Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 449 Orcs and Elves

Chapter 449 Orcs and Elves

Listening to Godwin's introduction, the leaders of various countries had different expressions, and the expressions on their faces were almost doubtful and vigilant.

This golden tree imprint sounds pretty good, a chance to be resurrected for nothing, although after resurrection, it is no longer a living person, but a holy spirit warrior.

But at least it can exist in the real world.

And looking at it like that, it seems to be quite cool.

People's fear of death can be said to be regardless of the world. If it can be ensured that it can continue to exist after death, it will naturally have a huge attraction.

But will things really be so good?
In fact, there are similar things under the command of other gods in the firmament world, such as the "Soul of the Storm" of the God of Storms, the "Heroic Warrior" of Odin, the God of War, and the "Soul of Vengeance" of the Moon God Elune...

There are various legends. It is said that as long as certain conditions are met, or the belief is sufficiently pious to attract the attention of a certain god, one can ascend to the Kingdom of God after death, without having to fall into the gloomy and unknown world of shadows.

But how to fulfill the conditions and how many people can enter the Kingdom of God, only God knows.

However, the dependents of these gods cannot exist in the material world for a long time. Only priests and priests who have mastered the corresponding power use summoning spells to come to the world for a short time.

And these holy spirit warriors in front of them are obviously more high-end, and they can actually exist in the material world for a long time. This is completely different from the dependents of other gods.

Being able to do this is obviously due to the existence of the golden tree. Murphy guessed that this golden tree should be like a signal base station, which can directly project the power of the supreme will into the real world, and can also be used as a god. A part of the kingdom that temporarily stores the consciousness of the Holy Spirit.

This is very powerful.

Since there is no way to communicate directly with the other legendary gods and relatives, no one knows whether they are reliable or not.

Unlike these holy spirit warriors in front of them, those who were resurrected directly were people they knew before they were alive.

And as long as you get the golden tree mark, you can be resurrected [-]% of the time. This kind of complete certainty is much more attractive than those unreliable legends in the past.

However, the problem lies here. To obtain the seal of the Holy Spirit, one must believe in the Holy Light, and almost all the people present have their own beliefs.

The countries of the alliance believe in the twelve main gods, but the specific gods are different.

For example, dwarves believe in Odin, the god of war, because Odin is the god of war, and dwarves are brave and fearless fighters. At the same time, Odin's beard is also very in line with the aesthetics of dwarves.

But there are also many dwarf miners who choose to believe in the Mother Earth, because they believe that the Mother Earth created the earth, and the treasures they dig are hidden underground. Of course, they have to pray to the Mother Earth to get more harvest. .

The people of Alterac believe in the God of Storms, because they live on high mountains, and the cold storm is enough to destroy the city, so praying to the God of Storms is naturally for protection from destruction.

The Kingdom of Stormwind also believed in the God of Storms in the past, but later the belief in the Holy Light appeared, but it was because the God of Storms was mainly in charge of storms, directly governing the big businessmen, captains, and sailors who sailed at sea, but for farmers who cultivated land. Said, naturally the God of Light who provides free medical treatment is more friendly to the people.

To put it bluntly, what kind of god you believe in is ultimately related to interests. How can there be so many devout believers, most of them are for benefits.

From this point of view alone, it seems that it is nothing to change the family in order to get a chance of rebirth.

But as a king and monarch, he will naturally think more far-reaching.

The Golden Tree is now in Godwin's hands. Wouldn't it be equivalent to becoming Godwin's subordinate to become a Holy Spirit warrior?
If the kings of all countries believed in the holy light and accepted the seal of the golden tree, they would all become holy spirit warriors after they died...

After that, Lordaeron still hasn't taken off to the sky. A bunch of previous kings were used as thugs. How can the new generation of kings fight against Lordaeron?

Sooner or later they have to be swallowed up by others.

After figuring this out, the faces of the monarchs of various countries suddenly became ugly.

The look he looked at Godwin was somewhat evil.

But are you setting a trap for us?So many heroic lords died in the Wetland Battle, and even King Zeon was beaten to death by the tribe inexplicably. Many of them were for unknown reasons. Once he accepts the mark of the golden tree, no one can guarantee whether he will become the next one. People who 'died in battle'.

Magni Bronzebeard (King of Ironforge): "We dwarves are all fearless warriors. We believe in Odin, the God of War. After death, we will ascend to the Hall of Valor to celebrate the eternal banquet with the God of War, enjoy wine and roast Pig, how can you easily change your beliefs for a rebirth?"

Falstad (King of Eagle's Nest Mountain): "It's just, hey nephew, can you still drink after you become Holy Spirit warriors? Can you still eat meat?"

The revived Red Wildhammer looked indifferent: "Holy Spirit warriors don't need to eat or drink, and we don't need to eat or drink. We are warriors of the Holy Light, guardians of the Golden Tree, guarding the Golden Tree, and bringing the law of the Holy Light to us." To this world is our mission."

The indifferent words made Falstad's face change slightly.

"Damn, Godwin, what the hell did you do to my nephew, why does he look like a fool?"

"Don't be nervous, Your Majesty Falstad. Your nephew's soul is no longer complete because he died in battle for too long. Fortunately, the Golden Sacred Tree used the power of the holy light to complete his soul, so that he would not disappear completely. , and this is why I specially present the Golden Tree imprint to you.

According to the enlightenment given to me by the Holy Light, people's souls will gradually disappear after death, and finally turn into psionic energy, fall into the shadow world, and become a part of the endless darkness of the shadow world.

Only by entering the kingdom of God can we maintain the existence of consciousness. I couldn't bear to watch so many alliance warriors end up in a tragic end, so I prayed for the holy light to bestow the sacred mark of the golden tree.

This is the gift of the great holy light, everyone, don't think too much about it. "

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Also, don't be so nervous, everyone. All of this is voluntary. After all, beliefs must be pure. It is better to have no beliefs that are not pious enough, and it is impossible to obtain the approval of the Golden Tree, so it is not Everyone is qualified for this.

There is no way for this requirement of faith. After all, this sacred mark will be engraved in the soul of the recipient, and it cannot be engraved without enough devout faith.

But as long as it is engraved, you can gain eternal life.

How about this, everyone divides these marks of the Holy Light. If there are heroes and lords who are willing to accept the belief of the Holy Light, they can choose to give them the mark of the Golden Tree.

If you don't meet the conditions, there is no need to worry about it.

Of course, don't be afraid that there will be no more after the distribution is over this time. As the golden tree grows vigorously, there will be more and more imprints of the golden tree. "

As he said that, Godwin took out a stack of leaves from the golden tree. These leaves were obviously different, and each piece exuded dazzling holy light, which was as golden as gold.

It seems to be the so-called golden tree imprint.

Those holy spirit warriors stepped forward and distributed the golden tree marks to the kings and leaders of various countries.

There were as many as three or as few as two from each country, and soon the golden tree seals were all distributed.

This time, no one refused.

As the king himself, he dare not accept this mark lightly, but he gave it away for nothing, and he also explained that he voluntarily accepted it, and it would be really bad if he didn't accept it.

So each of them took the golden tree imprint with heavy hearts.

But I am in a dilemma, should I send it to the heroes and lords below?

Murphy saw all this in his eyes, but secretly admired it in his heart, Godwin played such a conspiracy.

Even if the monarchs of various countries are unwilling to accept the mark, as long as they can develop those two or three strong men in each country, it will be profitable.

If you believe in the Holy Light, you are your own, and you will be governed by the Golden Tree after death, so how dare you disrespect King Godwin while you were alive?

Most of the people who can get the golden tree mark are the strong men from various countries. This wave is the income of 18 top strong men. There will definitely be a second wave, a third wave, and a fourth wave in the future.

Relying on the distribution of resurrection benefits, the top powerhouses of all countries may be infiltrated.

Of course, the leaders of various countries can also directly destroy the golden tree mark and not distribute it to the people below, but in this way, it is obvious that I will tell Lordaeron that I will not deal with you. I am afraid that no king will dare to do this.

Not worth the loss.

And when the news spreads, those heroes and lords who believe in the Holy Light or want to get a chance to be reborn will definitely resent their own monarch.

Therefore, no matter whether these kings and monarchs speak out or not, it is Godwin who benefits in the end.

Red Wildhammer (Holy Spirit Warrior): "Master Storm Dragon King, this is a gift for you."

The dwarf Holy Spirit said, and presented three leaves of the golden tree to Murphy with a blank expression.

Murphy stretched out a dragon claw that was bigger than the dwarf's entire body, and with the tip of the claw, gently clamped off the three leaves of the golden tree, and put them into the backpack.

at this time--

Blazer (King of Gilneas): "I am willing to accept the mark of the Golden Tree! I am willing to believe in the Holy Light, Holy Light, I am willing to serve you for the rest of my life, whether you live or die, please accept me."

But Blazer directly held the Holy Light Mark in his hands, clenched his hands tightly, and murmured something, the golden leaf turned into a golden light and entered his body, soon a golden tree appeared on Blazer's forehead golden pattern.

There is also an extra BUFF on the head.

[Golden tree imprint: When you die in battle, your soul will be drawn into the golden tree, and reborn as an immortal holy spirit warrior by the power of the holy light. 】

There was a king who took the oath on the spot, and everyone was shocked.

"King Blazer, don't you think about it carefully?"

Blazer (King of Gilneas): "Hahahahaha, I feel it, the power of the Holy Light - what is there to consider, a chance to be reborn, how can such a good thing be missed, besides, the holy spirit warrior It is a powerful spirit body composed of holy light. When fighting against demons, undead, and shadow creatures, it is stronger than ordinary human heroes, and it can also live forever. It can become an immortal existence and protect the alliance forever. What could be more glorious than this? of it?

Come on, join us and fight together to protect the world. "

Blazer gave Amway like an advertisement, but unfortunately, the monarchs of all countries are old foxes, so they are not so easy to be fooled.

Uther also stood up over there.

"King Blazer is right. It is a great honor and a gift to be the sealer of the Golden Tree. Four of the six lords of our Knights of the Silver Hand have become believers of the Golden Tree. The Hand Knights will guard this world forever, even if we die in battle, our faith will not disappear."

The two sang together, making the atmosphere of the scene suddenly warm.

However, the leaders of various countries still have no one to answer.

Magni rolled his eyes, and suddenly laughed, "Hahahaha, you cowards, you are afraid of death if you are afraid of death, so why not be embarrassed, but I am not afraid of death, no one can kill me yet .”

Dai Lin (Admiral): "What I'm saying is, I, Dai Lin, travel across the seven seas. I have never seen any kind of danger. The sea is my destination. As a captain, I want to sail forever. How can I be caught by a tree?" Tree bound."

Godwin was a little disappointed to see that the monarchs of all countries were not up to the trick, and only the one he had arranged to join in.

But soon he regained his confidence. He was playing Yangmou, and the golden tree imprint would appear one after another, and it would be distributed to heroes and lords from all over the world. While maintaining hunger marketing, only those powerful fighters are eligible Obtain.

Sooner or later, the alliance's top combat power will be harvested by myself. At that time, the alliance will have the final say. No matter how powerful you are, the Storm Dragon King, it doesn't matter if you can't reward people, no matter how powerful you are, it's meaningless. Compared with following the strong, people are more willing to follow those who can bring them benefits.

Seeing Godwin's eyes, Mo Feixin said that this guy must have been holding his shit in.

Aidan Delong (Storm Dragon King): "Your Majesty Godwin, I am very surprised about one thing. Since the golden tree can resurrect the dead, why not resurrect King Tenaris?"

"That's right, the death of King Tenaris is still a mystery, maybe the truth can be known."

All the kings looked at Godwin, but Godwin remained calm and said indifferently: "Father's soul has been dead for too long, and he has already devoted himself to the Shadow Realm, and he cannot be resurrected. Well, today's meeting will come to an end. I hope everyone can Assemble the first wave of troops as soon as possible, the war between orcs and elves may be decided at any time, without the support of the alliance, Quel'Thalas may not be able to resist the orcs for too long, we must be prepared to intervene in the war."


"Great Chief, the troops have assembled."

"Great Chief, the third fleet has arrived, and the current landing force exceeds 20."

"Great Chief, my troops have successfully established a defensive line on the high ground around Sunsail Port, please instruct."

"Great Chief, the adventurers are starting to fight again, should we send them some more missions?"

At this moment, in the tribal fortress of Yangfan Port, Ba Dao Wuqing is conducting military dispatches.

This was the first time he personally led the tribe to conquer the Alliance, so he was extra cautious. Fortunately, Ba Dao Wuqing had some experience in commanding large-scale wars during the war with the Evil Fire Legion, and he would handle affairs in an orderly manner.

"Move the assembled troops to the starting position, prepare to march eastward, and keep in touch at any time."

"The fleet continues to transport troops, and the next wave will transport the wolf cavalry. We urgently need cavalry for reconnaissance operations now."

"Continue to strengthen the defenses around the port, the counterattack of the elves will come soon, and we must be prepared to deal with the enemy."

In general, Ba Dao Wuqing is very satisfied with this action, which is different from the two-way transparency between the two sides in the past. This time, because it was fighting the Kingdom of the Elf, the strategic goal was not revealed in advance, and the king of the Kingdom of the Elf It's an NPC.So the Horde took the lead.

It has been three days since they landed, and apart from the initial harassment from some ranger troops, the elves have hardly responded.

It is not surprising that Quel'Thalas is located at the northernmost point of the Eastern Continent, while the Portal of Darkness is located at the southernmost point of the continent. The elves would never expect to be attacked anyway.

"Great chief, the vanguard of the Aoao Niubi clan was defeated in Sunshine Forest, and the chief Niu Huanxi died in battle."

What!Ba Dao was ruthlessly surprised. The Aoao Niubi clan is a clan established by players. It has participated in the second war, and it can be regarded as a strong army. Niu Huanxi's rank is not low, but he died so quickly?

Ba Dao Wuqing (tribal chief): "What happened, didn't it mean that the high elves didn't have any troops in Sunshine Forest? Who was Niu Huanxi defeated by?"

"It's Cirvanas and her dog-licking army!"

(End of this chapter)

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