Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 446 After 3 Days

Chapter 446 Three Days Later
Aidan (Prince Protector of Alterac): "I will send Dragon Knights to assist you, provide aerial reconnaissance, and call me if you are in trouble. Within three days, I will see that Alterac is completely cleaned up. .”

The plan was made, and the princes immediately took action.

Two days later - Naga Sea -

Under the bright sunshine, a pirate fleet is sailing at full speed on the vast sea.

The size of the fleet is quite large, there are seven capital ships, and more than a dozen small scout ships, spreading the search range within tens of nautical miles around the fleet.

With this level of sea power, even the tide lords of the Naga Empire and the sea monsters in the deep sea would not easily provoke them.

Not to mention the merchant fleet, almost all merchant ships that encountered this fleet were destined to be plundered.

However, in the recent period, the fleet's harvest in this sea area has become less and less pitiful. The merchant fleet in Nanhai Town has almost either fled here, or has been sunk, and the few ships are also hiding in the sea. I dare not set sail in the harbor.

On the bow of the flagship, the tauren first officer was reporting the situation to the human captain.

Bullish (Pirate first mate): "Let me tell you, boss, why not go to another place to rob, this has been out of business for a week, I think Alterac's merchant ships have been wiped out long ago, why waste it here Time, why not leave a few ships and return to Stranglethorn Vale, the goblins there have made a lot of money recently, and the merchant ships are very fat."

Jian Nantian (Pirate Captain): "What do you know? Take people's money to help people eliminate disasters. We have to do a good job after taking over the job. Is it in place? The president has said that we must not let a piece of Alterac sail into the sea." .”

As he spoke, he picked up the telescope and began to observe seriously.

But as before, the sea was calm and there was not a single ship.

No, it wasn't calm either. On the distant sea, a dark cloud was moving quickly. After all, there was the sound of a flag being blown overhead.

"Hey, why does it seem like the wind is blowing?" the first officer of the Tauren asked in surprise.

After cruising in this sea area for so long, he has already grasped the change of wind direction here, but this meeting is obviously different.

"It's a storm!" the captain said in a deep voice.

"But it's still far away. The scale of the storm is not too big. There is still time to change the course. Signal the fleet and turn around."

As they spoke, they picked up the rudder and began to turn, but it was strange to say that when the fleet turned to sail north, the storm also changed direction and blew towards the north.


Seeing that just ahead of the route, a large black storm was rolling in with dark clouds and thunder and lightning.

The captain struggled to turn the rudder, and could only continue to turn.

"Mage, let me detect the movement of that storm."

"Received." The mage accompanying the ship immediately closed his eyes, and pointed his hands at the storm for a round - the eye of the atmosphere!
His consciousness immediately penetrated into the storm, sensing the changes in the wind element.

But the next second—

Roar!In the storm, there was a deafening roar suddenly.

He saw a huge black shadow suddenly appearing in the clouds, as if sensing his consciousness, a pair of long eyes glared at him suddenly.

The mage was so frightened that he suddenly interrupted his magic.

"It's a dragon! The dragon is coming."

"Dragon?" The pirate captain immediately realized the danger.

"Everyone is ready to fight! Mage, hurry up and use the wind-making technique."

"Roger that!"

The creativity of the players is endless, especially after mastering the magical and changeable ability of magic, it can be seen everywhere in various operation games. The players can think more vividly than those NPCs, and they have also developed various magics. Applications.

For example, using the wind-making technique as a power source for sailing warships.

At this time, the mage accompanying the ship immediately fired a powerful wind-making technique at the sail.

The gust of wind suddenly picked up, and the sail was blown up directly.

Under the gust of wind, the battleship seemed to be equipped with a jet engine, accelerating in vain, chopping the waves and heading towards the direction it came from.

"Haha! It depends on what else you can do."

The pirate captain shouted excitedly, but just as everyone was rejoicing, another storm hit the front of the fleet.

"Captain, look ahead!"

Another storm swirled in, making the captain call it impossible.

The reason is very simple, the wind usually blows in one direction, so there is no reason why two storms are pinching each other.

"Damn it, get ready to fight! Get the ballista up now."

A few minutes later, the two huge storms finally converged, enveloping most of the pirate fleet.

This is the success of Murphy's recent research, the storm + accompanying storm evoked by the Storm Controller.

The former can also move freely under his control as a pursuer.

The latter is responsible for interception and is flexible and free.

Two groups of storms, one before the other.

Dumplings were made directly for this pirate fleet.

The storms converged and immediately formed a bigger storm. The dark clouds instantly blocked the sunlight, and the surroundings were completely dark.

In the storm, the pirate fleet was continuously pushed to the top of the waves, and then pushed into the valley of the waves.

The mages on the fleet cast all kinds of magic to resist this terrible storm.

At the same time, there was also a terrifying dragon roar in the sky.

The storm drakes descended from the sky riding the wind and rain, and they passed over the fleet at extreme speed, spraying out bolts of lightning.

The fleet prepared anti-air weapons one after another, huge ballistas fired continuously into the air, and the light of magic illuminated the pirate ships in the dark.

With the sound of gunfire, bows and arrows streaked across the sky, a fierce battle between the air force and the navy began immediately.

The firepower of the pirate fleet is actually not weak. Today's warships are paying more and more attention to air defense. Under normal circumstances, they can completely resist the attack of more than 100 storm drakes with the fleet's air defense firepower.

However, in the storm, the attacks of these long-range firepower are greatly reduced, but the storm dragon is like a fish in water.

The two sides fought hard for a long time, and none of the dragons were defeated. Instead, the sailors on the deck suffered heavy losses.

stare!Keep blowing and take my fleet out quickly.

However, it was too late, and under the cover of the storm, Murphy directly approached the flagship.

A huge black shadow passed over the sky.

Thunder breath!

The crimson thunder light descended from the sky, sweeping across the deck, and the Dragon King's breath was completely unmatched by the poor thunder and lightning of the storm drake.

The passive effect of the power lightning directly shattered the deck, even penetrated the deck, detonated the gunpowder barrel, and exploded into a fireboat with a bang.

Jian Nantian wanted to make a big struggle, but the giant dragon had already flown to the next ship.

"It's the Storm Dragon King, all the battleships hit the firepower, shoot it down for me."

The ballista continued to fire.

But Murphy, who was flying in the storm, was extremely nimble. He circled up, easily avoided the attack, and swooped down again, destroying the battleship.

It is like a demon god in a storm, ravaging this fleet like playing tricks.

Aidan Delong (Storm Dragon King): "Pray, beg for mercy, and offer your faith to the disaster dragon Aidan Delong. If you sincerely pray for forgiveness, maybe you can survive this storm."

After finishing speaking, another dragon thunder blasted down.

Dragon Thunder Storm!

Boom boom boom!

The crimson dragon thunder shattered the deck of the battleship, and one after another was destroyed on the sea.

The player is okay, some of those NPC pirates can't help but beg for mercy and pray.

When the storm moved away from the fleet, only pieces of broken planks and floating corpses remained on the sea.

[System prompt: You have completed the plot event [The Doom of the Bloodsail Pirates]. Your plot identity in this plot event is - 'The Calamity Dragon'. According to your performance in this plot event, you will get 175 plot points. 】

Hell, it's only 175 points.

Murphy felt a little helpless. Sure enough, the higher the rank, the more difficult it was to upgrade. Not only did more plot points be required, but most importantly, the higher the rank, the less points would be obtained for the same plot event.

With the addition and subtraction of the two phases, it becomes more and more difficult to advance. Now, if you want to advance, it is almost impossible to rely on this kind of small plot, and you can only participate in major plot events.

But no matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat. Let's continue to work hard. Maybe we can kill a pirate king or something. Can you give me more.

Thinking about it, Murphy continued to send out the storm drakes to investigate.

In one day, the three pirate fleets of the Bloodsail Pirates were destroyed, and the Bloodsail Pirates suffered heavy losses since their establishment.

When the news reached Godwin, Godwin immediately realized that he had been tricked.

There was a burst of rage at first, but then quickly calmed down.

It seems that the legend is true, the other party can really control the storm, and it is definitely not a one-time magic scroll or something like that.

Godwin made such a judgment.

In the war between the Alliance and the Horde, Aidan had used the power of the storm, but at that time, many people speculated that it should be some kind of magic scroll, scroll of forbidden spells or something like that.

After all, this Aidan is a warrior hero, and it doesn't look like he can use super spells.

Ordinary magic may be learned, but the attributes required for this level of spells are definitely not something a strength barbarian can master. As long as it is not difficult to research from the equipment attributes and blood volume.

But now it seems that the opponent has mastered this kind of skill, can use it frequently, and can even summon two storms in one battle.

And this storm can turn freely, which is a bit scary.

Although Godwin was very confident in the power of the Golden Tree, the opponent was obviously using the divine power of the Storm Domain, so he had to pay attention to it.

After thinking about it, definitely try it out first.

Godwin: Prince Aidan, what you're doing is a little out of character.

Aidan: How do you say that?
Godwin: Don't you know what you did these three days?

Aidan: I just wiped out some pirates who caused harm to the ocean. Could it be that His Majesty Godwin knows these pirates?Are there any friends of Godwin's Majesty here?

Godwin choked immediately, and wanted to admit it, but he couldn't hold back his face.

Playing this hypocritical game of pretending to be a wolf with a big tail, generally speaking, whoever reveals himself first loses.

If you can pretend, I must pretend better than you.

Godwin: Hehehe, of course I don’t know each other. I wish I could kill them all. How could these evil pirates have anything to do with me, but didn’t you say that you would consider merging? Why did you kill the pirates?

Aidan: I like to do things when I think about problems, so I think about it while eliminating pirates. What, do I have to report to you on how I think?

Godwin: Of course not, so what do you think about it?

Aidan: Well, after careful consideration, I think it's better not to merge.

Godwin: ...


After three days, the territory of the Kingdom of Alterac was completely cleared up. The situation where there were wild monsters everywhere and cult strongholds everywhere was finally much better.

"Then it's time to make money, and I've arranged a roving storm on the route to Northrend, only our fleet in Alterac will not be hit.

Let's make a distribution, whoever wants to go to Northrend first, and who wants to go to Kalimdor. "

For things like transoceanic trade, the princes immediately signed up enthusiastically.

For a long time, each faction has its own auction system, that is to say, in the alliance's auction house, only players from different countries of the alliance can communicate with each other.

The Night Alliance and Horde have their own auction house system.

Between different continents and different economic systems, there will definitely be price differences for equipment and materials, and this is profit.

Can you make money easily by simply buying and selling?

They were discussing excitedly, but they didn't necessarily come to report. Lordaeron's messenger arrived.

"My lords, Lord Protector, I have ordered this letter to be sent here by the order of my king Godwin."

Murphy took the letter and glanced at it, hehe immediately.

There is another meeting.

Read the letter to several people.

"Has the Horde crossed the Dark Portal again?"

"I'm going, come again?"

"Should we still attend this meeting?"

Murphy said, "Of course you have to participate. As a member of the alliance, you must at least maintain superficial unity, and you must not give the other party an excuse to find fault."

Does Murphy know very well that his own strength can only make Godwin afraid, but it is impossible to stop the opponent with his own strength, so he must not give the opponent an excuse, otherwise if he is hostile by the entire alliance, or if he really fights with Lordan If Lun fights head-on, it will definitely be unbearable.

The best way is to fight without breaking. As long as the opponent has no way to attack directly, then absolutely not afraid.

"I'll meet him in person. You guys continue to do the fleet's ocean-going business. If you encounter danger, just keep me secret."

One day later - the Royal City of Lordaeron - under the Golden Tree.

The lake was filled and a platform was built. The semicircular guardrail surrounded the platform and the golden tree to form a raised semicircle.

It happened that the majestic posture of the golden tree could be seen, and the holy light from the golden tree fell on the open space where the conference round table was located like a searchlight.

Every special envoy who came to the meeting couldn't help but look at the golden sacred tree in front of them.

So majestic, so holy, it makes people feel like worshiping.

Falstad couldn't help asking, "Do you know what kind of tree this is? It's so majestic and huge. If I can plant a tree in Eagle's Nest Mountain, my griffins will have a place to nest. "

"I have some guesses." Antonidas said with serious eyes.

"In the distant land of Kalimdor, there is a race called night elves. The night elves worship a sacred tree called the world tree. It is said that the tree of the world is so tall that it is so huge that the night elves even built a tree on it. a city.

Moreover, the night elves have more than one world tree. Maybe the golden holy tree in front of them is a world tree, but the world tree should be just an extremely huge tree, and should not have the power of holy light. However, I don't know the specific origin of the World Tree, so I can't be sure. "

A voice suddenly sounded behind everyone, "I know a little bit about it. The first World Tree is named Ghanir, the mother of all tree seeds. It is located in the Emerald Dream, and was ruled by the ancients of green dragons and night elves. The soul guards, the golden holy tree in front of you was planted with the seeds of the world tree.

The World Tree can absorb energy, then transform it into fruit, or absorb it to change its own attributes. The World Tree in front of me has absorbed too much infusion of the power of holy light, which makes it have the power of becoming holy. The power of light. "

(End of this chapter)

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