes to gain predictive abilities. The scene is still within the acceptable range.

The messenger shouted loudly, "I am the special envoy of the great chief, on behalf of the tribe to find Master Ner'zhul, take me to see Master Ner'zhul immediately."

tribe?Great Chief?

These two words caused a commotion among the orcs. After these void orcs were automatically transformed, their spirits were not normal, but the titles of tribe and great chief still aroused some of their memories.

Soon the messenger was brought before Ner'zhul.

Ner'zhul was standing at the bow of the ship, staring at the sea in front of him in a daze. His whole body was shrouded in ominous void energy. Cracks appeared on the surface of his body, emitting purple light, which made people shudder.

"Master Ner'zhul, I have a letter from the great chief here, take a look..."

Ner'zhul took the letter, squeezed it lightly, and the letter was reduced to ashes under the power of the void.

"Tell me, what does Ba Dao Wuqing want to do?"

"The Great Chief has assembled an army of 50, and is preparing to launch a third war. This time, the alliance must be completely defeated. This is the plan that Orgrim set at the beginning. Master Ner'zhul, I hope you can practice your original plan. promise."

"Orgrim is an idiot, and Ba Dao Wuqing is a waste. As for Destroyer Blackhand, that guy is as ignorant as a wild boar. Those chiefs and warlords in the tribe are all such things, and they are even worse. Do you still want to conquer this world? Hehehehahahahaha, it's really whimsical.

I have witnessed too many powerful enemies during this long journey. The tribe is doomed to fail if it wants to conquer this world. Tell me the messenger, why should I join a war that is doomed to fail? "

As Ner'zhul said, he couldn't help thinking of the Storm Dragon King and Emperor Shenwu who had fought against each other not long ago. Until now, he still didn't understand what happened to those two guys.

I have mastered the power of the ancient gods, so there is no reason to fail.

That's right, it must be that this 'Pava' is not strong enough, as long as he digs up another ancient god and absorbs it once, he will be truly invincible.

"Master Ner'zhul, what the great chief means is that if you don't plan to join the war, then please send some troops to help the tribe. It doesn't take much. The great chief means that you can just send some tokens."

"Hehehehe, I will not send a single soldier to Ba Dao Wuqing. Tribal wars are meaningless to me. Capturing cities, seizing territories, training soldiers...all of these are meaningless, only power, and power is everything.

Go back and tell Ba Dao Wuqing, when I have found enough power, I will go to him, and I will let him understand how ridiculous his actions are. "

The messenger immediately didn't know how to speak, it was too embarrassing, if he went back and said this to the chief, he wondered if it would cause fury.

"Master Ner'zhul, you should write a letter for me to bring back."


Ner'zhul walked up to the orc, and suddenly grabbed his neck, "This is my reply."

The power of the void was released suddenly, and instantly poured into the body of the orc messenger. His body immediately deformed, and a painful roar came out of his mouth.

A void orc is born.

"Go ahead and tell your warchief everything."

Watch as the courier, corrupted by the forces of the void, disappears into the sky on a wyvern.

Ner'zhul snorted coldly.

At this time, the navigator suddenly shouted, "Look, there is a fog ahead!"

Cho'gall hurried over to ask for instructions: "Master Ner'zhul, the fog ahead has blocked the route, we should return."

"Don't worry, my eyes of the ancient gods can see through this fog, see through everything, keep going my faithful servant, our destination is coming."

Ner'zhul's voice was calm but full of oppression. Cho'gall did not dare to disobey in the slightest. With an order, the huge fleet slowly sailed into the mist and disappeared without a trace.


Shortly after—Dark Portal Horde Camp—

Ba Dao Wuqing (tribal chief): "What? Ner'zhul, an old bastard, dare to say that about us? Did you make a mistake, this orc scum."

Looking at the deformed orc corrupted by the void, Ba Dao Wuqing cursed angrily.

This is a blatant demonstration. I can't even go down the steps for you. Damn it's not as good as Kilrogg.

But Ner'zhul turned to the ancient gods?This plot was a bit beyond expectations.

Not angry, four became three, which is not bad.

He had known for a long time that it was impossible for these legion leaders to come to the alliance. The six legion leaders arranged by Orgrim were all ambitious people. Losing, isn't it because these gangsters are unwilling to fight one by one.

The so-called wolves can't fight dogs, and when all the orc heroes who can really fight are dead, they will be completely useless.

This time playing in the league, thinking about it, I knew that it was impossible to come and be my younger brother.

What he really wants to obtain is the power system, technological equipment, and special arms that these legions have mastered.

Anyway, as long as the plot makes sense, as long as they are still under the jurisdiction of the tribe in name, then they can use the management system to develop arms, occupations, and technologies.

So far the plan looks good.

New arms added:

Black Iron Orc Punisher - a heavy infantry with full offense and defense, first-class resistance, the only drawback is that the speed is a bit slow.

Blood Priest - can cast the curse of blood plague on the enemy, can apply blood recovery BUFF to one's own troops, a good auxiliary unit.

Orc Dragoons - Powerful aerial combat units, available in three different versions, and thanks to a batch of dragon eggs, the clan can now build their own dragon lairs and train their own dragon knights.

Added mounts:

Three-color young dragons, red, blue and green three-color young dragons, Ba Dao Wuqing are going to be distributed as high-level reputation rewards, and adventurers who fight in battles will have to work hard for their reputation in the future.Nowadays, the dragon knights of the Dragonmaw Knights are a motley crew, but the strange thing is that there is neither a black dragon nor a bronze dragon, all of them are red, blue and green dragons.

New equipment:
Dragon Skin Series, Dragon Scale Series, purple quality, you need to buy from the Dragonmaw Quartermaster if you need to be revered or above the tribe's reputation.

Black Iron series, blue quality suits that are openly available, there are two versions of plate armor and mail armor, and there are as many as seventeen blue quality weapons. Tribal adventurers whose reputation has reached respect can be purchased at the Blackstone Quartermaster.

New technologies:

The Dark Iron enchantment, contributed by the Dark Iron dwarf blacksmith, can add additional Black Iron armor pieces to the equipment to increase the defense.

Dragon blood alchemy potion, provided by the Dragonmaw clan, different colors can increase various attribute BUFF, spell resistance and spell power.

Blood Rage Drink, provided by the Blood God Legion, can increase the anger of soldiers and enhance the berserk effect, and it will be more effective when used with Fel Energy Drink.

Ask someone to take the messenger down to the shaman for treatment.

Little Saurfang found him again.

"Warchief, when are we going to attack Keepwatch?"

"Fortress, why did you attack Fortress?"

"That fortress is near the exit to the cursed land. If we don't capture Fort Watcher, our rear will always be threatened."

Ba Dao ruthlessly smiled.

"No, there is no need to attack the Kingdom of Stormwind head-on. I have another goal. I pass on my order. Except for the troops guarding the Dark Gate, all should go south."

Little Saurfang was a little surprised, "But the south is the sea?"

"I'm going to the sea."

Having arranged the marching route, Ba Dao Wuqing returned to his tent and packed his luggage.

"Attacking by sea is very dangerous. The alliance's navy is very powerful, especially the navy of Kurderas. Although your army is strong, I noticed that there is no professional navy." A voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Ba Dao was startled ruthlessly, and when he turned around, he saw a figure with a vicissitudes of life standing there.

He was instantly overjoyed.

"Grom Hellscream, my old man, you are here at last."

He went up to give a hug, and Hellscream pushed Ba Dao Wuqing away expressionlessly, "You haven't answered my question yet."

"Don't worry, everything has been arranged, and the sea route will not encounter any trouble," Ba Dao said confidently, "If you don't believe me, you can act with me and witness with your own eyes how the tribe is in my hands. Conquer the world.

Let's fight together, just like the old days. "

Grom Hellscream looked at Ba Dao Wuqing, and nodded with a complicated expression, "Okay, then I'll wait and see, let's go on the road together—just like the old days."

(End of this chapter)

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