Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 439 Centaur's Exclusive Mount

Chapter 439 Centaur's Exclusive Mount
Barren Land——Haotian City——

"Come on, come on, number five!"

"Number four, rush for me!"

"Hurry up, No. [-], if you lose, I will reward you with a big fireball!"

In the stands of the racecourse in Haotian City, countless spectators shouted frantically at the centaurs who were running extremely fast below, and waved the betting tickets in their hands wildly.

Morgan Lisa was also among them, yelling loudly at the No. [-] horse she bet on. If it weren't for the anti-magic barriers installed around the arena, she probably couldn't help but give No. [-] horse an acceleration spell, or "oil the soles of her feet." ' up.

Morgan Lisa burst into cheers when the centaur wearing the No. 6 jersey rushed across the finish line like a galloping knight.

"Oh yeah, oh yeah! It's a huge profit now, with eight times the odds, haha, [-] gold coins turned into [-] gold coins, I love Haotian City to death."

The Great Emperor Shenwu laughed loudly, "Just as long as you like it, stay for a while if you like it. There are many similar entertainment projects in my Haotian City. I guarantee you will have a good time."

"Haha, then I must go shopping more, Uncle Shenwu, are these projects designed by you? You are very talented."

He was a little overwhelmed by the uncle's shout, but Emperor Shenwu still waved his hand modestly, "It has nothing to do with me, I've been busy fighting wars every day, so I don't have time to design these things, it's the wisdom of the masses, these racehorses The scene was created by my employees."

There is no humility in these words.

In fact, these were not only not made by him, nor even by his direct subordinates, but by some migrant workers who brought their own dry food.

In the past two years, everyone in the Haotian Group knows that the easiest way to do well in the group is to enter the game, join the Centaur Empire, and fight the world with the boss.

If you want the boss to remember, what else is more eye-catching than fighting side by side with the boss, or even bleeding and dying for the boss?
No matter how well you do on weekdays, the boss can’t see it. At most, it’s just a line of comments on the work report. It was in a certain battle to capture the flag, capture the city, and then give the boss a completely different sense.

Such examples are not uncommon, so everyone actively signed up to participate in the matter of Emperor Shenwu summoning the group's employees to play games. Playing games can also get overtime pay, which is such a good thing.

However, not everyone is entitled to this overtime pay. After all, no matter how fun the game is, it is entertainment. No matter how addicted Emperor Shenwu is, he must ensure the normal operation of the group.

Therefore, generally only a few hundred employees in his inner circle receive this treatment.

So many employees of Haotian Group simply bought game helmets at their own expense and came in to get close to the boss.

Almost without exception, these people joined the centaurs.

Of course, these employees don't have overtime pay, but they are all business people, and soon everyone found various business opportunities in the game.

Anyway, the culture of centaurs is barbaric and primitive, so many special entertainment projects have been produced.

'Knight' arena, 'horse' arena, 'horse' stadium, and even Didi beat 'horse'.

It really attracted many players to come to play, which greatly stimulated the commercial taxation of Haotian City.

And there is another benefit in this way, the more people come to Haotian City to play, the stronger the publicity for Haotian Group will be.

Regardless of the fact that Emperor Shenwu spent a lot of money in this game, Emperor Shenwu did not lose money at all. Now the king of centaurs, Haotian City, has become an iconic business card in the game. The advertising effect alone, How many more electric vehicles were sold, and the billions invested were earned back in minutes.

Morgan Lisa blinked, "By the way, you have a lot of players in Haotian City, are they all here to play?"

Emperor Shenwu smiled slightly, "That's not true, there are still a lot of people here to gain reputation."

"Do you have any special reputation rewards in Haotian City?"

"Of course there is, but the most special thing is the mount of our centaur clan."

Morgan Lisa was a little suspicious, "You centaurs still have exclusive mounts?"

"Yes, the exclusive mount of our centaur family is the centaur."

As soon as these words came out, Morgan Lisa was speechless.

But soon she understood.

The prestige and value of each faction and force are completely different. The higher the value, the more adventurers come to the prestige, and the more adventurers do things, the easier it is.

Adventurers are productivity, and the leaders of each camp have gradually realized this, so they have increased the reputation rewards of their camps.

The easiest way to increase the prestige value is to increase the special props of the prestige quartermaster.

Equipment, skill books, rare materials and so on.

However, those things require a lot of resources and money to be developed. Relatively speaking, there is a tricky way, which is the exclusive mount.

This thing doesn't cost much money, as long as there is a suitable domestication map, it can be refreshed in large quantities.

For example, the Hell Boar of the Tyrant Sword Clan, the Holy Light Horse of the Silver Hand Knights, and the Storm Drake of the Dragon Sorrow Knights.

As long as the mount is cool, no one is afraid that no one will come to gain reputation (work).

And the exclusive mount of the Centaur clan is the 'Centaur'. This mount is not only top-notch in speed, but also has an intelligent posture function and a combat function, which is incomparable to mounts of other races.

The mounts of other races need to be manipulated. For a centaur, you just need to tell it where to run, and you can do other things with your free hands. spell.

That's called a mobile operation.

And the centaur itself also has the ability to fight, it can cut people and shoot arrows.

While introducing, Emperor Shenwu took out a horn from his bag.

[Centaur War Horn (Magic Item)
Use: Summons a centaur to fight for you.

Item introduction: The horn worn by the war lord of the centaur clan. It is said that in the vast Kalimdor continent, the footprints of centaurs are all over the world. As long as you hear the sound of the horn, there will be warriors of the centaur clan Come to help. 】

Strictly speaking, this thing is not a mount, but a summoned creature, but the centaur has its own vehicle function, which is equivalent to a mount.

Because this horn is not a mount, the prestige requirement is relatively high. You need to be revered or above to buy it, and the purchase is limited to one piece.

Nowadays, this thing is in high demand. A large number of night elf adventurers came to Haotian City to gain the reputation of the centaur, just to have their own centaur.

On the contrary, the adventurers of the centaur race all ran to gain the reputation of the dark night, because the weapons rewarded by reputation are better.

Speaking of it, centaur players are also very hard, because they have their own mount attributes, so they can't ride on mounts. On land, they can only run on their own four legs. In the sky, they can only make airships, not even hippogryphs. French ride.

Morgan Lisa was also very interested in listening to Emperor Shenwu tell about the current situation of the players on Kalimdor.


Unlike Morgan Lisa's playfulness, the first thing Murphy did when he came to Haotian City was to buy a dozen super-powerful dissolving potions from the alchemy shop.

This will be hiding in his room, staring at the ball of 'Ankarad's contents' in his hand.

This is already the fourth content he has dissolved, and so far nothing too good has been released.

A piece of 'Arcane Crystal Lump (Ore)', a piece of 'Silith Carapace (Junk)', a 'Corrupted Dragon Slayer's Broadsword (Grey Weapon)', an 'Unidentifiable Beast Skull (Junk)' .

Except for the agglomerated arcane crystals, which are still worth a fortune, the remaining three pieces are all rubbish.

But even if the arcane crystal is agglomerated, it is only worth a few hundred gold coins, which is completely incompatible with the status of a boss at the level of the ancestor dragon king.

This ancestor dragon king really eats everything in his stomach.

open open open!There must be something good out of this one.

With a flash of light, the spherical contents were melted by the super-strong dissolving agent, revealing the true appearance inside, but it was an ancient stone slab.

[System prompt: You have obtained the 'Ancient Dragon Slate'. 】

[Ancient Dragon Slate (Ancient Relic)

Use: Decipher the mysterious writing on the tablet, gaining an ability.

Requirements for use: Ancient Dragon Language.

Item introduction: An ancient rock slab, the exact age of which cannot be verified, on which some information is recorded in mysterious ancient characters, and a strange dragon-shaped pattern can be seen on the edge of the rock slab. 】

Hey, this time it seems to be a good thing, Mo Fei suddenly became interested, Gu Longyu - I know this stuff.

He looked at the writing on the slate and began to interpret it word by word.

When he read the last word, the stone slab shattered into a pile of rock fragments, and at the same time——

[System prompt: You have successfully interpreted the 'Ancient Dragon Slate', and you have learned [Dragon Combat Technique: Dragon Fall]

[Dragon Pendant (Dragon Combat Technique)

Use: Grab the target and fall to the ground, causing crushing damage of weight × speed to the enemy.

Skill introduction: An ancient combat technique created by the ancient dragon family. It is said that the body of the ancient dragon is almost immortal. It hugs the enemy and falls from the sky, rotating its wings to achieve the speed-up effect. The moment it lands, it smashes the enemy heavily to the ground, which can cause extremely terrifying Crushing damage.

Since the dragons lost their immortal bodies, they gradually became less adept at hand-to-hand combat, and they mostly used dragon abilities to fight against powerful enemies. This fighting skill was gradually forgotten by the dragons. 】

This skill is very strong.

And both human form and dragon form can be used, yes, this skill is very suitable for me.

The only caveat is that this skill seems to only work against air targets.

There was one more content. Mo Fei poured the dissolving potion on it again, thinking that it would be great if he could get another ancient dragon rock slab.


Murphy muttered in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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