Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 442

Chapter 442
"Brother Shenwu, I think it's time for me to return to the Eastern Continent." Mo Fei said to Emperor Shenwu.

Emperor Shenwu nodded, "Alright, let's go back, the tribe is probably about to launch an attack, I guess your side will also be fighting for days, if you can't fight, you can send someone to us for help, remember to go to the official Way, I can also speak for you at the Woodland Conference."

Murphy nodded, but he didn't take it seriously. It's not like he hasn't fought in the tribe before, and his combat effectiveness is just that.

Besides, he is now on the road to becoming a god, so what does the victory or defeat of the alliance have to do with him, as long as he doesn't hit Alterac, it will be fine.

After he became a god, all the alliance tribes were ignored.

Instead of going through the portal, Mo Fei chose to fly back directly, so he could get acquainted with the enhanced flying ability along the way, and also study what is going on with the belief system of the storm dragon.

It is uncertain how much the combat power of the advanced route of the storm dragon will be improved, but this speed advantage is indeed a bit powerful, and the flying speed is almost as fast as that of a jet engine installed.

With 30% flying speed and 50% flying flexibility, he is like a fish in water in the sky, flying at the speed of the wind.

Coupled with the passive special effects of the storm field, it is like a fast-moving storm passing through the sky, and the place where it passes is horrified. Both adventurers and NPCs are all shocked by this terrifying natural mutation.

What made Murphy feel a little worried was that once he became the Storm Dragon King and opened the Storm Domain, the urge to destroy everything that was above mortals resurfaced in his heart.

What exactly is going on?

This question didn't have some clues until he opened the belief system of the storm dragon.

[Storm Demon Dragon Belief (Devil God Belief/Secondary God)
Number of believers: 0.

Faith influence: weak.

Faith points: 10918.

Affinity of Faith: 13%.

Doctrine introduction: The storm dragon, which brings terrible disasters, is the incarnation of the storm in the eyes of mortals, and it is a symbol of disaster. The fear of the storm dragon makes people avoid the name of Aidandron, but the fear is destined to be A deep memory is left in the hearts of the people. Even if it is a symbol of disaster, it is also a carrier of faith. 】

The other Murphys can be easily understood, but Mo Fei is a little confused about the compatibility of beliefs. He only understands after checking the detailed introduction.

The power of the gods is composed of the power of belief of the believers, so what kind of power, character, and habits the gods possess are actually affected by the power of faith.

The more the deity's behavior conforms to the believer's imagination, the higher its affinity will be.

The higher the compatibility, the stronger the miracles performed, and the more power of faith that can be invoked.

13% compatibility, that is to say, only more than 1300 power of faith can be called.

If you want to strengthen compatibility, you must complete the tasks of the demon god, such as creating disasters, causing disasters, and destroying cities and villages with miracles.

It turned out to be the case.

Murphy suddenly realized that the tyrannical emotion in his heart should also be affected by the power of faith. In fact, it is the same as the player will fall into a state of madness after using the berserk skill.

This made him feel relieved.

Next, he looked at the miracles he could use.

Available miracles:

Small Storm - Consumes 1000 Faith Points.

Large Storm - consumes 3000 Faith Points.

Huge Storm - consumes 10000 Faith Points.

Added Thunder Cloud - 40% bonus Faith Points.

Added Ice Cloud - 30% bonus Faith Points.

Added tornadoes - 500 faith points each.

Added Minor Rain - 500 Faith Points.

Added Huge Rain - 1500 Faith Points.

Join the Sharks - 3000 Faith Points...

This miracle is still very magical. Basically, it creates various types of storms. Not only the scale of the storm can be customized, but also various special effects can be added.

It's a pity that he has too few faith points now, at most he can create a small storm without special effects. This kind of small storm probably doesn't have much power, so let's save this power of faith first.

Let's use the accompanying storm to prostitute some faith points for nothing.

Murphy opened the map and drew a road map for the farms and villages near Alterac Novice Village, and let the accompanying storm move according to this road map. In this way, he could gain faith points steadily.

It's okay to be idle, and Murphy also used the attribute points accumulated during this period.

During this period of time, his level has improved a lot, especially in the battle of Ahn'Qiraj, where he slaughtered 78 to [-] bugs, plus the experience points from killing C'Thun, he is now at level [-], he hesitated again and again , Murphy added all the attribute points to his physique.

For heroes, physique is actually not that important. There is no difference between 8000 life and 10000 life when encountering a powerful enemy.

And as long as you don't get killed in seconds, there are various ways to replenish blood.

But it’s different for BOSS. There is no way to restore blood in the BOSS battle, and the blood volume in the BOSS form is ten times. 1 point of physique is equivalent to increasing the upper limit of 500 points of health, plus the various life bonuses of the Storm Dragon King , the health value increased by 1 point of constitution is close to 1000 points.

Murphy added all the attribute points accumulated during this period to his physique, which directly made his blood volume break through the 25 mark.

In this way, even if he encounters the ancient dragon alone in the future, at least his health bar is not too weak.

A day later - Alterac City.

The city was in depression as before, and the number of adventurers was visible to the naked eye. Especially with the disappearance of the Frostwolf orcs, even the adventurers who came to claim military exploits disappeared.

There are still some players who brush the snowman's fur are still persisting.

A storm whizzed across the sky, attracting several players to look up.

But soon the storm disappeared, which made everyone wonder for a while.

At this moment, Murphy had landed in the city and changed back into the image of Prince Aidan.

It was a coincidence that it was earlier than it was, and it happened to be the time of the royal family meeting. Murphy was going to discuss with Zhuo Genbao to see if he could release a kingdom task of building a temple.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the meeting room, he found that all five brothers were there.

Several people were also quite surprised to see Mur Fei walking in, but they immediately put on smiles.

Zhuo Genbao (King of Alterac): "Haha, brother, you are finally back, hurry up, we have something to discuss with you."

Murphy felt a little strange, pulled a chair and sat down, "What is it?"

Darkseid (King Dixie): "My brother, we discussed it and are ready to merge our respective kingdoms into Lordaeron."

As soon as these words came out, Murphy was immediately speechless.

Damn, I know you guys can't hold back.

He wasn't surprised at all. Godwin mentioned at the last alliance meeting that he wanted to bribe these brothers.

It seems that the price has been negotiated.

"How much did Godwin pay you?"

Zha Genbao (King of Alterac): "Actually, there is not much money, 1000 million per person, and I was given 500 million. In addition, our territory is still owned by us, but we have been downgraded from king to duke. You have to swear allegiance to Godwin and become the lord of Lordaeron, but the economic benefits remain the same.

And Lordaeron will lift the economic sanctions and trade blockade. "

Murphy was speechless. She really is a mother if she has milk. She can buy out the title of a king for 500 million yuan. It was agreed to be [-] million yuan before.

Grabbing Genbao also looked embarrassed.

"Brother, our brothers are not the kind of shameless people. The situation is really stronger than others. We also want to hold on, but we can't hold on. You don't know. Now Lordaeron grows With the Golden Sacred Tree, the strength has greatly increased, and it is no longer something we can compete with.

If we really want to fight, I'm afraid we won't be able to get anything good, and this time they are righteous. "

"Golden Sacred Tree?" Murphy was a little surprised, what the hell was that.

He suddenly remembered that Big Tits Mengmeng seemed to have mentioned before that the Church of the Holy Light held a big event and summoned priests to infuse the tree with the power of the Holy Light. Could it be that this is what he was talking about.

"what is the problem?"

Several people immediately began to explain to Mur Fei in a hurry.

It turned out that during Murphy's expedition to Kalimdor, Godwin organized the royal family of Lordaeron, the Knights of the Silver Hand, and the Church of the Holy Light to unite and make a big move.

He planted a magical seed on the island in the lake of Lordaeron Mire Lake behind the King City of Lordaeron.

I don't know where Godwin got this stuff. After planting it, it grows very fast. It grows up slowly, and it grows tens of meters high in a few days.

This tree is said to be the 'sacred starting point' and 'the origin of the holy light'. In short, it is amazing. The golden holy tree will emit a faint power of holy light.

Godwin united with the Church of the Holy Light, gathered thousands of priests and paladins, and joined forces to pour the power of the Holy Light into this holy tree.

The more holy light this tree absorbs, the faster it will grow, and the whole tree is shining golden, exuding sacred brilliance, and now it has grown to a height of hundreds of meters, becoming the symbol of Lordaeron.

"What is the function of this golden holy tree?"

"There are many functions. First of all, it has its own holy light field. As long as you get close, you can feel the power of the holy light. Injuries and diseases are automatically healed, and curses are automatically purified. If it is a creature such as an undead or a demon, it will last if you get close to it." Blood was lost, and finally completely reduced to ashes by the holy light.

We estimate that if the undead disaster happens again, at least in the area around Lordaeron, the undead will not be able to get close.

Second, within a radius of dozens of kilometers around the golden holy tree, occupations using holy light have been greatly strengthened, which is equivalent to doubling the skill strength of priests and paladins. With a hundred lives, an evil-slaying slash can deal three to four thousand damage, which is almost like a hero skill.

Moreover, this range is still expanding with the growth of the sacred tree. According to this speed, it may eventually expand to the entire Kingdom of Lordaeron, or even the entire eastern continent.

Now within Lordaeron, the strength of the Church of the Holy Light has completely suppressed other factions, and the fanatical belief of the whole people is completely different from the concept before. "

Although the Church of the Holy Light had a strong influence in Lordaeron, the Kingdom of Stormwind, and even the entire alliance, it basically only developed among the people, because the Church of the Holy Light can provide healing services, and the common people believe in it.

Moreover, priests can often expel the undead and lift curses, which can be regarded as service professions.

On the contrary, the nobles and the royal family will not rely too much on it, because ruling depends on force, not on treating people.

However, since the establishment of the Knights of the Silver Hand and the official birth of the profession of paladins, the Church of the Holy Light has not only gained prestige, but also possessed a powerful military force. The power of the Church of the Holy Light has gradually become a little out of balance.

However, all countries still have forces to check and balance the Church of the Holy Light, and will not allow the Church of the Holy Light to dominate.

For example, the noble groups in Stormwind City, the Royal Knights in Lordaeron, the Royal Mages, the Storm Servants in Alterac, and the tidesages in Kul Tiras.

But now, Godwin, the God of Light, became the king, and the Knights of the Silver Hand were established, and many great lords joined the Knights of the Silver Hand, allowing the Church of the Holy Light to control the power of the nobility to a certain extent. With the birth of the Golden Sacred Tree, the Church of the Holy Light has completely occupied a dominant position in Lordaeron.

Many nobles are themselves members of the Knights of the Silver Hand, and of course they support the church.

Without the support of the king, the other nobles could only dive silently.

Under normal circumstances, the political power of Lordaeron should be that the king is superior, members of the royal family, noble powers, church power, knight order power, and royal mages all support the country's power system.

Now the king is leaning towards the Church of the Holy Light, and the nobles split part of it to the Church of the Holy Light. Half of the Knights are affiliated to the Church of the Holy Light. Only the royal mages are struggling to support it. The Church of the Holy Light has completely lost its balance.

Murphy said, "Even so, it's impossible for the Church of the Holy Light to attack Alterac, right?"

These words made the princes show embarrassing expressions.

"Didn't we fight a civil war for a long time before, and there were few people to do the tasks of eliminating bandits and paying off cult members. Now bandits are everywhere in Alterac, and cults are reborn.

The Guangming Church issued a notice three days ago, saying that the army would be sent across the border to clear the door for us. "

Murphy was a little embarrassed when he heard this. Speaking of which, he has been established as the Dragon Knights for so long, and he has never done any missions for the kingdom. After all, he is also a national knights. He thinks about where to go to slaughter dragons every day. Brother, my job as a protector of the country has also failed.

Several people continued: "The Church of Light is an alliance of transnational organizations, so there is really no excuse to refuse, but the Knights of the Silver Hand have come, and they want to establish a resident, so that's okay?

We thought about how we couldn’t hold back our thighs, so why not go with it, anyway, we still have 1000 million yuan, and we can still retain the title territory. Anyway, our kings themselves have no appeal, and it’s useless to leave a false name.

It is thanks to you that our Alterac Kingdom can support the situation, so we also benefited from you.

The Dragon Sorrow Knights have become one of Lordaeron's national strength knights, and you can recruit knight recruits to join the knights in the entire Lordaeron in the future——The great lord of the Dragon Sorrow Knights, and also the Duke of Dragon Sorrow Castle, how is this treatment not good? bad. "

(End of this chapter)

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