Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 445 An Alterac Princess Falls from the Sky

Chapter 445 An Alterac Princess Falls from the Sky

Darkseid (King Dixie): "Explore overseas markets? You mean the Winterfell you built in Northrend? Brother, I know you have good intentions, but Northrend alone is not enough Ah, now players from all over the world are forming fleets to go to Northrend to open up wasteland. It is impossible for us to monopolize it. As long as there are more fleets, the rare ores and rare herbs in Northrend will no longer be rare.

It's strange to say that, after exploring the route, why did it submit it to the Navigator's Association? "

Murphy smiled slightly, and was noncommittal about Darkseid's complaints, "Then if a storm suddenly appeared on the route and destroyed the fleets of all countries, only our Alterac fleet survived, would it be possible to achieve the goal of monopoly?"

Zha Genbao (King of Alterac): "Brother, are the rumors true?"

"What rumor?"

"Right now, there are rumors on the Internet that you have an artifact in your hand and can summon a storm, and that you wiped out [-] Ahn'Qiraj in a big storm in Kalimdor. It can't be true, can it?"

Mo Feixin said that it really spread, but that's okay, artifacts are as deterrent as nuclear weapons.

He smiled slightly, "I will not admit that I have a divine weapon in my hand, but I will not deny that I have a divine weapon in my hand. I may or may not have a divine weapon in my hand. As long as there is such a possibility, Godwin wants to fight Alterland If you can't do it, you have to be scruples.

Even if I have a divine weapon, I won't use it easily.

But don't worry, summoning the power of the storm does not require an artifact, this is my personal ability, don't forget my identity-the Storm Dragon King is not called for nothing. "

After hearing Murphy's words, several people immediately gained confidence.

Start planning seriously.

Zhuo Genbao said: "It's probably not enough to rely on Northrend alone. Northrend's output depends entirely on adventurers. Although it can collect a lot of business taxes, it can only make Winterfell and the South China Sea country develop. It’s only these two places that travel by boat, what about us landlocked countries? What we need is bulk trade.”

At present, the economic benefits of the countries of the alliance depend on taxation, which is divided into commercial tax and agricultural tax. The commercial tax depends on the consumption of adventurers, and the agricultural tax depends on NPC farmers farming the land.

But the kingdom of Alterac is a shitty place—especially the inland Alterac Mountains. There are neither large tracts of farmland nor many adventurers. Even the maintenance fee of the army is not enough, let alone make money.

The second revenue point is through resource trade. Each kingdom has its own resource points, such as ores, wood, herbs, animal skins, and so on.

Most of these resource points are in the hands of the lord. If the player can get a resource point, they can continuously produce resources in exchange for money.

The nobles and lords of the Alterac Kingdom were almost squeezed out, and almost all the resource points were in the hands of the five kings.

There are still some high-level resource points in the Alterac Mountains, but the resources produced cannot be sold. Adventurers don’t need much of this stuff. It all depends on international trade. Now it is embargoed by Godwin. Grams of resources can't be sold at all.

The result is that for the size of the army, several kings have to spend money to sell some rolls and keep throwing them in.

When the king has to lose money, everyone is a fake local tyrant, and they must not be able to hold on. This is why several people finally decided to sell the title of the kingdom.

Mo Fei was well prepared, and he had a plan for this, "This is also simple. If there is no trade within the alliance, then we will trade with the Night Alliance. I will go to Kalimdor this time, with Emperor Shenwu, Malfurion, Tyrande is already on the line, and it is absolutely no problem to engage in some trade.

The power of the Dark Night Alliance is not smaller than that of the Alliance, and its spending power is absolutely high. Moreover, the Dark Night Alliance has been passed down for thousands of years, and good things are absolutely indispensable.

It is really impossible to exchange resources for equipment and then go to the auction to get back the cost.

Night elves love nature and don't like to cut down trees, so all the wood, ore, animal fur in Alterac can be sold. "

Murphy's few words made the five kings very surprised, especially those who lost money so much that they were like pants, and they almost knelt down to Murphy.

"Okay, brother, your news is too timely. If you can really sell the resources in the family, I will thank you very much. We can count on you for this. You continue to talk, and we will all listen to you. "

Murphy then continued: "The other brothers have to call back, they all wear the title of prince now, if Alterac is gone, their prince status will be gone, so they must all work hard, of course they can't Let them work for nothing, and they still have to share some of the money they make in the future..."

After some discussion, the plan has been decided.

Bing is very fast, and Mo Fei only has three days to win, so naturally he can't have the slightest hesitation.

Immediately began to issue a summons to all online brothers.

In fact, there are not many. There were more than 30 brothers at the beginning, and more than a dozen died one after another in the past two years, plus a few who were not online, and only twelve brothers were summoned in total.

However, most of those brothers have their own things to do. They brushed the dungeons, and those who did the missions did the missions. At noon, only three or five came.

Seeing that the time was getting later and later, Murphy didn't wait any longer, and directly announced the start of the meeting.

So that afternoon, the long-lost Prince Council of Alterac was finally held again.

In the conference hall of Alterac, a group of princes sat around the conference table, as if they had returned to those days.

Demacia (Prince of Alterac): "I asked you guys why you are in such a hurry and called everyone over?"

A generation of military advisers (archmages): "That's right. I'm taking classes in Dalaran. Don't you think you will delay my studies? If you can't pass the fifth level of Arcane Art, you will have to help me reimburse the exam fees later. .”

God of War Lu Bu (Lord of War): "I know, I know, is it about merging with Lordaeron? I've heard about it. What the hell, you unworthy descendants, actually took the property of our Perenold family It was sold cheaply, woo woo woo, if the spirit of the king in heaven knew about it, he would jump out of the Shadow Realm angrily."

Darkseid (King Dixie): "Fuck off, you have the nerve to say that, a slave with three surnames. You went to Lordaeron to be someone's son, but you turned around and died as a godfather. Now you still have face." Come back to the meeting?"

God of War Lu Bu (Prince of Alterac): "Why are you ashamed? We are all brothers and princes of Alterac. What are you talking about? Brother, you are talking, are you trying to betray the country? Isn't it? "

But the kings all looked at Mo Fei, and turned to Mo Fei—brother, do you want to deal with these two or five boys first?

Murphy shook his head. He still knew about the situation of God of War Lu Bu. This guy had nothing to do with Godwin. At first he wanted to hug King Tenaris' thigh, but Tenaris died when he turned his head, causing everyone to panic. The skeptical attitude towards Lu Bu, the god of war, is really too suspicious of his name.

Moreover, King Aiden's death was done by himself, and the video was spread on the Internet.

"That's right, we are all brothers, there is no need to be so divided. We are here this time mainly to face this unprecedented change. We must unite as one, otherwise Alterac will not be here, and your prince's title will be lost." to be cancelled.

Godwin did talk to us about the merger before, and he gave us a lot of money, and he can keep the title of the territory. In short, the treatment is very good, but..."

While Murphy was talking, suddenly there was a sound of hurried footsteps outside the door.

"We're here, we're here."

Just look outside the gate, Dalabon barged in together with Sigret, followed by a beautiful woman with blond hair.

Someone complained, "Why did you two come here?"

Dalabangba sat down and panted, "Of course it's because there is a task to do. Look at who we brought back."

As he spoke, he pointed to the blonde beauty behind him, who also looked at everyone excitedly.

Mo Fei took a look, hey, it looks familiar.

Sabrina Perenolde (Princess Alterac), level 20, life value 1000.

"I rely on!"

"I go!"

"My day!"

"What am I..."

Everyone was shocked.

A generation of military advisers (archmages): "I said you two got us a younger sister from there? When did we have a princess in Alterac?"

Grabbing the roots, he slapped his thigh, "I remembered, we seem to have a sister, we had it a long time ago, there were less than ten princes in Alterac, I met it once, and later I don’t know why it’s gone, I didn’t quite understand it when I played it, I thought it was refreshed.”

Darkseid nodded, "Yes, I also remembered, it seems that the task of saving the princess can't be issued in the kingdom task, but unfortunately no one has done it."

After hearing this, Zhuo Genbao took out the list of missions in the kingdom of Alterac. The missions on it are changed every year, but there are a few cheating missions that have never been done, and they have been hanging on it.

Grab Genbao and pull the task down to the bottom,

The last one on the list is—【Rescue the Princess Kidnapped by the Dragon】.

Grab the basics and read the task text.

"It is said that she was captured by the evil dragon called 'Death in the Mist', Princess Sabrina Perenolde of Alterac, and whoever rescues the princess will receive a reward of 1000 gold coins and the Alterac treasury Random treasure."

Mo Fei finally remembered that he had seen this girl in the Obsidian Temple back then, but he didn't expect to become his younger sister. This is really flooding the Dragon King Temple, and the family doesn't recognize the family anymore .

After a while, he suddenly thought of something.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "You found the Dragon's Lair in the Misty Mountains in the wetlands, right?"

'Death in the Mist' Summerfield, one of the black dragon lords he befriended at the beginning, built his dragon lair in the Misty Mountains.

Dalabang wondered: "That's right, that's where we found the Dragon's Nest, hey, how did you know, brother, did we take this task before, we spent a lot of effort to find that copy, and we lost it again It took a lot of effort to get through the copy."

Mo Fei thought it was true or not, you two slaughtered the dragon?
Murphy is somewhat unbelievable, Summerfield is also a world-class boss, are you two silver heroes so fierce?
"You killed the 'Death in the Fog'?"

Dalabang said: "Hey, there is no such thing. We are not stupid. We hired a large number of adventurers to be cannon fodder. We searched in the mountains for half a month before we found the cave entrance. This dungeon is a level 40 team dungeon. Not bad, we sent these adventurer teams to take turns to attack, and it took a week to successfully complete the dungeon of the Misty Cave.

It turned out that the God of Death in the Mist was not in the dragon's nest at all, only an adult black dragon guarding the dragon's nest, it was a terrifying third-level boss, and the two of us used the tactics provided by the adventurer to study for three days before finally making up our mind to take action. After a hard fight, he finally killed the evil dragon and rescued his sister.

By the way, it was raised a level. "

The two of them pointed to the rank above their heads.

Sure enough, both of them were already first-tier gold heroes.

The first level of gold in Lordaeron is just the beginning, but in Alterac, it is already considered a master.

But when the two of them saw the rank above Murphy's head, they suddenly stopped screaming.

"Brother, you're already an epic hero? Awesome, how did you get promoted?"

Murphy didn't answer, but fell into deep thought.

Summerfield isn't there?This is a bit strange.

Summerfield is a house dragon, and he rarely leaves the dragon's nest. He only goes out occasionally to the Obsidian Temple for annual meetings, and every time he travels far, he will definitely bring his own princess figure.

This time it didn't bring the princess with it, which means it has important actions to do. Could it be that the Black Dragon Legion is going to do something big again?

Sigret said: "Brother, how did you get promoted, why are you so embarrassed to say it?"

Mo Fei smiled, "Killed a few ancient dragons, and even killed an ancient god, it's a trivial matter."

"The ancient god..."

The eyes of several people suddenly changed, and they thought to themselves, brother, are you bragging or cheating.

Are the Old Gods dead?

"Haha, don't look at me with that kind of eyes. I also hugged my thighs and went to the plot battle with Malfurion, Tyrande, Emperor Shenwu and others. It's a fluke, it's just a fluke, so let's not talk about it. Let’s talk about business.”

Murphy became serious.

"When King Aiden was still there, the Kingdom of Alterac was at least safe and peaceful, so Aiden was a waste snack in history, but even so, he was able to maintain the normal operation of the kingdom.

But now that the kingdom has fallen into our hands, not only has it not developed and grown, but the people are in dire straits, monsters are overgrown, rebels are everywhere, cults are everywhere, and bandits are swarming.

Don't you feel ashamed?
This time, Lordaeron wanted to annex us, and Godwin offered a big price to the six of us to buy us off. We originally wanted to sell them, but the more I thought about it, the more I felt it was wrong.

Think about it, what is the biggest charm of the game Firmament World?Isn't it that players can change history, create history, and change the world?
In history, Alterac was annexed by Lordaeron. Couldn't we have so many brothers to change all this?

We also had a bloody battle with the Horde in the Ice Wolf Field, and even Sal's father let us kill him.

We also fought against the tribes in the wetlands and regained Stormwind City. After so many epic battles and so many powerful deeds, did we finally sell out the kingdom and people we fought for for a few pennies?
We are the royal family of Alterac, the sons of the mountain, is it meaningless to tease you all? "

Everyone's blood boiled with enthusiasm after what they said, and the atmosphere immediately ignited.

Murphy continued to add fire.

"If the country of Alterac is gone, we are actually not afraid. We can continue to be dukes, lords, and make a lot of money, but what about you? The title of prince will be completely gone.

Although you made some money by selling Kingdom shares before, don't you want to make more?
Now we are in this era of turmoil. As long as everyone works together, we will not be afraid of not making money, and we will be able to leave our own legends on the road of Azeroth. No matter what you think, I definitely want it fight.

Who wants to be with me! "


"well said!"

"I did it, count me in."

"Brother Aidan, just tell me what to do."

The brothers suddenly became energetic.

Mo Feijian's morale was almost boosted, so he said.

"In the next three days, what we have to do is to clear the bandit stronghold, eliminate the rebels, eliminate the cult forces, and eliminate the pirate fleet blocking the South China Sea route."

Victor wondered, "It's okay to say anything else, but the pirate fleet—our Alterac fleet has been sold, and rebuilding the fleet costs a lot of money, and we don't have a naval commander. It is very difficult to fight pirates." What a loss.

"Pirate Fleet, just leave it to me. You are mainly responsible for clearing up bandits, rebels and cult organizations."

This kind of work is still very simple for today's princes. After so many battles, the strength that can persist until now is not weak. There have been several gold ranks, and the last one is silver four silver Five, it is still very simple to kill a few bandits and rebels.

(End of this chapter)

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