Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 450 Game of Thrones

Chapter 450 Game of Thrones

Quel'Thalas - Sunny Glade.

Cirvanas stood on the edge of the forest, holding the bow, looking at the battlefield that just ended, in front of him were endless orc corpses, and he couldn't see the end at a glance.

Thinking about the great battle that happened just now, Cirvanas was also a little scared. She brought 500 rangers and some adventurers to fight against the attack of the [-] orc army. She was already prepared to die in battle, but she didn't expect to face ten times It is a surprise that the army of orcs won the battle in the end.

She turned around and took a look, but her eyes unconsciously ignored the dense army of adventurers beyond her sight, and just watched the sparse ranger warriors behind her.

Cirvanas faintly felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell.

Shouts came from far away from the crowd.

Queen Xi's dog (druid): "My lord queen, when will you launch an attack! Don't worry, as long as you take the lead in charging, we will definitely follow!"

Warm Man No. [-] (Hunter): "Yes, as long as you give an order, we will overthrow all new tribes and old tribes for you."

Yufa Wushuang (mage): "The tribes are trash, long live Queen Xi!"

Royal Apothecary (Priest): "For Sylvanas!"

The adventurer's cry finally brought Sylvanas back to her senses.

Yes, this battle also has a 'little' credit to these adventurers.

Several days have passed since the orc invasion, and the countries of the alliance have no intention of sending troops to support them. Instead, the adventurers gathered spontaneously and came to Sunshine Forest to join the battle.

Heroes and soldiers have national boundaries, but adventurers have no national boundaries and are not restricted by any camp. When they heard that the elves were raped, everyone liked to hear it. come to the rescue.

Not only that, but no one knew who set up a support group for Queen Xi on the forum, and the number of applicants exceeded [-] in three days.

It has to be said that Cirvanas's popularity is really a bit explosive, and it is estimated that only King Varianva back then can fight.

It was with the help of these adventurers that we were able to crush a vanguard army of the orcs.

Cirvanas didn't understand the situation, but someone did.

Kaya Windrunner (Bright Ranger): "Second Sister, hurry up and say something. When will you attack? While everyone's morale is high, we can fight a few fierce battles with the orcs."

Sylvanas Windrunner (Ranger General): "We can't attack. Although we won this battle by luck, our troops are still too few. We are no match for the orc army in a head-on confrontation. We must make use of the terrain of the forest. Carry out defensive operations and harass the enemy as much as possible so that they cannot advance to Silvermoon City with all their strength."

Kaya Windrunner (Bright Ranger): "What are you afraid of? There are so many of us, what kind of guerrilla is we still fighting? Just go straight to the front and be tough. Anyway, these adventurers are your second sister's licking dogs. They are not afraid of death. Listen! Listen to what they are shouting.

Queen Xi, Queen Xi, let's wipe out the tribe first, and then go back and take down Silvermoon City. When the time comes, the second sister will be the queen, and we will also be a female grand duchess. "

"Don't talk nonsense, my Windrunner family has been loyal subordinates of the Sun King for generations, fighting for the glory of the elves. Besides, we only have less than five hundred rangers now. How can we be the opponent of an army of hundreds of thousands of orcs!"

"Well, Second Sister... Isn't that the army?" Kaya Windrunner pointed to the adventurers behind him. There may not be 10 adventurers gathered now.

However, her understanding of the characters in the plot is still not in place, and her cautiousness towards Cirvanas is also very different.

Cirvanas shook his head, "They are just some adventurers, maybe they can provide a little help, but the war still depends on us professional fighters to win the war." Cirvanas said without paying attention.

Kaya Windrunner wanted to say something, but she also reacted.

She has indeed heard similar statements before. In the game plot, adventurers can only be backgrounds. In the eyes of NPCs, they will never be taken seriously, or in other words, these people do not exist at all.

It's just that I haven't personally participated in the war, so this feeling is not deep enough, but I finally realized it.

Sylvanas (Ranger General): "Our troops are too small, we must seek reinforcements, and immediately send a messenger to Silvermoon City, requesting His Majesty Anasteria to send reinforcements as soon as possible to find Cui Heizi."

Soon an elf ranger with two swords came over.

Cui Heizi (high-ranking ranger): "General Sylvanas, do you have any orders?" This elf ranger probably got too much sun exposure, and his skin is dark. , followed by a pitch-black leopard.

"Bring this request for help to His Majesty Anasteria, the sooner the better."

"Yes, don't worry, General! Even if I risk my life, I must complete this task."

Sylvanas couldn't help but be a little surprised. Asking you to deliver the letter is not asking you to die, so why make such a fuss.

But she still gave a few words of encouragement.

Watching Cui Heizi leave in a hurry, Cirvanas looked at the people behind him with a tragic expression.

"Okay, sisters, we can only rely on ourselves now. The scouts just brought the news that the army of orcs has launched an attack again. Our manpower is too small and weak, and we are not strong enough to face the orcs head-on, so I decided to Divide the soldiers into small groups, and take turns to harass the orc troops, without noticing head-to-head confrontation with the enemy."

These ranger warriors also showed expressions of resignation to death. With a mere army of hundreds of people and some adventurers recruited temporarily, to delay the attack of the orc army is tantamount to a narrow escape.

"What about those adventurers?"

"Let them act together with the team, everyone must work hard to survive."

Soon Cirvanas' troops were divided into ten ranger squads of around 50 people, and each squad was equipped with around [-] adventurers as assistants.

Seeing Wuyang Wuyang's army of adventurers surrounded dozens of elf rangers, ready to carry out "harassment operations", Kaya Windrunner suppressed a smile with a strange expression on his face.

It seems that the Horde will not be able to attack for a while...

[World Announcement: In 1440 of the Era of the Sky, the tribe sent an army of 500 orcs to attack the elven outpost in the Sunshine Forest. The ranger general Sylvanas led [-] elf rangers to launch a guerrilla operation. With the help of some temporarily recruited adventurers , Cirvanas fought bravely and defeated the [-] orc army in one fell swoop.

This battle was a miracle. None of the ranger troops led by Cirvanas survived and killed tens of thousands of orc warriors. After this battle, Cirvanas won the title of "Silver Moon Eagle" and Considered the best military genius of the elves.

This event has been recorded in the Sky Chronicles. 】

Silvermoon City - Sun King Court.

Gorgeous courtyards, splendid palaces, gold-red palaces and fountain squares, gold-red flags flying in the air, the whole palace is exceptionally luxurious and beautiful.

Anyone who came to the city of Silvermoon City couldn't help being amazed at the splendor and luxury of this elf king's city.

Various magical installations are scattered throughout the city.

The magic lamp provides lighting, and the magic broom sweeps the city day and night, keeping everything spotless.

The magic puppet patrols and guards, making the security of Silvermoon City exceptionally good.

The magic crystal can adjust the temperature, whether it is a scorching summer or a bitterly cold winter, Silvermoon City maintains a cool and pleasant temperature.

It has to be said that the elves living in Silvermoon City do have the capital of pride. Compared with the capitals of other human kingdoms, they simply do not exist in the same dimension.

Even beautiful has a kind of unreal feeling.

However, at this moment, the atmosphere in Silver Moon City was oppressive, and there was a sense of oppression that was about to come.

The direct source of this atmosphere is the Sun King Court.

At this moment, a meeting related to the peril of the elves is being held.

Attending the meeting were not only the nobles of Quel'Thalas, but also dozens of princes and princesses from the Sun King.

"Your Majesty Anastria, General Sylvanas has sent someone to ask for reinforcements again. Sunshine Grove is under fierce attack from the tribe. She has repelled several orc attacks and wiped out nearly tens of thousands of orc troops. But her soldiers are getting fewer and fewer, and she can no longer resist for much longer."

Hearing what the guards said, the nobles suddenly started talking and whispering.

It's just that they didn't propose to send troops to help, and even regarding Cirvanas' astonishing achievements, the attitude of the nobles was somewhat astonished, doubtful, and uneasy, but rarely pleased.

Sun King Anasteria listened to the words of the attendant, his face was also expressionless.

In fact, he was even a little annoyed by the result.

This Cirvanas is really unexpected, a mere five hundred rangers actually resisted the attack of a hundred thousand orcs...

What do those adventurers call her—Queen Xi... Heh, Queen Xi, such a title is simply intolerable.

Any threat to the royal power is regarded as a major enemy by the monarch. When the Kingdom of Stormwind was at war with the orcs, Varian, as the eldest son of King Ryan, even suffered a lot of suspicion because of his title of King Varian.

What's more, Cirvanas is not even a member of the Sunstrider family. With such a reputation and influence, this makes Anasterian Sunstriders particularly uneasy.

The three most powerful families of the high elves are the Sunstrider family who masters the mysteries of magic, the Burning Blade family who masters the Spellbreaker Legion, and the Windrunner family who masters the Ranger Legion.

Since the high elves are old-timers at playing magic, when they were exiled here, the Sunstrider family was officially elected as the king, and the Windrunner family, as supporters, also obtained the command authority of the ranger army, which is equivalent to mastering the general of the army. position.

The Windrunners have historically been influential among the commoners.

Especially in recent years, the atmosphere inside the elves has been rather weird. Many people chose to gather around Cirvanas, asking about his health all day long. Queen Xi shouted, how could Anasteria not feel nervous.

Originally, he wanted to use this war to suppress Cirvanas' reputation. As long as he lost the battle, he would naturally be ineligible to aspire to the throne.

But I didn't expect that the opponent used five hundred rangers to defeat the tens of thousands of orcs in a daze, and even greeted them several times in a row.

It would be dangerous if reinforcements were sent to let her win to the end.

Anasteria (Sun King): "General Sylvanas is brave and good at fighting. I believe she can complete her mission. I don't have high demands on her. I don't need to defeat the orc army. I just need to hold back the orcs in Sunshine Grove." Ten days, no - half a month will suffice.

During this period, I will improve the defense of Silvermoon City and evacuate the surrounding civilians. Go, tell her my order, for the glory of Quel'Thalas! "

Seeing the attendants leave, the nobles were not surprised by this, but the princes couldn't help it.

"Father, don't you send reinforcements?"

"Yes, father, this is an army of orcs, if you can't stop them!"

"Father, you have transferred all the troops to Silvermoon City, what about other cities?"

"Enough!" Anasterian Sunstrider roared in displeasure. The more these sons and daughters looked at each other, the more they felt uncomfortable. None of them made him feel at ease. Wandering around those little girls from Fengxingzhe's house all day long, it's a disgrace to the royal family.

He also thought about stabilizing the royal family status through marriage and letting his son marry Cirvanas, but this idea was quickly dismissed.

Without it, the elves have a queen. The founder of the Night Elf Empire was Queen Azshara.

What if my son can't handle those women from the Fengxing family's family and is seized power?Now not only had to face the pressure of the orc army, but also had to deal with the political struggle within the kingdom, Anasteria was also worried.

Seeing everyone quiet down, Anasteria took a deep breath, calm down, calm down, the more critical the moment of life and death, the more calm it is.

"For my elves, Silvermoon City is the only important thing. Destroyed cities can be rebuilt, burned forests can be regrown, and dead people can be regenerated, but only the Sunwell, the sacred source of magic is irreplaceable.

Therefore, the safety of Silvermoon City must be guaranteed, and everything else can be sacrificed. "

This is quite cold-blooded.

But none of the elf nobles raised any objections.

Although the high elves evolved from the original high elves, but now with the development of time, the "high elves" have developed again within the high elves.

And these elf nobles in front of them, the magisters with the strongest magical power, the great magisters, the great arcanists, and the great astrologists, are naturally the new high elves.

To them, it doesn't matter how many civilians without talent or bloodline die.

As long as they guard Silvermoon City, they are safe and can enjoy the magical power brought by the Sunwell forever.

But those princes and princesses were all stunned, looking at their father as if they were looking at a stranger.

"Why, you think I'm too cold, huh, you don't know anything about this world at all."

Anasterian is about to teach these unworthy children a good lesson.

Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps outside the gate of Wang Ting.

A handsome young prince wearing a red robe, blond hair and blue eyes, strode in.

"Father, I'm back!"

Kael'thas Sunstrider (Great Elementalist): Epic second-level hero, level: 90, HP 9750.

Seeing her big son, Anasteria immediately became much happier.

Among his many sons and daughters, only he is the one who makes him feel the closest.

(End of this chapter)

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