Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 447

Chapter 447
Everyone looked back, but the person speaking in front of them was an old human elder, dressed in a scholar's attire, wearing a loose bachelor's robe, with a rather stylish style, wearing unilateral glasses, and holding a thick book in his hand And a bundle of scrolls, even the horizontal axis of the scrolls is gold, engraved with mysterious runes, it looks like a high-status noble scholar.

Antonidas (Archmage): "This is?"

Ogad (erudite scholar): "I am Ogad Borax, a court scholar of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. I have just returned from investigating ancient ruins. It is a pleasure to meet you all."

He nodded slightly as he spoke.

Everyone was a little surprised. Why would a court scholar come to participate in this kind of alliance high-level meeting?
Antonidas was more concerned about the origin of the golden sacred tree just mentioned.

"Mr. O'Gard, are you talking about the information provided by His Majesty Godwin?"

"Of course not. Prince Godwin kept silent about the source of the World Tree seeds. I deduced this from the appearance of the Golden Sacred Tree. Archeology is a very profound technology. As long as you have enough wisdom and knowledge, many hidden in the history The hidden information in it can be easily penetrated.

In the ancient times 1 years ago, the world consisted of a supercontinent, and the cities of the night elf empire spread all over the entire continent. Even in the eastern continent, the ruins of night elf cities can also be found. Therefore, I personally guess that Prince Godwin should have come from A seed found in an ancient ruin.

Of course, there is another possibility that Prince Godwin sent someone to sneak into the Emerald Dream and snatch the seeds of the World Tree, but this possibility is very small. The Emerald Dream is a secondary plane that only exists in the classic records. Lordaeronian academia has yet to discover any means of accessing it. "

Antonidas chuckled twice: "Scholarship is endless Mr. Ogard, the scholars of Lordaeron can't do it, it doesn't mean others can't do it, Dalaran has been doing magic research on planes , In fact, we have discovered several ways to enter different planes, but it is inconvenient to disclose the specific details..."

Several people were discussing, and a melodious trombone sounded.

Surrounded by a troop of royal guards, Godwin makes his debut.

It is really shining in the literal sense. I saw him walking all the way, and the holy light walked with him, and the golden light was shining and majestic.

No matter what his current strength is, judging from the special effects of his appearance alone, he is very domineering.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Welcome to Lordaeron, honorable envoys, the last few years have been a troubled time for the alliance. The orc invasion has repeatedly threatened the alliance's comfort. We are extremely fragile, but the more we get to this time, the more we must unite for the safety of the alliance.

The purpose of calling everyone here today is to find a way out for the future life and death of the alliance. "

These words are quite serious, but none of the people in the meeting reacted much. The main reason is that there are too many crises and too many meetings. Everyone's nerves have already been smoothed by the constant crises.

Quietly listening to Godwin's speech.

Godwin glanced at the senior leaders of the alliance who came to the meeting. Yes, the leaders of all countries have basically arrived.

Hey, no one came from Alterac, it seems that they won't come, it's not a surprise, heh heh, it's just a matter of talking about it for a while.

Godwin was about to announce the start of the meeting, but the sound of dragon wings flapping the air suddenly came from the sky. Everyone looked up and saw a giant dragon with a wingspan of nearly [-] meters slowly flying over their heads. It was Aidan Delong, the Storm Dragon King. .

At this moment, Mo Fei couldn't help but marvel when he looked at the golden tree in front of him. At this moment, he was soaring in the sky. It stands to reason that he could not fly too low, but this giant tree was actually higher than his flying height. exaggerate.

The towering giant tree towers into the sky, and the shock can only be experienced by seeing it with your own eyes. It is no wonder that the people of Lordaeron are crazy about the birth of the golden tree.

A little closer, he wanted to take a closer look, suddenly, he felt as if something was lurking in the giant tree, observing him in the sky, giving him a feeling of being strongly annotated .

That existence made him feel quite dangerous. This feeling had been felt when he faced C'Thun back then, and now it appeared again, even stronger than that time.

In the final analysis, the C'Thun he was facing was just a shell, and the golden holy tree in front of him was like the rising sun, which was impossible to ignore.

Could it be that this tree is alive?Have a consciousness of your own?

He didn't think much about it, because hundreds of Griffin Knights had already surrounded him.

Just go around twice.

He dived directly.

Boom!The giant storm dragon landed on the open space next to the meeting table, and the Griffin Knights surrounded by the sky could only turn around and fly away.

Murphy noticed that even these griffin riders were shining with gold.

Ogad (erudite scholar): "Ah, Prince Aidan, we meet again. It seems that you have finally embarked on the path of a dragon eater."

Hey, why is it him?

Murphy recognized the person in front of him. He had met this person at the snake-man ruins under Tongtian Peak, and Ogad also told him the story of the ancient Dragon Eater.

Looking at the pen and paper in his hand, it seemed that he planned to record this meeting.

Aidandron (Storm Dragonlord): "I'm glad to see you again, scholar, what are you doing here?"

O'Garde (polymath): "A conference that will determine history is about to take place. As a scholar, it is natural to witness and record all this happening. This is the material I have accumulated for the new book."

Sky Chronicles - Alliance Chapter?

There really is such a book, and this guy is actually the editor.

Mo Fei vaguely felt that the person in front of him was a little different.

At this time Godwin had also walked over, looking at Murphy in the form of a dragon, he was annoyed for a while.

This is a naked show of strength. It has to be said that this guy's size has become much larger than the last time we met.

With a wingspan of 70 meters, even if the wings are folded and lying on the ground, people still have to look up at it. The sense of oppression brought by the terrifying giant beast is extremely profound.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Your Highness Aidan, you have finally arrived, please change back to human form immediately, our meeting is about to begin."

Aidan Delong (Storm Dragon King): "No, I think it is very convenient to participate in the meeting in this state. My ears are not very good. After being transformed into a dragon, I can better isolate everyone's voice, and the voice is relatively loud. In this way, everyone can hear my voice clearly, what do you think? I don’t think there is such a rule that you can’t participate in the meeting in other forms.”

It's not entirely for demonstration, but mainly to prevent accidents. Murphy doesn't dare to bet that no matter how strong the human form is, he may be beheaded, as long as he beheads with one sword, or pierces the heart with one sword.

Compared with the dragon, the human form is too fragile and can be easily killed, especially when unprepared.

It is safer to be in the form of a dragon. Although Godwin is not such an extreme person, it is always right to be cautious.

This gesture was a clear distrust, and Godwin became more and more annoyed, but as long as he didn't say it, everyone would save face, and they could only admit it.

(Hmph, you bastard, do you think I would be so impulsive to engage in assassination? But it is true, the biggest problem in Alterac is this guy in front of you, as long as you can solve this dragon changer, those poor people in Alterac There is absolutely no way to fight against me, but you can think about it, is it right to try.)
Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Your Prince Aidan, then everyone, our meeting has officially begun.

Three days ago, the Watch Legion of Fort Watch received the exact news that the number of the tribe's army had exceeded 50, and it was still increasing.

Orc camps are spread across every piece of land in the Blasted Lands. They have built a large number of fortresses and fortresses, apparently intending to use the Dark Portal as a base for a long-term invasion.

Not only that, but many terrifying weapons that had never been seen before appeared in the tribe's army. Obviously, the strength of the orcs became stronger.

Not only that, as far as I know, the army of this tribe is just one of the many branches of the orcs. According to the information sent back by the thieves from the intelligence department, the orcs withdrew from Stormwind City and attacked separately, and they were divided into six legions in total. .

They are the Evil Fire Legion, the Blood Ring Legion, the Blackstone Legion, the Shadow Moon Legion, the Tyrant Sword Legion, and the Dragonmaw Legion. Only two of them returned from the Dark Portal. No one knows how many troops the other legions have and where they are hiding. "

Lothar (Regent): "I know a little bit about this. In Stranglethorn Vale, there is a group of orcs who claim to be followers of the Blood God. They are obviously one of the legions. During this time, these orcs have been conquering the troll tribe in Stranglethorn Vale. , and some kind of evil sacrificial ritual is still going on.”

Dailin Proudmoore (Admiral): "The merchant ships of Kul Tiras have also encountered an orc fleet at sea. It is not yet sure which orc army it is."

Magni Bronzebeard (King of Ironforge): "There is also an orc army in the Blackrock Spire Fortress. They hide in the depths of the Blackrock Spire Fortress and compete with the Dark Iron Dwarves for the dominion of the Blackrock Mountain Range. There are some Black Iron The dwarves were captured by us and told me about the orcs.

Later, I sent some adventurers there, and finally figured out their identities. They were the orc legion known as the Blackrock Clan. "

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Then things are obvious. This is obviously a premeditated invasion. Apart from the orcs who rushed out of the Dark Portal, other orc legions are likely to be preparing to launch an attack. We You have to be prepared and prepared.”

"There is even worse news to share with you. The orc captive detention centers we established have been frequently attacked in the past. A large number of orc captives were rescued and fled into the wilderness."

What!Everyone was startled when they heard this. Those orc legions are still relatively far away, so there is no need to be too nervous for the time being, but those captured orc captives are all held in the territory of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, why were they rescued? Woolen cloth?

You have to know that the countries had a hard time defeating the orcs, captured these orc captives, and they were rescued and escaped in less than two years, so the battle was not for nothing?

Magni Bronzebeard (King of Ironforge): "Damn it, I knew I should have killed them all."

Falstad (King of Eagle's Nest Mountain): "Oh yes, but I remember that Ironforge supported the establishment of a detention center?"

After saying this, King Magni Bronzebeard fell silent for a moment.

Although they are all dwarves and members of the alliance, Eagle's Nest and Ironforge are actually not easy to deal with. In the Battle of the Three Hammers, the Bronzebeard family drove away the Wildhammer and Dark Iron dwarves, and let Liang Zi In the end, although it's not as extreme as the black iron dwarves, they will occasionally talk to each other during meetings.

"If you want me to say, those orcs should really be killed, instead of locking them up to eat and drink, they should feed them to griffins."

Aidan Delong (Storm Dragon King): "Your Majesty Godwin, aren't you going to give some explanation? Why are you so dereliction of duty."

Murphy also took the opportunity to add insult to injury. Instead of waiting for Godwin to find fault with him, he might as well find fault with Lordaeron himself.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Killing orc captives is not an act of justice. As an alliance of justice and nobility, how can you do such a thing? This is an atrocity that the Holy Light cannot tolerate. As for the detention center being breached The reason for this incident is that all countries are unwilling to bear the cost of establishing detention centers, so Lordaeron can only guard them independently. Due to the lack of funds, the defense of these detention centers is not tight enough, and the garrison is not enough. Thinking that the orcs dared to take the initiative to attack, that's why these incidents happened.

If you were willing to provide funds to build castles to detain those orcs, this kind of thing would not have happened.

And according to the information provided by the survivors, these orcs were none other than the Frostwolf orcs who hid in the Alterac Mountains back then, and the leader of the Frostwolf orcs was Young Wolf, the chief of the Frostwolf orcs.

I would like to ask Prince Aidan, why did you not notice that the Frostwolf Orcs left the Alterac Mountains? "

In one sentence, I took away my responsibility. Who told you that you didn't pay for it in the first place.

Now the leaders of all countries are annoyed.

At the beginning, those "orc detention centers" were located in various countries, and they were often relatively dangerous places. If they were stationed by Lordaeron's army, wouldn't it be equivalent to foreign troops, and they had to pay for the construction themselves, how could they agree.

Seeing Godwin talking so much, Falstad couldn't help muttering, "Damn it, I knew we might as well learn from Quel'Thalas and Stromgarde."

At this time, a guard hurried over and whispered something to Godwin.

Godwin seemed deaf to Falstad's complaints.

"Everyone, I just received the latest information - the Horde army has already started to move, but they did not attack the Kingdom of Stormwind, but attacked the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas across the sea. port landed."

What!Everyone was shocked now, this orc's strategy is really bold, to attack across the sea?Aren't you afraid of being cut off by the alliance navy?

"We must support Quel'Thalas!"

Godwin sneered, "It's none of our business that those elves suffer. Don't forget that they have launched the alliance."

Antonidas (Speaker of Dalaran): "But if the Elf Kingdom is captured and the orcs seize the power of the Sunwell, their strength will inevitably increase. The magic of the Sunwell is extremely powerful. God knows how those orcs will use it."

This will lead to a wave of worried discussion.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "There is no need to be so nervous. The kingdom of elves has been passed down for thousands of years and has a profound heritage. They think they can rely on their own strength to protect the land. Why should we force others to make things difficult for us? We can't directly launch an invasion. Although the elves have No longer a part of the league, but shall we respect their choice as well?"

This is a very high-profile statement, and the leaders of various countries can't help but talk about it.

(End of this chapter)

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