Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 443 The Supreme Will

Chapter 443 The Supreme Will
In the firmament world, the great lord is a very high-end honorary title, its status is still higher than that of the duke, and usually only the leaders of important military organizations are eligible for this title.Such as Alexandros Mograine, Highlord of the Knights of the Silver Hand.

Another example is Anduin Lothar, who also served as the High Lord when he led the Stormwind Restoration Army.

I have to say that this price tag is quite high, but compared with the Duke Protector, the Great Lord is still a little bit less interesting after all.

Since you want to poach the wall, you have to pay a premium to buy it.

Murphy didn't respond, but asked instead, "Are you sure you don't intend to maintain the Alterac Kingdom? This is the foundation of our Perenold family for thousands of years, and you plan to sell it like this?"

Invincible Sand Sculpture (King of the South China Sea): "A game, don't take it too seriously."

Victor (King Ravencrow): "Actually, we don't want to, but the situation doesn't allow it, you don't know, the Church of the Holy Light has issued us an ultimatum, saying that some members of our Alterac royal family have colluded with the cult , blasphemed the glory of the ancestors, and sent trial knights to 'purify' the evil forces entrenched within the royal family.

Now that we've talked about this, we either have to seek refuge with Godwin, or we can only go to war.

But can we fight? It's a big deal. All the people are crazy about the Holy Light. With the golden holy tree buff added, all the people will be soldiers.

There are not even many adventurers left on our side, especially the priests and paladins. They all went to Lordaeron to gain reputation and get BUFF. K was bulldozed. "

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Collude with a cult? Is there such a thing? The Church of the Holy Light can't just talk about it."

Darkseid (King Dixie): "Why not, didn't that kid Sigret take refuge in the Eternal Dark Moon, and the old eight who played fel magic, and the old seventeen who played necromancy, let's wait and see The Reynolds family can be described as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

Now I have to add me in the form of a calamity dragon, Mo Fei added in his heart.

Zhuo Genbao (King of Alterac): "And Godwin charged us with the crime of cruelly treating the nobles and mutilating the warriors, saying that we rebelled against Earl Adalian and others, and seized their territories and castles, which is despicable! This is not what a noble royal family should do. It is to punish the fallen descendants for our predecessors.

The letter was probably written with the help of an NPC, and it was called a word that could pull words. "

After listening to the descriptions of several people, Murphy gradually had a clear understanding of the current situation. It seemed that things were indeed not very good.

There are a lot of crimes, and it can be regarded as an excuse to start a war.

Alterac was already weak, but now that Lordaeron's strength has increased greatly, it is understandable for these few people to admit their weakness.

But asking prices all over the sky to pay back the money, so three melons and two dates will send us Alterac brothers away, I can't bear it.

Need to add money!

"Have you signed it?"

Kiss Potato Fries (King of Winter): "Of course not. Our brothers have agreed to advance and retreat together. We must first communicate with you clearly about this matter." 0
Mo Fei sighed in his heart, and said to himself that you have a little bottom line.

"I'll talk to Godwin and see if we can raise the price." Murphy said, sighing a little, although he has no interest in running the kingdom's territory, but think about the Perenold family from the beginning when they gathered together. , Later, the king died in battle, and now the prince died and walked away, divided into five, and this will be completely merged into the Kingdom of Lordaeron, I still feel a little emotional.

While thinking, he sent the private message.

Aidan: Brother Godwin, are you there?

Lordaeron City - at the foot of the Golden Tree.

The Golden Sacred Tree is now more than 200 meters high, with a towering majestic trunk and lush branches and leaves shining golden, like a golden cloud covering the city.

From time to time, golden leaves fall from the trees.

Fragments of holy light spilled from the gaps between the branches and leaves, covering the city of Lordaeron with a layer of golden halo, full of sacred aura.

At this moment, countless priests, believers, and knights surrounded the Golden Tree, prostrating, praying, and praising the name of the Holy Light.

There are also countless adventurers using the holy light, who are constantly casting holy light spells on the golden tree.

"Great tree of gold, great incarnation of holy light, use your benevolent power to protect us humble mortals."

"Great dreams come true, great grace descends, and the supreme will of the Holy Light redeems my pious soul."

Around the golden tree, countless people of Lordaeron are praying, reciting the miracle of the great golden tree, reciting the benevolence of the great holy light.

King Godwin of Lordaeron even stood at the front of the team and took the lead in praying.

The brilliance of the sacred tree is extremely dazzling, and the bright golden color even makes the sun dim.

This radiance exudes the power of the Holy Light, no matter what diseases or injuries people have, they will all be healed.

Even the skeletons in the cemetery of Lordaeron City were completely purified by the holy light, and they finally stopped respawning.Let those players who upgrade by brushing skeleton ghosts cry again and again.

But for those NPC citizens, for those knights of the Silver Hand Knights, and the priests of the Church of the Holy Light, to be able to bathe in this holy light and live in this infinitely bright city, Luo The people of Daeron had never been happier.

The only downside is probably that it is not convenient to sleep at night.

Archbishop Alonsus Faol looked at the frenzied scene before him, and nodded inwardly. It seems that he made the right choice when he chose Godwin among the princes to bet.

In the past, the Church of the Holy Light could not even rank in the top three among Lordaeron's complicated political forces, but now it has almost completely controlled Lordaeron's political power. Part of this is due to the invasion of the orcs. How can the Holy Light become a real political force?

But the biggest reason is still inseparable from the support of the king.

Inseparable from the call of the "Holy Light's Glory", the God's favored person.

The combination of royal power and religious power undoubtedly achieved the effect that 1+1 is greater than two.

The Church of the Holy Light relied on the royal power to gain the power to rule, and the king also relied on the Church of the Holy Light to smooth out those nobles and princes who were dissatisfied with him.

Today, the mutual benefit of this cooperative relationship has reached its peak.

Suddenly, a beam of attention fell from the golden branches and leaves of the trees. Godwin's whole body was shrouded in a beam of light, and he floated slowly.

"My God, it's divine revelation!"

"It is the revelation of the great God of Light!"

"Praise the Holy Light!"

Alonsus Fao (Big Bishop of Light): "Don't be nervous, everyone. As the God of Light, His Majesty Godwin, it's not surprising that he received divine revelation. Everyone, please keep quiet."

A word from the archbishop is more effective than anything else. Whether it is nobles, commoners, knight priests, or even those adventurers who are not afraid of anything, they all shut their mouths and watched everything in front of them quietly.

Behind the archbishop, the royal archmage looked at the scene in front of him with a complicated and unspeakable expression.

For a long time, the royal mages, the royal knights, and the nobles have jointly maintained the political balance of Lordaeron.

Royal mages have always enjoyed a respected status because they have mastered the extraordinary power of arcane. They have inextricably linked with Dalaran, mastered mysterious arcane magic, and many ancient mysteries, especially Tiris An important member of the Law Council, it can be said that the royal mages have always been an important political faction in Lordaeron.

But now as the king has fully turned to the church, this balance has been completely broken.

It's a pity that the princes they supported failed at all, and that crazy girl Morgan Lisa even went out and went crazy. The mages are all free-spirited characters, and it is difficult to work together like the members of the church.

It would be nice if Alsace would inherit the throne...

The Royal Archmage thought with regret that, as a close advisor to King Tenaris, he had some understanding of King Tenaris' attitude towards the heir. I really want to pass it on to him.

The rumor that the eldest prince assassinated the king back then may be true.

The archmage looked at Godwin floating in the beam of light, and thought maliciously.

At this moment, Godwin found himself standing in an endless light.

Surrounded by a dazzling golden, there seemed to be something looking down on him in the sky, and he could feel that there was scrutiny, appreciation, and pity in the gaze that was looking at him.

That gaze seemed to come from another world very far away, crossing the boundaries of time and space, as if it was close at hand, but also as if it was far away at the end of the universe.

That feeling of supremacy made him feel awed from the bottom of his heart.

Is this the gods?Godwin thought.

Mysterious voice: "My child, Godwin, you have done a good job. You have completed the mission I gave you. You have successfully planted the golden tree. The power of the Holy Light has finally taken root in this world."

[System prompt: Complete the original plot task - [The Birth of the Golden Tree], this task is the second step of the [Source of Holy Light] task line, you have obtained 1000 plot points, and start the next task. 】

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Great God of Light, I am glad to serve you, it is my honor."

Mysterious voice: "The God of Light? Hehe, do you think so, that the one who is talking to you is a so-called 'God'?"

Godwin was puzzled for a while, "Isn't it?"

Mysterious voice: "The so-called God of Light is just my spokesperson in Azeroth, one of my many voters, an extraordinary life that has gained some of my power.

My true identity is far beyond your imagination. I am the Holy Light, the controller of all the power of the Holy Light, and the true God worshiped by thousands of believers in the Holy Light. My will spreads throughout the universe. Where are you? My world is just an ordinary corner of the thousands of worlds I have mastered.

My power is too strong to descend into your world.

My will is too vast. Once a mortal perceives my existence, they will be irreversibly assimilated by the Holy Light and become part of the power of the Holy Light.

Only through the holy golden tree can mortals talk to me without being harmed, which is also an important reason why I want you to plant the golden tree.

As for my name, you can call me - Supreme Will. "

Supreme will!Godwin was extremely excited. Even though he couldn't sense the other party's existence and could only talk through the golden tree, he still felt joy and joy, calm and trembling. These contradictory emotions appeared on him at the same time.

For the first time, he knelt down devoutly in front of the great power, without the slightest thought of confrontation.

The supreme will - only such a title is worthy of a great master.

Mysterious voice: "Your world is a very special existence, a very special point in the universe, so your mission is also very important, I want you to spread the will of the Holy Light to every corner of this world .

Let the radiance of the tree of gold illuminate every shadow in this world.

Let your world receive the baptism of the Holy Light.

Let the laws of the Light replace the laws of mortals.

Do you have the courage to accept this sacred mission? "

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "I am willing! I am willing to accept this task!"

Mysterious voice: "Very well, then go and complete this mission, I will give you power, real power, not the vain appearance, but—"

boom!Godwin felt his brain buzzing, and his whole body seemed to be penetrated by holy light. Every cell, every drop of blood, and every piece of his soul could not hide at this moment.

The power of the Holy Light purified the darkness in his heart, every trace of evil hidden in his subconscious, at this moment he felt as if his soul had been sublimated and purified.

God, is this really just a game?This feeling……

This feeling can't be described in words at all. He wants to cry out loud with joy, but he can't shed tears. He wants to laugh with joy, but he can't make a sound.

Mysterious voice: "Go, my child, to complete your great mission..."

The sound gradually died away.

Finally, Godwin slowly fell from the beam of light.

That feeling also disappeared.

Godwin couldn't help but feel a sense of loss, ah, what an indescribable experience.

As soon as he turned around, several senior officials of the kingdom surrounded him.

The first to speak was the Royal Archmage.

"Ah, Your Majesty Godwin, congratulations on creating such a miracle. It seems that the power of the Holy Light is enough to take on the heavy responsibility of maintaining this world. The Council of Tirisfal can finally put down this burden, abandon the mundane chores, and concentrate on studying magic. mystery."

(Aren't you Holy Light Church awesome? Then you will shoulder the burden from now on, I don't care.)
Godwin glanced at the archmage, but smiled lightly, "Although the power of the Holy Light is enough to take on the heavy responsibility of protecting the world, the Kingdom of Lordaeron still needs the assistance of mages. Apart from fighting evil, there are many things that mages need to do." With the help of Lordaeron, the royal family of Lordaeron will continue to provide support for the royal mages."

(If you want to leave, just work for me honestly, unless you don’t want wages anymore.)
The Archbishop nodded in satisfaction, cast a glance at the Archmage, and said to you guys who play magic, you should honestly help the church in the future.

Also pleased with Prince Godwin's sophisticated political language.

When playing politics, what is important is to fight without breaking, no matter how conflicts arise, you must be able to speak.

Alonsus Faol (Big Bishop of Light): "Your Majesty Godwin, what enlightenment did the God of Light give you?"

Godwin smiled slightly, "First of all, I must clarify that it is not the God of Light who gave me divine enlightenment, but the truly great existence behind the God of Light, the true master of the power of the Holy Light—the Supreme Will.

The so-called God of Light is just the Holy Spirit who controls the power of the Holy Light in our world, while the Supreme Will is the true God who controls the power of the Holy Light of the entire universe. "

This sentence directly made the archbishop's face ugly.

This sentence seemed light and fluffy, but it was a shock to the Bright Church.

In religious organizations, power comes from the interpretation of beliefs, and whoever has the power to interpret beliefs has the right to speak.

Therefore, the teachings of the Holy Light Church are so serious that every word cannot be easily changed.

Not to mention that Godwin's words are related to who the Church of the Holy Light believes in, which is the core issue of the doctrine.

The Church of Light has always worshiped the God of Light, or the Holy Light itself.

The Holy Light itself is a very broad thing. For the Church of the Holy Light, the Holy Light is just a kind of power, a kind of energy with a positive meaning, just like the magic power of mages. The Holy Light is of course worthy of praise, but it is more like A compliment to energy.

In the teaching of light, it is the holy light given to them by the great god of light.

The God of Light is the object of faith.

Now Godwin has reversed everything directly. The Holy Light itself is an extension of the supreme will, and the God of Light is just a signboard, an administrator.

For the outside world, it doesn't really matter who is the boss, they are all playing Shengguang anyway.

But within the church, the right to interpret is the right to rule.

Whoever can grasp the power to explain the teachings has the power to communicate with God, and also has the power to rule.

In the past, believers believed what the church said.

But if the God of Light is rejected all of a sudden, is what the church said in the past still true?

In the future, believers will believe whatever Godwin says.

How could Archbishop Fao not be shocked by this.

Even if you want to say something, we have to discuss it and unify the caliber before giving the believers a reasonable explanation.

For example, the God of Light is the embodiment of the supreme will, the Trinity or something.

If you speak directly, you are trying to snatch the dominance of the Guangming Church.

He looked at Godwin seriously, "Your Majesty Godwin, do you know what you're talking about?"

Godwin dismissed him indifferently, "Of course I know what I'm talking about. What's the matter, Your Excellency Archbishop, are you questioning me—your king, the elect of the Holy Light?"

This time it was the Royal Archmage's turn to watch the joke.

The archmage looked at Archbishop Fao gloatingly, old guy, you still have today.

Archbishop Faol stared at Godwin for a long time.

Suddenly he smiled.

"Of course not, it's just that it's a bit tense to hear such an astonishing truth. His Majesty Godwin is indeed the chosen one of the God of Light, and can obtain such an astonishing revelation.

It is a great honor for the Church of the Holy Light to be in contact with the great supreme will.

It seems that the Church of the Holy Light will be led by His Majesty in the future. "

Archbishop Fao is very decisive. Since you want to compete for the right to interpret the doctrine, then I will directly hand over the Church of the Holy Light to you to lead and deeply bind with the royal power.

In this way, whatever achievements you make are also the achievements of the church.

No loss inside or outside.

(End of this chapter)

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