Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 451 Kael'thas and Midnight Dharma God

Chapter 451 Kael'thas and Midnight Dharma God

Anasterian (Sun King): "Kael'thas, why are you back? As a member of the Council of Six in Dalaran, shouldn't you stay in Dalaran at this time?"

Kael'thas (Great Element Envoy): "Father, the orcs have invaded our land, how can I leave my people behind at this time."

Anasterian shook his head disapprovingly, "The more this is the case, the more important it is to guarantee your power in Dalaran. The people of Quel'Thalas will naturally have me to protect them."

But I thought in my heart, for the sake of the people, just talk about it, why do you still take it seriously?It's so childish.

Kael'thas said anxiously: "Then why did you send all the troops back to Silvermoon City? Without the protection of these troops, the people of Quel'Thalas would be massacred."

These words made the Sun King's face somewhat ugly. This order was indeed issued by him, but how could he bear it when his son accused him in front of so many people.

However, Kael'thas was the son he valued most, so he patiently explained: "Do you know why the orcs crossed the sea to attack Quel'Thalas?
Their sole purpose is the Sunwell, and only by capturing the Sunwell can they fulfill the orders of their demon masters. "

"But the Horde no longer obeys the orders of the Burning Legion."

The Sun King sneered, "Hmph, you don't know anything at all. The Burning Legion arrived in this world 1 years ago, opened the portal with the help of the Well of Eternity, and even once wanted to send the demon king Sargra Summoned into this world.

Later, with the destruction of the Well of Eternity, the world no longer had enough energy sources to open the portal to summon the Burning Legion until the establishment of the Sunwell.

The power of the Sunwell comes from the well water of the Well of Eternity. This magical substance can continuously extract the energy in the magic net and strengthen itself. The magic power of the Sunwell will become stronger and stronger, and one day it will become the second Well of Eternity.

And this is the energy source that the demons of the Burning Legion dream of. Therefore, from the moment the Sunwell was established, this day was destined to come. The only purpose of the orcs attacking Silvermoon City was to seize the Sunwell and provide them with Serving the demon master, there is no second possibility. "

Kael'thas was shocked when he heard this, "What! But if that's the case, why did our ancestors build the Sunwell back then?"

Anasteria sneered, "Why? Of course it's because of power. There is no magical power to protect us. The elves have already been wiped out by those barbaric trolls, or swallowed by humans. The Sunwell is an elf family. It is fundamental to settle down, so defending the Sunwell is the only focus of this war.

No matter how many civilians die, it doesn't matter. As long as the Sunwell exists, the elves will have a future. Our magical power will become stronger and stronger, and one day, we will return to the peak glory of the elves empire. "

Kael'thas was completely shocked when he heard that, he didn't expect his father to have such a plan!

The other princes and princesses all had surprised expressions on their faces, and some even became excited.

The Elf Empire sounds very powerful.

The Merry Boy (Prince Quel'Thalas): "Father, let's ask the Alliance for help. Since the focus is on protecting the Sunwell, at worst we should pay more."

Anastria shook his head, "We have withdrawn from the alliance. Those humans will not fight for us. Besides, I have already seen through those hypocritical and selfish humans. I know their intentions very clearly. Once Silvermoon City has been captured, and the entire Quel'Thalas will become their prey, but their idea is doomed to fail. Under my protection, Anasteria, Silvermoon City will never fall. Sun The well will never fall into enemy hands."

As he spoke, he remembered the letter he received two days ago.

Letter from Godwin, King of Lordaeron.

【Your Majesty Anasteria, I was shocked when I heard that the orcs launched a massive attack on Quel'Thalas. I immediately summoned the alliance countries to form a coalition to help the elves resist the orcs' attack.

But the leaders of various countries disagree with this, which makes me very helpless. As the leader of the alliance, I cannot go against the wishes of the leaders of various countries.

But I did think of a good idea. As long as the Sun Royal Family is willing to believe in the Holy Light and the Elf Kingdom makes the Holy Light its official belief, Lordaeron's army will fight for Quel'Thalas.

I will personally lead the Knights of the Silver Hand and the army of Lordaeron to intervene in this war against the evil orcs. I hope you will consider carefully. 】

He was a little bit moved by Godwin's conditions. The beliefs of the elf kingdom are very messy. Since they separated from the night elves, they no longer believe in the moon god Elune, which has led to the fact that there is currently no official belief.

It is not unacceptable to sell one's faith in exchange for reinforcements. The only worry is, what if the other party really moves into Silver Moon City and refuses to leave?
Based on his understanding of human politicians, it is definitely possible. It is easy to invite but difficult to send away.

In contrast, he would rather the other party ask for gold and silver treasures.

Sylvia (Princess of Silvermoon City): "Father, I have an idea. We can ask the night elves for help."

"Night elves?" Anasteria was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head, "Impossible, night elves regard magic as a scourge, and it was precisely because of the controversy over the use of magic that our ancestors did it 1 years ago. Driven from Kalimdor.

They will never fight for us. "

Sylvia (Princess of Silvermoon City): "But if we fail and the Sunwell falls into the hands of the orcs, the Burning Legion will come, right? Just ask them for help for this reason. If they don't help, Once the Sunwell is captured by the orcs and the Burning Legion is summoned, the world will be destroyed, so I don’t believe they are not afraid.”

Anastria's eyes could not help but light up, this is a good idea.

Yes, yes, just do it. Aren't those night elves afraid that they will die together if they don't give in and help?

Kael'thas said anxiously: "Father, the long-distance water can't quench the near-thirst. The army of orcs has already approached the city. God knows when the night elf reinforcements will come. For the current plan, we still need to seek help from the alliance as soon as possible."

Anasterian snorted angrily, "Hmph, those vulgar humans have never brought any benefits to the elves except for asking me to send troops and money to Quel'Thalas. I will not pin my hopes on them ."

"But didn't we send troops and money for the alliance at the beginning so that there would be a day when someone could help us?"

Kael'thas' words made Anasteria somewhat unable to step down. The situation in front of him was rather embarrassing. When the Stormwind Kingdom was attacked and the alliance formed a coalition to fight the Horde, the elves contributed a lot. Although they didn't contribute much, they At any rate, they fulfilled their ally obligations and continued their dues.

Originally, he maintained his membership status safely and securely, and he didn't have to worry about being fucked by orcs.

I never thought that Anasteria would be a little distressed when she saw the fee, and she would simply leave the group.

As a result, the orc turned his face in the face, but he quit the group, and he couldn't even say that he wanted the alliance to support him, so he was somewhat taken advantage of.

This is also the reason why Anasteria does not want to ask the alliance for help. If he really asks for help, even if the best situation happens and he is stabbed severely, then the stabbing will be caused by his mistake.

So it is better to fight against the orc army independently. Once he wins, he will be the heroic king who saved the elves. All his previous actions were his far-sighted choices.

For his father's calculations, Kael'thas somewhat guessed, but secretly sighed in his heart, in his opinion, it was very unwise to do so.

My father was wrong from the beginning.

Of course he is aware of the power struggle within the alliance. Many nobles and kings can delay and let go of the so-called obligations.

Everyone wants to spend as little money as possible and enjoy more benefits.

Fighting each other for a little benefit is also a common thing.

But no matter how much we fight for power, it doesn't matter. After all, we are all in an alliance. If we encounter a big crisis like an orc invasion, we can still unite and truly withstand the danger.

You can see that Stormwind City has been destroyed, but as long as there is an alliance behind it, the country can be restored.

In the opinion of Kael'thas, it is really unwise for the Sun King to withdraw from the group for a little membership fee.

Of course it would be okay if a businessman did this, but as a king, how could he act so recklessly and lose big for a small thing?

Even if the membership status has been wasted for 1000 years, you must continue to maintain it. Who knows that disaster will befall you on that day?As long as the alliance is stable, the regime of Quel'Thalas will naturally be stable, so spending more money is nothing.

Perhaps what Fashen Midnight said was right, the father really did great things but cherished his life, and forgot his righteousness for small profits, so he was not suitable to lead the people as a king.

Seeing that Kael'thas remained silent, Anasterian thought he had made sense of his son.

"It's okay to ask the alliance for help. My elf kingdom has been passed down for thousands of years, with a profound foundation, and has the most powerful magic army in the world. Those barbaric orcs may have a little brute force, but they have no chance of winning in the face of the power of magic.

As long as Silvermoon City is defended, it is impossible for the orcs to achieve final victory. When the night elves' army arrives and attacks from both inside and outside, these brutal beasts will inevitably pay a bloody price.

The most urgent task now is to mobilize as many troops as possible to return to Silvermoon City for defense. "

From Anasteria's point of view, although the night elves are not easy to deal with, they are also elves after all.

And human dwarves and dwarves are basically inferior races. If we go to these inferior races for help, we can't afford to lose this person.

"Sylvia, I appointed you as the special envoy of the kingdom. I will immediately go to Kalimdor to seek the help of the night elves. The rest of the army will prepare for battle and strictly guard the defense line of Silvermoon City."

Anasteria is still very confident in the defense of Silvermoon City. The defense of Silvermoon City has been continuously strengthened and strengthened for thousands of years. There are powerful magic towers around the city, all of which can be used as heavy firepower points to output firepower.

The rune barrier magic barrier on the periphery of Silvermoon City can isolate most attacks, and it is impossible for the enemy to enter if they want to. Anasteria is very confident in the magic of elves, and those stupid orcs will never break through the rune barrier defense.

Most importantly, Silvermoon City has thousands of mage legions, such as archmages, archmages, elementalists, and astrologists.

After all, the elves have a long lifespan, with lifespans of thousands of years, and the Sunwell provides magical energy. Anyone with a little talent and a little effort can become a great mage.

Over time, Silvermoon City has as many mages as dogs, and archmages are everywhere.

At that time, thousands of mages will rely on the city walls for defense, saturated magic attacks, how many orcs will come, is it still food?

"Father, what about me?"

"You go back to Dalaran. You are the representative of our family in Dalaran and the most powerful candidate for the next generation of guardians. Whether the elves can control Dalaran depends on you. Human beings have continuously There are several guardians out, it's time for an elf guardian."

The power of the Guardian is what Anasteria really cares about. When Tirisfal Glades created the Guardian, the elves also contributed. It stands to reason that the Guardian is the strongest humanoid weapon in Dalaran. And Dalaran was founded by human mages and elven mages. It was the elves' turn to take over the role. Unexpectedly, there has not been an elf guardian in so many years. It is time for a change.

Of course, he is very clear that it is absolutely impossible for him to obtain the power of the guardian. The guardian not only needs to be amazingly talented in magic, but the most important thing is to live for a long time. , It is estimated that it will not last for many years, and being a king is too sensitive.

That's why he arranged Kael'thas to be sent to Dalaran. As a representative of the elf mage, he is now a member of the six-member parliament. He is never approached by the kingdom's affairs, just to avoid the political label.

"But the guardian of the previous generation, Medivh, has disappeared."

"Don't worry, Dalaran will not give up the powerful weapon of the guardian. In order to deal with the increasingly dangerous world, they will definitely find the power of the guardian, and all you have to do is to get it as much as possible."

Kael'thas turned and left the royal court, but he couldn't say a word in his heart.

As a prince, he is also an envoy of great elements and a great mage, but he does not have the power to save his own people.

Instead, go to Dalaran to fight for power and profit.

But it was his own father who stood in front of him, which made him powerless and worried.

When he walked outside, someone was already waiting there, and when he came out, he immediately greeted him.

"How's it going? Is it done?" The person speaking in front of him was Kael'thas's student and the grandson of his former friend - Midnight Dharma God.

Speaking of this Fashen family, it can be said that it has been loyal for generations.

Grandfather Dark Night Fashen led adventurers to hunt down the black dragon, but was killed by the black dragon lord in the dark dragon's lair.

Father Midnight Fashen fought against the elemental lord on the battlefield, and was killed by the Balrog lord's self-explosion.

Now the only child of the three generations of the Dharma God family - Midnight Dharma God came to Dalaran again to learn magic. Kael'thas had a good relationship with the Dark Night Dharma God, so he made an exception and accepted him as a magic apprentice.

What amazed him was that this middle-of-the-night Dharma god was extremely talented in practicing magic, and he had already reached the level of a great elementalist in just a few months of hard work.

His apprentice is also quite concerned about him, and often gives him various constructive suggestions, but his personality is a bit too big or small, and he always calls him Kaizi Kaizi, so Kael'thas A little dissatisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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