Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 452 Chaos in Sunshine Woodland

Chapter 452 Chaos in Sunshine Woodland

"Kaizi, let me tell you, you have to make up your mind about this matter now, or you can simply go back to Dalaran and stop participating in the affairs here. The Sun King is the king after all. If Silvermoon City falls, it will It's his fault, you just go back to Dalaran and wait to take over and clean up the mess.

Or, you have to be ruthless and find a way to get the command of an army. Only in this way can you have a chance to save Quel'Thalas. Otherwise, it's useless to rely on you alone, no matter how powerful you are. No matter how good an idea is, it is useless without the support of the army. "

Kael'thas couldn't help but nodded after listening to his apprentice's words. God Midnight was right, he must have his own army.

Originally, as the Crown Prince of Quel'Thalas, it was very easy to command an army.

However, the Sun King disagreed, and he was so focused on defending Silvermoon City that he didn't even consider going out of the city to fight, which made it difficult for him to gain command of the army.

"But what to do? My father has rejected my suggestion and asked me to return to Dalaran as soon as possible."

As Kael'thas said, he couldn't help but feel a little confused. His father wanted him to fight for power in Dalaran, but he really didn't like this kind of power struggle. He preferred to study magic in books, seek the mysteries of magic, or personally Lead troops into battle and protect your people.

The education and natural pride he received from childhood made him unable to stay out of it anyway.

Midnight Fashen heard this, but smiled confidently, "Kaizi, don't worry, I've already figured out three strategies for you.

The best strategy is to go to the alliance to seek help, distribute missions widely, and call adventurers to join the battle. What Silvermoon City lacks most is gold coins, treasures, and magic equipment. As long as you are willing to spend money and equipment, you still have enough troops. "

Kael'thas shook his head when he heard this, "I'm afraid it won't work. Those adventurers are nothing but a rabble, how could they take on important responsibilities, and even if they get more on the battlefield, it's probably useless."

The Dharma God sighed in the middle of the night, speechless in his heart. Why are these NPCs so stubborn?

I don’t know what the mechanism of this system restriction is, but it can make these NPCs have lower IQs and completely ignore the existence of adventurers.

It seems that among so many plot characters, Varian realized the power of adventurers. No, during the first Battle of the Black Gate, Varian didn't seem to take adventurers seriously. At that time, he was completely Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, coupled with insufficient knowledge of the number of orcs, they took a dozen heroes and hundreds of miscellaneous soldiers to the cursed land.

Later, when the war was fought, it didn't matter so much.

It wasn't until I calmed down after the battle and looked at the countless corpses of orcs on the ground that I discovered some clues.

From this point of view, the characters in the plot can also be awakened, but it only requires a huge mental impact.

He didn't think about it, and continued.

"The middle strategy is to leave Silvermoon City, go to the surrounding cities to gather civilians, and start the army.

Now that the orc army is approaching the city, the Sun King has transferred all the troops back to Silvermoon City, so many surrounding cities are in a state of lack of defense, and there are no senior generals at all. His Royal Highness can go to those cities to summon civilians to organize troops. There are no senior generals As His Royal Highness, he can easily seize command authority in various places.

By then Silvermoon City will have attracted the main force of the orc army, and there will certainly not be too many troops attacking other places.

In this way, Kaizi, you can quickly compile and train a large army. The quality may be a bit poor, but the quantity will definitely not be small. Moreover, you can train while fighting, and gradually eliminate them. In the end, you will always be able to leave a strong army. "

Kael'thas shook his head after listening, "No, Quel'Thalas has been peaceful for too long, and the civilians in those cities don't have much combat experience at all. If they are organized into an army and put into the battlefield, it will cause huge casualties. My purpose is to protect my people, how can I do such a thing."

The Dharma God in the middle of the night was also helpless. This Kael'thas was really a bit of a woman.

"There is no one who survives a war."

"No need to persuade me, I will never use the blood of the people to pave the way to victory."

"Then the only option is to go to the Sunshine Grove to meet General Sylvanas. Ranger troops from all over the country are rushing to the Sunshine Grove to join the battle, and a large army will soon be assembled. Kaizi, you will help as a prince." She, if you can show enough leadership and military talent, I believe that the Windrunner sisters will be willing to support you, if you can gain the leadership of this legion, you can contain the orcs from the outside..."

Half of this strategy has not yet been revealed. Once Silvermoon City is captured, Anasteria will most likely die in battle. Then Kael'thas, as the crown prince, can automatically take over the throne and lead the entire Kingdom of elves.

In contrast, staying in Silvermoon City is obviously the worst choice. If you lose, you will die together. If you win, the credit is all the Sun King's. There is really no benefit at all.

At best, returning to Dalaran can be regarded as staying out of the matter, but once Silvermoon City is broken, in the eyes of the elves, you are an unreliable prince. If you don’t come to help even the orcs, who will obey you.

Kael'thas hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, it seems I can only choose the next option."


At this moment, the elf troops in the Sunshine Woodland have fallen into a bitter battle.

Although ranger troops from all over the country continued to come to join the battle, the number of the seven Windrunner sisters reached five, and the number of troops reached 3, but compared with the orcs' hundreds of thousands of troops, it was not an order of magnitude at all.

Especially as the tribe's adventurers entered the battle, the numerical advantage of the elves' adventurers was also overshadowed.

After two days, the orc army had advanced hundreds of kilometers in the Sunshine Woodland. At this moment, the Ranger Legion had been forced to the edge of the Sunshine Woodland, relying on the last direction to defend.

"Hold the line of defense, sisters, don't retreat! Silvermoon City is right behind us."

Sylvanas kept shooting arrows, and her graceful and graceful figure moved back and forth in the jungle. The orcs howled and attacked, but they couldn't even touch the hem of Sylvanas' clothes.

Multiple shots!

Whoosh whoosh, groups of orcs were shot and killed by the rain of arrows.

Deadly shot!

Pooh!An orc warrior was shot in the head with an arrow.

Swift wind and rain of arrows!

Swirling, the arrows all over the sky strafed the dense orc infantry like a violent storm.

A dozen orc thieves quietly approached behind Cirvanas, ready to siege him—the tribe also has adventurers, who are quite interested in hunting down elf heroes.

Several players winked at each other, and were about to kill at the same time, when suddenly—— woo!A huge white wolf with a body length of three meters suddenly rushed towards it.

Horror Bite!
Cracked the head of a stealthed orc thief in one bite.

"No, this dog can hide himself!"

"Up, up, up!"

"Kill the dog first!"

"Fuck, there's another one over there."

But it was a magic spring leopard more than three meters long, which rushed towards it with a phantom-like afterimage.

Lightning raid!

Puff puff puff puff, the red magic spring leopard shuttled back and forth among the orcs, and the four orc thieves were dead and wounded in an instant.

"Do it! The idea is hard to handle, An Qingzi says hello!"

Puff puff!Clouds of smoke filled the air, and the white smoke from the smoke bombs instantly obscured the line of sight.

Whoosh whoosh!The flying knives coated with poison were shot in succession, and a wolf and a leopard were hit one after another.

In the sky, there was a storm eagle swooping down.

Hurricane Wings!

With a vigorous wave of the wings, the strong wind immediately blew away the smoke, revealing the figures of several orc thieves.

A wolf, a leopard, and an eagle are all boss templates. Although they are all small skeleton-level bosses, it is still easy for the three bosses to deal with these adventurers together.

Bite, grab, and pull, all these orc thieves were killed in the blink of an eye.

Sylvanas (Ranger General): "Well done Bai Ling, Red Shadow, Meng Meng! Tear these beasts apart."

At this moment, Cirvanas had already dealt with the enemy in front of him, and immediately praised the battle behind him.

The three pets, one on the left and one on the right, perfectly protected the surroundings of Sylvanas. They rushed back and forth on the battle line, and each time they defended the shaky battle line.

At this moment, in a shadow not far away, an orc warlock watched all this coldly.

Poison Scholar Jia Xu (Warlock): "Damn, this group of licking dogs is really shameless. The dignified boss should not be a pet for Xi Bitch, but he really treats himself like a dog. Today I will let you know what licking is. The dog must die—brothers, activate the magic circle!"

After speaking, he suddenly raised his staff, and the six orc warlocks around him aimed their staffs at him at the same time.

This is a characteristic ability unique to the Warlock profession - Demon Ritual.

Through the joint casting of multiple warlocks, you can cast powerful magic that is far beyond what ordinary players can use, summon high-level demons, or release terrifying evil power.

Of course, the price of this kind of magic is also huge. Every time it is cast, 1-N spellcasters will be hanged randomly, and their souls will be used as sacrifices, which will become the price of using the power of demons.

The more powerful the demon summoned, the more souls it consumes.

This kind of skill is almost forbidden for plot characters, but it's nothing for adventurers, at most it's a hang.

At this time, what Jia Xu, the poisonous man, is performing is—the devil ritual: summoning hellfire.

The Hellfire Demon is not only a powerful demon, but also can produce huge lethality when it falls from the sky to the ground. If it is used well, it can even kill heroes or bosses in seconds.

His goal is that one person and three pets.

[A powerful existence from the Twisting Nether. 】

[Majestic body, burning flames, core of evil energy, elemental life without soul. 】

[I will sacrifice my soul to you, I will guide you with evil energy, and I will summon you with demonic rituals]

【In the name of the contract we signed with the Burning Legion】

[I summon you to come to this world. 】

ah!An orc warlock screamed, his eyes glowed green with fel energy, and his soul sank into poisonous Jia Xu's staff as a sacrifice.

ah!Another orc fell down screaming.

The other two orc warlocks did not retreat in the slightest and continued to guide the magic.

A crack in the sky slowly opened, and the hellfire demon was about to descend.

At the same time, Cirvanas also noticed the movement here, and immediately realized that the other party was planning a big move!
She hastily shot an arrow, trying to interrupt the ceremony, but orc warlocks always have demon followers, and a demon guard immediately stood in front of them and took down several consecutive arrows.

"It's done! Summon—"


Boom, the soaring flames engulfed the orc warlock, and the pillar of fire rose more than ten meters high. Those few orc warlocks and the surrounding forest were all burned into a sea of ​​flames.

Cirvanas was taken aback, and when she turned around, she saw an elf exuding powerful magical abilities walking towards her.

The elf's flowing silver hair was draped behind his head, and he was wearing a silver robe. It seemed that he had used magic to create a special effect of a wind-making technique. There was no wind, and he was hunting automatically. He looked quite unrestrained.

Cirvanas recognized this person, "Your Highness, why are you here?"

The vagabond son (great magister): "I came to help, my father refused to send reinforcements, but I missed you, so I ran out alone, fortunately I came in time, those beasts didn't hurt you, right?" .”

The libertine looked greedily at Sylvanas's perfect face, her handsome cheeks, her fair skin glowing softly, her slender figure wearing tight-fitting leather armor, but revealing a trace of her fair waist. She was dashing and handsome. She has a long waist and long legs, a perfect figure, and even more perfect looks.

Because she had just experienced a battle, beads of sweat hung on her delicate skin, but the dust on her face did not damage her beauty.

The vagabond was fascinated by it, and couldn't help but wanted to grab Cirvanas' hand, but the other party threw it away.

"The battle is not over yet, Your Highness."

After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the front line again, continuing to fight.

The vagabond wasn't angry either, instead he looked at Cirvanas' back in fascination.

Sylvanas was historically killed by Alsace with the sword of Frostmourne, transformed into a banshee, and later became the dark ranger-the queen of banshees, and later betrayed Alsace and became the queen of the forgotten. leader.

Later, he joined the tribe and even served as the chief of the tribe once.

Although the gothic style of the dark ranger Sylvanas is very cool, and he has the demeanor of a queen's counterattack, but he still prefers her as a living person.

Not shrouded in the shadow of death, agile and full of vitality.

"Don't worry about Cirvanas, I will protect you and never let you suffer any more misfortunes." The vagabond muttered to himself, with an idiot expression on his face.

A few adventurers who had just retreated from the front line to refill their blood saw them, but began to discuss in a low voice.

"Who is relying on that little boy?"

"Sunchaser's family must be a rich man. Damn, it's cool to be rich, to be able to chat and laugh with Queen Xi."

"I heard that as long as you spend money, you can customize the background of the hero. If I have money, I will set myself as Queen Xi's doll, then it will be stable."

"Maybe the engagement will be divorced."

Several adventurers were chatting, but suddenly there was a burst of intensive footsteps behind them.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw a group of Silvermoon City Royal Guards walking over, surrounded by a great elementalist in red robes.

"Prince Kael'thas!?" Several adventurers exclaimed.

The vagabond was startled, turned around, and met Kael'thas' eyes.

Kael'thas was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he was not the only prince who arrived at the front line.

"Brother 28, why are you here?"

Could it be that he also wants to gain command of this legion?Kael'thas thought, suddenly showing a look of vigilance.

"Ah, brother, why are you here?"

Could it be that he also came to pick up Queen Xi?The vagabond was thinking about it, and suddenly showed a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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