Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 444 Golden Sacred Tree and Storm Dragon King

Chapter 444 Golden Sacred Tree and Storm Dragon King

Godwin was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Archbishop Faol to accept the new doctrine so decisively.

It can only be said that those who can achieve this position are very able to recognize the situation.

But it would be nice to be able to take charge of the Church of the Holy Light justifiably.

Even so, his cognition is still very clear. The biggest reason for his ability to overwhelm others is the appearance of the golden tree. In the past, although Shengguang had practitioners in all countries in the alliance, his understanding of Shengguang was actually relatively simple of.

This sacred tree has now become a symbol of Lordaeron's divine orthodoxy, and it is even considered an unprecedented miracle.

The sacred wisdom contained in the holy tree has become the truth in the minds of all priests.

As the creator of miracles and the king of Lordaeron, Godwin has unprecedented prestige.

Not only that, Godwin completed the mission of the original plot, and the rewards he received were quite impressive.

[Holy light baptism: After the baptism of the holy light, your body becomes pure and flawless, your soul is not polluted, and your brain is filled with wisdom.You have been promoted from an ordinary mortal to a higher level of existence.

Trait 1: Holy Mind.Your soul is purified by the holy light and becomes pure and flawless. Your affinity for the holy light has reached its peak, and the power of all your holy light skills has increased by 50%.

Trait 2: Lightforged body.Your body can resist the erosion from evil energy, shadow, and death energy. The resistance to evil energy, shadow, and death is increased by 50%, and the healing effect of the holy light is increased by 50%.

Trait 3: Bright Wisdom.You have learned new Holy Light skills - Wings of Light, Holy Light Slashing Evil, Judgment of Light, Light of God's Retribution...

Trait 4: Holy aura.Your body exudes a faint sacred aura, the surrounding undead, demons, and void creatures receive 10% attribute weakening, and the sacred aura will also slowly heal the HP of all friendly units around. 】

It can be said that the current Godwin has been strengthened from the inside out.A rune of holy light on the forehead makes people feel solemn and sacred at a glance, full of holy majesty.

Coupled with the management authority over the Golden Sacred Tree, Godwin felt better than ever at this moment.

The golden seeds bought for 1000 million yuan are really worth it.

However, only Godwin can accomplish this task. If it were someone else, who could mobilize thousands of priests to infuse the saplings with holy light.

Perhaps, this is fate.

As Godwin thought about it, a sense of mission (secondary sense) of being chosen by fate emerged spontaneously.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Believers of the Holy Light, people of Lordaeron, soldiers of the Silver Hand Knights, Supreme Will hopes that I can spread the brilliance of the Holy Light to everyone in this world. One corner, so we're going to keep watering the golden tree.

More importantly, we must protect our kingdom and spread the faith of the Holy Light. Now the countries of the alliance are confused, their beliefs are chaotic, and various evil gods are rampant in this ancient land. The future of the land.

Not long ago, I just received news from Fort Watch that the orc army once again passed through the Dark Portal and came to our world again.

Facing this critical situation, only the Holy Light can protect us from surviving in this critical era.

Under the protection of the Holy Light, we will be invincible. "

"Ah, praise the Holy Light!" People cheered like heaven.

Those foreign envoys who came to watch the fun were shocked, and they hadn't received any news before.

"I decided to hold an alliance meeting to discuss major issues, and the meeting place is at the foot of this golden tree."

Everyone's heart skipped a beat. Every alliance meeting is the focus of the power struggle for profit distribution.

The size of the power determines the size of the benefits. Every meeting is a game. Now Godwin will hold the meeting just after planting the golden holy tree, and the meeting will be held at the foot of the golden tree. Its purpose is self-evident.

It's too unfortunate that these orcs came here, but at this time——

However, this reason is quite sufficient, and it cannot be justified if it does not come.

They all said that they would notify the bosses immediately.

After seeing off the envoys, Godwin couldn't help but be eager to try and prepare for a big fight.

To spread the faith of the Holy Light to the entire Azeroth, it must first start within the Alliance, and the easiest way to spread the Holy Light within the Alliance is undoubtedly to convince the leaders of various countries.

As long as they realize the benefits of the teachings of the Holy Light, the problem will not be a big problem. Godwin is very confident about this, because the existence of the golden tree has brought unprecedented good news to Lordaeron.

He walked to the foot of the golden tree. At this moment, corpses were slowly being buried in the pits around the golden tree.

Under the radiance of the holy light, these corpses looked like gold, lifelike.

"Your Majesty, is this really feasible?" Uther asked incredulously, "The teaching of the Holy Light has always believed that the sleep of the dead should not be disturbed, and death is also a part of life. They are considered taboo because they blur the boundary between life and death and desecrate the rest of the dead."

"No, it's not the same as Uther. Spiritualism only revives some walking dead, but the golden sacred tree can regenerate flesh and blood, and the soul will last forever. When the miracle is born Uther, all the kingdoms of the alliance will pay homage to the holy The power of light bows its head and surrenders, and who can resist the temptation of immortality.

We humans have always envied the long lifespan of the elves, and soon this will no longer be a problem, and we will have a longer lifespan than the elves. "

Godwin said confidently, watching those corpses being sealed in coffins, the next thing is to wait for the moment when the miracle will come.

At this moment, the private message channel suddenly rang.

Godwin looked down, and a smile couldn't help showing on the corner of his mouth, and it really came.

You back off Uther, I need a retreat.


Aidan: Brother Godwin, so you really want to annex Alterac.

Godwin: Rather than annexation, I prefer to call it cooperation. Alterac is a small country with few people. Instead of being ruthless, it is better to join Lordaeron and become a part of the great Lordaeron Empire. You brothers can also grow together with me. Be stronger, and when Lordaeron achieves the great cause of the empire, your brothers will definitely have more dignity as the top of the empire than being the monarch of a small country.

Prince Aidan, you once said that you would not stop this from happening, I don't think you will break your word?
Aidan: Having said that, the Kingdom of Alterac is the ancestral land left by the previous king, how can it be easily abandoned.

Godwin sneered suddenly, he was too familiar with the player's language.

The implication is - you have to pay more,
Godwin: I can give your Dragon Sorrow Knights the status of the National Knights of Lordaeron. As the leader, you can get the title of a great lord. With this title and status, your knights are definitely better than those who guarded Otto. Rank is easier to develop.

Mo Feixin said that what I lack is not development, what I lack is money, no matter how many knight recruits there are without materials, they can't upgrade to extraordinary units.

But it's good to talk.

Aidan: I want you to do me a favor and banish the priests from the Temple of Storms.

It's not very convenient for him to do this. If he really wants to do it, the hatred with the God of Storms will definitely be full in an instant.

But it would be different if it was the Guangming Church who took the shot and regained it by itself.

Hearing this request, Godwin was a little surprised, but he was already planning to expand his belief in the Holy Light, so there was no problem.

Godwin: Yes.

Huh, so happy?

Aidan: Then give me the Temple of the Storm.

Godwin: What do you want the Temple of Storms for?
Aidan: I need the Temple of Storms to do something, it's not convenient to say, how about it, no problem.

Godwin: No way.

Um?Murphy was stunned for a moment, there was no reason for the other party not to agree to this request?I didn't ask you to add money, it's just a temple.

Aidan: Are you sure?

Godwin: Pretty sure.

In the past, Godwin was extremely afraid of Aidan, as powerful as the Storm Dragon King, an existence capable of changing the mode of war.

But now, with the blessing of the golden tree, he is confident that he has mastered the ability to end this deterrence.

Godwin: You are right. Aidan, power is everything. Territories, castles, and kingdoms are just superficial things. Only power is really worth pursuing. Kingdoms, armies, and titles are everything. It is not as meaningful as power. What you said to me once inspired me a lot. In this world where the strong are respected, only those who have power are qualified to decide everything.

Murphy was a little confused, thinking what did I say?

He recalled it carefully, and vaguely remembered that when he discussed the ownership of Alterac with Godwin, he did blow a few words.

I didn't expect this guy to take it seriously.

Could it be that he was stimulated by himself to plant the golden tree?
Sure enough, rich people are different. If you don't have money, you will at most go to level up and fight monsters to brush up the plot.

But super kryptonites like Godwin walked directly to the golden tree, and didn't know what level of task the golden tree was.

Aidan: You seem very confident.

Godwin: The Holy Light has given me absolute power, and absolute power has brought absolute confidence. I have sworn to my master to bring the power of the Holy Light to the entire world. This goal will be hindered by anything. So get out of my way Aidan, you never want to see the consequences like that.

Mo Feixin said I'm sorry, I haven't seen this guy's ability to speak out for a few days, I can't handle this bragging, no, I can't admit defeat in bragging.

Aidan: Hehehe, King Godwin, don't think that you can do whatever you want with the backing of the God of Light. Do you think you have seen all my power?You are too naive, my true strength is beyond your imagination.

The golden tree may give you a huge advantage, but I can destroy it any time I want.

The reason why I am willing to talk to you is that I don't want to waste time and get into a war with boring mortals, but if you insist on instigate war, all you can get is destruction, and the power of the Holy Light can't save you.

Godwin was instantly furious, so arrogant, so arrogant.

Black Knife Dixie, help me find out if any plot incidents related to Aidan have happened recently?

"Yes, Master."

A voice sounded behind him, then disappeared.

Godwin paced angrily, and quickly typed out lines of angry words.

How dare you threaten me like this, who do you think you are?So what if it is the Storm Dragon King, I was chosen by the Holy Light, how can you destroy the Golden Holy Tree.

He has already thought about it, as long as he is sure that there is no problem, he will immediately send this insulting and mocking words to the other party.

Heidao Dixi's efficiency was quite fast. After only a few minutes, Sombra went online again.

"Master, you'd better look at this."

She sent a copied post to Godwin.

The post was obviously posted by a night elf player, and Godwin was shocked by the content.

Killing God?Kill the ancient god C'Thun?Slaughter a hundred thousand Ahn'Qiraj Zerg army with one blow?
No matter how lonely Godwin was, the Old God still knew about it.

This guy is so fierce that he even killed the ancient gods?
He remained silent for a while, and silently deleted the words he typed out one by one.

Godwin: Prince Aidan, the Temple of the Storm will definitely not be handed over to you. My mission is to spread the belief of the Holy Light. All temples and churches that are not of the Holy Light faction will be destroyed, but I have a suggestion. Maybe you can To resolve the dispute between us, why not join the Holy Light Church as well.

Aidan:? ? ? ? ?
Aidan: I am the Storm Dragon King, and I am not on the same side as your Holy Light.

Godwin: It doesn't matter, my golden holy tree can help you infuse holy light and transform you into a light-forged dragon king. I am Lordaeron the Great, and you are the light-forged dragon king. We can rule this world together and serve the holy light.

Light Forged Dragon King?This guy really dares to think.

I didn't expect the golden tree to have this function. From this point of view, the effect of the golden tree is at least an artifact level.

Sargeras' Ring of Command also has the function of converting unit attributes into fel creatures.

This kind of technology that completely transforms biological attributes can be said to be quite high-end. It directly changes the entire skill system and power system, which can be said to touch the core rules of the game.

If it were someone else, they might really be tempted. After all, Lordaeron is now the boss of the alliance, and the partnership with the King of Lordaeron is equivalent to directly taking the shares of the alliance.

The benefits behind it are immeasurable.

However, Murphy was not interested. On the surface, he was walking the Storm Dragon, but his real purpose was the Ancient Dragon.

Aidan: I have to think about this matter carefully, how about it, give me three days, and I will give you an answer in three days.

Godwin breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it, but fortunately, with such a huge temptation, he was really moved.

Godwin: Okay, three days then.

Mo Fei closed the private message and turned to look at the brothers.

Zha Genbao (King of Alterac): "How about it, brother, is the deal settled?"

Murphy shook his head, thought for a moment, then turned to look at the crowd.

"I said brothers, do you trust me?"

Several people looked at each other.

"Of course I trust."

"The reason why you want to accept M&A is only because of two points, one is the external threat, and the other is that the internal returns are too low, right?"

Dakseid said: "That's right, otherwise who doesn't want to be a king."

Aidan (Prince Protector of Alterac): "I have a way to solve these two problems, but the most urgent thing is to stabilize the interior first. Now call all the brothers together and do the task together. Within three days, Sweeping all rebel forces and cult forces in Alterac must not give Lordaeron an excuse to send troops.

At the same time, destroy all the pirate fleets outside the South China Sea city. Didn’t Godwin engage in a trade blockade, but he can only prohibit the alliance countries from trading with us, so we just need to open up overseas markets. "

(End of this chapter)

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